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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Perfect Zero @ 12/31/11 02:11 AM
Man alive, I never thought I would see the day where the major complaint is about the score bug. I tell you what folks, if you want to see a more realistic score bug, turn your television on in April to your home team's broadcast and watch the game. It has the most realism you'll ever see in baseball.

For being a video game, the scorebug in game is spot on, and it isn't going to change. It's time to pick some other nits.
# 122 econoodle @ 12/31/11 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Perfect Zero
Man alive, I never thought I would see the day where the major complaint is about the score bug. I tell you what folks, if you want to see a more realistic score bug, turn your television on in April to your home team's broadcast and watch the game. It has the most realism you'll ever see in baseball.

For being a video game, the scorebug in game is spot on, and it isn't going to change. It's time to pick some other nits.
i dont think its a major complaint Perfect, its just the thing that happens to be being discussed.
not everything falls on one side.
some will fall to the other side.
thats what we have here.
all opinions, wishes and thoughts.

also i dont subscribe to the 'if u want realism turn on your tv'. it can still be in the games we play.
its still just a graphic being displayed.
# 123 ARoid1313 @ 12/31/11 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by econoodle
you know what i loved? the old fake ads from back in the day.
man those rocked.
on the ps2 they even had very closer replications of real life ads.
for example in yankee stadium they had a company called Horizon Wired, aka Verison Wireless, same logo design in the same area out in right field.

many are still there tucked away in the front office portion of franchise mode, but you wont see them in stadium.
Is it possible that the ads we choose in the franchise marketing section actually reflect what is seen in the stadium? That can possibly open the doors to use "knock off" ads in the game and "sign" these fake companies as our primary franchise advertisers
# 124 econoodle @ 12/31/11 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by ARoid1313
Is it possible that the ads we choose in the franchise marketing section actually reflect what is seen in the stadium? That can possibly open the doors to use "knock off" ads in the game and "sign" these fake companies as our primary franchise advertisers

they have that option in franchise as it stands now, with the fake ads, but u just wont actually see those in the stadium, for some reason or another, which to me defeats the purpose.

for example, you might ssome trike a deal with pest control company to be displayed along the right field wall, but you wont see it appear there.

But it would be cool to see it.
# 125 metal134 @ 12/31/11 02:58 AM
Good God people, it's a damn score overlay. Nothing in the world could possibly be less significant.
# 126 metal134 @ 12/31/11 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Nope, this is something that only the hard core really wants. In every focus test we have ever done for the game we always hear the game is to hard and there isn't enough info given to the user.
But if it were an OPTION all they would have to do is NOT turn it off. Then everyone's happy.
# 127 RedSox1558 @ 12/31/11 03:35 AM
Hey Russell I was wondering if franchise/season mode users may choose more amounts of games to play. I would enjoy doing multiple seasons consistinng of 60-75 games per season. you guys limit us to very few options, will this be fixed, and will there be a playoff mode, and the new playoff format?
# 128 BlackBetty15 @ 12/31/11 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by metal134
Good God people, it's a damn score overlay. Nothing in the world could possibly be less significant.
It's not JUST the score overlay brother...its what the score overlay is representing if I read right. A game that offers true broadcast is lacking with the scorebug overlay and you have to wonder what else has REALLY changed. I am not bothered as much as I am about nor being able to have the option to turn off the info clutter like I can the strike zone...the explanation for it is also pretty awful using a narrow focus group as a basis for why you can't or should I say won't give us the option.
# 129 riotmonster @ 12/31/11 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by econoodle
hitstreak is old school!
i love the idea of newspapers if done right.
i mean is there anything more newspapery in sports then baseball?

my beef is its just too bare and bland.
in madden 07 each team had a newspaper, all REAL papers by the way.
if they had that, it would be all good.
I'd pour a bowl of cereal and read my in game article and box score.

I would rather see it styled as a website instead of a newspaper. Each team could have an MLB.com site that has links to articles featuring trades, call-ups, free agents, rumors, fan feedback, etc and then a seperate home page that has all of the major headlines throughout the whole league.

Cause, who reads a newspaper still?
# 130 spit_bubble @ 12/31/11 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Ha, yeah that's never going to change we have a brand here we are trying to grow.
By selling the game to people who already own it? Or maybe you're going for the coveted gamefly crowd who have yet to purchase?

Makes no sense to have ads in the game for the very game that is being played. And as I think someone else noted, it looks incredibly tacky.

But hey, what do I know? How 'bout a song by Lonesome Rhodes...

# 131 riotmonster @ 12/31/11 04:11 AM
I'd also like to see an option for TV style replays. Just click play and watch the camera follow the play in a nice realistic way like you'd see on espn or seomthing. My recorded replays are all ugly and plain
# 132 LastActionHero @ 12/31/11 05:34 AM
Sony attempts to blur the lines between what's seen on TV and what you're controlling in "MLB 12: The Show
Why can't we turn the onscreen "clutter" off then!
In 12 it looks even more like your playing a videogame than in previous installments.
Make it at least a little more clean looking, now it looks like everything is thrown in the corner for the sake of having it there. Put it in a nice box or something I dunno.

