NCAA Football 12 News Post

EA Sports has updated the details for NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2, which is available now for the PS3. Please post your impressions here.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 641 BigBlay39 @ 09/17/11 08:05 PM
I can't log into my online dynasty anymore. Everytime I try I get a "Transfer Failed" msg. This is horrible!
# 642 Fredonia @ 09/25/11 12:48 AM
After logging about 10 hours with the patch and tuner... It plays ok except for the no-huddle glitch and my playbook has that glitch where there's a "blank formation." I just noticed it while scrolling through my book in a game, but all the plays I wanted are there, so I'm good...
# 643 olemiss86 @ 09/30/11 02:17 AM
Every time I finish a game a please wait screen pops up for a "load Tuning Update". That locks up my game every time. How do I get rid of that thing popping up after every game?

I just got a PS3. I've tried it on both and it has happened on both. More so my 360 though.
# 644 DreadedSteeler @ 09/30/11 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by olemiss86
Every time I finish a game a please wait screen pops up for a "load Tuning Update". That locks up my game every time. How do I get rid of that thing popping up after every game?

I just got a PS3. I've tried it on both and it has happened on both. More so my 360 though.
I had that problem when I would get back to the main dynasty menu and the tuner update would load as I was scrolling through the menu and lock it up every time. I just set the controller down now after exiting the game to make sure I don't press anything and have had no problems since.

Not sure how to delete the tuner. I don't think it actually fixed anything so figuring out how to delete it may be the best option.
# 645 NINJAK2 @ 10/02/11 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by mistershadez
the workaround for the rosters not being correct.

1. Download rosters from locker.

2. Delete patch.

3. Go into game without dloading the patch.

4. Save previously dloaded rosters as a new file with a new name.

5. Exit and quit game.

6. Dload patch and the roster tendencies will now work
Did everything you said shades and while it does work for offline rosters I can't get it to work with teambuilder teams. I created Michigan squad with an attempt at making those cool jerseys they wore against ND. After I named everyone on the team and downloaded and then ofcourse the tendency bug pops up. I have done what you said many times but my teambuilder Wolverines still have Denard listed as balanced when I load them into a dynasty. Help

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