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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 161 SoxFan01605 @ 12/31/11 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
exactly, do any of these people actually take the time to think before they post
Funny...I was thinking the same thing about his post...

I've never understood why people asking for an option for something that matters to them bothers supposedly uninterested others so much.

For the record (as one of the people who apparently doesn't think clearly and has a heart condition ), I'm well aware that the clutter is there pre-pitch. I'd personally like it removed anyway, as I'd like an option for a clean screen. It's moot for now though, as we know it's not in 12.
# 162 LastActionHero @ 12/31/11 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by speels
Okay, for all you people that are having a coronary episode about all the clutter and then turn around and compare it to these screenshots, in both of these, the ball is in play. The first has the pitcher starting his pitch and the second is while the pitcher is pitching.

All the "clutter" is taken off the screen when the play is started......just like every year. The "clutter" is only on the screen pre-pitch.
I know that but that was the only way to show it in those screens. It was more to get the idea how it could look pre-pitch. Some don't care some do, that's how it is in life and that's why this game has so many options...besides this one that is
# 163 Runnin with Scissors @ 12/31/11 02:09 PM
I have to agree with a buddy of mine. Too much clutter on the screen (which could be solved with a simple toggle) and the pitcher is too far back (can't tell who's closer the CF or the pitcher).

I keep hearing "It's just a video game" type response to any conflicting views, well check me if I am wrong but wasn't what made this game so unique for years is the simple fact that it was teetering on the brink of looking like a real broadcast and not "just a videogame"?

Oh well, not too big a deal I guess, I still have my buddy Jim's classic rosters for 11 that make me more than happy, so if 12 takes a step sideways or backward, well I know where I can turn.
# 164 HustlinOwl @ 12/31/11 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Runnin with Scissors
I still have my buddy Jim's classic rosters for 11 that make me more than happy, so if 12 takes a step sideways or backward, well I know where I can turn.
lol, not likely
# 165 Blzer @ 12/31/11 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by speels
Okay, for all you people that are having a coronary episode about all the clutter and then turn around and compare it to these screenshots, in both of these, the ball is in play. The first has the pitcher starting his pitch and the second is while the pitcher is pitching.

All the "clutter" is taken off the screen when the play is started......just like every year. The "clutter" is only on the screen pre-pitch.
The people who are asking to have options to turn if off (I haven't asked in this thread myself, but I also with for it) would just like to have no screen clutter, pre-pitch or during the pitch.

EDIT: I had typed this out hoping it would be nice and short, but it became a couple of paragraphs too long, so if people want to read the mini-rant about this, I spoilered it for ya.


Sorry about that.
# 166 tabarnes19_SDS @ 12/31/11 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by southoakland16
Ok, correct me if i'm wrong, but I remember everyone was saying MLB 12 THE SHOW was going to have massive improvements and changes for FRANCHISE. This is my problem... Why would people with inside information say there was going to be massive changes for the 2012 version, where there is no evidence of that. In my opinion, SCEA is just continuing to push back the developments and improvements for franchise, but they have no problem saying "Oh you will have to wait until next year." YET IT NEVER SHOWS IN THE GAME! It irritates me that the newspaper is still in, and now we have to look forward to 2013 for that. Truly SEMI-PRO. If I don't see major improvements in franchise...Strike 2!

I would like to think I am very passionate about the franchise mode. I play that mode from launch until launch. I do sim franchises as well as play out games....

I have found faults in the system and have mentioned them here, but the one thing that if you read my posts, I have said repeatedly...Is that the Foundation is here and makes this THE BEST FRANCHISE MODE AVAILABLE for any sport. Tighten them up add a little here or there.

Sure there are things that I would think would be cool if added, but to say it needs MASSIVE changes is false. I know alot of people were on board for a WHOLE new franchise mode. That scares me!! We know what we have now. When you make wholesale changes to anything and a problem arises there are many many many more variables to find the cause.

