NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 demo is now available at the Marketplace. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 461 jsquigg @ 09/29/09 11:09 PM
Honestly, I think this demo was pretty bare bones even for a demo. What it did do was confirm my purchase for a basketball game. The question is: Which one? To give a clue I can say that I only got through one play through of this demo.
# 462 tcain80 @ 09/29/09 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by FatalHussien
This demo isn't as animation heavy as 2K9 was, but it's extremely heavy on the unwanted results from two animations blending.

NBA 2K7 was damn near perfect in terms of the balance. But NBA 2K8 overcorrected the shot % (lots of missed shots) and perimeter D and NBA 2K9 was too heavy on the % (everything went in) and the post D was a joke.

Most people find a way to make up for these issues but it's a letdown when you have a game that's begging to be great but is being slowed down by several minor issues that add up...
Yeah, I thought 2k9 was faily smooth outside of perimeter shooting, but the animations in 2k10 are brutal. Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting against an invisible wall, and one time I was holding the turbo button trying to get my player out of the animation and when they finally did they ran the wrong way. WTF lol!

The defensive AI also makes a lot of stupid choices this year. I really feel like to play the defense I want to, I have to control every player on the court at the same time, which is pretty frustrating. And of course the thing that drove me nuts about 2k9 is still here, which is that the defense will let you drive past them over and over and over but will never back off you on the perimeter.

Lots of extra little annoying things like many of the sped up shooting animations looking goofy and the field goal percentages just add to the underwhelming experience. This is the worst 2k game since the absolutely horrendous 2k5, but the upside there is 2k6 was great so hopefully they can turn it around again.
# 463 Bornindamecca @ 09/29/09 11:29 PM
This demo is so incomplete it's barely worth commenting on. Aside from the back door cuts and bad help D situations, it's pretty easy to force the CPU into a bad shot in this demo, so this was mostly about seeing the graphics and controls. Controls felt good. Isomotion worked well. Broke Vince's ankles at will with Kobe. Pretty easy to get layups and dunks. I think I played four games and saw 8 or ten dunks. Maybe more. Level is just too low/incomplete to judge anything resembling AI.

If it weren't for My Player, I don't know where I would stand on this one.
# 464 sambowie @ 09/29/09 11:29 PM
I was expecting 2K to drop the ball this year but they delivered a solid product that one can only appreciate after playing the game for a while. But I think both of these games are so solid that we'll be arguing about which one is better for years to come.
# 465 Po Pimp @ 09/29/09 11:41 PM
Played the demo. I already had made up my mind I was getting the game, so with that being said...

-Demo didn't really BLOW me away. It looked cleaner than 2k9 (which already looked good to me)

-Love the new animations and controls

-Didn't like a couple of clunky animations (I got spun around by Fisher when I was using Jameer and when I rolled the ball, my guy didn't really bend down to pick it up).

All in all, the demo is just a tease, and I'm sure I'll be in bball heaven once the full version is released with all the presentation elements/commentary in tow.
# 466 HealyMonster @ 09/29/09 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Po Pimp
Played the demo. I already had made up my mind I was getting the game, so with that being said...

-Demo didn't really BLOW me away. It looked cleaner than 2k9 (which already looked good to me)

-Love the new animations and controls

-Didn't like a couple of clunky animations (I got spun around by Fisher when I was using Jameer and when I rolled the ball, my guy didn't really bend down to pick it up).

All in all, the demo is just a tease, and I'm sure I'll be in bball heaven once the full version is released with all the presentation elements/commentary in tow.

Im the same as you. I already know im buying the game, good or bad, the demo wasnt going to sway me either way. the onlly difference is I havent played a bball game in years so it is kind of blowing me away.
# 467 slim_pickens @ 09/29/09 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
This demo is so incomplete it's barely worth commenting on. Aside from the back door cuts and bad help D situations, it's pretty easy to force the CPU into a bad shot in this demo, so this was mostly about seeing the graphics and controls. Controls felt good. Isomotion worked well. Broke Vince's ankles at will with Kobe. Pretty easy to get layups and dunks. I think I played four games and saw 8 or ten dunks. Maybe more. Level is just too low/incomplete to judge anything resembling AI.

If it weren't for My Player, I don't know where I would stand on this one.
My feelings exactly, found alot more enlightment from the draft combine.
# 468 Moegames @ 09/29/09 11:55 PM
I dont get the people saying this game sucks..the demo is decent but its hard to judge off a demo, duh. There is no way i would say it sucks like a good handful are saying. I will say this, 2k needs to make the game feel more fresh..its starting to feel dated sorta like how madden on the ps2 and original xbox felt pretty much milked to death after 3 or 4 years of the same old same old. Although again..its just a demo..maybe there is more appeal to it in the full version.

I do know one thing, Live10 feels "fresh" ..and plays good so i have a GOOD feeling Live10 will take the crown this year..mark my words but both games are good so you cant really lose going with either. The fanboyism going on in here is hilarious
# 469 delilio @ 09/30/09 12:02 AM
The signature movements and plays are a lot and true to life. Another thing i noticed was with 10 secs to go, the magic wasn't playing full court press...i rather than pass the ball to me, bynum rolls the ball up court so the clock doesn't run...as soon as the defender came up, i picked up the ball and went for the shot...i missed. I saw a similar video on youtube only that he made his shot.
Very nice!
# 470 CaCHooKa Man @ 09/30/09 12:04 AM
i like how fastbreaks arent a sure thing now. when the magic put in their subs, they had a fastbreak where pietrus tried a bounce pass to anthony johnson and he couldnt catch it because it was bounced a little bit behind him. on another possession, i tried a post entry bounce pass to bynum but it went out of bounds because bynum wasnt expecting the ball and he moved from his position.
# 471 eko718 @ 09/30/09 12:08 AM
I too, do not understand the complaints. Isomotion feels good, graphics are very clean, players feel more signature and the gameplay feels balanced to me, contrary to some other peoples impressions. They also have done a better job of capturing the physicality of the inside game. This is easily the best 2K just based on the demo... notwithstanding that the high percentages people are complaining about are not an issue; especially not on the higher levels.
# 472 The 24th Letter @ 09/30/09 12:17 AM
Light just went on!

