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Check out the new MLB 12 The Show screenshots, showing off the new default camera view, as well as a few other tidbits. Can you find them all?

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Game: MLB 12 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3Votes for game: 55 - View All
MLB 12 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 281 sydrogerdavid @ 01/02/12 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by decga
All those other games with licensed equipment. Madden you can see the Nike symbol, but NBA 2k I cant even make out the shoes unless its zoom in shot.

I prefer gameplay over licensed equipment. We have Louisville Slugger still, dont we..
Nope, the logo isn't on the bat anymore, not a big deal. The Show does still have Majestic though.
# 282 Phi4life @ 01/02/12 05:40 PM
Screens are looking great! I really like the new score bug design unintrussive sleek and not taking up too much real estate. I rather this format then the clunky side ones that cover up my stadium. If you have watched enough games you know they go back and forth between the 2 formats. There is only so many ways you can lay the same info out. this years they just happen to be doing the side ones on tv but again between the 2 formats I prefer te horizontal layout hands down. The new one on fox looks like toy r us designed it. Please add pitch count on the score bug, that would be a small but usefull feature.

Looking at the comparison shots from last year looks like the guess pitch is under the pitch selection now, has the functionality changed? It used to be its own osd?. Also I do like the larger pitch bars much better, before they were too small and not easy to see. As a hole this is looking very promising can't wait to see more screens!! As everybody else is mentioning please give us the option to turn things on or off, do I really need the power swing osd there oh and the pci graphic doesn't fit the rest of stuff on screen, hopefully not final. I do like the pitch info piece I think that kind of info can really help me fine tune my pitching, without having to l3 all the time. But again once I've mastered it let me turn it off!
# 283 Bahnzo @ 01/02/12 05:42 PM
One thing I'll never understand, is how companies that make sports equipment (like Rawlings, Louisville, etc) wouldn't be clamoring to have their stuff in games? Especially something as good and as respected as The Show.

Or maybe I'm thinking about it the wrong way...maybe they want to be in and were refused for whatever reason(s)? Can't pretend to know how the licensing works.
# 284 decga @ 01/02/12 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by sydrogerdavid
Nope, the logo isn't on the bat anymore, not a big deal. The Show does still have Majestic though.
Not big deal to me either. I have been this product since 2004. I just play the game and love it.
# 285 Bobhead @ 01/02/12 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
One thing I'll never understand, is how companies that make sports equipment (like Rawlings, Louisville, etc) wouldn't be clamoring to have their stuff in games? Especially something as good and as respected as The Show.

Or maybe I'm thinking about it the wrong way...maybe they want to be in and were refused for whatever reason(s)? Can't pretend to know how the licensing works.
I don't know how licensing works with regards to sports either, but your logic isn't that far off. In (good) movies, companies pay to have their products in a movie. I don't know if MLB is an issue here, and I'd imagine it is, but in a perfect world the same would hold true in video games, and a game development company could hypothetically profit from allowing brand names in their game.

But like I said I'm sure the core issue here is that Bud Selig guy. Maybe he doesn't want these brand names accidentally misrepresented, and so MLB refuse brand incorporation altogether.

Or maybe MLB requests chicken dinners that Russell refuses to part with.
# 286 nomo17k @ 01/02/12 06:03 PM
I think we are going to eventually see dynamic ads in video games (I bet some games do already... am just not familiar with too many games...). We already have something like State Farm advertising on the Show...

The Show could sell ad spaces in those stadiums, tie that in with Google ad-sense or something, so 20-something would see cars or some fashion items, whereas 40-/50-somethings would see Viagra ads.

So it doesn't even have to be baseball-related companies...

What we see on TV broadcast they already cater the contents to the audience digitally, so the technology is definitely there. Maybe it isn't worth the effort yet...
# 287 Bobhead @ 01/02/12 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
exactly why there needs to be an OFFICIAL Q & A thread...
And the questions would be answered by who? you? You realize that the developers are already doing us an incredible favor by even participating in discussions, or even by having accounts on these forums? They don't have to do any of that. Look what happened in that other thread (or maybe it was this one? I don't remember). Russell tried to be nice and answer a few questions, and before you know it, there was like 8 pages of questions, and people complaining that their question had not been answered.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with wanting answers, but I think some of us need to take a look in the mirror and remind ourselves who is on the more fortunate side of the Dev/OS cooperation deal.
# 288 Heroesandvillains @ 01/02/12 06:50 PM
Q&A thread(s) should be opening soon; if years past are any indication. Not to mention some extremely valuable writeup/question/response threads by the CES attendees.

Just a little bit of patience guys. I know, easier said than done.
# 289 nemesis04 @ 01/02/12 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
Q&A thread(s) should be opening soon; if years past are any indication. Not to mention some extremely valuable writeup/question/response threads by the CES attendees.

Just a little bit of patience guys. I know, easier said than done.
Correct! There will be a Community day discussion: Question & Answer thread up soon. There will be a ton of info shared!
# 290 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/02/12 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
One thing I'll never understand, is how companies that make sports equipment (like Rawlings, Louisville, etc) wouldn't be clamoring to have their stuff in games? Especially something as good and as respected as The Show.