Saying nothing new was added last year....Trust me, some new things were added last year. I love the achievements section in franchise mode and I believe that is a start to bigger things.(I have no inside info) I thought trading was improved. More trades happened closer to deadline and many fewer earlier in the season.

Room to improve? Sure, but come on how can anyone program for human decisions? We talk all the time about certain players should never be traded or play for another team. I always counter with Griffey and A-Rod being traded. Pujols just left...etc. I like that it is in the game.

I hope that when I get to CD that I get a chance to, like I do every launch with the game, just sim and tinker with franchise mode until my eyes hurt. and I know they want to iron out the bugs and I am sure that most of them already have been.

I have been satisfied with the game last year and even with some workarounds it never detracted from my enjoyment.

And from reading here I see some new features that excite me with the Vita and the Show.

I trust in the direction that the Show has gone and honestly who can ever say they have not gotten their monies worth?
# 167 nomo17k @ 12/31/11 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
The people who are asking to have options to turn if off (I haven't asked in this thread myself, but I also with for it) would just like to have no screen clutter, pre-pitch or during the pitch.


Heck, some people might not even like having the score bar on. I'm not one of them, but having the option will sure make them happy.
Personally if I have a choice then I'd prefer to turn these things off, particularly the pitcher confidence/energy type of things because, I guess, I'm on a hardcore side and prefer to see these things in action on the field than quantified or visualized upfront, just like real life in which you cannot see pitcher confidence/fatigue in bars or numbers.

So in general I don't have a problem with people asking for that specific option, as a wishlist item... but...

Why are you complaining now? I've been rather meticulously following all the threads in the forum, and the devs and CD guys have given us so many opportunities to let us voice our concerns and wishes, and I bet they are reading every single word written in this forum.

And I don't really remember people saying that they want less info displayed in the screen in question when those feedback threads were up.

If you look at the screen, the amount of information hasn't actually changed much. Just about the only info added new are pitcher confidence and energy bars... the rest has always been in some way or another. It's really no more cluttered than it has been, at least for the past couple years.

I don't know why some guys are making it a big deal NOW... one of those days, the devs and CD guys will give us yet another opportunity to express our opinions. Why don't we just take advantage of the opportunity, rather than saying crap like "strike one... two... three and I will be skipping this year AGAIN...." In fact it's you who are undeserving of the game... no need for saying crap when the release is imminent, and when you had a plenty of opportunities for your voices to be heard.
# 168 ElroyJetson @ 12/31/11 03:32 PM
March just can't arrive any quicker can it?
# 169 tnixen @ 12/31/11 03:40 PM
I have a question.

I was looking at old pictures of MLB 09 The Show and I came across an in between inning Due Up batters overlay. And I noticed that it has the 0 for 1, 0 for 1, 1 for 1 stats for the 3 Due Up batters.

So if I could ask why was those stats removed from the current MLB 11 The Show?

I thought Sony said they never remove features only add to the game?
# 170 Blzer @ 12/31/11 03:42 PM
Love your post, nomo. I just wanted to touch on things that might have been fuzzy with my side of the posts:

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Personally if I have a choice then I'd prefer to turn these things off, particularly the pitcher confidence/energy type of things because, I guess, I'm on a hardcore side and prefer to see these things in action on the field than quantified or visualized upfront, just like real life in which you cannot see pitcher confidence/fatigue in bars or numbers.

So in general I don't have a problem with people asking for that specific option, as a wishlist item... but...

Why are you complaining now? I've been rather meticulously following all the threads in the forum, and the devs and CD guys have given us so many opportunities to let us voice our concerns and wishes, and I bet they are reading every single word written in this forum.
Strangely, that stuff flies right by me when I'm thinking about changes. I suppose once I see the new stuff is when I realize those things which fly by me. I know I've mentioned it in the past, though. In fact, I might have even mentioned it in those threads; I simply can't remember now.

And I don't really remember people saying that they want less info displayed in the screen in question when those feedback threads were up.
No clue, it might not have happened. Not every prayer is always answered anyway, so there's no saying whether or not that would have changed had someone asked. Though it wouldn't hurt to try, huh? Guess I should've done it in the first place if I hadn't.

