MLB 10 News Post

Here is our list of the current known issues that we're looking into for immediate attention:

Attendance is not correctly getting reported. In talking with Jeff, he has a fix in mind that is fairly safe but would end up in the actual attendance not mirroring the paid attendance you get in franchise. It would fix the issue where you have 50k+ people attending Spring Training games. This will also fix issues with playoff games and games played in any stadium that isn't your own.
* UPDATE - This was caused by the stadium select screen being added to franchise, causing the attendance to be reset using the non-franchise logic. The stadium select was previously never used for playoff games, so it didn't handle that situation. This is fixed and it also fixes the issue with spring training games showing the attendance as if they were in their home stadium.

Trade Waivers:
Users can claim anyone off of trade waivers - CPU teams will never pull them back.
* UPDATE - fixed this one - a simple fix that will prevent user teams from simply claiming everyone that was passed through trade waivers.

No Contract:
Players can get into a state where they have no contract.
* UPDATE - As soon as a player was placed on release waivers, his contract was cleared. Then if he was claimed, he didn't have a contract. It was also clearing his 40-man roster status, which is what was causing him to go to AAA instead of the MLB team. Have a fix for this.

Player Potential:
Looks like a fairly bad miscommunication ended up with us having some seriously out of whack potentials. This will be corrected with the next roster download (Monday)
* UPDATE - Lorne is taking care of this - will be fixed with a roster update.

Multi Closer issue:
If a CPU team has 2 closers (one acquired in a trade) - they will always send one down to AAA.
* UPDATE - It would just look at the closers and see that they had more than they needed so they'd send one down, but they wouldn't look to see if they could send down a reliever instead and keep the 2nd closer in the bullpen. Have a fix for this.

Multi Trade players:
Not even sure what the details are on this one, but it looks like sometimes a player is traded and then re-traded or waived. Currently investigating.
* UPDATE - I have a fix for the trades. I'll not allow a player to be placed on the trading block by the CPU if he has been acquired by a trade recently.

Manual Trade issue:
I've seen a few reports of users having trades set to Manual and still having trades done by the CPU. Again, no idea how this is happening and we're looking for more information.
* UPDATE - Not sure what's happening here, we can not get this one to reproduce. Whoever is getting this, please make sure that you don't have your profile option set to something different than your global setting. If you need to talk to me via PM or IM for further info, please just say the word!
* UPDATE 2 Thanks to tabarnes19 and a couple hours of debugging we have found the issue and have a fix in the works.

If you respond, please please PLEASE do not be noise. We need clear help or silence - we want these things cleared up as much as you do!


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Member Comments
# 301 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/05/10 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by The Chef
Would be curious to hear what you find out when you test out proposing trades to the CPU using the setup youve mentioned.
My guess is it will ask you if you want to accept the trade......Since in theory you are control trades for all teams you will be asked to accept.

That might be the only "downside" to this that I see.
# 302 Willis135 @ 03/05/10 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
True, but maybe next year we can get a trade over ride option added?
That would be cool to have that as a option. Me personally, for this year would like the trade issue fixed. I would rather not have to oversee all of the computers trades. But if it doesn't get fixed, no big deal. I'll still enjoy it.
# 303 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/05/10 08:21 AM
Great job of informing us guys.

Just one quick question.

Will these fixes be included in the Monday roster update?

Or are the roster update and game play fixes going to be 2 seperate items?
# 304 duffman @ 03/05/10 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
My guess is it will ask you if you want to accept the trade......Since in theory you are control trades for all teams you will be asked to accept.

That might be the only "downside" to this that I see.
Is it possible to set the global profile options "Trades" setting back to Auto once the franchise has already started, propose/make the trade, then set it back to manual? I would think that we would want to use the immediate trade option (instead of the setting that delays the response for a few days) so that the CPU teams don't slip anything through while they're set to auto trades. Wouldn't help any problems with the trade logic of CPU accepting weak deals but at least it wouldn't be up to us whether or not to approve our own trades all the time.
# 305 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/05/10 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Great job of informing us guys.

Just one wuick question.

Will these fixes be included in the Monday roster update?

Or are the roster update and game play fixes going to be 2 seperate items?
When they update the roster it will be just for potential of players. That may help "alleviate" some problems, but not stop them. What I mean by that is players with a higher potential may not be placed on the waiver wire, may not be traded as frequently etc.

