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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 181 tree3five @ 12/31/11 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
Personally if I have a choice then I'd prefer to turn these things off, particularly the pitcher confidence/energy type of things because, I guess, I'm on a hardcore side and prefer to see these things in action on the field than quantified or visualized upfront, just like real life in which you cannot see pitcher confidence/fatigue in bars or numbers.

So in general I don't have a problem with people asking for that specific option, as a wishlist item... but...

Why are you complaining now? I've been rather meticulously following all the threads in the forum, and the devs and CD guys have given us so many opportunities to let us voice our concerns and wishes, and I bet they are reading every single word written in this forum.

And I don't really remember people saying that they want less info displayed in the screen in question when those feedback threads were up.

If you look at the screen, the amount of information hasn't actually changed much. Just about the only info added new are pitcher confidence and energy bars... the rest has always been in some way or another. It's really no more cluttered than it has been, at least for the past couple years.

I don't know why some guys are making it a big deal NOW... one of those days, the devs and CD guys will give us yet another opportunity to express our opinions. Why don't we just take advantage of the opportunity, rather than saying crap like "strike one... two... three and I will be skipping this year AGAIN...." In fact it's you who are undeserving of the game... no need for saying crap when the release is imminent, and when you had a plenty of opportunities for your voices to be heard.
every year around this time i have asked CD guys and Ramone if we have the option to turn off the "X" for normal swing and Square for power. its bothered me for years, we could always turn all the other "clutter" off juts not the "swing options". Last year thoigh the guess pitch display always stayed on too (even with the feature turned off). Its a very small gripe for me, just a little thing that would make me happy
# 182 Pared @ 12/31/11 04:59 PM
Can't help but read this thread and shake my head.

I think it's funny how people can get hung up on one thing and post about it incessantly as if the entire game's outcome is detrimental to this proposed change.

Tunnel vision. So sad.

Let's just completely overlook all the other things changed because what I want isn't in.

OS didn't used to be this way - and we were better off because of it.
# 183 tnixen @ 12/31/11 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Falcon999
Love the new runners window. Just hope we'll see one when there's a runner on second, not just first and third base.

What do you love about it compard to the one in MLB 11 The Show?
# 184 Russell_SCEA @ 12/31/11 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
I agree...I mean things could be a ton worse if I were a sole 360 owner. (See what I did there) my big issue (not a game killer but rather an irk) is ramone said he did "focus groups" on mob the show the consensus stated that the show was too hard so that's why all the clutter and the hardcore group is just gonna have to deal with it...I mean he dismisses every.notion to just have the option to turn it off. Goodness sake, I mean there is a difficulty anyways for casual gamers. I just want the option to turn it off like I do the strike zone and its not that they can't its they won't or don't feel like it. It kinda feels like if I am not in the inner circle the heck with my voice.

The "focus groups" I'm referring to are the 5 different focus test we had in NYC, Chicago, LA, and two other cities with hundreds of people. Not the extremely small community day events we have twice a year in SD at the studio.

The information we get from them is a stark and I mean stark contrast to the opinions we get from OS. I won't get into it because I don't have that kind of time, but your mind would be blown if you ever sat in on one of these focus groups.

Two completely different demographics and one of the loudest gripes we heard was the game is to hard and I don't know what I'm doing. Putting the game on rookie isn't enough, it was enough for MLB 09, 10, or 11. So we made a conscious decision to try and give the end user as much information as possible to help them succeed at the game. Or at the very least understand why the aren't doing so well.

Now onto your notion that I singled you out and dismissed the request to have an option here's the deal. I told you the truth, we aren't going to change it this year, we aren't going to have it as an option for it this year. We are in the polish and bug fixing stage of development. Every year we cater to this crowd more than any other. Just look at the features that have been released already or the things we change each year based on the community days.

Every time we change or add something late in the cycle it affects multiple groups on our development team programmers, artists and producers are all affected with these 2am changes we make every year. 90% of the time everyone is happy to do them, but there is a limit. Whenever you change or add something into code bugs pop up and that list keeps growing and growing. So at some point we have to close the doors on additions and work on getting everything else working properly.

