
MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

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Old 12-31-2011, 03:28 PM   #185
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Blzer
The people who are asking to have options to turn if off (I haven't asked in this thread myself, but I also with for it) would just like to have no screen clutter, pre-pitch or during the pitch.


Heck, some people might not even like having the score bar on. I'm not one of them, but having the option will sure make them happy.
Personally if I have a choice then I'd prefer to turn these things off, particularly the pitcher confidence/energy type of things because, I guess, I'm on a hardcore side and prefer to see these things in action on the field than quantified or visualized upfront, just like real life in which you cannot see pitcher confidence/fatigue in bars or numbers.

So in general I don't have a problem with people asking for that specific option, as a wishlist item... but...

Why are you complaining now? I've been rather meticulously following all the threads in the forum, and the devs and CD guys have given us so many opportunities to let us voice our concerns and wishes, and I bet they are reading every single word written in this forum.

And I don't really remember people saying that they want less info displayed in the screen in question when those feedback threads were up.

If you look at the screen, the amount of information hasn't actually changed much. Just about the only info added new are pitcher confidence and energy bars... the rest has always been in some way or another. It's really no more cluttered than it has been, at least for the past couple years.

I don't know why some guys are making it a big deal NOW... one of those days, the devs and CD guys will give us yet another opportunity to express our opinions. Why don't we just take advantage of the opportunity, rather than saying crap like "strike one... two... three and I will be skipping this year AGAIN...." In fact it's you who are undeserving of the game... no need for saying crap when the release is imminent, and when you had a plenty of opportunities for your voices to be heard.
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:32 PM   #186
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

March just can't arrive any quicker can it?
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:38 PM   #187
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Knight165
Even though I'm sure I'm responding to a PBU I'll bite.

Show me one post where anyone said that this game doesn't need anything improved on. I'll save you the time. You won't find it.

That being said....

-Franchise was indeed worked on, it just hasn't received the massive overhaul that the team(Aaron in particular) wants to do. Just not enough time even if he started DAY ONE on trying to squeeze it in with the Vita development(there is just no way around not developing for the Vita...love it-hate it or be indifferent to it). So rather than have a potential huge problem with that, the team did the only smart thing they could do. Focus on tightening up franchise. I'd guess there will STILL be things changed a bit to it as well(as some were noted in a previous pre-release item).
You can just accept that as reality for now or not.
I'll stay on franchise a bit.....as I know they are working on the bugs that yes....have plagued the mode for a number of years. You will notice in the list of newcomers to the event that tabarnes is participating this year and I can guarantee that this is a direct result of the fact that he poured over franchise mode last year to figure out lingering problems(this was for the O.S. community ....not for SCEA.....just for US he spent time ripping it apart to figure things out). Ramone, who cares very much about community participation in helping develop this product realized this and what do you know.....he brought him in!

Ok, I what I am trying to say is people that are "suggesting" ideas that could potentially improve The Show year in and year out, will get bashed by people who say "The Show is most realistic franchise ever, blah blah blah." While that is true, there are things that truly need to be implemented or improved upon to better the game.
I know I am somewhat repeating myself, but I am waiting for an answer... Why has the presentation for the divisional and World series been the same for years? That is something that can not be to hard to change and add a little flavor... yet never gets touched.

Also, about the weather. I remember a quote from Ramone talking about how "they only implement something until they can do it right." Well as we all know, WEATHER was not implemented correctly. Since, rain was rarely seen throughout the game. My point is, I found nothing wrong with MVP and how they implemented RAIN OUTS and DOUBLE HEADERS. Is SCEA trying to come up with a secret formula to implement it? I mean dont get me wrong I'm sure it is not easy... but World Series Presentation and Rain outs and Doubleheaders would not take the whole development time.
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:40 PM   #188
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

I have a question.

I was looking at old pictures of MLB 09 The Show and I came across an in between inning Due Up batters overlay. And I noticed that it has the 0 for 1, 0 for 1, 1 for 1 stats for the 3 Due Up batters.

So if I could ask why was those stats removed from the current MLB 11 The Show?

I thought Sony said they never remove features only add to the game?
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:42 PM   #189
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Love your post, nomo. I just wanted to touch on things that might have been fuzzy with my side of the posts:

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Personally if I have a choice then I'd prefer to turn these things off, particularly the pitcher confidence/energy type of things because, I guess, I'm on a hardcore side and prefer to see these things in action on the field than quantified or visualized upfront, just like real life in which you cannot see pitcher confidence/fatigue in bars or numbers.

