
MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

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Old 12-31-2011, 03:55 PM   #193
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by southoakland16
Ok, I what I am trying to say is people that are "suggesting" ideas that could potentially improve The Show year in and year out, will get bashed by people who say "The Show is most realistic franchise ever, blah blah blah." While that is true, there are things that truly need to be implemented or improved upon to better the game.
I know I am somewhat repeating myself, but I am waiting for an answer... Why has the presentation for the divisional and World series been the same for years? That is something that can not be to hard to change and add a little flavor... yet never gets touched.

Also, about the weather. I remember a quote from Ramone talking about how "they only implement something until they can do it right." Well as we all know, WEATHER was not implemented correctly. Since, rain was rarely seen throughout the game. My point is, I found nothing wrong with MVP and how they implemented RAIN OUTS and DOUBLE HEADERS. Is SCEA trying to come up with a secret formula to implement it? I mean dont get me wrong I'm sure it is not easy... but World Series Presentation and Rain outs and Doubleheaders would not take the whole development time.

Russell already said that they (SCEA) are not fans of rainouts or working weather for that matter. That is probably the most disappointing comment I have ever read. Basically that means to never look for it in their game as they have no interest in making it work for those who have asked for that important aspect of the game. I understand the arcade players don't want it but why not give them an option to turn it off?
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:10 PM   #194
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Rules
Russell already said that they (SCEA) are not fans of rainouts or working weather for that matter. That is probably the most disappointing comment I have ever read. Basically that means to never look for it in their game as they have no interest in making it work for those who have asked for that important aspect of the game. I understand the arcade players don't want it but why not give them an option to turn it off?
See what does that mean? "Not a fan of rainouts?" To me that is an excuse for them to never have to take the time to incorporate rainouts. While I would love to see rain delays as well, I know that will never be added, and I can see why. But to me, not including rainouts is just disappointing and semi-pathetic. That is realism! Having to adjust lineups because you have a double-header the next day. No one can defend that is not adding to realism. Hell, they mine as well say "they are not fans of players robbing homeruns" It's something that does not happen a lot, but it does add to the game and strategy! It does not make much sense.
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:23 PM   #195
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by southoakland16
See what does that mean? "Not a fan of rainouts?" To me that is an excuse for them to never have to take the time to incorporate rainouts. While I would love to see rain delays as well, I know that will never be added, and I can see why. But to me, not including rainouts is just disappointing and semi-pathetic. That is realism! Having to adjust lineups because you have a double-header the next day. No one can defend that is not adding to realism. Hell, they mine as well say "they are not fans of players robbing homeruns" It's something that does not happen a lot, but it does add to the game and strategy! It does not make much sense.
I'll be pretty blunt about it, but the simple answer is "diminishing returns." Rainout implementation is not a small undertaking, and as far as cost efficiency goes, it would consume a vast amount of resources that would take up being able to do other things that they personally feel are more integral to the game's overall design.
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:28 PM   #196
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Blzer
Correct me if I'm wrong, but great as this game is, if it didn't improve, would it be unjustifiable for me to not purchase the following year's iteration of the game, despite my love for the franchise? The reason I would purchase the next game is for the improvements. Some people just want new rosters, and if that's their improvement that justifies them spending $60 more, then that's great.
I think this could be a dilemma for the devs as well. One thing we should keep reminding ourselves is that the OS posters are likely from the hardcore end in terms of gamer's spectrum, so our feedback tends to cater toward the most devoted.

The devs, however, always need to think about the marketability/profitability to the mass market to which they are trying to sell the Show. Regardless of their ultimate goal (create the best baseball sim? most commercially successful baseball franchise regardless of realism?? keep betraying disgruntled OS members? revenge to Kolbe who left? we never know...), they *MUST* keep selling the copies and that's the bottom line. Otherwise the Show won't continue.

I bet most casual gamers wouldn't notice/care about the grass color, rain outs, etc. So they must spend time on potential marquee features, like Move/Vita and some of (not-so-apparent) core gameplay/franchise improvements get pushed down in their priorities.

Who can blame them? SCEA is a business, and they are not like open-source devs who are in it for pure enjoyment and/or altruism.

So if we think the best bet for the ultimate baseball gaming experience will keep coming from the Show, we should be patient and know that the devs have reasons to do things certain ways...

