MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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# 1 ExtremeGamer @ 03/16/10 07:29 AM
List of fixes.

• Fixed Inside Edge Batter Breakdown letter grade assignments on screen (cosmetic issue previously only)

• The correct ‘Player of Game’ was not consistently being chosen. It is now.

• Player of Game not consistent for all dialogs & audio, should be now.

• Fix for bug where head morphs changed when changing hair-style/length in create a player, also addresses extremely odd looking faces generated using randomize head option in create a player.

• Post Season pause menu stat issue - batting averages will be from the season, not post season as it should be.

• The loading screen would display a playoff *race* key game message, rather than a playoff key game message.

• In ReelMaker a wipe would not appear properly the first time, but it appeared if you played the reel again. Fixed.

• There was a case where the user had to press the button through button twice to advance to the next pitch. The intended behavior is to only have to press the button once.

• There was a stray camera cut after action replays, before advancing to the next batter.

• Fixes a bug with player stat leaderboards over specific timeframes: Last 10 Games, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month

• Breaking the consecutive game hit streak record was not being recorded and displayed on the Records screen. It is now.

• Bug where batting averages like .27777778 were not rounded up to .278 in the batter intro overlay when displaying split stats like "career vs. pitcher".

• Bug where franchise and career modes would display the incorrect year that players won a Gold Glove (shown in-game as "Top Fielder") award.

• Added Check Swings.

• AI Pitcher will no longer throw special pitches in a clutch moment (intentional walks, etc.).

• Fixed batter batting without a bat.

• Improved wall climbs and catches at the wall.

• Strike Zones are updated when a pinch hitter is brought in.

• User was unable to throw after queuing a throw before playing a wall collision animation.

• Composure is always affected on a mound visit.

• The fielding shadow was not drawing correctly vertically against walls.

• Show the pitch break arrows in two player games.

• CPU pitchers were staying in too long/throwing too many pitches.

• Sometimes a player wouldn't do a celebration.

• Incorrect 1st baseman behavior when a runner tried to advance from 3rd to home just as the 1B caught the ball.

• Umpires faced the wrong way when a runner stole 2nd

• Players would occasionally be called out on 2-man steal/pickoff animations when the ball didn't actually touch them

• There were several issues with double play behavior when one of the players was significantly out of position

• Players had a hard time making running tags

• Outfielders would occasionally play a casual-looking queued throw animation while there was a runner advancing

• The user would occasionally be unable to throw the ball to 1st base after fielding the ball and stomping on 2nd for a double play

My Player
• Fix for a bug in My Player where the “Break a MLB single season record” hall of fame goal was not being marked as completed when the user broke a single season record.

• Fix for a bug in My Player where broken pitching records were labeled as hitter records and broken hitting records were labeled as pitcher records on the timeline.

• The spotlight indicator option was not working, when you turned it off in My Player Setup Options it was still appearing.

• When playing as a catcher in My Player when you had to field bunts they were being hit to hard and the pitcher was fielding them.

• There was a crash when returning to landing screen after first round playoff games in career mode when you have a post season goal.

• My Player: The camera is fixed / focused on a patch of grass / the field as the Game recap screen transitions onto the screen at the ending of a My player game and

• My Player not always being put in appropriate place to see him when we draw the End Game recap in My Player games.

• Base coaches are in sitting pose during clutch moments in My Player.


• Fixed bug that caused players to end up on team select screen with no controller icons when trying to enter a Ranked Online Game.

• Online divergence bug caused by split stats being enabled in online games.
# 2 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/16/10 09:03 AM
Guys let's try to keep it civilized. Also remember what EG just posted on what this PATCH is supposed to fix.
# 3 MizzouRah @ 03/16/10 09:08 AM
Sweet, can't wait until I get home tonight!
# 4 BigBlue @ 03/16/10 09:12 AM
• Show the pitch break arrows in two player games.

Can somebody explain this to me? Why would we want our head to head opponent see how our selected pitch type breaks? Maybe I'm misunderstanding this 'fix'. I'll test it tonight. But if the intention is to show how the pitch breaks while our opponent is sitting next to us, this makes NO sense to me.

Am I missing something?

# 5 loogs @ 03/16/10 09:17 AM
• Added Check Swings.

will determine the fate of the game for me.
# 6 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/16/10 09:27 AM
Once again from the looks of and reading from pastapadre.com, us PS3 users are left in the Cold, this is why I sold my game on eBay last night, really not good from 2K, I spend 60 bucks to get no patch. I'm really considering not buying another game from 2K again. Sorry for the ramble, I just think its unfair, It puts there loyalty to customers in question as a company.

Back to the Topic.
# 7 davis420 @ 03/16/10 09:37 AM
Do I have to delete something for this Patch to work? I DL the Patch this morning. So I thought I would try it out. I'm playing a Play Now game between the Yankees(me) and the Twins(cpu). So far I've hit 2 balls to Hudson, 1 with a runner on the other time nobody was on base. Both times after he fielded the ball he just stood like a statue. When the runner on 1st was going to 2nd he just stood there until the runner was almost at 2nd then he ran to the base after the runner was already there. I'm only in the 5th inning so I don't know about pitch counts yet. Oh yeah, does anyone know how to check swing? I sure can't.
# 8 jake44np @ 03/16/10 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by BigBlue
• Show the pitch break arrows in two player games.

