NCAA Football 12 News Post

EA Sports has just posted the NCAA Football 12 title update #2 details. The patch is currently on schedule to release before the end of the month, no exact date, as of yet.

Before getting to the details of the update, I want to take a moment to thank you, the NCAA Football community, for all of your patience and assistance during the past couple of weeks. A great many of you share the same passion for this game as we do, and you did everything possible to help identify issues, and provide the necessary details - not just to help make a game better, but to make your game better. If you are reading this, you are a member of the most dedicated community in gaming, and for that we are truly grateful. Now, on to the details:

Week Advance Anywhere
  • As a token of our appreciation, we’re happy to announce that as of today “Week Advance Anywhere” on the web is now available for use, and that this feature will be FREE for everyone to use.
Custom Playbooks
  • With this Title Update the missing play issue that led to a number of problems when using Custom Playbooks has been fixed. Not only is the issue fixed, but you will not need to recreate your playbooks! Any existing playbook will have the fix applied, and you will be able to continue using that playbook without issue.
  • As with the Custom Playbooks resolution, the fix to the issue of edited player tendencies changing will not negate any previously edited roster file. The fix will be applied to both those existing files, as well as any new roster file that is created.
  • If you are in a Dynasty or Online Dynasty you will not need to restart as long as your Dynasty is still in year one and you have not advanced past “Training Results” in the off-season. If you are before this point, the update will be applied to your existing Dynasty/Online Dynasty and the tendencies will be correct for all players going forward. If you are in year two and beyond, the tendency issue impact will be less and less as the players graduate/are cut from the rosters.
  • In addition to the tendencies issue, we have also included both the ability to edit height and weight for players, as well as the option to edit the rosters of CPU controlled teams. In an Online Dynasty the commissioner will have the ability to edit the rosters for other human controlled teams. These were both big requests from you in the community.
  • Finally, a bug was fixed with the profanity filter that was preventing many common names from being entered. Now, any name can be entered, for offline use. A profanity filter is applied to Online Dynasty when the Dynasty is created. If you prefer to opt out of this filter, you can set the Dynasty to Private and the profanity check will not run.
  • A major focus for this Title Update was to address any freezes/crashes that were found. There were a number of these issues fixed in this Title Update including a crash that occurred when there were multiple TeamBuilder teams in an Online Dynasty, as well as a crash that occurred during the downloading of an Online Dynasty file.
  • Increased the acceleration of QB’s on Speed Option plays.
  • Improved WR blocking, especially on option plays
  • Fixed an issue where defenders assigned to play the curl to flat/buzz zone did not engage immediately when the QB scrambles past the LOS.
  • Fixed an issue where safeties with inside deep ¼ zone would drop back instead of read-and-react on run plays.
  • Fixed an issue in Nickel Cover 3 where the flat zone defender didn’t move as the QB was running at them.
  • Fixed an issue with Double Outs from 4-2-5 Normal where the RLB wasn’t blocked properly vs. certain formations.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a blank photo to be uploaded leading to issues with other highlights being uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue in Online Dynasty where injured players did not remain injured when the week advanced.
  • Fixed an issue where a player’s injury time was only reduced by one week when going from Conference Championship week to Bowl Season. Players will now be back for their Bowl game if they should be off of the IR when their bowl game is played.
  • Fixed an issue where coaches that changed jobs could get stuck in a state where they were still listed as coaching at their old school on the Players Leaving screen, leading to a Transfer Failed issue.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Dynasties from advancing to the post season.
  • Fixed an issue with the schedule that prevented entering the Virginia Tech vs. Boston College game (fixed for both Dynasty and RTG).
  • Fixed an issue where recruiting related trophies/achievements were not unlocked properly if you signed an extension in that season.
  • Fixed an issue with Program Stability where the grade would drop from A+ to D+ in one season.
  • Fixed an issue with the Unlock All Promises PDLC not unlocking properly on the Dynasty website.
  • When viewing an Online Dynasty invite, added information to show what type of job can be selected by default.
  • Fixed an issue when in the off-season where player stats did not match up between the web and console.
  • Fixed an issue where CB’s could not audible after earning the ability to do so through Coach Trust.
  • Fixed an issue where HB’s could not flip the play after earning the ability to do so through Coach Trust.
  • Fixed an issue where player’s online stats were not displaying promptly on the Online Leaderboards.

Game: NCAA Football 12Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 104 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 NDAlum @ 08/03/11 09:36 AM
I used named rosters.

