MLB 2K10 News Post

The patch for Major League Baseball 2K10 is now available. Please post your impressions here.

Just in case you missed it, the list of fixes were announced here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 Bwnarrow3 @ 03/16/10 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by loogs
WHAT A DAMN SHAME!!!!!!!!!! you can't check swing with the classic controls. im not using that broken swing stick either.
Ugh... Seriously??
# 42 NumberOneRB @ 03/16/10 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by loogs
WHAT A DAMN SHAME!!!!!!!!!! you can't check swing with the classic controls. im not using that broken swing stick either.
There is nothing wrong with the swing stick at all. Its a great mechanic, and if more people gave it a chance instead of blindly going with the "tried and true" they would have a much better gaming experience.

The developers purposely nixed many of the other batting methods because they wanted to give full attention to their swing stick mechanic to really get it right. I applaud them for doing that, because, as a result, the swing stick has turned into a great and surprisingly deep batting mechanic.
# 43 JBH3 @ 03/16/10 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
Allright just played a game and the cpu pitchers will go back to 99 for stamina once they get to around 35. The thing is the cpu actually took the pitcher out right after this, get this in the middle of the inning!
If you read the fixes for the patch they dont say they fixed the stamina resetting, they only say pitchers will now come out when they get tired which just happened in my game.
I have played over 30 games and had never seen the cpu take a pitcher out when he was still pitching good but was or should have been tired.
So they did sort of fix the issue that cpu pitchers would pitch too long, they just didnt fix he fatigue resetting. Acutally I dont think it resets at all he just goes back to 99 for some reason.
Thanks Jake. Replying to your PM now.
# 44 Bwnarrow3 @ 03/16/10 12:49 PM
Anyone know anything else about the player editing cap?
# 45 En Fuego @ 03/16/10 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
There is nothing wrong with the swing stick at all. Its a great mechanic, and if more people gave it a chance instead of blindly going with the "tried and true" they would have a much better gaming experience.

The developers purposely nixed many of the other batting methods because they wanted to give full attention to their swing stick mechanic to really get it right. I applaud them for doing that, because, as a result, the swing stick has turned into a great and surprisingly deep batting mechanic.
seriously, i swear sports video game fans are the only fans that want their games dumbed down and more simplistic every year. they shun anything the slightest bit progressive because they can't stand to lose.
# 46 jake44np @ 03/16/10 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Stylez777
I have a $4,000 Gaming rig and a $199 Xbox360. So of course i'd rather play ANY game on my PC rather then the xbox and yet I have to sit here and see people complain how they are PS3 users and they are getting the worst of it by getting a patch "sometime soon". HAHA PLEASE! PC users have had 0 mention at all! we are getting the shaft! WE pc users can;t even trade in our game and get some money back if we don't like it. We are stuck with what garbage they give us then are forced to watch everyone complain and get patches while we sit here as an after thought.

This is a Joke, and 2K is a joke for catering to a niche market of console gamers.
And yet you continue to buy PC sports games???? lol
And you are right in that PC gamers are an after thought to sports gaming makers but that is probably because "console" sports games sell alot more then PC sports games.
# 47 nld230 @ 03/16/10 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
Allright just played a game and the cpu pitchers will go back to 99 for stamina once they get to around 35. The thing is the cpu actually took the pitcher out right after this, get this in the middle of the inning!
If you read the fixes for the patch they dont say they fixed the stamina resetting, they only say pitchers will now come out when they get tired which just happened in my game.
I have played over 30 games and had never seen the cpu take a pitcher out when he was still pitching good but was or should have been tired.
So they did sort of fix the issue that cpu pitchers would pitch too long, they just didnt fix he fatigue resetting. Acutally I dont think it resets at all he just goes back to 99 for some reason.

The lesser of two evils, if this is true. Can someone please experiment and see if they are being removed after a certain pitch count?
# 48 playball335 @ 03/16/10 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by jake44np
And yet you continue to buy PC sports games???? lol
And you are right in that PC gamers are an after thought to sports gaming makers but that is probably because "console" sports games sell alot more then PC sports games.
Shoudn't matter how it "sells". If you release a game for a particular platform you should support it FULLY, otherwise don't release it at all.
# 49 nld230 @ 03/16/10 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
in the 6th inning...sheets had 104 pitches thrown...2-2 game and the bar was near full and said his pitch count was good...after 2 innings ago when he had 53 and it said he was fatigued...

maybe its just me but i think thats stupid that u can control if a pitcher gains his fatigue rating back to favorable after just talking to a manager.