Or maybe I'm thinking about it the wrong way...maybe they want to be in and were refused for whatever reason(s)? Can't pretend to know how the licensing works.
Originally Posted by jd369
Im sure the MLB is the reason for it (since MLB games are the only major sports game without licensed equipment). Is it that they want money on top of having to pay the equipment companies (I cant see how that would even be legal)? It would be nice to get an ACTUAL answer instead of the "we cant but cant tell you why" thats getting a bit old. No ones getting sued for saying "the MLB wants too much money etc etc" and if they are then theres more wrong with this world than getting some nikes in a baseball game.
It is not the companies themselves.

It is the MLB Union... since the players "wear said equipment"... the Union "wants their cut of the pie now too".

It is too expensive and complex. The uniforms and hats are a tad different and are licensed because they are part of the MLB Style Guide... everything else is "players personal choice"...

Not going to get into it any more than that due to legalese reasons, and not wanting to piss off their licensees... but that is how business is now-a-days. It is not spoken upon by Sony officially, because that is not how big business works. You respect each other and work with each other and there is give and take.

That is why gone are the days where you can push the envelope like 2K, Acclaim, EA, etc used to. Better safe than sorry.

Football/Hockey/Basketball, etc have totally different unions. I can only speak for what I know about the MLB one, and why it is recently been so complex.
# 291 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/02/12 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
Now why would I answer the questions? Do I make the game? You had to know that was pretty ridiculous even as you typed it out. These guys GET PAID to spend time on the internet conversing with people that purchase their game. Your example is exactly why there needs to be an official QA thread. then people could get their questions answered in one place with a set up format. That way people wouldnt have to complain that they arent getting questions answered. when theres 10 different questions in 10 different threads that would make it near impossible to get to everyone so it only takes a little common sense to show that once thread for questions is the way to go. Its a pretty simple concept: someone asks a question, one of the devs quotes and and gives an answer, anything other post is either ignored or deleted. Its great to have them here, but no one is doing anyone a "favor" when they are on the clock making money to post on the net.

Read this from above...

Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
Q&A thread(s) should be opening soon; if years past are any indication. Not to mention some extremely valuable writeup/question/response threads by the CES attendees.

Just a little bit of patience guys. I know, easier said than done.
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Correct! There will be a Community day discussion: Question & Answer thread up soon. There will be a ton of info shared!
Stay tuned... when we are allowed to speak, you will get information answered within what we are allowed to talk about.

And I, as well as the 6-7 other guys that are attending these community events, NOT getting paid, taking TIME OFF of work to do so, are not getting paid to answer your questions. We do it because we have so much passion for the game of baseball, this very video game, respect for the developers since they show us what they do, show us their very same passion by holding these events for the hardcore community (which is not even a dent in overall sales of the usebase), and our love for Operation Sports.

The devs do not have time to sit there and do a Q & A thread themselves. Ramone is insanely swamped this time of year, as well as the entire staff. Most right now have cots set up in their cubicles with the house pets with them. And never see their own home the next few months. Work 20 hours a day and sleep in their offices/cubicles. (I know one has his Pitbull across from Kolbe's now old office who scares the crap out of me late at night with the lights off, lol)

Ramone and Woodweaver are not paid to post. They do not even have to post. They are gathering information, and when they see fit to answer something or give any tidbits, they then do so. And most on here who do not have the "entitled" way of thinking appreciate it.

You will see threads coming soon for us to gather information... and I am sure if it is anything like last year, a plethora of information will be coming your way. We just ask for everyone's patience and co-operation... because it can turn into a hot mess real quick.
# 292 Woodweaver @ 01/02/12 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
Now why would I answer the questions? Do I make the game? You had to know that was pretty ridiculous even as you typed it out. These guys GET PAID to spend time on the internet conversing with people that purchase their game. Your example is exactly why there needs to be an official QA thread. then people could get their questions answered in one place with a set up format. That way people wouldnt have to complain that they arent getting questions answered. when theres 10 different questions in 10 different threads that would make it near impossible to get to everyone so it only takes a little common sense to show that one thread for questions is the way to go. Its a pretty simple concept: someone asks a question, one of the devs quotes it and and gives an answer, any other post is either ignored or deleted. Its great to have them here, but no one is doing anyone a "favor" when they are on the clock making money to post on the net.
1) I believe his question was rhetorical
2) We do NOT "GET PAID to spend time on the internet conversing with people that purchase their game."
# 293 Heroesandvillains @ 01/02/12 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
Now why would I answer the questions? Do I make the game? You had to know that was pretty ridiculous even as you typed it out. These guys GET PAID to spend time on the internet conversing with people that purchase their game. Your example is exactly why there needs to be an official QA thread. then people could get their questions answered in one place with a set up format. That way people wouldnt have to complain that they arent getting questions answered. when theres 10 different questions in 10 different threads that would make it near impossible to get to everyone so it only takes a little common sense to show that one thread for questions is the way to go. Its a pretty simple concept: someone asks a question, one of the devs quotes it and and gives an answer, any other post is either ignored or deleted. Its great to have them here, but no one is doing anyone a "favor" when they are on the clock making money to post on the net.