I did the "strength" trick to change the tendencies of QBs I play during the season.

When I played Indiana and their scrambling QB he actually took off on me. I edited his strength to a point where it labeled him "scrambling" on the roster screen.

I don't have the stats off the top of my head but I know he had a couple 10+ runs

I do know he had low accuracy and with my sliders he threw about 10 balls off target which was nice to see
# 262 chi_hawks @ 08/03/11 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I used named rosters.

I did the "strength" trick to change the tendencies of QBs I play during the season.

When I played Indiana and their scrambling QB he actually took off on me. I edited his strength to a point where it labeled him "scrambling" on the roster screen.

I don't have the stats off the top of my head but I know he had a couple 10+ runs

I do know he had low accuracy and with my sliders he threw about 10 balls off target which was nice to see
I may give that a shot and start my year 1.

Part of me wanted to wait til the tuners are out and sliders get modified to reflect the changes (going with SEC's or Matt's Heismans), but with possibly four weeks to wait, might have to just jump in and start.
# 263 tonybologna @ 08/03/11 11:07 AM
Can we get this stickied please? Thanks!
# 264 northface28 @ 08/03/11 11:11 AM
Promising list, ill reserve judgement until it drops because something else will inevitably be thrown off kilter. For me, this patches a large majority of issues I have/had. Could I ask for more? Of course. But, for now, this is good.

Heres hoping for a Aug 23rd drop.
# 265 franko3219 @ 08/03/11 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Have you ever taken the time to step back and realize the team over at Tiburon may have been a little bit busy working on the fixes to the tendency and freeze issues? These were major problems with the game that needed immediate attention--especially the freezing issue.

Now that they have this ironed out they can attack the gameplay quirks.

I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic. A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ). If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

Contrary to popular belief, there are some issues with the game that annoy the living daylights out of me. Even so I realize that there is no point in me continuously harping on these negatives. It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

No one is saying you can't voice your opinion (I love the passion), it's just that we've heard you guys loud and clear for the past 3 weeks. And trust me, the team over at EA has heard you loud and clear as well. At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.

I am not going to say that there is no validity to what you are saying, but I would have to ask why then can the NHL team do both at the same time? I mean NHL release tuner packs at least once every 2 weeks, and they also receive patches, not to mention I have seen nothing yet saying that we will be able to choose what tuner set we want to use.
# 266 franko3219 @ 08/03/11 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by JaySmooov
I know this MAY not be the place to post it but since it's a hot topic, I'll share my experience.

Has anyone encountered a problem/bug/glitch where this happens:

Hot route a receiver to another route (Say, a curl route or a slant)
Smart route it to the depth of the first down line.
Hike the ball; WR gets pressed on the line.
WR does NOT run correct route, instead runs a go route.

Now, this has happened many times, especially on third-and-short situations. Most times I hot route a WR to the 1st down line, but the WR would get bumped. Anticipating a quick curl, I throw the ball hard. Instead, the WR runs a GO, so basically I throw it right to the CB (Since accuracy STILL doesn't affect ball placement/trajectory, but that's neither here nor there). It's frustrating somewhat, and I hope more have had this problem so it could get fixed.

Does this happen on away games mostly? This could be because the receiver didn't hear the hot route.
# 267 franko3219 @ 08/03/11 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by SECElite3
I'm curious... have you ever watched a CPU vs CPU game? If not, watch one... and then come back and tell me pass coverage on the deep route is not an issue.

No, I personally do not take part in any CPU vs. CPU. I can tell you though that I do not want them patching/tuning aka "nerfing" something so that the CPU vs. CPU games look normal, yet when I try to play the computer the game does not play right at all.
# 268 dickey1331 @ 08/03/11 11:43 AM
Looks like a good patch. Looking forward to it coming out. Im just glad I dont have to restart my dynasty. With playing with 12 teams I wont be done with my 1st season by the end of the month lol.
# 269 dagooch5150 @ 08/03/11 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I must say I read some of the complaints on deep balls being completed to easy.

Now I use Matts Heisman sliders which are pretty difficult. Pass accuracy is really low so you need a high level QB to make longer throws. I have noticed ZERO issue on those sliders with deep ball %. In fact I have struggled extremely bad in this area. Going 13% in a test game of just going deep on different deep routes.

Then I thought maybe it was the sliders so I went to practice mode and went to default AA. I started running multiple different deep routes against a man cover two defense. One in 20+ passes would end up with the receiver coming down with it. But it was far far from happening to often.