The "real" problems will need to be fixed with a patch, because that will involve changing code. How the cpu decides who to trade, place on waivers, pull back from human, stop auto trading etc...
# 306 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/05/10 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by duffman
Is it possible to set the global profile options "Trades" setting back to Auto once the franchise has already started, propose/make the trade, then set it back to manual? I would think that we would want to use the immediate trade option (instead of the setting that delays the response for a few days) so that the CPU teams don't slip anything through while they're set to auto trades. Wouldn't help any problems with the trade logic of CPU accepting weak deals but at least it wouldn't be up to us whether or not to approve our own trades all the time.
That is true, if I was home I would give it a shot. I would only set the auto to the team I wanted to trade with because if you open it up the all the rest, even in one days time trades could happen all over. Who's to say the cpu won't (auto)trade with you while you are working a trade out with someone else?
# 307 sportyguyfl31 @ 03/05/10 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by tabarnes19
When they update the roster it will be just for potential of players. That may help "alleviate" some problems, but not stop them. What I mean by that is players with a higher potential may not be placed on the waiver wire, may not be traded as frequently etc.

The "real" problems will need to be fixed with a patch, because that will involve changing code. How the cpu decides who to trade, place on waivers, pull back from human, stop auto trading etc...
Gotcha. Guess I'll have to wait for the patch to drop before cranking out my franchise. No biggie..that just means more practice time, and on some online league action until then
# 308 roolz @ 03/05/10 08:42 AM
Looks like im all set to go with a Franchise once the Monday roster set drops Nice workaround Knight, that will do me rather than wait 'x' amount of time for the potential patch.
# 309 flyinhawaiian @ 03/05/10 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by duffman
Is it possible to set the global profile options "Trades" setting back to Auto once the franchise has already started, propose/make the trade, then set it back to manual? I would think that we would want to use the immediate trade option (instead of the setting that delays the response for a few days) so that the CPU teams don't slip anything through while they're set to auto trades. Wouldn't help any problems with the trade logic of CPU accepting weak deals but at least it wouldn't be up to us whether or not to approve our own trades all the time.

I'll have to check when I get the game in front of me, but isn't there an interest meter under every trade? Trades won't be accepted unless they're past the halfway mark if I remember correctly. Maybe we can use that as a barometer for trading with computer teams and still being able to override their trades. Any problems with this idea?
# 310 s1r_eric @ 03/05/10 09:33 AM
Well, does everyone just create and franchise and simulate through the years or something? because I made a season mode and tried to PLAY a game and this has happened to me 2 times already with the first game of the season mode freezing on me towards the 7-8th inning when I hit the SELECT BUTTON. It;s so dumb and makes this game completely unplayable. if a game freezes on you in the 8th inning, it makes you not want to replay that one game all over again if youre trying to play all 162 games -_- please patch this up!
# 311 roolz @ 03/05/10 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by s1r_eric
Well, does everyone just create and franchise and simulate through the years or something? because I made a season mode and tried to PLAY a game and this has happened to me 2 times already with the first game of the season mode freezing on me towards the 7-8th inning when I hit the SELECT BUTTON. It;s so dumb and makes this game completely unplayable. if a game freezes on you in the 8th inning, it makes you not want to replay that one game all over again if youre trying to play all 162 games -_- please patch this up!
You are not playing/using Tampa Bay by any chance?

Previous posts in this thread allude to problems with the Rays and that inning. (Rays and Os it seems).
# 312 thinkblue_09 @ 03/05/10 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Willis135
The only prob with this that I see is once they fix the bug, teams set to manual trade will no longer offer trades as they are doing now. If it gets fixed, and every team is set to Manual, there should be no trades unless you make them. So you have to decide do we want SCEA to fix this or leave it as is so we can basically appove every trade. Does that make any sense?
We want SCEA to fix this, please, please, please fix this. The intention of the game is to not have the computer making trades for teams that you control regardless of the workarounds people are using in order to play a franchise without throwing their PS3's out the window. As wonderful as you might think it is that you now have ultimate control of whether a trade gets approved or not, that's not the sole design of the game and neither is it the way many people want to play. A "Users" team should be just that, a team controlled by a human, not half controlled by a person and half controlled by the computer.
# 313 roolz @ 03/05/10 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by thinkblue_09
We want SCEA to fix this, please, please, please fix this. The intention of the game is to not have the computer making trades for teams that you control regardless of the workarounds people are using in order to play a franchise without throwing their PS3's out the window. As wonderful as you might think it is that you now have ultimate control of whether a trade gets approved or not, that's not the sole design of the game and neither is it the way many people want to play. A "Users" team should be just that, a team controlled by a human, not half controlled by a person and half controlled by the computer.
Agree and you are correct. However the workaround does give the mode some life now and make it playable should you be happy taking that control.

