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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 361 Blzer @ 01/10/12 12:30 AM
Hey, I'd love to show some support data, but it might have to wait until tomorrow. Why? I'm thinking of doing a wacky Blzer video to talk about it in greater length.

Even if not, I will be able to more clearly process what I'm talking about. I'm currently going over like nine recorded Jeopardy episodes with my mom, and she is just kicking my butt. My focus has to be on the tube.

EDIT: It looks like nomo actually found a post of mine which I don't even remember typing but there are other factors which I wanted to talk about that might also help explain things in more detail. It looks like that video is a clear indicator of where the pitches were when those guys hit their home runs, but you cannot ever prove by example. Nevertheless, they still are good examples.
# 362 nomo17k @ 01/10/12 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by ksig24
This is a great reason why "bat speed" should be an attribute.
All things equal, bat speed should translate to how fast and far the batter is able to drive a ball, so the Power attribute is supposed to be enough I think.

Originally Posted by Blzer
Hey, I'd love to show some support data, but it might have to wait until tomorrow. Why? I'm thinking of doing a wacky Blzer video to talk about it in greater length.
Maybe you should continue on with another (existing) thread... it's a topic (batted ball directions) that keeps popping up. You might not want to go length in a thread where it's not really on topic...? Or it is going to be about how the Show screenshots affect hitters' ability to go opposite way? jk
# 363 Blzer @ 01/10/12 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
Maybe you should continue on with another (existing) thread... it's a topic (batted ball directions) that keeps popping up. You might not want to go length in a thread where it's not really on topic...? Or it is going to be about how the Show screenshots affect hitters' ability to go opposite way? jk
LOL totally understood. We should just have a hitting fundamentals discussion for baseball in general. I know I have a few posts here and there that you might like which still focus on the video game aspect of it all.

These threads would be a good basis:


As far as the topic and screenshots (relating to spray charts), I still want to explore it in MLB '11 itself, but I think that the corner outfielders are closing the gaps a lot more than they have been in the past. If this is the case, it's probably to help with balls slowing up toward the wall for more extra base hits, while the line drives in the gaps can still split through with the right speed, spin, and flight.

EDIT: Upon further review, this is not the case. They still seem to be positioned the same, and the camera was the only thing to play that trickery on me.
# 364 DonOfDeth @ 01/10/12 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
I did mean the latter (real life), and please do, I'd actually be interested in reading it.

Just to reiterate what I said so you know what you're responding to:

I'm not saying oppo. HRs are easy or anything. I'm just saying of the ones hit, the minority are from pitches on the outside portion of the plate.

I also believe that pitches over the middle or outside (but still in the strike zone) are by far the easiest ones to pull, because full arm extension is easier and less awkward.

And finally, realize that both of the above statements were intended to refer specifically to fastballs, since that is what warningtrackpower was talking about when I quoted him, but I'd like to see your essay on pitches in general either way.
Arm-extension doesn't make it easier to pull the ball. Pulling the ball is all about opening the hips early and hitting the "other" side of the ball. Jayson Heyward is a prime example. He stands far off the plate because he likes to extend his arms. last-year pitchers pounded him inside and jammed him all year. when they kept the ball middle-away, he hit weak ground balls.
# 365 DonOfDeth @ 01/10/12 01:10 PM
^^^^^ This applies to the Big Leagues anyway. With guys throwing 95+ MPH. You HAVE to be willing to pull your arms in and turn on the ball. Any good hitter will be able to do this. Now in high school you might have an easy time pulling middle-away pitches.
# 366 nomo17k @ 01/10/12 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
LOL totally understood. We should just have a hitting fundamentals discussion for baseball in general. I know I have a few posts here and there that you might like which still focus on the video game aspect of it all.

These threads would be a good basis:


Those were good readings. It's great you actually have played at the levels you have (Tony Gwynn's such an icon!!). I only played through HS varsity so a lot of things I just cannot tell from experiences unfortunately.

I didn't mean to deter you from expanding on the discussion here, but I feel the opposite field power is definitely an outstanding issue with the current hitting system (which probably will remain so, though I have tried to mention in feedback threads) that will be worth discussing elsewhere not as an off-topic discussion.
# 367 Blzer @ 01/24/12 02:46 AM
Camera angle is reproducible in MLB 11.

# 368 LastActionHero @ 01/24/12 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Camera angle is reproducible in MLB 11.


Now if we could only save and share custom camera views or give the x and y numeric with the position.
# 369 Skyboxer @ 01/24/12 08:55 AM
I only ever hit 1 opposite field HR(real life) and that was aided by serious wind lol.
I was never a power hitter but hit a few. My first 2-3 were inside the park hrs since i was a speed player more than anything.
When I did hit hr's(most was 12 in a year) it was balls middle in where I got hips through and hands in and got good rotation. I "guessed pitched" you could say also and was a dead red fb hitter. 3 consecutive games I led off with a hr because I was sitting fb first pitch and got it.

Anyways for me it was all about getting hips through and good hand "rotation" and most importantly not having a death grip on bat. I hate seeing someone strangling a bat when they are hitting.
# 370 DJ @ 01/24/12 09:08 PM
Thanks for the photos, Blzer. I'm playing 11 right now and trying to synch my screen up to what I'm looking at on my CPU. I think I've got it pretty close.
# 371 NYCNNJ @ 02/26/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bamafan3723
Want. Game. Now.
LOL I hear ya! Did you reserve your copy?
# 372 brett the jet favre @ 02/26/12 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by NYCNNJ
LOL I hear ya! Did you reserve your copy?
Thats not the question, the question is, who didn't reserve a copy?
# 373 GzGViper @ 02/26/12 06:00 PM
What was the starting point for that camera angle?
# 374 Blzer @ 02/27/12 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by GzGViper
What was the starting point for that camera angle?
I believe I started with the Wide camera preset.

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