If I'm not mistaken (which I frequently am, by the way), Q&A threads with Devs have taken place here on OS in the past. Not to say that's any guarantee that it will take place again, however.

Regardless, Nemesis04; and the other CES invitees, go in to painstaking detail once their time with the game and Dev team is over. Do a search for it, specifically Nemesis' thread from last year. It's astounding the things he was able to write about (as well as the others). I'd expect nothing short of the same from these guys this year, taking all of their remarkable character traits into consideration. Yeah, I'll be on these boards for hours on end. Mark my words. Great stuff!

That said, Russell_SCEA answers questions all over this board. I see you're not new here, but just incase you don't navigate the site too frequently, do a member search for his name once you believe he's taking part in MLB 12 Q&A. Also, other Devs such as Woodweaver and ESPECIALLY Brian_SCEA - if you want to have your mind blown - answer a treasure trove's worth of information pre-release and are worth looking up. It makes finding their posts much easier, especially if you chose to have the individual posts themselves show up in your results.
# 294 Bobhead @ 01/02/12 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
bla bla bla
- Devs do NOT get paid to be here, at all, in any way.

- On the clock? Try salary, man. By being here they are sacrificing their own time which could instead be spent with family, or more importantly, in Chuck E. Cheese playing table hockey.

The rest of your post has been addressed already...
# 295 bcruise @ 01/02/12 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Most right now have cots set up in their cubicles with the house pets with them
This part may seem outlandish to those who don't understand just how crunched for time these guys are, but I saw this very same thing when I went there in '10.
# 296 Heroesandvillains @ 01/02/12 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
How many bosses do you know that are cool with their employees being able to post on message boards while at work? if you are in the office on OS theres no free time being wasted. Im not paid hourly either, but when Im at work Im "on the clock" not matter how you slice it.

I don't know how else to go about this? Breaking down what a salaried employee does and doesn't get paid for is semantics. By your logic, wouldn't sleeping count as a paid activity if Woodweaver had a really killer dream about how to revamp the throw meter? I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to make this clear.

The Devs are under no obligation to post here. And they especially are under NO obligation to directly answer questions from OS members. Remember, they currently respect this site and it's members. We're hardcore here on OS and have very well thought out suggestions. Ramone, I believe, even as a Dev, is a hardcore player too! LOL! We all have a common goal and we learn from eachother. Thus, the bonds of a beautiful relationship. Creator with consumer.

Those bonds, like any, can be broken at any time. It's crucial that even in our frustration, we're polite, and well-thought out in our criticism and complaints. They offer US that respect. Always. Let's all continue to do the same (I'm not specifically singling you out, by the way. Just making a broader point).
# 297 Woodweaver @ 01/02/12 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by jd369
so let me get this straight. You'd rather have to comb through numerous threads to answer a question than to have it in one consolidated place? If you enjoy that and all the questions actually gets answered thats fine with me lol. Me, when I see a way to take something that is hard and make it much much easier I do it.
I simply addressed those two points from your previous post.
I don't believe I mentioned my preference, but since you asked:

I prefer to answer the few questions for which I have answers. It's easier for me to find these questions when they are sub-categorized versus combing through one huge thread with multiple topics. On OS, I have had experience with both situations.

I also prefer to completely understand a problem before assuming I have made something "easier".
# 298 spit_bubble @ 01/02/12 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by nomo17k
...Would you not thank a firefighter if s/he saved a kid from a burning house in a fire? Do you just dismiss it by saying it's his job and he's getting paid to do it? Being respectful is never a bad thing.

So dev teams put out fires now?

I swear man, some of the logic on these boards...

It's not a question of respect or disrespect, it's a question of information. Again, this is free feedback they are getting here, information that fifteen years ago they could only dream about getting, information that sheds invaluable light on the work they are doing...

Bowing down to them as if they are doing us a favor makes as much sense as being offended by something anonymous user #28543 has to say. Put on your big boy pants we're all equals here.
# 299 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/02/12 10:53 PM
Heed your own advice if you wanna shoot your fingers off about "logic".

Nobody said "bow down" to them. They said show some respect and appreciation. Because they do the same for us in return.

Hell, this world would be much better off if people did not feel "entitled" to every little thing they think they are in life, and just showed common courtesy and respect to one another. But I will save the forum on a lesson of ethics.

Carry on however. Cause it is making it much easier to add people to ignore lists. Powerful tools are powerful.
# 300 bp4baseball @ 01/02/12 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by spit_bubble

So dev teams put out fires now?

I swear man, some of the logic on these boards...

It's not a question of respect or disrespect, it's a question of information. Again, this is free feedback we are getting here, information that fifteen years ago we could only dream about getting, information that sheds invaluable light into the work they are doing...
I fixed some things for you to show that it works both ways. Nobody is saying that you need to bow down to them. Just remember that they could just as easily stop posting while continuing to monitor the boards and get all the information they want. Showing courtesy goes a long ways, so just use respect when posting and don't take things for granted, that's all anyone is asking

Edit: EnigmaNemesis was able to get across what I wanted to say much better

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