Can somebody explain this to me? Why would we want our head to head opponent see how our selected pitch type breaks? Maybe I'm misunderstanding this 'fix'. I'll test it tonight. But if the intention is to show how the pitch breaks while our opponent is sitting next to us, this makes NO sense to me.

Am I missing something?

It is post pitch, it wasnt showing the break on the ball thrown post pitch.
It is not going to show you how a pitch is going to break before the pitch is thrown.
# 9 Rocky @ 03/16/10 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
Once again from the looks of and reading from pastapadre.com, us PS3 users are left in the Cold, this is why I sold my game on eBay last night, really not good from 2K, I spend 60 bucks to get no patch. I'm really considering not buying another game from 2K again. Sorry for the ramble, I just think its unfair, It puts there loyalty to customers in question as a company.

Back to the Topic.
That's normally a PS3 problem...not 2K's fault.
# 10 parkinson @ 03/16/10 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Rocky
That's normally a PS3 problem...not 2K's fault.
No. 2K didn't prepared it for ps3 this time. Get back to the topic.
# 11 davis420 @ 03/16/10 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
• CPU pitchers were staying in too long/throwing too many pitches.

Is that only for the CPU because it was happening with the pitchers we were playing with too on the USER side?

Please tell me this entire mechanic has been fixed both BOTH sides with the pitcher fatigue resetting to 99.

Could someone please confirm.
I'm playing a game right now and Baker on the Twins was down in the 20's in the 9th inning, I went to the line up screen and it was back to a 99!
# 12 parkinson @ 03/16/10 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by celtic78
im gonna check now and see if the same thing happens for me....
I'm a ps3 user. so I called a friend and he said pitcher's stamina back to full.
# 13 m-dogg @ 03/16/10 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
GRRRRRRRR, I cant believe they didnt fix that.
really, of the notes, this was the only fix i even cared about. if this wasnt fixed...uhhhhhghghg.

so still no errors? still rocket arms? still insanely fast basrunners? and still broken stealing/sliding?

fix the gameplay please 2k, not the little tiny things that dont affect gameplay...
# 14 skeezapleez @ 03/16/10 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by davis420
I'm playing a game right now and Baker on the Twins was down in the 20's in the 9th inning, I went to the line up screen and it was back to a 99!
Are you on the PS3? Did you actually download a patch if you're on the 360?
# 15 nld230 @ 03/16/10 10:18 AM
Disappointing. I won't get an opportunity to try out the new patch until this evening, but the one fix I was actually happy with was the stamina glitch.

The rest of the patch was nice, but those little things, imo, could wait, as they weren't killing gameplay. No errors, injuries, and the ridiculous throwing arms are greatly affecting gameplay. They need to be at the top of the list.

That said, is the fatigue glitch still affecting the game? Or is it a cosmetic error? Does it still affect whether the pitcher is taken out, I guess is my question.
# 16 mwjr @ 03/16/10 10:18 AM
If Patch 2 can somehow fix the franchise/budget/free agent issues I will be ecstatic.
# 17 BigBlue @ 03/16/10 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by jake44np
It is post pitch, it wasnt showing the break on the ball thrown post pitch.
It is not going to show you how a pitch is going to break before the pitch is thrown.
Jake, thanks for the response. I feel better now. :-)

# 18 nld230 @ 03/16/10 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by kpkpkp
Well gamers are saying the fatigue bar is still randomly going back to full. Even if it is cosmetic, this should have been fixed, and hopefully will be in patch two. I'm kevdood8312 from 2K forums, Im gunna make sure I keep this on the bug list there, and email it to Ron2k again.


Can you guys mess around with check swings? Tell how well they work? I saw a guy on 2K forums who said when he checked a swing on a ball way outta the zone, it still got called a strike.
I agree completely. Even a display error should have been corrected. I'm just curious as to what level of failure we are looking at. Obviously it's much better if the display is wrong and the game is working correctly.

Then again, I guess I'm going to have to start being paranoid.... 2k's fix list says they fixed the issue where cpu pitchers stayed in too long and threw too many pitches, but did not mention any fatigue "glitch"..... I suppose we all have to start grilling them about the basics.
# 19 pearljimkusz @ 03/16/10 10:40 AM
Hunter Pence just threw Adrian Beltre out at first base from right field on a bloop single by about 30 ft...I haven't played much since I was waiting for the first patch. In my short time playing I knew the fielders had rocket arms..but come on...really? Not sure if this is new or not, but it happened in my first game after the patch.
# 20 roadman @ 03/16/10 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by celtic78
i just broke someones bat with sabathia...was this in the game pre patch or something added thats not on the list?
Seen it before.

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