And I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping a year or two if you think you are not seeing the area of the game you are looking to improve hasn't changed a whole a lot...
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:34 PM   #197
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

I think this game looks absolutely beautiful. I think it looks so much better visually then last year which was somewhat bland. I definetly am a "hard core" gamer and I love having all of this information given to me without having to press buttons after every pitch to see where my pitchers energy is at or how my timing and contact was on my last swing. I remember last year, after every pitch I fell into the habit of pressing L3 to check out where the pitch was, my timing, and my contact. But now since that information will always be there I saved my thumb 1,000+ L3 presses(which can get somewhat annoying because your pressing down a stick.)
As for the score bug, I think it looks fresh. It doesn't take up the whole top like last years that had that black fade, that took away from the view of the stadium. Some people are complaining that it isn't NEW. Well when you have the option of Box or Line and 5 components to it(Teams, Inning, Count, Outs, Bases), there isn't much variation you can when it's the company's 7th time trying to make a unique one. If they changed it to a box like ESPN, Then where would they put it? Top Right, that would interfere with the 1st base runner's box. Top Left, that would interfere with the 3rd base runner's box. Bottom Right, that would interfere with the Swing and Pitch Info Box that I just mentioned. Bottom Left, that would interfere with the Pitcher's Energy, Confidence and Repetoire. Also if it was anywhere near the top, that would interfere with the view of the stadium. You would be blocked out of one section of the stadium all the time. The Bar is perfect. Its clean, fresh, bold, you have all the information you need. And you can still see the stadium.
The camera angle is perfect. This is very similar to my custom camera in MLB 11 The Show so I don't think I'll even need to touch the camera editor. It zooms out, to give you more time to recognize pitchers and be less intimiated by the pitcher being so close. You have a great view of the stadium and scoreboard for almost every stadium (You still can't see the scoreboard at Target Field).
I am one of the few people on this forum that actually like the New Default Camera, ScoreLine, and "Clutter" which is good "clutter."
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:35 PM   #198
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Rules
Russell already said that they (SCEA) are not fans of rainouts or working weather for that matter. That is probably the most disappointing comment I have ever read. Basically that means to never look for it in their game as they have no interest in making it work for those who have asked for that important aspect of the game. I understand the arcade players don't want it but why not give them an option to turn it off?
He didn't say that exactly.

He implied that it wasn't tops on their list of priorities (while making a JOKE about hating rainouts in real life).

If I'm not mistaken, in the same thread, he mentioned that they haven't agreed upon a method to incorporate rainouts that made SENSE for the series. If done, it would have to be functional and enjoyable for the player (thus, a lot of brainstorming on a way to execute it, coding it in to the game itself and schedule, and so on). Considering where it falls on their priority list, I can't find any fault in the way he explained it in the post mentioned.

Guys, SCEA would give us the world if they could. But time and resources force them to have to set things aside or further down their list (especially one's such as this that would require a lot of work). Though we want rain delays, it wouldn't necessarily be "fun" for a lot of the casual gamers out there to have to restart a game after 4 innings. OS only represents a small portion of this series' consumer base.

I'll go out on a limb here and say we'll see it eventually. But it has to be done practically, and if done, it HAS to be done right. Ramone alluded to that while giving HIS opinion on it.

Re-read his post(s) on the subject and I'll think you'll see what I'm getting at.
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:40 PM   #199
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Strike zone is still too tall. Also, the pitch location info on the bottom right-hand side shows the strike zone from batters box to batters box, lol!
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:40 PM   #200
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by nomo17k
I think this could be a dilemma for the devs as well. One thing we should keep reminding ourselves is that the OS posters are likely from the hardcore end in terms of gamer's spectrum, so our feedback tends to cater toward the most devoted.

The devs, however, always need to think about the marketability/profitability to the mass market to which they are trying to sell the Show. Regardless of their ultimate goal (create the best baseball sim? most commercially successful baseball franchise regardless of realism?? keep betraying disgruntled OS members? revenge to Kolbe who left? we never know...), they *MUST* keep selling the copies and that's the bottom line. Otherwise the Show won't continue.

I bet most casual gamers wouldn't notice/care about the grass color, rain outs, etc. So they must spend time on potential marquee features, like Move/Vita and some of (not-so-apparent) core gameplay/franchise improvements get pushed down in their priorities.

Who can blame them? SCEA is a business, and they are not like open-source devs who are in it for pure enjoyment and/or altruism.

So if we think the best bet for the ultimate baseball gaming experience will keep coming from the Show, we should be patient and know that the devs have reasons to do things certain ways...

And I don't think there's anything wrong with skipping a year or two if you think you are not seeing the area of the game you are looking to improve hasn't changed a whole a lot...

Best post of this whole thread, and it's completely off-topic from the OP.
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