NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 demo is now available at the Marketplace. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 421 ffaacc03 @ 09/29/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by FatalHussien
I been on NBA 2K since the Dreamcast days...I know EXACTLY what I'm doing.
An "I know EXACTLY what I'm doing" response would have suffice ...

An "I been on NBA 2K since the Dreamcast days...I know EXACTLY what I'm doing" is just an obvious way of showing your disguise as a player of the competition who happens to do not like 2ks controls ... as a "long life 2k user" you would have known that not only do the controls have changed troughout every edition, they have greatly changed from last year ...

If I have been missled to an errous interpretation of your comment, then please forgive me ... but, even then, the comment refering to your previous post was on point: you need to learn how to play 2k10 ! ...

Originally Posted by JVal3208
You have to take more time to learn how to play the game...you don't know what you are doing yet.
# 422 videobastard @ 09/29/09 08:57 PM
In the retail version you would have to turn the double team help to off to prevent the unneeded help defense which gives up easy baskets. It happens too often in demo.
# 423 delilio @ 09/29/09 08:58 PM
It won't be a perfect game... where perfect is very much "subjective". So i plead with everyone out there to try to look for the positives and not bicker about the negatives. If anyone has a strong negative statement to make, make it with your benjis... don't buy the game. Same goes for Live.

The demos are strong representations of what the final product will be. I personally am yet to see a perfect game... 2k9 added some new animations and regularly updated player ratings but they took out the lobbies and the game was a cheesefest. The servers have always been an issue which i hope have been ironed out in 2K10. 2k9 was not a step backwards in my humble opinion. From the 2k10 demo, i think the team has done a good job but they could have done better considering how they're competitors completely overhauled their game engine( EA is a HUGE company. Visual concepts are tiny so bear that in mind). Did 2k take a step forward or regress? I think they did with 2k10 but not that large a step.

My preference is a playable online game with absolutely no cheese avaiable, and a high difficulty level. lobbies present and so on...

But this year is a great year. Two playable games that would appeal to different people. It's great.

In the future, 2K should release the demo sooner than later...it gives them the opportunity to get quick feedback from gamers as to certain issues that could be fixed before game launch. 2K should try to be more responsive to your comments as in the past few years, they leave many gamers feels as though " yea they got their money so they'll take their time to get the servers back up" .... and so on. Visual concepts have a smaller human resource... 80. EA probably has 3 times that number. However, at least they should honor their loyal fans by being more interactive and "user friendly."

Pro Evolution soccer was where Visual Concepts are only a couple of years ago. Konami is the publisher of Pro evolution soccer. Seabass and his team consistently created a game that was smoother than fifa 10 until fifa 08 hit the shelves. Pro still had the edge because it felt less robotic and more realistic. They're online support was non-existent. Servers were not enough and many games were laggy. Fifa 09 came into the picture and many bid adieu to PES. PES 09 was released but it was the same issue, more animations less online components, the master league was basically the same as from previous years...little to no innovation. Fifa 09 crushed PES 09. and it looks like it will stay the same this year.

Smaller companies like visual concepts and the developers of PES always put up a good fight in the beginning. but they cannot get too comfortable because when the giants with a ll the money figure out how to deliver a better product by either cajoling out of our employees to join theirs or simply finding new blood to stir the ship ( Peter Moore), these smaller companies will suffer the dearly. THat is why its important to show love to your customers by being as interactive as possible. Interaction and problem solving can help make the product better and better by a long shot each year, rather than by a foot or two.
2K fans are some of the most loyal fans in gaming and 2K should do well to keep it that way.