When was he pulled (how many pitches, what inning).... pitchers can wear down after long innings and come back stronger to start the next. Not really stamina, maybe more "endurance"....
# 50 nld230 @ 03/16/10 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by celtic78
hes now up to 117 pitches thrown in the 7th with runners on first and second 1 out and the cpu has left him in to face arod...goddamn this game is so frustrating.

117 is pushing it, even for a workhorse pitcher like a Sabathia.....darn. Was hoping we'd get at least a workaround fix.
# 51 nld230 @ 03/16/10 01:32 PM
Hmmm. Pulled after 7 and presumably 120 pitches. Hopefully the pitch counts are being taken into account and the CPU just isn't pulling them after a certain amount of innings. That's almost as bad as the original issue.
# 52 foofighter2455 @ 03/16/10 01:42 PM
They really need to add back in from 2K9 two very important features:

1. Ability to cut off throws after they've been made to another base with the LB. You could do this last year and it is a huge part of baseball!

2. The ability to stop throws when you're doing the throw meter in the field. This was in the game last year as well and I know for a fact that people mess up on a throw to the wrong base at least once!
# 53 tinpanalley @ 03/16/10 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by playball335
Shoudn't matter how it "sells". If you release a game for a particular platform you should support it FULLY, otherwise don't release it at all.

guys... let's bring it back... bring it back around to being about the patch. This is the kind of thing that becomes annoying when people try to find info in a thread that's already several pages long. I'm not trying to play administrator or anything, but come on, we're clogging up the thread here. Good argument though!
# 54 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/16/10 01:49 PM
How are the Inside Edge Batter Breakdowns looking? Are different for each batter. Thanks
# 55 spankdatazz22 @ 03/16/10 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by playball335
Shoudn't matter how it "sells". If you release a game for a particular platform you should support it FULLY, otherwise don't release it at all.
I can see a possible reason why EA got out of the PC sports game business. I think most people would understand their position and have more practical expectations, rather than preferring an all or none situation. It's pretty ridiculous how expectations have spiraled around here.

Re the patch, [from a casual baseball fan's PoV] I played a few innings this morning and thought there was discernible improvement in how the game played. Nothing huge, just an overall improvement. Biggest thing to me were the check swings, which worked well
# 56 humaca80 @ 03/16/10 02:14 PM
Thanks 2k for shafting the PS3. I tried to enjoy 2 bball games this season. What a waste of money!!
# 57 itbeme23 @ 03/16/10 02:27 PM
Just finished my first game post-patch.


1) Pitcher Fatigue: I honestly can't say if things are better or not. I played Dodgers (me) vs. Cubs, and they started Randy Wells. Don't really know that much about this guy, so I don't know if he's a workhorse or not, but he made it into the 6th inning with 100 pitches. They pulled him before the seventh, and he finished with 114 pitches. To me, that's still pushing it being that the "average" number of pitches thrown per game is between 95-98. I did notice that the pitcher fatigue bar did reset after the third inning. He was in the 30's in stamina (I was working the count), and then it reset to 99. I am playing with Pitcher Fatigue at 70 in case it matters. This is pretty frustrating, as the pitcher stamina issue was the main thing that I was hoping would be fixed in this patch. 2K needs to get this taken care of in Patch 2.

2) Check Swing: Actually saw one by the CPU, and it was called a strike. Looked good.

3) A.I. Managing: I guess this kind of ties in with the Pitcher Fatigue issue as well, but after I got Wells out, the A.I. brought three other pitchers in. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary like pitchers being left in to lead off an inning (which the Cubs had in the 8th), so that was a big relief. I guess it's better....?

Pitcher Fatigue ABSOLUTELY needs to get fixed. Really takes a lot out of the strategy of the game, IMO.
# 58 stretch45 @ 03/16/10 02:28 PM
pc gamers

don't u have mods and things like that
and the price is 20 something
i can't see why you are crying about that
cause someone will fix it in time
# 59 jeffy777 @ 03/16/10 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
Maybe my eyes are deceiving me and I'm just seeing what I want to see, but is anyone noticing a slight reduction in jaggies overall? It appears that maybe some of the jaggies have been touched up a bit (I believe the shadows look a bit smoother). I'm thinking maybe its just a figment of my imagination, since I'm not even certain developers can fix jaggies via patches.
I'm noticing a slight reduction in jaggies as well. I'm going to delete the patch to check for sure.
# 60 acarrero @ 03/16/10 02:43 PM
Well, lets keep in mind that the MLB regular season has not yet started. Hopefully they can come out with patch 2 and really improve the important things by around opening day. Errors is by far the most important issue.

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