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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 81 Russell_SCEA @ 12/30/11 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
Ya we know the 5 million other "MLB The Show" adds and comments throughout the game aren't enough =P

You got it
# 82 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/30/11 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I can get that...I wouldn't think anyone would begrudge SCEA from putting their brand out there, etc...especially given how much the game does so well.

I think my only issue with that (I won't claim to speak for anyone else) is that with a claim of "true broadcast" it seems incongruous to have so much on screen (a separate, but thematically related issue) and then also see "MLB ___ The Show" absolutely everywhere. These are little things that can go a long way in terms of representing an actual broadcast.

I know for you guys brand growth is important, but we see "MLB ___ The Show" on walls, boards, overlays, wipes, menus, etc and we are reminded that everything is brought to us by The Show by Matt in commentary.

Would it be so terrible for brand growth to slap a TSBN (The Show Baseball Network), MLBTS, or some other type of broadcast themed logo in place of it in one spot? I mean, with all the reminders littered across the game, I don't think anyone can possibly forget what they're playing...lol. Plus, you are still representing the brand.

I dunno...it just seems there are spots where such odd stands are taken, is all. I'm not trying to harp or make it into a bigger thing than it is (it's certainly a minor point, really), but the there seems to be inconsistency in message in this regard.
I made a huge campaign and sales pitch to Ramone about the TSBN idea and how such a small logo change would give the broadcast it's own identity but it wasn't received well to say the least
# 83 Tovarich @ 12/30/11 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
Ya we know the 5 million other "MLB The Show" adds and comments throughout the game aren't enough
The only place I found their logos to be excessive is when it started appearing on the bats. About the only place left to put it is on everyone's jersey instead of their name or team. The screenshots don't seem to show the show logo on the bat, but somehow I imagine it'll be on the game anyway and I'll hate it.
# 84 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/30/11 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
You got it
Hey I think that's the first time we have agreed on something even though it's sarcasm

I noticed that the box on the right was displaying the analysis of the pitchers release point on the pitch which I believe is new

Also is that the new location of the pitch callout display that use to appear in the middle of the screen ??
# 85 nomo17k @ 12/30/11 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerFanatic2K3
I noticed that the box on the right was displaying the analysis of the pitchers release point on the pitch which I believe is new
It's been there in Swing Analysis in MLB11. You see the pitch release info when you don't swing.
# 86 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/30/11 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
It's been there in Swing Analysis in MLB11. You see the pitch release info when you don't swing.
Gotcha..Shows how often I used it when not swinging
# 87 Drew127 @ 12/30/11 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB

You can see the adjustment to the spacing between the outfield wall ads in this comparison.
I pointed that and a few other Camden Yards details to Russell in a PM!! I know others have mentioned it too so I'm not taking all the credit. Nice to see it made it in there!
# 88 SilentSanta @ 12/30/11 10:48 PM
Looks really good. Can't wait to play it.
# 89 Drew127 @ 12/30/11 10:48 PM
Russell, for the custom hitting cameras this year will there be the ability to adjust focal point in addition to zoom? You can adjust this on instant replays but it was missing from the custom cameras last year and it's something that I personally wanted to see in there.
# 90 nomo17k @ 12/30/11 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Drew127
I pointed that and a few other Camden Yards details to Russell in a PM!! I know others have mentioned it too so I'm not taking all the credit. Nice to see it made it in there!
I'm actually so sick of seeing Camden Yards because my RTTS players keep getting drafted/traded to the Orioles organization so I've played countless games in that stadium.
# 91 Tabata4Prez @ 12/30/11 10:51 PM
Screens look great. New default view is much better than last year's. Kind of an off topic question but do you know how customizable things like compression sleeves and wrist tape will be (color, arm, length)? I'm a stickler for realistic player equipment.
# 92 tnixen @ 12/30/11 10:58 PM
I love how the pitcher seems farther away from home plate now.
I bet a lot of you are happy about that
# 93 Tabata4Prez @ 12/30/11 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I love how the pitcher seems farther away from home plate now.
I bet a lot of you are happy about that
Something else I noticed. Going to be nice for sure. Gives us more time to recognize pitches.
# 94 ARoid1313 @ 12/30/11 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by khronikos
The grass texture sure looks better in the newer shot.
Lol guys the grass and lighting is exactly the same
# 95 econoodle @ 12/30/11 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Ha, yeah that's never going to change we have a brand here we are trying to grow.
Never? lol

With all due respect, it looks bad.
You want to build the brand thats fine, you should.
Via commercials, ad space on the net, in stadium. Heck, even in-game via the menus and such, but IN the actual playing of the game?