I just completely don't see the deep issue you are talking about SECElite. I tried and tried last night for about 2 hours in practice mode to recreate it.
Some people just need something to complain about bro.
# 270 dagooch5150 @ 08/03/11 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by chi_hawks
If I run 4 verts I almost always have someone open, usually the slot WR on the strong side of the field. That is on AA with no sliders though.

When I cranked it up to Heisman, this was not an issue either (no sliders).

I'm offline dynasty only, so for me, I just made a house rule to not run 4 verts. Fair enough. But I can see where online this would be a pain in the A.
I am not seeing a deep ball issue online, if your players DBs suck at playing zone then broken coverages will happen, some guys just wanna be able to sit in cover 2 all day as their fix all cure all defense and not mix things up. 4 verts kills cover 2.
# 271 Th3Rush22 @ 08/03/11 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by pmini82
i played hs fb as well (though that was 10 yrs ago so things may have been dif ) and i never recalled this, not even for college... im wondering if this is a new rule? must be something cause like in his reply, i do see it stop from time to time. i also dont like the fact that i cant shobo into the endzone nor choose my celebrations or do it w/ the mascot whats up w/ that?

p.s. if you don't mind, could you post the link to your thread on the playclock (like to see the replies if any are there). thx
# 272 franko3219 @ 08/03/11 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by SECElite3
Huh, AI is AI whether the computer is competing against itself or a human. So what you are saying is that you are not concerned with how the AI plays itself because of some notion the AI plays a completely different game against the user.

Give me a break!

Seriously, are we not mature enough to not use the motocon's? Listen, obviously the AI plays a completely different game against itself because I have played through 10 games of my dynasty on Heisman and have maybe given up two passes over 25+ yards. My point is, I do not want a "fix" for something that has not affected me, or others on this board. There seems to be a pretty good mixture of people saying it is not a problem and a pretty good mixture of people saying that it is and that tells me that there are probably other factors than just "broken gameplay", maybe sliders, maybe speed threshold I do not know, but again my concern is that if EA "fixes" this issue it will be too much and we will not see any deep balls. If you want to bang your head against the wall go back and re-visit all of those "we want dreads, correct socks, entrances, and everything else that has no affect on actual gameplay" threads that we had going into this year, because those types of complaints do nothing to improve overall gameplay.
# 273 ImTellinTim @ 08/03/11 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by SECElite3
Huh, AI is AI whether the computer is competing against itself or a human. So what you are saying is that you are not concerned with how the AI plays itself because of some notion the AI plays a completely different game against the user.

Give me a break!
Actually, the deep ball "issue" does seem much more prevalent in CPU vs CPU games because the CPU QB reacts much faster and more correctly than a majority of users. That's probably where he was coming from.

Either way, for my OC dynasty where I watch all defensive plays, sliders fixed the issue to an acceptable level for me. In my experience, as long as you stay away from plays where the slot receiver goes deep along with 3 other receivers, it's not much of an issue in HUM/HUM and HUM/CPU games. There are plenty of other plays with deep route options if you need them, so if you can't stay away from that one money route, well I don't know what to say.
# 274 TarHeelPhenom @ 08/03/11 12:33 PM
Seeing that the tendencies will be fixed and it won't affect the rosters, I will continue on with the edits that are making gameplay super for me right now!
# 275 jmik58 @ 08/03/11 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by UTVOL54
So, as I understand this...

We can start an online dynasty with the current named rosters have already downloaded, and as long as we don't advance past season 1, the Patch will automatically change the players' tendencies back to the right one and we just carry on from there?

If so, this is great news! I was worried we'd not only have to wait for this patch, but also for a whole new set of named rosters
It's not going to change anything. The point is that at the end of the season the players will change permanently to the incorrect style. During season one they still have the same attributes, but their style is listed incorrectly. If you progress to season 2 the player will permanently take on the style that is opposite from their default, etc.

The patch will prevent the player from permanently becoming the opposite of their play style.

Nothing will be permanent until season 2, so the patch prevents that from happening.

This is why they pointed out the difference if you're several years into your dynasty. Whatever year you're in, you're stuck with the player styles that were present at the very beginning of that season and the patch will prevent them from changing from that point on.
# 276 prymusferal21 @ 08/03/11 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Spanky
This really is a crying shame.