If you look at the screen, the amount of information hasn't actually changed much. Just about the only info added new are pitcher confidence and energy bars... the rest has always been in some way or another. It's really no more cluttered than it has been, at least for the past couple years.
I don't know if I ever really said this, but I've never liked the clutter. It hasn't stopped me from buying the game, but I've always mentioned that this series has grown "stale" to people because, as you said, things have always kind of looked the same. They can re-envision that score bug at the top of the screen to how it is now, but four years later, you'll still have a poster saying that, somewhere deep within, it still just kind of looks the same.

I don't know why some guys are making it a big deal NOW... one of those days, the devs and CD guys will give us yet another opportunity to express our opinions. Why don't we just take advantage of the opportunity, rather than saying crap like "strike one... two... three and I will be skipping this year AGAIN...." In fact it's you who are undeserving of the game... no need for saying crap when the release is imminent, and when you had a plenty of opportunities for your voices to be heard.
Believe me, the next time something comes up, it will be the first thing that I bullet.

Though if somebody thinks that I'm angry and berated about this, I'm absolutely not. If somebody thinks I won't buy the game because of this, that's just... weird.

It was probably my fault, as was the fault of others, that we didn't address this in a suggestions thread directly. Although, my "complaint," if you will, wasn't so much about why they haven't turned it off yet. If anything, the major two questions I asked were:

- What makes it impossible to introduce an extra toggle feature, or four, at this late stage in the game? (perhaps it's something that could be added in a patch)

- The next one is more of... do they even want to give us the option to disable it? From the post that I saw about focus testing, it sounds like they are adamant on putting as much info for users as possible. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather that we have more stuff than less stuff. I just wondered if they personally minded if we did turn them off though too, you know?

By the way, I didn't want to consider this to be a big deal, I just wanted to clarify my viewpoint.
# 171 nomo17k @ 12/31/11 03:46 PM
Blzer, I didn't mean to single you out... more to those who just cannot stop saying publicly that they won't be buying the game (yes, it's fine, nobody's forcing you to play the game anyways....). just quoted your post because of the flow...
# 172 toolapc1978 @ 12/31/11 03:50 PM
Does anyone know or if Russell can answer this but will this game have stats in it like what a batter is hitting against a certain pitcher or what a guy is hitting in a certain park. what he is hitting in a certain count. stats like that. game is already awesome but this would be sweet. if yall understand what i am asking.
# 173 Blzer @ 12/31/11 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
Blzer, I didn't mean to single you out... more to those who just cannot stop saying publicly that they won't be buying the game (yes, it's fine, nobody's forcing you to play the game anyways....). just quoted your post because of the flow...
It's no problem. We're normally on the same page anyway, so I didn't think you were being too direct. I was simply expanding the clarification on this matter is all.

I think that it's a bit of a two-way street, really. I've hit this topic before, but it's the spectrum ends that really hit my nerves when I read some of the posts. There are those who will bash the game relentlessly, and those who will defend it relentlessly. I will never understand either side, for I both sympathize with the developers, and yet I would like to see this game improve.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but great as this game is, if it didn't improve, would it be unjustifiable for me to not purchase the following year's iteration of the game, despite my love for the franchise? The reason I would purchase the next game is for the improvements. Some people just want new rosters, and if that's their improvement that justifies them spending $60 more, then that's great.

This kind of flew off-topic from the HUD interface and more towards the kind of posts we're seeing in this thread/on this board, but it's simply something to ponder is all.
# 174 Rules @ 12/31/11 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by southoakland16
Ok, I what I am trying to say is people that are "suggesting" ideas that could potentially improve The Show year in and year out, will get bashed by people who say "The Show is most realistic franchise ever, blah blah blah." While that is true, there are things that truly need to be implemented or improved upon to better the game.
I know I am somewhat repeating myself, but I am waiting for an answer... Why has the presentation for the divisional and World series been the same for years? That is something that can not be to hard to change and add a little flavor... yet never gets touched.