Sorry for the long post.
# 424 marcoyk @ 09/29/09 09:01 PM
Oh my God. Wow. Turned on my xbox to download it and I got the E 73 error... Awesome... will post once I get this resolved... if anyone knows anyway to correct it (sorry, I know this doesn't belong here) please let me know via private message, chalkboard message, etc.
# 425 dat boi Q @ 09/29/09 09:04 PM
alot of people complain that live made the most progress this year but when u think about it they have to look how far they have been behind 2k for so long i love the demo all live did was strip everything down and made crossovers sounds like a arcade game instead of sim ball to me
# 426 Tomba @ 09/29/09 09:22 PM
For someone who really knew NBA 2k9 inside and out I am apprehensive going in because I really loved NBA 2k9 after my overhaul edit TOMBA 2k9. Playing 2K10 is a mixed bag because there are no sliders to use yet. Right now the game plays to arcady for my tastes and i've seen animations repeat too often that did not last year even IF the animation set is new and different.

Just as with Live 10 i am unsure until i can get a working slider set...I'm waiting for the retail now guys
# 427 TombSong @ 09/29/09 09:24 PM
Finally played a few games of the demo.

First thing that annoyed me was it SEEMS isomotion works better in the draft combine than the demo, but the more I played I think thats more I had gotten use to playing in the combine view and now had to adjust to the broadcast view. I have gotten better but still not as good as I was in the draft combine.

2K10 looks better than 2K9 and sounds better. It also plays better.
You can body up better, blocking shots is better, you cant just willy nilly make passes in the paint NOR around te perimeter. The AI will steal bad passes. So you cant be lazy in any area of your game.

If you dont pay attention to whats going on around the court or just try to sit back and play off ball defense the AI will kill you with oop passes. The EASY way to stop the oops is D up on anyone coming down court running into the lane. Once the big men settle in the post, you can let your guard down on the oops.

The AI is really good at passing the ball around and your AI team mates are good at moving around and getting open. If you keep your focus and concentrate on what you are doing and whats going on around the court, you will not have games with high FG %. Just keep contesting shots. The stars of the game are gonna sink a few but if you play D it wont be outrages.

I have to laugh at all the crazy talk about this game. I can accept if people dont find 2k be their cup of tea or like Live better. To each his own. Whats odd is all the non-sense talk that tries to make this game out to be garbage based on a demo that is 20% of the actual game played on a easy skill level, LOL.

Even with this small demo anyone who is willing to look at the game objectively can see the great potential the full version will have, especially once people have come to grips with the controls. I hope I can grab a copy early.
# 428 badmrfrosty7 @ 09/29/09 09:33 PM
Has anyone ever been blown away by a Nba 2k demo? Serious question there. I mean from what I remember it's always been pretty cut and dry and when I actually play the game it's a whole 'nother experience. Or maybe I'm just a demo ***** or something but I think too many people are putting all their eggs into the demo basket.
# 429 kwas676 @ 09/29/09 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by delilio
It won't be a perfect game... where perfect is very much "subjective". So i plead with everyone out there to try to look for the positives and not bicker about the negatives. If anyone has a strong negative statement to make, make it with your benjis... don't buy the game. Same goes for Live.

The demos are strong representations of what the final product will be. I personally am yet to see a perfect game... 2k9 added some new animations and regularly updated player ratings but they took out the lobbies and the game was a cheesefest. The servers have always been an issue which i hope have been ironed out in 2K10. 2k9 was not a step backwards in my humble opinion. From the 2k10 demo, i think the team has done a good job but they could have done better considering how they're competitors completely overhauled their game engine( EA is a HUGE company. Visual concepts are tiny so bear that in mind). Did 2k take a step forward or regress? I think they did with 2k10 but not that large a step.

My preference is a playable online game with absolutely no cheese avaiable, and a high difficulty level. lobbies present and so on...

But this year is a great year. Two playable games that would appeal to different people. It's great.

In the future, 2K should release the demo sooner than later...it gives them the opportunity to get quick feedback from gamers as to certain issues that could be fixed before game launch. 2K should try to be more responsive to your comments as in the past few years, they leave many gamers feels as though " yea they got their money so they'll take their time to get the servers back up" .... and so on. Visual concepts have a smaller human resource... 80. EA probably has 3 times that number. However, at least they should honor their loyal fans by being more interactive and "user friendly."

