NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 delanceyj @ 11/06/09 12:48 PM
Sorry if I missed it somewhere, is there an ETA for the PS3 patch?
# 182 Ferrari997 @ 11/06/09 12:49 PM
Autosave glitch. Is it fixed now? I hear it isn't.
# 183 DC @ 11/06/09 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
So players really didnt have their packages assigned before? im seeing alot of new animations...
Anyone with a name sake package has their package "hardcoded" into their player DNA whether or not they were ASSIGNED the package or not

Which new animations have you seen and from who?
# 184 rspencer86 @ 11/06/09 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by delanceyj
Sorry if I missed it somewhere, is there an ETA for the PS3 patch?
Not that I've seen so far, unfortunately. I'm dying here... patch sounds fantastic.
# 185 jeebs9 @ 11/06/09 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
One player scoring 30 points isn't uncommon, doesn't make it not a lot

32 out of 60 points is a lot, dude... try harder at math plz
I think the point shouldn't be the amount of points they score. It is about "How they score them". I can drive with someone scoring a lot of PIP. But running in circles with big man. Forcing shots that go in. Thats what focus should be.
# 186 dkemp @ 11/06/09 12:53 PM
Pared the patch details indicated that the patch should take care of the D-League attendence (better known as "Dynamic Attendence"), I thought the issue was resolved in the 10/22 or 10/28 living roster update. Which is it? Only asking because if the patch fix the issue then myself, and alot of people would feel relieved in which direction they should go with there respective rosters.
# 187 gottibino @ 11/06/09 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
There is one DC. Use the 10/22 update. It has the dynamic attendance, the drive tends., and the right headband colors in it. It also doesn't have any of the injuries. That is the roster file I used as a base for a roster edit project I was working on.
But aren't 2k's 10/22 update drive tendencies to high now that the patch was supposed to fix this?
# 188 jeebs9 @ 11/06/09 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
So players really didnt have their packages assigned before? im seeing alot of new animations...

For real?......Damn....I night pick up a xbox just to play/download the new patch...I'm really excited.
# 189 boldinfan18 @ 11/06/09 12:55 PM
Hey where can I adjust the my player time setttings I loaded my player and couldn't find it thanks.
# 190 miloco @ 11/06/09 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by boldinfan18
Hey where can I adjust the my player time setttings I loaded my player and couldn't find it thanks.
Options -> Presentation

Also, only got to play 30 minutes before work, and My Player Pick-up game worked for me.
# 191 Pared @ 11/06/09 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by dkemp
Pared the patch details indicated that the patch should take care of the D-League attendence (better known as "Dynamic Attendence"), I thought the issue was resolved in the 10/22 or 10/28 living roster update. Which is it? Only asking because if the patch fix the issue then myself, and alot of people would feel relieved in which direction they should go with there respective rosters.
I have one going with Rosters before the "fixed" rosters. If someone doesn't answer this before I get to it, I'll let you know.

Originally Posted by boldinfan18
Hey where can I adjust the my player time setttings I loaded my player and couldn't find it thanks.
Options - Presentation
# 192 boldinfan18 @ 11/06/09 01:00 PM
Cool thanks mil apperciate it , this patch is great thank you 2k now I can play my player and not have it slow down everytime wonderful!!!!
# 193 mrchiggs @ 11/06/09 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
What game were you playing. Outside of 2-3 too many guys scoring more than 30 points a game (FAR from being "off the charts"), the sim engine in 2K is pretty damned tight.
So lebron averaging 40 points a game thru 10 games is normal? I'm confused? In Myplayer alone we were having 96 point 1st halves on 10 minute quarters...
# 194 bigpun23 @ 11/06/09 01:03 PM
do we change the controller settings back to 50 or leave it at 0 for defensive help?
# 195 NINJAK2 @ 11/06/09 01:03 PM
For those of you who have had a chance to play with the patch, how do you guys feel about the fatigue model now? Did they alter it too much for the worse or do you feel it's more realistic. Can it be easily abused now? Thoughts?
# 196 Ferrari997 @ 11/06/09 01:03 PM
No one knows about Autosave settings......
# 197 Gmoney2002 @ 11/06/09 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by sambf12
yeah this is terrible...what roster are you using? official 2k or a custom like nogsters?
I am using the official 2k roster so take that for what it's worth. Just played my fourth game and didn't see that pass out all game. Dont know what to make of this quite yet...
# 198 mrchiggs @ 11/06/09 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by DC
The simmed engine is cool in 2K. You just have to know how it works. With the 2K INsider rosters, there are like 6+ 3O PPG scorers in years 2 and 3 though. So blame anything on the rosters
Oh ok Thanks! I need to test my rosters then.
# 199 Gmoney2002 @ 11/06/09 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Ferrari997
No one knows about Autosave settings......
If you're reffering to your general coach settings then yes it has been fixed.
# 200 jeebs9 @ 11/06/09 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
For those of you who have had a chance to play with the patch, how do you guys feel about the fatigue model now? Did they alter it too much for the worse or do you feel it's more realistic. Can it be easily abused now? Thoughts?
Very Good question.....because pre-patch I thought it was pretty good. Took a while to get a hang of it. Hopefully they didn't change it much.

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