Also, about the weather. I remember a quote from Ramone talking about how "they only implement something until they can do it right." Well as we all know, WEATHER was not implemented correctly. Since, rain was rarely seen throughout the game. My point is, I found nothing wrong with MVP and how they implemented RAIN OUTS and DOUBLE HEADERS. Is SCEA trying to come up with a secret formula to implement it? I mean dont get me wrong I'm sure it is not easy... but World Series Presentation and Rain outs and Doubleheaders would not take the whole development time.

Russell already said that they (SCEA) are not fans of rainouts or working weather for that matter. That is probably the most disappointing comment I have ever read. Basically that means to never look for it in their game as they have no interest in making it work for those who have asked for that important aspect of the game. I understand the arcade players don't want it but why not give them an option to turn it off?
# 175 Blzer @ 12/31/11 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by southoakland16
See what does that mean? "Not a fan of rainouts?" To me that is an excuse for them to never have to take the time to incorporate rainouts. While I would love to see rain delays as well, I know that will never be added, and I can see why. But to me, not including rainouts is just disappointing and semi-pathetic. That is realism! Having to adjust lineups because you have a double-header the next day. No one can defend that is not adding to realism. Hell, they mine as well say "they are not fans of players robbing homeruns" It's something that does not happen a lot, but it does add to the game and strategy! It does not make much sense.
I'll be pretty blunt about it, but the simple answer is "diminishing returns." Rainout implementation is not a small undertaking, and as far as cost efficiency goes, it would consume a vast amount of resources that would take up being able to do other things that they personally feel are more integral to the game's overall design.
# 176 nomo17k @ 12/31/11 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Correct me if I'm wrong, but great as this game is, if it didn't improve, would it be unjustifiable for me to not purchase the following year's iteration of the game, despite my love for the franchise? The reason I would purchase the next game is for the improvements. Some people just want new rosters, and if that's their improvement that justifies them spending $60 more, then that's great.
I think this could be a dilemma for the devs as well. One thing we should keep reminding ourselves is that the OS posters are likely from the hardcore end in terms of gamer's spectrum, so our feedback tends to cater toward the most devoted.

The devs, however, always need to think about the marketability/profitability to the mass market to which they are trying to sell the Show. Regardless of their ultimate goal (create the best baseball sim? most commercially successful baseball franchise regardless of realism?? keep betraying disgruntled OS members? revenge to Kolbe who left? we never know...), they *MUST* keep selling the copies and that's the bottom line. Otherwise the Show won't continue.

I bet most casual gamers wouldn't notice/care about the grass color, rain outs, etc. So they must spend time on potential marquee features, like Move/Vita and some of (not-so-apparent) core gameplay/franchise improvements get pushed down in their priorities.

Who can blame them? SCEA is a business, and they are not like open-source devs who are in it for pure enjoyment and/or altruism.

So if we think the best bet for the ultimate baseball gaming experience will keep coming from the Show, we should be patient and know that the devs have reasons to do things certain ways...