We constantly add or change things based on what people want from this site. I assumed most would understand that we can't say yes to every request. We are always willing to change things and make concessions when we can, however we are not burger king.
# 185 Pared @ 12/31/11 05:24 PM
Damn it - we just considered renaming this forum Burger King 12: The Show too.
# 186 Russell_SCEA @ 12/31/11 05:27 PM
Ok, I what I am trying to say is people that are "suggesting" ideas that could potentially improve The Show year in and year out, will get bashed by people who say "The Show is most realistic franchise ever, blah blah blah." While that is true, there are things that truly need to be implemented or improved upon to better the game.
I know I am somewhat repeating myself, but I am waiting for an answer... Why has the presentation for the divisional and World series been the same for years? That is something that can not be to hard to change and add a little flavor... yet never gets touched.
We have two Community Events and post feedback threads here and at the shownation every year. If you have ideas, changes, additions, etc...... There are plenty of avenues for you to have your voice heard and heard it is every year. Of course we can't say yes to every request and sometimes we just flat out disagree. Some times we just can't do it. However most of the time we change it if someone makes a good point or they are right.

Anyway where in any article does it say that MLB 12 has the same presentation for playoffs as previous years?

Also, about the weather. I remember a quote from Ramone talking about how "they only implement something until they can do it right." Well as we all know, WEATHER was not implemented correctly. Since, rain was rarely seen throughout the game. My point is, I found nothing wrong with MVP and how they implemented RAIN OUTS and DOUBLE HEADERS. Is SCEA trying to come up with a secret formula to implement it? I mean dont get me wrong I'm sure it is not easy... but World Series Presentation and Rain outs and Doubleheaders would not take the whole development time.
Rain not being seen enough was a bug.

I've said this time and time again MVP, Madden, or Skyrim, Resident Evil etc............... Just because it was in another game doesn't mean it's going to be in this one, or that it's easy to do. It took us 5 years to get the glove to close man, 5 years dude to close the glove. You (and I mean everyone) have no idea how hard even the simplest tasks can be.

Now rain outs and double headers, I've said this in another thread. We aren't that crazy about them in a video game. Cost vs. benefit analysis of development time and resources just doesn't add up. So we aren't going to do it. Unless one of our designers comes up with a compelling and innovative way to do it. Until then rain outs and double headers aren't happening.
# 187 econoodle @ 12/31/11 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The "focus groups" I'm referring to are the 5 different focus test we had in NYC, Chicago, LA, and two other cities with hundreds of people. Not the extremely small community day events we have twice a year in SD at the studio.

The information we get from them is a stark and I mean stark contrast to the opinions we get from OS. I won't get into it because I don't have that kind of time, but your mind would be blown if you ever sat in on one of these focus groups.

Two completely different demographics and one of the loudest gripes we heard was the game is to hard and I don't know what I'm doing. Putting the game on rookie isn't enough, it was enough for MLB 09, 10, or 11. So we made a conscious decision to try and give the end user as much information as possible to help them succeed at the game. Or at the very least understand why the aren't doing so well.

Now onto your notion that I singled you out and dismissed the request to have an option here's the deal. I told you the truth, we aren't going to change it this year, we aren't going to have it as an option for it this year. We are in the polish and bug fixing stage of development. Every year we cater to this crowd more than any other. Just look at the features that have been released already or the things we change each year based on the community days.

Every time we change or add something late in the cycle it affects multiple groups on our development team programmers, artists and producers are all affected with these 2am changes we make every year. 90% of the time everyone is happy to do them, but there is a limit. Whenever you change or add something into code bugs pop up and that list keeps growing and growing. So at some point we have to close the doors on additions and work on getting everything else working properly.

