MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 davis420 @ 03/16/10 02:44 PM
Has anyone deleated everything and restarted the game? I have a My Player going but if deleting everything works it will be worth it.
# 62 itbeme23 @ 03/16/10 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
As for the check swings;

Do you see appeals to the umpires on check swings? Like when you or CPU checks their swing, do they show the ump make the call?
I'm nearly positive an appeal to the ump was made, but I'll be sure to keep my eye out for this next time for sure.
# 63 jeffy777 @ 03/16/10 02:52 PM
OK, I deleted the patch to compare graphics and there is a DEFINITE reduction in jaggies. Post patch, the edges of the pitcher's mound are quite a bit smoother and you can really notice the scoreboards and other outfield areas look less jagged when batting......it's not totally jaggie-less, but it is better now.

I can take some pics for comparison if you guys want, but I'm not sure how good it would look with a digital camera, but take my word for it, it's an improvement (you can test for yourself by clearing your cache).

With that said, after the patch I have noticed a bit of frame rate hitching while base running from the My Player view, but it's not bad, and it's mostly when I pan the camera with the right stick, so I guess that's the trade off for having a little more anti aliasing to smooth out the jaggies. I'll take it because for the most part, the framerate is still just as smooth overall.
# 64 rudyjuly2 @ 03/16/10 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by humaca80
Thanks 2k for shafting the PS3. I tried to enjoy 2 bball games this season. What a waste of money!!
I actually tweeted Ronnie2K a response stating that I bought 2K10 over the Show and this is how you treat me? His answer was this, "Maybe you don't know the whole story... read my patch post again and read into it what you will."

I can't read his patch notes (http://bit.ly/cnChQ9) at work. Anybody able to decipher what he meant?
# 65 loogs @ 03/16/10 02:58 PM
a couple more things, i too have noticed that the jaggies are cleaned up. the graphics actually look a lot better to me. i really noticed that right away.

the check swings that i saw had some appeals to the umpires along with the commentary for them. if it was a ball, it would be a ball. its just a shame that you cant check swing on classic control. i dont have any interest in using the swing stick.
# 66 RedLine @ 03/16/10 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
OK, I deleted the patch to compare graphics and there is a DEFINITE reduction in jaggies. Post patch, the edges of the pitcher's mound are quite a bit smoother and you can really notice the scoreboards and other outfield areas look less jagged when batting......it's not totally jaggie-less, but it is better now.

I can take some pics for comparison if you guys want, but I'm not sure how good it would look with a digital camera, but take my word for it, it's an improvement (you can test for yourself by clearing your cache).

With that said, after the patch I have noticed a bit of frame rate hitching while base running from the My Player view, but it's not bad, and it's mostly when I pan the camera with the right stick, so I guess that's the trade off for having a little more anti aliasing to smooth out the jaggies. I'll take it because for the most part, the framerate is still just as smooth overall.
I'm glad you posted something because I thought I noticed an improvement too as soon as I started My Player. But I thought it was my imagination and wishful thinking. I did not go as far as you did and delete the patch and check it, so it's really true then great news! I didn't think they would be able to do something like this is a small patch.

It would be nice to see some comparison pics if you get a chance.
# 67 a walrus @ 03/16/10 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
There is nothing wrong with the swing stick at all. Its a great mechanic, and if more people gave it a chance instead of blindly going with the "tried and true" they would have a much better gaming experience.

The developers purposely nixed many of the other batting methods because they wanted to give full attention to their swing stick mechanic to really get it right. I applaud them for doing that, because, as a result, the swing stick has turned into a great and surprisingly deep batting mechanic.

i prefer timing & attributes myself.not moving a "stick" to obtain a certin swing type.no check swings in classic hitting=a gatt damnnn shame/
# 68 loogs @ 03/16/10 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by a walrus
i prefer timing & attributes myself.not moving a "stick" to obtain a certin swing type.no check swings in classic hitting=a gatt damnnn shame/
i co-sign that and wont be playing this game without a classic control check swing.
# 69 jeffy777 @ 03/16/10 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
The patch was only submitted to MS and not Sony because MS helped them out to release the patch early.

There will also be another patch for the 360.

The PS3 will get both patches combined as one.

So worry not PS3 gamers, you are getting the same patching as 360 users.

Cool, good stuff Jeffy.

Also, this is kevdood8312 from 2K forums.

Can you check out the changes I made to the bug list before I email it to Ron2K again?

He emailed this morning and is waiting on the updated list.
The list looks great, man

Thanks for taking the time to put that together. I hope 2K puts it to good use.
# 70 Dill060805 @ 03/16/10 03:21 PM
I can't stand the draft in franchise mode. Without potential it is just a guessing game this is a must fix for franchise mode!!!
# 71 nld230 @ 03/16/10 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp

Cool, good stuff Jeffy.

Also, this is kevdood8312 from 2K forums.

Can you check out the changes I made to the bug list before I email it to Ron2K again?

He emailed this morning and is waiting on the updated list.

Kevdood, thank you very much for your hard work. It is much appreciated.

I can't seem to access the bug list you are referring to, but here are 2k's patch 2 priorities, imo....

1. Errors and injuries.
2. Arm strength for OF.
3. The double switch issue (pinch hitting for the pitcher and then leaving that player in the game at another position.
4. Sac fly RBIs being miscredited. (hit a sac fly with Skip Schumaker to drive in Felipe Lopez. Brendan Ryan, the next batter up, was credited with the RBI)
5. Players do not tag up on fly balls.
6. Fixing the "fatigue glitch". Should probably be higher, but at least the CPU removes their pitcher at somewhat appropriate times.
7. Stealing difficulty. You can only steal off of pitchers with very slow deliveries or on bad pitches in the dirt.

