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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 LastActionHero @ 12/30/11 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Nope, this is something that only the hard core really wants. In every focus test we have ever done for the game we always hear the game is to hard and there isn't enough info given to the user.
Then give us "few" hardcore fans the option to just not show it!
I also always found it to be an eyesore and now there's even more stuff going on.

You guys are known for giving us so many options so everyone can play/see/here/feel the game how they like. This has been on my (and quite some others here) list since 08.
Never considered myself a hardcore show player, heck I just play exhibition games. A little disappointed...unless we can finally save exhibition games in 12.
Then I'll completely forget about the hardcoded screen clutter
# 42 tnixen @ 12/30/11 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Then give us "few" hardcore fans the option to just not show it!
I also always found it to be an eyesore and now there's even more stuff going on.

You guys are known for giving us so many options so everyone can play/see/here/feel the game how they like. This has been on my (and quite some others here) list since 08.
Never considered myself as hardcore show player, heck I just play exhibition games. A little disappointed...unless we can finally save exhibitian games in 12.
Then I'll completely forget about the hardcoded screen clutter
As the famous saying goes maybe next year.
# 43 Russell_SCEA @ 12/30/11 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Trick of the eye I guess

Russell is that thing on the bottom right side with the Plate, Pitch Type and MPH new? Or is that in MLB 11 The Show?

Also I was thinking you could put the pitchers Pitch Count right on that thing too

The art is new and the functionality is new this year. Last year you had to press L3 to bring up swing analysis now it animates on it's on.
# 44 nomo17k @ 12/30/11 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by LastActionHero
Then give us "few" hardcore fans the option to just not show it!
I believe the option to make the pitch command (and not overall pitcher confidence) invisible is in MLB11. (That doesn't turn of confidence system, btw.)

If that display of energy/confidence can also be turned off by an option, that's what you want, isn't it?
# 45 ThrowBack @ 12/30/11 06:46 PM
Hey Russell, are we going to have the option to have different color gloves and shoes for home and away games this year? I noticed in the other screen shots that Jose Bautista has different gloves on with his home and away uniforms and here Adrian Gonzalez has the glove colorway he only uses on the road.
# 46 thaSLAB @ 12/30/11 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Blitzburgh
Too much memory? Really? I am not doubting you by any means but your programmers seem to really nail their sport as opposed to that football game and they have some 3D grass and 11 on 11 on the field doing totally different stuff all the time.

Perhaps removing a few thousand fans per stadium, mascots that are barely seen and few other things could free up some "memory". In all do respect I think it's more about priorities and figuring out a way to make it look good all the time and not just in replays.
Those games only have 3D grass in replays.

Originally Posted by tnixen
Trick of the eye I guess
You do know that the player models changed in MLB11, right?

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# 47 Russell_SCEA @ 12/30/11 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by ThrowBack
Hey Russell, are we going to have the option to have different color gloves and shoes for home and away games this year? I noticed in the other screen shots that Jose Bautista has different gloves on with his home and away uniforms and here Adrian Gonzalez has the glove colorway he only uses on the road.

Not this year but it's on our list for 13. The reason you saw them with different gloves was because I changed them in different screen shots to show some of the new equipment in the game.
# 48 BlackBetty15 @ 12/30/11 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Nope, this is something that only the hard core really wants. In every focus test we have ever done for the game we always hear the game is to hard and there isn't enough info given to the user.
Would it be really to difficult to let us have the option to turn the "info" clutter off? I mean its similar to how you let us turn the strike zone off and the rest off the visual aids us "hardcore" groups don't want in our game. I wouldn't think its asking to go above and beyond anything but then again I am not a dev guy so I don't know.
# 49 thaSLAB @ 12/30/11 07:13 PM

You can see the adjustment to the spacing between the outfield wall ads in this comparison.
# 50 tabarnes19_SDS @ 12/30/11 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The art is new and the functionality is new this year. Last year you had to press L3 to bring up swing analysis now it animates on it's on.
That's cool...Is it always this way or an option you can toggle on and off?
# 51 Blitzburgh @ 12/30/11 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
Would it be really to difficult to let us have the option to turn the "info" clutter off? I mean its similar to how you let us turn the strike zone off and the rest off the visual aids us "hardcore" groups don't want in our game. I wouldn't think its asking to go above and beyond anything but then again I am not a dev guy so I don't know.
I guarantee you it's not a "Hardcore" thing. Just put a poll up and you will see. I am not a hardcore player by any means and I don't want the clutter there. We were never apart of a focus group I guess...
# 52 LastActionHero @ 12/30/11 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Blitzburgh
I guarantee you it's not a "Hardcore" thing. Just put a poll up and you will see. I am not a hardcore player by any means and I don't want the clutter there. We were never apart of a focus group I guess...
No because they know we're going to buy the game anyway

No but in all seriousness, if you guys can't give us that option please tell us it's like breaking the da Vinci code to make that happen or simply because you just don't want it...by all means it's your game.
# 53 WarningTrackPower @ 12/30/11 07:34 PM
It appears Adrian has already done his Mo-Cap because that's a new batting stance. It'd be cool if he does his timing mechanism where he "pumps" his back arm as he gets ready for the pitch.

The first baseman is playing off the bag a little. Perhaps it's because this is an early build and his placement hasn't been fine tuned yet, or because that's where he needs to be because of the new tag system that's in place for this year??

Just curious: if Adrian did Mo-Cap for you guys, did he do more than just his stance... like maybe some new scoop animations for firstbase?
# 54 Russell_SCEA @ 12/30/11 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
That's cool...Is it always this way or an option you can toggle on and off?
On (animates by itself), User (Press L3), and off which turns the entire art piece off.
# 55 tabarnes19_SDS @ 12/30/11 07:50 PM
Thanks...I like that feature..will save my L3 button..
# 56 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/30/11 07:55 PM
I noticed that the box on the right was displaying the analysis of the pitchers release point on the pitch which I believe is new

Also is that the new location of the pitch callout display that use to appear in the middle of the screen ??
# 57 SoxFan01605 @ 12/30/11 08:11 PM
I like the new score bug...looks sleeker and more "broadcast" now. A small, but appreciated touch. I can see the use of having info such as confidence and energy on-screen (and, therefore, understand why some would find it appealing), but, like a lot of others here, I wish there was an option to remove it all. Oh well.

EDIT: and I'm not sure what I think about the new PCI. It looks more "videogamey" to me. I'm assuming we can still turn it off though, so no biggie.
# 58 authentic @ 12/30/11 08:25 PM
Any chance we may ever see a maybe smaller ticker for the score at the top? Similar to ESPN, and then have it slide out for updates.
# 59 knich @ 12/30/11 08:32 PM
Russ since you guys are adding stuff to screens, can you show the Base running ability and speed as a numeric display or at least include it on screen? Just a thought...rather than showing stamina meter why not show approx number of pitches pitcher can throw before in that tired zone(e.g. 70-75)? This still leaves people guessing as to how many pitches the pitcher has left but also tells you about how many pitches the pitcher typically can throw, something most managers know about opposing pitchers going in to games.
# 60 chen_sc @ 12/30/11 08:37 PM
Russell, have you kept the bottom ticker with the out of town scores from last year?

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