On the outfield walls, 3 times in a row? On the batter walk ups? on the score bug, out of the announcers mouth every few innings [how is the game brought to you by MLB THE Show and not SCEA?]?
It screams tacky and doesn't say True Broadcast Presentation.
It screams, 'hey you are playing a video game'. which is fine, because it is, but having that plastered everywhere takes away from any broadcast feel you try to achieve.

I'll wait to see what you bring in terms of overlay design and stats, but to me the screen shot in terms of looks is more cluttered than past games [which were already cluttered], and looks to be using the same skeleton in terms of overlays and pop ups.

Thats my take though and as far as it goes for me, its getting old.
Strike one.
# 96 econoodle @ 12/31/11 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by southoakland16
Pretty disappointed to say the least. A previous member said that the scoreboard overlay looks similar to The Show 09... IT DOES! I just don't get it SCEA? I love the idea of a broadcast network by O.S. members, but always get's shut-down by SCEA and other people. I understand that would be a lot of work and would not expect that for this year, but at least THINK ABOUT the idea!

Plus it would be nice have a special presentation for winning the WORLD SERIES! I mean lets go SCEA you have had the same presentation for years. I think you can switch it up now... It doesn't even feel rewarding winning the World Series.

Honestly there is a bunch of things in The Show that are AMAZING, but there are also a fair amount of things that need MAJOR IMPROVEMENT! It would be nice to see that improvement in areas such as; World Series Presentation, Franchise Logic, A.I. Strategy and Logic, Manager Arguments and Dynamic Weather which includes RAINOUTS and DOUBLE HEADERS! Instead of getting the typical answer from Russell... "Not this year" or "We are not implementing that until we feel we can do it right." Well last time I checked, SCEA implemented rain.. That sure was not implemented correctly (having only 1 rain game out of 162 games for the New York Yankees).
MLB 09

MLB 12
# 97 MetsFan16 @ 12/31/11 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by econoodle
MLB 09

MLB 12
What is so similar that everybody is making a big deal about. Okay they both have the bases, 2 teams, inning, count and outs. I think which ever way they put these together they are going to look somewhat similar to previous versions because MLB 12 The Show will be their 7th game. There's not much you can do that will change it up to make it look unique when there are so many previous makes and so little information they need to put on the bar.
# 98 econoodle @ 12/31/11 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by MetsFan16
What is so similar that everybody is making a big deal about. Okay they both have the bases, 2 teams, inning, count and outs. I think which ever way they put these together they are going to look somewhat similar to previous versions because MLB 12 The Show will be their 7th game. There's not much you can do that will change it up to make it look unique when there are so many previous makes and so little information they need to put on the bar.

I respectfully disagree.
It CAN look much different.
It was stated that it was an all new scorebug this yearbut looks almost exactly like one they made before.

most network bugs have rectangular offset overlays with a portion that pops out to display other info, i.e. pitch counts, pitch speed.

Those will not be a part of 12's scorebug.
Using dots for balls and strikes would be cool too.
# 99 bukktown @ 12/31/11 12:41 AM
The box in the lower right with the info about the previous pitch will now stay on all the time if we want?

I hope so.

I think I just about dislocated my right thumb popping the R3 button after every pitch last year.
# 100 MetsFan16 @ 12/31/11 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by econoodle
I respectfully disagree.
It CAN look much different.
It was stated that it was an all new scorebug this yearbut looks almost exactly like one they made before.

most network bugs have rectangular offset overlays with a portion that pops out to display other info, i.e. pitch counts, pitch speed.

Those will not be a part of 12's scorebug.
Using dots for balls and strikes would be cool too.
Yes they can change the overall layout of it. Either making it a box like ESPN or a bar like most of the other networks. I'm just saying that there isn't much variation when it comes to this type of thing. As I said, they've already had 7 previous versions of these same components(outs, count, bases, inning, score, teams). Of course they can go to the box but I think that will take up too much space and you won't be able to see one section of the stadium when hitting. As opposed to the bar where only the top is blocked. I think the bar is better IMO.

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