So in general I don't have a problem with people asking for that specific option, as a wishlist item... but...

Why are you complaining now? I've been rather meticulously following all the threads in the forum, and the devs and CD guys have given us so many opportunities to let us voice our concerns and wishes, and I bet they are reading every single word written in this forum.
Strangely, that stuff flies right by me when I'm thinking about changes. I suppose once I see the new stuff is when I realize those things which fly by me. I know I've mentioned it in the past, though. In fact, I might have even mentioned it in those threads; I simply can't remember now.

And I don't really remember people saying that they want less info displayed in the screen in question when those feedback threads were up.
No clue, it might not have happened. Not every prayer is always answered anyway, so there's no saying whether or not that would have changed had someone asked. Though it wouldn't hurt to try, huh? Guess I should've done it in the first place if I hadn't.

If you look at the screen, the amount of information hasn't actually changed much. Just about the only info added new are pitcher confidence and energy bars... the rest has always been in some way or another. It's really no more cluttered than it has been, at least for the past couple years.
I don't know if I ever really said this, but I've never liked the clutter. It hasn't stopped me from buying the game, but I've always mentioned that this series has grown "stale" to people because, as you said, things have always kind of looked the same. They can re-envision that score bug at the top of the screen to how it is now, but four years later, you'll still have a poster saying that, somewhere deep within, it still just kind of looks the same.

I don't know why some guys are making it a big deal NOW... one of those days, the devs and CD guys will give us yet another opportunity to express our opinions. Why don't we just take advantage of the opportunity, rather than saying crap like "strike one... two... three and I will be skipping this year AGAIN...." In fact it's you who are undeserving of the game... no need for saying crap when the release is imminent, and when you had a plenty of opportunities for your voices to be heard.
Believe me, the next time something comes up, it will be the first thing that I bullet.

Though if somebody thinks that I'm angry and berated about this, I'm absolutely not. If somebody thinks I won't buy the game because of this, that's just... weird.

It was probably my fault, as was the fault of others, that we didn't address this in a suggestions thread directly. Although, my "complaint," if you will, wasn't so much about why they haven't turned it off yet. If anything, the major two questions I asked were:

- What makes it impossible to introduce an extra toggle feature, or four, at this late stage in the game? (perhaps it's something that could be added in a patch)

- The next one is more of... do they even want to give us the option to disable it? From the post that I saw about focus testing, it sounds like they are adamant on putting as much info for users as possible. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather that we have more stuff than less stuff. I just wondered if they personally minded if we did turn them off though too, you know?

By the way, I didn't want to consider this to be a big deal, I just wanted to clarify my viewpoint.
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Last edited by Blzer; 12-31-2011 at 03:45 PM.
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:46 PM   #190
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Blzer, I didn't mean to single you out... more to those who just cannot stop saying publicly that they won't be buying the game (yes, it's fine, nobody's forcing you to play the game anyways....). just quoted your post because of the flow...
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:50 PM   #191
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Does anyone know or if Russell can answer this but will this game have stats in it like what a batter is hitting against a certain pitcher or what a guy is hitting in a certain park. what he is hitting in a certain count. stats like that. game is already awesome but this would be sweet. if yall understand what i am asking.
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:55 PM   #192
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by nomo17k
Blzer, I didn't mean to single you out... more to those who just cannot stop saying publicly that they won't be buying the game (yes, it's fine, nobody's forcing you to play the game anyways....). just quoted your post because of the flow...
It's no problem. We're normally on the same page anyway, so I didn't think you were being too direct. I was simply expanding the clarification on this matter is all.

I think that it's a bit of a two-way street, really. I've hit this topic before, but it's the spectrum ends that really hit my nerves when I read some of the posts. There are those who will bash the game relentlessly, and those who will defend it relentlessly. I will never understand either side, for I both sympathize with the developers, and yet I would like to see this game improve.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but great as this game is, if it didn't improve, would it be unjustifiable for me to not purchase the following year's iteration of the game, despite my love for the franchise? The reason I would purchase the next game is for the improvements. Some people just want new rosters, and if that's their improvement that justifies them spending $60 more, then that's great.

This kind of flew off-topic from the HUD interface and more towards the kind of posts we're seeing in this thread/on this board, but it's simply something to ponder is all.
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