And I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping a year or two if you think you are not seeing the area of the game you are looking to improve hasn't changed a whole a lot...
# 177 MetsFan16 @ 12/31/11 04:34 PM
I think this game looks absolutely beautiful. I think it looks so much better visually then last year which was somewhat bland. I definetly am a "hard core" gamer and I love having all of this information given to me without having to press buttons after every pitch to see where my pitchers energy is at or how my timing and contact was on my last swing. I remember last year, after every pitch I fell into the habit of pressing L3 to check out where the pitch was, my timing, and my contact. But now since that information will always be there I saved my thumb 1,000+ L3 presses(which can get somewhat annoying because your pressing down a stick.)
As for the score bug, I think it looks fresh. It doesn't take up the whole top like last years that had that black fade, that took away from the view of the stadium. Some people are complaining that it isn't NEW. Well when you have the option of Box or Line and 5 components to it(Teams, Inning, Count, Outs, Bases), there isn't much variation you can when it's the company's 7th time trying to make a unique one. If they changed it to a box like ESPN, Then where would they put it? Top Right, that would interfere with the 1st base runner's box. Top Left, that would interfere with the 3rd base runner's box. Bottom Right, that would interfere with the Swing and Pitch Info Box that I just mentioned. Bottom Left, that would interfere with the Pitcher's Energy, Confidence and Repetoire. Also if it was anywhere near the top, that would interfere with the view of the stadium. You would be blocked out of one section of the stadium all the time. The Bar is perfect. Its clean, fresh, bold, you have all the information you need. And you can still see the stadium.
The camera angle is perfect. This is very similar to my custom camera in MLB 11 The Show so I don't think I'll even need to touch the camera editor. It zooms out, to give you more time to recognize pitchers and be less intimiated by the pitcher being so close. You have a great view of the stadium and scoreboard for almost every stadium (You still can't see the scoreboard at Target Field).
I am one of the few people on this forum that actually like the New Default Camera, ScoreLine, and "Clutter" which is good "clutter."
# 178 Heroesandvillains @ 12/31/11 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rules
Russell already said that they (SCEA) are not fans of rainouts or working weather for that matter. That is probably the most disappointing comment I have ever read. Basically that means to never look for it in their game as they have no interest in making it work for those who have asked for that important aspect of the game. I understand the arcade players don't want it but why not give them an option to turn it off?
He didn't say that exactly.

He implied that it wasn't tops on their list of priorities (while making a JOKE about hating rainouts in real life).

If I'm not mistaken, in the same thread, he mentioned that they haven't agreed upon a method to incorporate rainouts that made SENSE for the series. If done, it would have to be functional and enjoyable for the player (thus, a lot of brainstorming on a way to execute it, coding it in to the game itself and schedule, and so on). Considering where it falls on their priority list, I can't find any fault in the way he explained it in the post mentioned.

Guys, SCEA would give us the world if they could. But time and resources force them to have to set things aside or further down their list (especially one's such as this that would require a lot of work). Though we want rain delays, it wouldn't necessarily be "fun" for a lot of the casual gamers out there to have to restart a game after 4 innings. OS only represents a small portion of this series' consumer base.

I'll go out on a limb here and say we'll see it eventually. But it has to be done practically, and if done, it HAS to be done right. Ramone alluded to that while giving HIS opinion on it.

Re-read his post(s) on the subject and I'll think you'll see what I'm getting at.
# 179 monk31 @ 12/31/11 04:40 PM
Strike zone is still too tall. Also, the pitch location info on the bottom right-hand side shows the strike zone from batters box to batters box, lol!
# 180 Blzer @ 12/31/11 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
I think this could be a dilemma for the devs as well. One thing we should keep reminding ourselves is that the OS posters are likely from the hardcore end in terms of gamer's spectrum, so our feedback tends to cater toward the most devoted.

The devs, however, always need to think about the marketability/profitability to the mass market to which they are trying to sell the Show. Regardless of their ultimate goal (create the best baseball sim? most commercially successful baseball franchise regardless of realism?? keep betraying disgruntled OS members? revenge to Kolbe who left? we never know...), they *MUST* keep selling the copies and that's the bottom line. Otherwise the Show won't continue.

I bet most casual gamers wouldn't notice/care about the grass color, rain outs, etc. So they must spend time on potential marquee features, like Move/Vita and some of (not-so-apparent) core gameplay/franchise improvements get pushed down in their priorities.

Who can blame them? SCEA is a business, and they are not like open-source devs who are in it for pure enjoyment and/or altruism.

So if we think the best bet for the ultimate baseball gaming experience will keep coming from the Show, we should be patient and know that the devs have reasons to do things certain ways...

And I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping a year or two if you think you are not seeing the area of the game you are looking to improve hasn't changed a whole a lot...

Best post of this whole thread, and it's completely off-topic from the OP.

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