For some people like myself, waiting for a patch that lets speculate does not land until April, is like having 30 days without the game.... thats 30 days of potential Franchise games played, alot of time!

Now I hope the patch comes asap, but realistically SCEA are likely to work on an 'all-encompassing' patch that includes more than Franchise fixes, which will then have to pass testing before being released. All of that is fair enough in my book, and to that extent its either make the best of the mode you enjoy OR wait it out (for me its going to be taking advantage of the former).
# 314 racerx @ 03/05/10 10:19 AM
My question is with the quick fix that Knight has comeup with for Franchise play, will you still need to sim all the games before playing your game to see the ticker info?
# 315 countryboy @ 03/05/10 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
Thats how it was supposed to work, the 30 team concept is there so that you can have your season mirror the real mlb season 100%, I.E. only make trades that are made in real life as they happen (why this is in franchise mode and not season mode makes no sense to me).

The way it is now, their '30 team control' feature they are pumping as being new and great is broken because these trades are being offered all over the place when they should not be. This should have been noticed while testing the new feature fairly quicky....
if you have control of all 30 teams and their trades set to manual...no trades will happen without your say so because the cpu will only propose trades for your team, not accept them. So, if you are controlling all 30 teams, then the worst thing that could happen is that a trade is proposed...thats it.
# 316 Knight165 @ 03/05/10 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by racerx
My question is with the quick fix that Knight has comeup with for Franchise play, will you still need to sim all the games before playing your game to see the ticker info?
I believe so...yes. I haven't tried it on that end.

I'm sure SCEA is going to patch this problem. This work around is purely a measure to get guys who simply can't wait....playing.
The fact that the CPU proposes trades even when you yourself control the trades makes it possible...otherwise I would think guys wouldn't even want this. But hey....it's a work right now.
As far as the handing over control of trades to a team you want to deal with....
If you make another profile...call it TRADES...set everything as you have it for GLOBAL...and then put trades AUTO again....this would probably work. You go into the PROFILE...and PROFILE ASSOCIATION....change the profile from NO PROFILE to TRADES(you have to name it something...I'm just calling it that for here)....like someone said...having instant trades on is the way to go here....then change the profile back to NO PROFILE when you are done.
I haven't checked....but I'm pretty sure..... keep in mind..with the instant trade on...I think the bar works as normal. With the considering trades option(when instant trades are off and you have to wait three days)...I think the bar is always full(otherwise you would know if the trade is being accepted or not)

Trade override is a great idea IMO.

# 317 stormshadow1 @ 03/05/10 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
Thats how it was supposed to work, the 30 team concept is there so that you can have your season mirror the real mlb season 100%, I.E. only make trades that are made in real life as they happen (why this is in franchise mode and not season mode makes no sense to me).

The way it is now, their '30 team control' feature they are pumping as being new and great is broken because these trades are being offered all over the place when they should not be. This should have been noticed while testing the new feature fairly quicky....
I think we all agree this game did not go through a complete "sniff test", Q/A process, Q/C check etc...

Lets not pile on and we should allow them to attempt to patch it. If not, then you may to return the game if you dont like the workaround(s).
# 318 Knight165 @ 03/05/10 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
What's that song? Its my $60 and I can cry if I want to?
Yeah....but don't forget the old saying...
Say it once it's your complaint. Say it one thousand times it's bellyaching!
(O.K.....I just made that up...but )

# 319 stormshadow1 @ 03/05/10 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
What's that song? Its my $60 and I can cry if I want to?
I cried that song too in another post.

Especially when I read the statement "If there is another patch".

Let's hope this is a learning experience for next years game.
# 320 Willis135 @ 03/05/10 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by thinkblue_09
We want SCEA to fix this, please, please, please fix this. The intention of the game is to not have the computer making trades for teams that you control regardless of the workarounds people are using in order to play a franchise without throwing their PS3's out the window. As wonderful as you might think it is that you now have ultimate control of whether a trade gets approved or not, that's not the sole design of the game and neither is it the way many people want to play. A "Users" team should be just that, a team controlled by a human, not half controlled by a person and half controlled by the computer.
I agree, I also want it fixed. I have no real interest in controlling all 30 teams. My post was a response to a poster who stated he wanted to use the work around after a patch was released to fix the issue. I was trying to tell him if they fix it, that he would no longer be able to over see all proposed trades. Again I ALSO WANT THIS FIXED.

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