
NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

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Old 08-03-2011, 12:44 PM   #305
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Bumble14
I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic.

There is no need for the individual who is currently doing the Rosters as the gaming community does their own rosters and ratings tweaking.
Shift this position over to handle the Tuner aspect, especially since they've advertised Tuners as a way of providing a quicker response.
Now they have a dedicated guy for this newly marketed aspect.

A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ).

At this rate, the community will be lucky to get 3 Tuner Sets before must move on to next year's developement.
This seems to follow the same timeline as a Patch, although they've advertised it as a method of responding in a quicker way.

If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

The one area I have an issue about this whole thing.
People have spent $65 for a game they've had to wait 1.5 months to play.

I get the whole shelve it and wait for us who are willing (I'm willing), but for those who do not want to wait, they can't get there $65 back for a defective product that was put on market shelves.

If this was about being fair, honest and honoring the community, they should've provided an option for some type of refund or credit if it really was about the customer base.

When it's all said and done, this issue reveals what it's all about.

At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.

I'm just weary that the Tuners will not be as abundant or expedient as they advertise, and don't want the community to be left high-n-dry like last year "IF" they mirror the same negative impact that happended!!!

It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

We might not say it enough to you, especially when issues like this are at the forefront, but thank you for what you do on our behalf.

It's nice to have a voice with direct contact to the developement team.
If you could, could you pass this little request that I know the community would all vote to have?

To have the current ratings editor set up like NBA Live 10, were positional ratings could be adjusted +/- "Globally", instead of needing to go into each individual player to edit.

This will remedy many of the things people are asking to be Tuned as we have actual fixes with them needing to tweak programming/coding.

-Lowering the jump rating of LB's/DB's/WR's to their liking (diff perspectives at work here).
-Increasing OL AWR/Footwork which are key to current Blocking issues.
-Increasing Impact Blocking for non-OL, which helps on Special Teams.
-And much more...

Again, if this could somehow make it to them, this would allow them to focus on other things they need to do while putting more customization power into the gamer's hands allowing them to tweak their game to their liking.

Thanks again!!!
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:08 PM   #306
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where is the advance from anywhere option on the web?
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:12 PM   #307
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by franko3219
Seriously, are we not mature enough to not use the motocon's? Listen, obviously the AI plays a completely different game against itself because I have played through 10 games of my dynasty on Heisman and have maybe given up two passes over 25+ yards. My point is, I do not want a "fix" for something that has not affected me, or others on this board. There seems to be a pretty good mixture of people saying it is not a problem and a pretty good mixture of people saying that it is and that tells me that there are probably other factors than just "broken gameplay", maybe sliders, maybe speed threshold I do not know, but again my concern is that if EA "fixes" this issue it will be too much and we will not see any deep balls. If you want to bang your head against the wall go back and re-visit all of those "we want dreads, correct socks, entrances, and everything else that has no affect on actual gameplay" threads that we had going into this year, because those types of complaints do nothing to improve overall gameplay.

We will chat after the updates...
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:24 PM   #308
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by FLIGHTWHITE
The only problem I have is that the game released with these many issues. Love the game but this is just unacceptable.

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this is how it is in the gaming world now. the push to get a product out the door and make $$ is 1,000,000,000 times greater than the push to make a quality product.

its pretty evident where EA's priorities are (and every other game maker).
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:27 PM   #309
tHurley2010's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Bumble14
Have you ever taken the time to step back and realize the team over at Tiburon may have been a little bit busy working on the fixes to the tendency and freeze issues? These were major problems with the game that needed immediate attention--especially the freezing issue.

Now that they have this ironed out they can attack the gameplay quirks.

I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic. A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ). If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

Contrary to popular belief, there are some issues with the game that annoy the living daylights out of me. Even so I realize that there is no point in me continuously harping on these negatives. It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

No one is saying you can't voice your opinion (I love the passion), it's just that we've heard you guys loud and clear for the past 3 weeks. And trust me, the team over at EA has heard you loud and clear as well. At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.
This and more. So many people just expect things to fall on their doorsteps when they find a problem in the game. And honestly, most of the problems are relative. What may be a problem to me certainly may not be a problem to someone else.

EA is in the situation where for example, if they take a leak, 50% of people think it's the worst decision ever made; and if they don't take a leak, 50% of people think it's the worst decision ever made.

At least like Bumble said, let them release a formal blog on the tuner (as it obviously wasn't the problem that was ruining the game (i.e. roster and freezing) before we bash them for not fixing it in a patch.
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:30 PM   #310
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by Bumble14
Have you ever taken the time to step back and realize the team over at Tiburon may have been a little bit busy working on the fixes to the tendency and freeze issues? These were major problems with the game that needed immediate attention--especially the freezing issue.

Now that they have this ironed out they can attack the gameplay quirks.

I know we want a dedicated tuner guy that updates the game daily--it's just not realistic. A tuner set releasing 4-6 weeks after the street release of the product is actually pretty quick (though I realize not quick enough for us at OS ). If the game is unplayable to you that's great, shelve it and pick it back up when the tuner releases. If you still don't like the game then get rid of it.

Contrary to popular belief, there are some issues with the game that annoy the living daylights out of me. Even so I realize that there is no point in me continuously harping on these negatives. It is far more beneficial to spend my energy working with our community to collect the facts of the issues and work to present this data to my contacts at EA as a professional--an extension of our community.

No one is saying you can't voice your opinion (I love the passion), it's just that we've heard you guys loud and clear for the past 3 weeks. And trust me, the team over at EA has heard you loud and clear as well. At least let EA post a formal blog on the tuner, and what it entails, before blasting them for not fixing a certain gameplay aspect, or not addressing it in a patch.
Look guys its exactly as Bumble says it is... if they release a tuner now to fix issues with the game as it is now... it could be useless if they are changing things in the patch.

So the best bet for them would be to build the tuner in-conjunction with the patch.
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:37 PM   #311
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by chia51
Look guys its exactly as Bumble says it is... if they release a tuner now to fix issues with the game as it is now... it could be useless if they are changing things in the patch.

So the best bet for them would be to build the tuner in-conjunction with the patch.
Point taken... I thought about that after I made the post. Stupid Me, I sent that early this morning and the old brain must have been shut down.
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:37 PM   #312
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Title Update #2 Details

Originally Posted by SECElite3
So.... if this is the case why the hell are we waiting on a patch to release before we get a tuner set? If issues such as safety awareness can be fixed via tuner, why doesn't EA just go ahead and release the tuner?
Would you rather them have their full crew working on a patch than while it's in for certification have a tuner pumped out?

Or would you rather them push out a tuner too fast to curb the criticism then work on the patch and have to wait over 2 weeks for it to be allowed through by Sony/MS?
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Last edited by K0ZZ; 08-03-2011 at 01:40 PM.
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