im loving the D...its good I can perfect my man D knowing the held D will back me up....

why did they take out shading though? or is it in there somewhere?
# 473 Lawless66007 @ 09/30/09 12:21 AM
Well I finally got finished for the night on the demo and I got to say that the mechanics of dribbling has improved but its hard to judge overall cuz it's just a demo. Its TOO incomplete to start liking it or hating it. It's like the game developers must've lost a ton of money betting on the finals and said "We're making sure the Magic wins this" LOL. I'm not saying that they are unbeatable (I've beaten them 2 times) but they're shot percentage is through the roof. I can tell cuz everytime I played with them I never lost but playing against them is crucial. If it isn't them throwing threes 10 feet from the line and hitting all net, to the same 2kisms rolling their ugly heads in (ie: hand going through the ball when blocking, morphing through body issues). I still believe this has potential in the ACTUAL game. It was only 446Mb so I know its not running on full power. The Ally Oops didn't bother me because its the same on 2k9 when the computer gets upset and is desperate for a comeback, only it looks better. But overall I can't wait till the game comes out and I'm looking forward to taking some of you down to chinatown LOL (looking at Teebone).
# 474 Medic00 @ 09/30/09 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by eko718
This is easily the best 2K just based on the demo... notwithstanding that the high percentages people are complaining about are not an issue; especially not on the higher levels.
I asked this in the Pasta Finals thread, but it got locked, so I'll ask here. Are there any videos of games on HOF difficulty with sliders altered to lower FG%? I would like to see how the a full game plays if players are hitting at ~50% or even less. 2K vets know how the series plays with sliders in effect, but I haven't played NBA 2K since sliders were introduced.

If anyone could link me to a video I'd appreciate it Thanks!
# 475 mikejs210 @ 09/30/09 12:36 AM
I'm pretty sure videos like that will start surfacing once more people get the game. I can say that I have no worries about shooting percentages as I know sliders can be adjusted to resolve those problems.

For what it's worth, I noticed that the CPU FG% was consitently over 60% and my FG% was consistently below 40% in the competition's demo playing on All-Star difficultly.
# 476 LeBronJordan23 @ 09/30/09 12:39 AM
Great Demo From WHat THey Gave Us Point BLank Period 2k Will Reign Supreme
# 477 gtmizundastood @ 09/30/09 12:51 AM
2k is an absolute beast. Did you notice how the teams play just like the real counterparts.? Kobe down on the block. Wow. I had a great set of sliders last year for 12 min. quarters with highly realistic stat and game outcomes. I can't wait for this game. I now am 100% sure that the bad reviews are from people who don't know how to play real basketball, or people who don't understand the controls. I played the live demo and went at Dwight howard and I scored every time, Don't believe me a; try it. I made the most ridiculous shots I possibly could. I tried the same thing here and I got demolished. I was ranked in the top 200 last year I can ball. I laughed because I play a total sim style. If you don't know real basketball then this is not your game. If so get ready to be in lovr with the full version. Get at me and on 2k with My Crew. Sim ballaz only

GT:GTMizUndaStood Group Therapy Recorcds
# 478 domidomdomz @ 09/30/09 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by mikejs210
I'm pretty sure videos like that will start surfacing once more people get the game. I can say that I have no worries about shooting percentages as I know sliders can be adjusted to resolve those problems.

For what it's worth, I noticed that the CPU FG% was consitently over 60% and my FG% was consistently below 40% in the competition's demo playing on All-Star difficultly.

did the demo allow you to change difficulty settings? if yes, can you tell us (at least) what it feels when playing on HOF. or maybe you can post some vids.
# 479 JVal3208 @ 09/30/09 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by FatalHussien
Poor guy. You used quite a few words not to say very much...

You are one of those gamers who fashion him/herself an expert on other people's gaming prowess or merit. In other words, a walking example....

These posts are dirt cheap...See me on the sticks...



I'm ready when you are...
Sorry buddy, you completely ignored his point. No one questioned the fact that you have played since the Dreamcast days. No one questioned your credentials as a gamer. You DON'T have NBA 2K10, and you haven't learned how to play it yet.
# 480 Sovartus @ 09/30/09 01:46 AM
My initial impressions:

Are we all looking at the same game? This demo is straight garbage. I think 2K9 looks better than 2K10. So what, they added some extras.... It doesn't look any better. The player's heads don't even connect to their necks. WTF? The skin textures look awful. Just ghostly.

I personally think Live looks way better than 2K graphically. Sound wise, WTF was 2K thinking? Sounds just cut off ..... WTF was (boom boom) "GET UP".... it sounded like somebody that works there did that in the back yard. WOW.... I can't describe how disappointed I am in that garbage.

Defense? Defense? Man!!!!! I warped behind my check so many times I was already ready to throw my controller at the screen.... Kobe Hit EVERYTHING he threw up. He shot all of their shots and his shot looked terrible.......

That demo was not worth the effort it took to download it.

But.... I will wait until the final version to see if it is better.....

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