We constantly add or change things based on what people want from this site. I assumed most would understand that we can't say yes to every request. We are always willing to change things and make concessions when we can, however we are not burger king.
when i lived in LA i did a few focus groups for products.
eek. lol

its like the soccer mom trying out cal of duty and saying its too violent.
really moms?

but yea, big disparity between folks.

but make sure to not put too much stock in certain opinions.
focus groups HATED seinfeld, i mean HATEd it.

look how that turned out.
thank god they didnt listen and just used their own judgement.

with that bein said, there r things to take from those things when u r trying to reach a larger broader base audience.

Sony does a good job of juggling the two, for the most part.
You have the hardcore baseball heads working on the game who want things like playable Single A rosters & choice of name brand cleats, battling out for feature/idea development time with the suits who want to make sure Mom on Mulberry Lane can get into a quick 9 inning game without throwing the controller down in frustration after 3 pitches..

To sony, those voices all get the same ear.
# 188 Splitter77 @ 12/31/11 05:49 PM
i know there was talk of this possibly getting back into the game this year...but when playing from the behind the picther camera, does the camera still cut away to fielding view as soon as contact is made with the bat?? Or is there a split second where we can see the flight of the ball off the bat??
thanks for the response.
Cant wait to play this game on my new plasma.
# 189 Russell_SCEA @ 12/31/11 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by econoodle
when i lived in LA i did a few focus groups for products.
eek. lol

its like the soccer mom trying out cal of duty and saying its too violent.
really moms?

but yea, big disparity between folks.

but make sure to not put too much stock in certain opinions.
focus groups HATED seinfeld, i mean HATEd it.

look how that turned out.
thank god they didnt listen and just used their own judgement.

with that bein said, there r things to take from those things when u r trying to reach a larger broader base audience.

Sony does a good job of juggling the two, for the most part.
You have the hardcore baseball heads working on the game who want things like playable Single A rosters & choice of name brand cleats, battling out for feature/idea development time with the suits who want to make sure Mom on Mulberry Lane can get into a quick 9 inning game without throwing the controller down in frustration after 3 pitches..

To sony, those voices all get the same ear.

If I could tell you the reason why you don't see name brand cleats in the game you Q$%^#%^%$&. That's all I can really say about it.
# 190 econoodle @ 12/31/11 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
i know there was talk of this possibly getting back into the game this year...but when playing from the behind the picther camera, does the camera still cut away to fielding view as soon as contact is made with the bat?? Or is there a split second where we can see the flight of the ball off the bat??
thanks for the response.
Cant wait to play this game on my new plasma.

this hasnt been implemented in this generation [ps3] it was last seen on the ps2.
Not sure if its returned in 12.
# 191 econoodle @ 12/31/11 05:55 PM
sorry, double post.
# 192 dj will @ 12/31/11 06:20 PM
dont want to be much of a bother but did the name requests make it in the game?
# 193 BobSacamano @ 12/31/11 06:26 PM
I cannot believe that people are complaining about the game displaying its name throughout the game. Especially when it's nestled in the scorebar, which is a pretty perfect place to put it.
# 194 WarningTrackPower @ 12/31/11 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by BobSacamano
I cannot believe that people are complaining about the game displaying its name throughout the game. Especially when it's nestled in the scorebar, which is a pretty perfect place to put it.
It's amazing what some consider deal breakers, but hey, to each their own.

I could care less about accessories. Sure it only adds to the game to have more options, but it still plays a damn good game of baseball.

Happy new year though. I'm sure January will be a busy and exciting month for the SCEA guys.
# 195 Pared @ 12/31/11 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
i know there was talk of this possibly getting back into the game this year...but when playing from the behind the picther camera, does the camera still cut away to fielding view as soon as contact is made with the bat?? Or is there a split second where we can see the flight of the ball off the bat??
thanks for the response.
Cant wait to play this game on my new plasma.
Don't anticipate it this year - there are already a number of complaints about the game being too hard. This would make it worse.