That's just my opinion. Not all are bugs, per se, but they are issues. Again, thanks for the hard work.
# 72 Bwnarrow3 @ 03/16/10 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by nld230
Kevdood, thank you very much for your hard work. It is much appreciated.

I can't seem to access the bug list you are referring to, but here are 2k's patch 2 priorities, imo....

1. Errors and injuries.
2. Arm strength for OF.
3. The double switch issue (pinch hitting for the pitcher and then leaving that player in the game at another position.
4. Sac fly RBIs being miscredited. (hit a sac fly with Skip Schumaker to drive in Felipe Lopez. Brendan Ryan, the next batter up, was credited with the RBI)
5. Players do not tag up on fly balls.
6. Fixing the "fatigue glitch". Should probably be higher, but at least the CPU removes their pitcher at somewhat appropriate times.
7. Stealing difficulty. You can only steal off of pitchers with very slow deliveries or on bad pitches in the dirt.

That's just my opinion. Not all are bugs, per se, but they are issues. Again, thanks for the hard work.
Player edit cap!!
# 73 roadman @ 03/16/10 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by KingFelix
All I will say is patch #2 better be a whole lot better than this.

It seems they just completely ignore the biggest gripes...gameplay issues.

This is pretty disappointing to say the least.

Just a whole lot of fluff and very little substance with this patch.
They were working on this one before the game was released. My thought process is that they wanted to get this patch out to fix the easy stuff and then release the next patch as the outfield arms and fatigue might take longer to fix. ie the fluff takes less time to fix than the substance.

I could be wrong, too.
# 74 CMH @ 03/16/10 03:44 PM
Guys, we all already know what the "issues" are pre-patch. Unless you have IMPRESSIONS about this current patch, I advise you keep the chatter out.

There's a thread dedicated to the glitches and bugs. Post in there or don't post anything at all.

I don't even know why I have to say the obvious here.
# 75 Stylez777 @ 03/16/10 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
And yet you continue to buy PC sports games???? lol
And you are right in that PC gamers are an after thought to sports gaming makers but that is probably because "console" sports games sell alot more then PC sports games.
Of course I will! The graphics and playability is ALWAYS better! we just get shafted for patches! The xbox360 is a cheap knock off PC that is pre-programed and has far inferior processing and graphics power then my PC. Also I can edit uniforms, rosters pretty much anything I want on a PC game. The xbox360 I have no access to any of the game files unless I want to take apart the entire system and hack the HDD. I know why console gaming is so popular and I'm not debating that here. I am just tired of hearing the PS3 people complain cause at least they HAVE a patch coming, while PC users gave $30 to a company that couldn't careless about fixing the issues with that platforms game.

Since my buddy own the 360 version and we played it post patch here is my impression of the patch: could have been better.
# 76 CMH @ 03/16/10 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Stylez777
Since my buddy own the 360 version and we played it post patch here is my impression of the patch: could have been better.
That's not a constructive impression.

Anybody else try to play slick like this will not get a pass.

I want anything not doing with the patch done with. Next comment not about the patch gets an infraction for Off Topic posting and on it will go until people get the idea.
# 77 NumberOneRB @ 03/16/10 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by goh
There was a check swing on the first pitch I threw.

Does the game feel faster to anyone else?

No check swing with classic sucks,still no pitch out either I guess?
Pitch-out is available. After you select your pitch, I believe you press the "X" button (on the 360). I think for intentional walk, you have to click in the left stick or something after selecting a pitch.
# 78 duke776 @ 03/16/10 04:41 PM
Well, I just downloaded the patch and it works in the franchise that I already had going.

This is great, because I would've just lived without them had they not been applied to my pre existing franchise.
# 79 mwjr @ 03/16/10 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by nld230
Kevdood, thank you very much for your hard work. It is much appreciated.

I can't seem to access the bug list you are referring to, but here are 2k's patch 2 priorities, imo....

1. Errors and injuries.
2. Arm strength for OF.
3. The double switch issue (pinch hitting for the pitcher and then leaving that player in the game at another position.
4. Sac fly RBIs being miscredited. (hit a sac fly with Skip Schumaker to drive in Felipe Lopez. Brendan Ryan, the next batter up, was credited with the RBI)
5. Players do not tag up on fly balls.
6. Fixing the "fatigue glitch". Should probably be higher, but at least the CPU removes their pitcher at somewhat appropriate times.
7. Stealing difficulty. You can only steal off of pitchers with very slow deliveries or on bad pitches in the dirt.

That's just my opinion. Not all are bugs, per se, but they are issues. Again, thanks for the hard work.
I agree with everything here, but I must add the franchise issues:

1. Teams are way under budget compared to real-life counterparts.
2. Star free agents are taking FAR LESS than market value, allowing small market teams to retain superstars like Prince Fielder for, say, $3 million/year. I don't mind that small market teams can remain competitive, but I do mind that the free agent pool is anemic each off-season.
3. There has to be some way to see a player's potential. I don't know if this is fixable, but scouting, drafting and trading are useless without being able to determine how good a player might be.
# 80 lenvlade @ 03/16/10 04:49 PM
I have played three games since the patch was released. I placed all sliders back to their default position. I have not witnessed the pitcher fatigue glitch with the fatigue slider back on the default of, 50. Maybe, I'm just lucky thus far?

Other observations post-patch; The jaggies have definitely improved although I am seeing some frame rate slow downs, mainly in replays. Replays follow the ball a great deal better. All Players of the Game have been chosen wisely. Once it was my starting pitcher with 8 innings of 1 run ball. The check swings are in and the play at the walls with the ball marker, collision, and climbing are much improved. Double plays are more fluid in their execution. The AI seems to take the easy out, example, throwing out the runner at first versus throwing extremely late to get the lead runner on a sacrifice bunt. That is all I have for now.

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