NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Member Comments
# 201 PrettyT11 @ 11/06/09 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by sambf12
but do i need to use the official 2k roster? or is it fixed using a custom roster with the patch (nogsters)?
No it applies to the game. It doesn't matter what roster you use every thing is available for any player.

Originally Posted by DC
Anyone with a name sake package has their package "hardcoded" into their player DNA whether or not they were ASSIGNED the package or not

Which new animations have you seen and from who?
Originally Posted by Whoman
Never understood the issue as all players had their package hardcoded to them anyways ...
Sorry fellas but they where not hard coded into the players DNA. I tested it many times. Some players where but not everybody. Some of the bigs like Duncan did not have thier package at all.

Also the very second you edited one of the players that didn't have thier package set in the edit and was coded in was changed to whatever it showed on the edit screen. They where not HARDcoded at all. I tested it many times. Derrick Rose had D. Wade's dunk package coded in the game but the very second I edited him it changed to the althetic guard package that it showed in the edit screen. Same thing happened to Josh Smith. He had his packaged coded in but as soon as I edited his ball handling it became Dwight's dunk package. That's why the where changing the packages every since the first roster update.
# 202 Pared @ 11/06/09 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
For those of you who have had a chance to play with the patch, how do you guys feel about the fatigue model now? Did they alter it too much for the worse or do you feel it's more realistic. Can it be easily abused now? Thoughts?
This is a tough one. I don't know if fatigue is now working relative to qtr length, but at 12 mins the fatigue still seemed too light. Could just be the Nuggets, but I felt like players were getting tired more pre-patch.
# 203 Gmoney2002 @ 11/06/09 01:09 PM
Same with me Ninja. I had NO issues with the system prepatch. It didn't alter it to the point where realistic subs can't occur however, I liked the fact that I had to constantly monitor fatigue levels prepatch. I felt like a coach. Now most of my player wont fatigue(three bars or less) until close to the end of the first quarter.
# 204 The 24th Letter @ 11/06/09 01:11 PM
DC....unless i just hadnt seen them yet...ive seen some more duncan, wade, ginobli moves off the top of the head....i figured it was a result of the packages not being assigned...but if they are hardcoded i guess i just hadnt seen them...
# 205 PrettyT11 @ 11/06/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by dkemp
Pared the patch details indicated that the patch should take care of the D-League attendence (better known as "Dynamic Attendence"), I thought the issue was resolved in the 10/22 or 10/28 living roster update. Which is it? Only asking because if the patch fix the issue then myself, and alot of people would feel relieved in which direction they should go with there respective rosters.
I don't know about as far as the D-League goes as far as the dynamic attendence but for NBA games it was added in the 10/22 roster update. Even after the patch if you are using a roster that was based before 10/22 you won't get the dynamic attendence. I tested with a game of Grizz vs Bobcats in Memphis with a roster that was based off of an earlier roster update. The arena was full. Then I loaded up a newer roster played the same game and there was empty seats.

So looks like the patch didn't do anything about that for earlier rosters.

Originally Posted by gottibino
But aren't 2k's 10/22 update drive tendencies to high now that the patch was supposed to fix this?
That I don't know yet. I haven't had a chance to really test it and see if it is different now after the patch. I will be looking into that today.
# 206 Ferrari997 @ 11/06/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
If you're reffering to your general coach settings then yes it has been fixed.
I am referring to the autosave glitch. Autosave remains on when saved at OFF.
# 207 BroMontana82 @ 11/06/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by PrettyT11
No it applies to the game. It doesn't matter what roster you use every thing is available for any player.
nice so when i get home and download the patch and load up nogsters rosters, the packages will be fixed for all those players like josh smith?
# 208 RedmanR @ 11/06/09 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Wow....man....am i the only one seeing night and day? I dont see myself taking this game out of my XBOX for a while...5 straight games of complete fun...now im late lol...Love the new contact inside...the game is so much more smoother now man....
I was already having fun with the game despite all the issues pre-patch and now... it is like night and day.
  1. Smoother gameplay.
  2. Better player control.
  3. Better A.I. defensively.
  4. Physical play in the paint.
  5. Reduced lead passing in the post.