I'm optimistic it can be incorporated somehow, however. Not in the way that you probably want it, but still possible nonetheless.
# 196 bcruise @ 12/31/11 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
Have you guys considered doing what NBA 2k12 did and have a dynamic broadcast angle that was different for each stadium in the future? That way playing at each stadium will help the game feel fresh and add more of that realistic tv feel.
I don't know about the dynamic part, but each stadium definitely had its own BTP cameras last year in BOTH games:

# 197 Black59Razr @ 12/31/11 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by MetsFan16
Yes they can change the overall layout of it. Either making it a box like ESPN or a bar like most of the other networks. I'm just saying that there isn't much variation when it comes to this type of thing. As I said, they've already had 7 previous versions of these same components(outs, count, bases, inning, score, teams). Of course they can go to the box but I think that will take up too much space and you won't be able to see one section of the stadium when hitting. As opposed to the bar where only the top is blocked. I think the bar is better IMO.
After the first inning of the first game I play, I never even think about anything like what the box looks like where the score is. If that type of stuff is that important, you are not looking at the real issues. Hit variery, outfielder ability, pitcher's release and break, stuff that blurs the line between game and simulation.

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The "focus groups" I'm referring to are the 5 different focus test we had in NYC, Chicago, LA, and two other cities with hundreds of people. Not the extremely small community day events we have twice a year in SD at the studio.

The information we get from them is a stark and I mean stark contrast to the opinions we get from OS. I won't get into it because I don't have that kind of time, but your mind would be blown if you ever sat in on one of these focus groups.

Two completely different demographics and one of the loudest gripes we heard was the game is to hard and I don't know what I'm doing. Putting the game on rookie isn't enough, it was enough for MLB 09, 10, or 11. So we made a conscious decision to try and give the end user as much information as possible to help them succeed at the game. Or at the very least understand why the aren't doing so well.

Now onto your notion that I singled you out and dismissed the request to have an option here's the deal. I told you the truth, we aren't going to change it this year, we aren't going to have it as an option for it this year. We are in the polish and bug fixing stage of development. Every year we cater to this crowd more than any other. Just look at the features that have been released already or the things we change each year based on the community days.

Every time we change or add something late in the cycle it affects multiple groups on our development team programmers, artists and producers are all affected with these 2am changes we make every year. 90% of the time everyone is happy to do them, but there is a limit. Whenever you change or add something into code bugs pop up and that list keeps growing and growing. So at some point we have to close the doors on additions and work on getting everything else working properly.

We constantly add or change things based on what people want from this site. I assumed most would understand that we can't say yes to every request. We are always willing to change things and make concessions when we can, however we are not burger king.
That is exactly why I would love to see Rookie mode have all the extra stuff on 'auto', and as you move up the difficulty levels, more and more options are turned to 'manual'. Then, you can have a 'arcade' and 'simulation' style too. Then, you can have your outfielders run around like superman, one button pitching, swing at everything, and your ace pitch like an ace 35 times per year, on 'arcade' mode. Have 'arcade' mode be the default, to apease the masses. Then, we 'simulation' players, can do everything manual. Yes, the game is very hard! Not the meat and potatos of it, but all the little things make it hard. I would not expect a casual gamer, the bulk of the revenue, to know to work the count to 2-1, sit on a fastball, try to put it on the ground, run on movement, swing late, advance the runner from 1st to 3rd, watch the outfielder's route to the ball, etc: to think of all of that within 2 seconds.
# 198 Bobhead @ 12/31/11 07:57 PM
While I am also on the same boat, and would have liked to have options to disable all the on-screen-displays, you guys should remember that it's only natural that the screen looks a lot more cluttered in a 4X4 screenshot. I'm sure it there will be plenty of open space when the game is actually on your 20 inch, 30 inch, or 50 inch television set.
# 199 ryan36 @ 12/31/11 07:58 PM
Econoodle, quit calling him "Russie." thanks
# 200 tnixen @ 12/31/11 08:06 PM
I think the new Scorebar looks nice.

The only thing I would have liked is Dots for the pitch count and outs also the number of pitches thrown by the pitcher and maybe a tad smaller in size.

Othe then that its just fine to me.

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