EA pounds their chests and pat themselves on the back for months about this great new custom conference feature, bragging about it in a blog, and they can't even get a basic thing like scheduling right.

Really, EA? Conference rivals playing a different number of conference games? How does that not completely destroy this feature?

And then the EA apologists wonder why there is so much vitriol on these threads.
This feature is one of the main reasons that I decided to get the game this year. (Okay, who am I kidding -- I've bought it every year since NCAA 98.) I spent a lot of time thinking of custom conferences, but this sort of thing just ruins it. The only setup I've really seen work is the standard moves for 2012 -- TCU, Fresno, Hawaii, and Nevada. Making the Big 12 a 12-team league again always fails. A 12-team Big East? Nope. It kind of defeats the purpose of the feature... I'm a bit disappointed to say the least that it won't be addressed in the patch.
# 277 khaliib @ 08/03/11 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic.

There is no need for the individual who is currently doing the Rosters as the gaming community does their own rosters and ratings tweaking.
Shift this position over to handle the Tuner aspect, especially since they've advertised Tuners as a way of providing a quicker response.
Now they have a dedicated guy for this newly marketed aspect.

A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ).

At this rate, the community will be lucky to get 3 Tuner Sets before must move on to next year's developement.
This seems to follow the same timeline as a Patch, although they've advertised it as a method of responding in a quicker way.

If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

The one area I have an issue about this whole thing.
People have spent $65 for a game they've had to wait 1.5 months to play.

I get the whole shelve it and wait for us who are willing (I'm willing), but for those who do not want to wait, they can't get there $65 back for a defective product that was put on market shelves.

If this was about being fair, honest and honoring the community, they should've provided an option for some type of refund or credit if it really was about the customer base.

When it's all said and done, this issue reveals what it's all about.

At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.

I'm just weary that the Tuners will not be as abundant or expedient as they advertise, and don't want the community to be left high-n-dry like last year "IF" they mirror the same negative impact that happended!!!

It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

We might not say it enough to you, especially when issues like this are at the forefront, but thank you for what you do on our behalf.

It's nice to have a voice with direct contact to the developement team.
If you could, could you pass this little request that I know the community would all vote to have?

To have the current ratings editor set up like NBA Live 10, were positional ratings could be adjusted +/- "Globally", instead of needing to go into each individual player to edit.

This will remedy many of the things people are asking to be Tuned as we have actual fixes with them needing to tweak programming/coding.

-Lowering the jump rating of LB's/DB's/WR's to their liking (diff perspectives at work here).
-Increasing OL AWR/Footwork which are key to current Blocking issues.
-Increasing Impact Blocking for non-OL, which helps on Special Teams.
-And much more...

Again, if this could somehow make it to them, this would allow them to focus on other things they need to do while putting more customization power into the gamer's hands allowing them to tweak their game to their liking.

Thanks again!!!
# 278 swimfunk @ 08/03/11 01:08 PM
where is the advance from anywhere option on the web?
# 279 vstrong50 @ 08/03/11 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
The only problem I have is that the game released with these many issues. Love the game but this is just unacceptable.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
this is how it is in the gaming world now. the push to get a product out the door and make $$ is 1,000,000,000 times greater than the push to make a quality product.

its pretty evident where EA's priorities are (and every other game maker).
# 280 tHurley2010 @ 08/03/11 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
Have you ever taken the time to step back and realize the team over at Tiburon may have been a little bit busy working on the fixes to the tendency and freeze issues? These were major problems with the game that needed immediate attention--especially the freezing issue.

Now that they have this ironed out they can attack the gameplay quirks.

I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic. A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ). If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

Contrary to popular belief, there are some issues with the game that annoy the living daylights out of me. Even so I realize that there is no point in me continuously harping on these negatives. It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

No one is saying you can't voice your opinion (I love the passion), it's just that we've heard you guys loud and clear for the past 3 weeks. And trust me, the team over at EA has heard you loud and clear as well. At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.
This and more. So many people just expect things to fall on their doorsteps when they find a problem in the game. And honestly, most of the problems are relative. What may be a problem to me certainly may not be a problem to someone else.

EA is in the situation where for example, if they take a leak, 50% of people think it's the worst decision ever made; and if they don't take a leak, 50% of people think it's the worst decision ever made.

At least like Bumble said, let them release a formal blog on the tuner (as it obviously wasn't the problem that was ruining the game (i.e. roster and freezing) before we bash them for not fixing it in a patch.

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