Just to name a few of the things I have noticed so far. If your not use to the iso-motion controls then I'd advise you guys to practice more because your definitely going to have to create shots for your player(s). Like thinking your always going to drain the three in your opponents face

Your also not going to be able to simply muscle your way around the basket and score which is a good thing.

I have yet to attempt an online game but I hope the patch aides in preventing the cheesy gameplay tactics most tend to use.

Originally Posted by quesmoney
do the warriors have theyre orange headbands at home and away? and the blue ones for the orange alt?
I think there are a lot more aspects of the game improved to sit and worry about some headband colors that can be addressed via roster updates as so many have stated already so please read more before posting.
# 209 WaddupCouzin @ 11/06/09 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
The Jazz had 64 PIP last night out of 113 against the Spurs. The Nets had 56 PIP of 94 two nights ago.

50% PIP is not uncommon in the NBA.
This is part of the problem! Most people don't know, REAL BASKETBALL!
# 210 RumbleCard @ 11/06/09 01:21 PM
Any impressions on the fixes for franchise mode.

Specifically the player progression and their tendencies and the inaccurate stats lines.

Also how is the toned down on-ball defensive. More control over your man?
# 211 Pared @ 11/06/09 01:22 PM
Let's keep this about impressions, we've already gone down that road, WC. Thanks.
# 212 PrettyT11 @ 11/06/09 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by sambf12
nice so when i get home and download the patch and load up nogsters rosters, the packages will be fixed for all those players like josh smith?
Oh no I guess I misunderstood your question. They won't be changed in his rosters (already checked) but you can go give Josh Smith his own package now without having to change his position. They took out all of the position restrictions on the animations making everything avaliable for every player.

The only rosters where the changes where auto is the 2K rosters.
# 213 Peji911 @ 11/06/09 01:27 PM
How do you adjust My Player quarters? In the main game, I put it to 10, started My Player, set up my guy, played a game and it was back to 5mins... WTF?
# 214 jeebs9 @ 11/06/09 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
This is a tough one. I don't know if fatigue is now working relative to qtr length, but at 12 mins the fatigue still seemed too light. Could just be the Nuggets, but I felt like players were getting tired more pre-patch.
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
Same with me Ninja. I had NO issues with the system prepatch. It didn't alter it to the point where realistic subs can't occur however, I liked the fact that I had to constantly monitor fatigue levels prepatch. I felt like a coach. Now most of my player wont fatigue(three bars or less) until close to the end of the first quarter.

Oh damn....So my nightmare have come true. SMH....Just have to wait until we get the patch for PS3.
# 215 Boilerbuzz @ 11/06/09 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by bigpun23
do we change the controller settings back to 50 or leave it at 0 for defensive help?
Back to 50.
# 216 triballeo @ 11/06/09 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Peji911
How do you adjust My Player quarters? In the main game, I put it to 10, started My Player, set up my guy, played a game and it was back to 5mins... WTF?
Ugh, this has been stated many times in this thread already.
# 217 DC @ 11/06/09 01:29 PM
Jeebs told you that folks would cry about the fatigue and 2K was going to fix it
# 218 jeebs9 @ 11/06/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Let's keep this about impressions, we've already gone down that road, WC. Thanks.
Sorry Pared....I'm just exicted.....And have so many questions.
# 219 Boilerbuzz @ 11/06/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
For those of you who have had a chance to play with the patch, how do you guys feel about the fatigue model now? Did they alter it too much for the worse or do you feel it's more realistic. Can it be easily abused now? Thoughts?
I think the turbo mechanic itself killed the abuse primarily. However, I do think the fatigue has been nerfed a little too much.
# 220 Pared @ 11/06/09 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
Sorry Pared....I'm just exicted.....And have so many questions.
I wasn't referring to your post. Don't worry about it.

The fatigue is definitely not as strong. I use rotational subs but I did see that their rates were not as drastic compared to pre-patch. Personally, I thought pre-patch was set up quite nicely. I would say you have to up the slider for this one thing post-patch.

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