Isn't this pure beauty!

Ok that was my last rant about the subject, I do like the new score overlay though
# 133 nemesis04 @ 12/31/11 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
EDIT: and I'm not sure what I think about the new PCI. It looks more "videogamey" to me. I'm assuming we can still turn it off though, so no biggie.
The new PCI gives the user a better understanding of their contact. With the hitting system in the Show contact can still be made outside the heart of the PCI. Granted the quality of contact decreases the further away from center you go. The original PCI as you know had a distinct edge and many people questioned why contact was still made if the ball was outside the PCI. It gave the impression the system was not operating properly. As you said you can turn it off and I think most do but now when people see it, it is a little more self explanatory.
# 134 nomo17k @ 12/31/11 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by riotmonster
I would rather see it styled as a website instead of a newspaper. Each team could have an MLB.com site that has links to articles featuring trades, call-ups, free agents, rumors, fan feedback, etc and then a seperate home page that has all of the major headlines throughout the whole league.

Cause, who reads a newspaper still?
This may be a brilliant idea down the road.

Granted the current newspaper has a lot to be desired in what actually says about the game just played, but if the writing becomes better and if we can export the article (in HTML or whatever) and post to a real website, then it might be a very cool feature when you are running an online league and want to post the league information for people to view.

SCEA can add a lot of references to "MLB XX the SHOW" ad in those website articles ad for the brand to really grow on the outer web. (so when people search with the term "show" the first that comes up will be about the Show....)
# 135 Bulls321974 @ 12/31/11 08:43 AM
Hi Russell! Still like to know if the Mets and Rockies (finally) will wear metallic colored batting helmets in MLB 12: The Show, like their real life counterparts? Thanks!
# 136 DGuinta1 @ 12/31/11 10:09 AM
Why put the pitchers name some where? Sometimes I forget who's pitching.
# 137 econoodle @ 12/31/11 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Why can't we turn the onscreen "clutter" off then!
In 12 it looks even more like your playing a videogame than in previous installments.
Make it at least a little more clean looking, now it looks like everything is thrown in the corner for the sake of having it there. Put it in a nice box or something I dunno.

Isn't this pure beauty!

Ok that was my last rant about the subject, I do like the new score overlay though

that last shot is heaven.
# 138 nemesis04 @ 12/31/11 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by southoakland16
Ok, correct me if i'm wrong, but I remember everyone was saying MLB 12 THE SHOW was going to have massive improvements and changes for FRANCHISE. This is my problem... Why would people with inside information say there was going to be massive changes for the 2012 version, where there is no evidence of that. It irritates me that the newspaper is still in, and now we have to look forward to 2013 for that. Truly SEMI-PRO. If I don't see major improvements in franchise...Strike 2!
Whether you like it or not the vita version took up a lot of time. There is no special separate development team to do it. Also, if you do not think this had any affect on things: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...-director.html you are fooling yourself. Aaron, the person who is dealing with franchise now is very committed to the challenge. This is not to say there won't be any changes to franchise in 12, there will be! It may not be what everyone is expecting but life happens and we have to deal!
# 139 econoodle @ 12/31/11 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Whether you like it or not the vita version took up a lot of time. There is no special separate development team to do it. Also, if you do not think this had any affect on things: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...-director.html you are fooling yourself. Aaron, the person who is dealing with franchise now is very committed to the challenge. This is not to say there won't be any changes to franchise in 12, there will be! It may not be what everyone is expecting but life happens and we have to deal!
nem, i kinda had a feeling this was the case. super big company or not, i dont think the first year they'd have a dedicated team for Vita.

maybe next year a few new hires get added on to help with the development.

As far as Kolbe, I dont know. Russie said they are in bug squashing mode now, so isn't kolbe's work done as far as adding features to franchise?

Or am I wrong and did his leaving affect the plans for this year?
In any event, the vita did pull resources away from the main game, understandable too. its a big sony title for a brand new sony handheld.
you gotta show it some love.
# 140 BlingBling19 @ 12/31/11 11:47 AM
Game looks great. Score bug looks like most broadcasts. I would not be a fan of having the little square thing in a corner of the screen like some networks.

All this information on the screen is very helpful so I do appreciate it being there!!

The only thing I am looking for this year is some new stat overlays perhaps SCEA has added like a in game box score? Like each at bat instead of in text what a batter has done throughout the game they have like a baseball diamond for each at bat and a 1B, 2B, K. I know many networks have gone to such things. That might be to complicated or something I dunno but it would be cool to see.

The only two gripes I have is the ball 4 in the dirt bug where it gives the catcher an error for ball 4 in the dirt. Has this been fixed for this year? And my other is when playing national league games I noticed that the RF would always be playing shallow almost every batter has that been fixed??

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