Pro Evolution soccer was where Visual Concepts are only a couple of years ago. Konami is the publisher of Pro evolution soccer. Seabass and his team consistently created a game that was smoother than fifa 10 until fifa 08 hit the shelves. Pro still had the edge because it felt less robotic and more realistic. They're online support was non-existent. Servers were not enough and many games were laggy. Fifa 09 came into the picture and many bid adieu to PES. PES 09 was released but it was the same issue, more animations less online components, the master league was basically the same as from previous years...little to no innovation. Fifa 09 crushed PES 09. and it looks like it will stay the same this year.

Smaller companies like visual concepts and the developers of PES always put up a good fight in the beginning. but they cannot get too comfortable because when the giants with a ll the money figure out how to deliver a better product by either cajoling out of our employees to join theirs or simply finding new blood to stir the ship ( Peter Moore), these smaller companies will suffer the dearly. THat is why its important to show love to your customers by being as interactive as possible. Interaction and problem solving can help make the product better and better by a long shot each year, rather than by a foot or two.
2K fans are some of the most loyal fans in gaming and 2K should do well to keep it that way.

Sorry for the long post.
Man give me a break VC not some low funded/budget company like your making it sound. An the game is good, but like every year they say they made the controls easier but yet it just gets more complicated.
# 430 BlackRome @ 09/29/09 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by badmrfrosty7
Has anyone ever been blown away by a Nba 2k demo? Serious question there. I mean from what I remember it's always been pretty cut and dry and when I actually play the game it's a whole 'nother experience. Or maybe I'm just a demo ***** or something but I think too many people are putting all their eggs into the demo basket.
No I have never been blown away by there demo's

That being said.
This two years in a row that I fell like I can't control my man.

Last year I was on skates.

This year I feel like I'm running into a stiff win.

The controls have gotten worse each year since 2k8.
# 431 James2Stapleton @ 09/29/09 09:41 PM
i hope when players got to the bench in the retail version they will have warm ups on. When a player went to the bench in the demo they had their jerseys on for the rest of the game.
# 432 DaChosenOne @ 09/29/09 09:42 PM
The Demo is Ok...Well Great shoulf have showed the whole begining of the Nba game...
# 433 XxB0MBTHREATxX @ 09/29/09 09:42 PM
My impression is no impression because once again the ps3 gets screwed
# 434 BlackRome @ 09/29/09 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rocboyz101
Ok gonan ask a question to all the people who absolutely hated the player movement in 2k9. Is it better in 2k10? If so how much better?
It's better. But now the entire game is slower.

Not a good thing.
# 435 DuckOnQuack @ 09/29/09 09:47 PM
How do you sub players? Just played it one time and I hit pause and nothing showed up besides quit/controls.

Also it wasn't on the d-pad unless i'm missing something
# 436 badmrfrosty7 @ 09/29/09 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by XxB0MBTHREATxX
My impression is no impression because once again the ps3 gets screwed
It's coming out for PSN on Thursday right? When PSN usually gets it's stuff? 'Cept for the Uncharted 2 demo which came out today and is awesome! That should tide you over.
# 437 DirtyJerz32 @ 09/29/09 09:56 PM
I still can't figure out how to get the players to perform and running jump shot, leaner, whatever you want to call it that the other game does so well.

I'm tired of getting a step on a guy and trying to pull up only for him to stop, gather his feet, get his shoulders square, and do a set shot. By the time I do all that, I get the shot put right back in my face.

Anyone figure out how to do this. I heard it was in the game and I just read the Devs insight II but, I still can't figure it out.


Sorry, I'm not crying but, it's starting to get to me.
# 438 Rocboyz101 @ 09/29/09 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
It's better. But now the entire game is slower.

Not a good thing.
Hmm..So you don't get that feeling at times that your fighting with your controller to get your dude to go where you want him to?

Originally Posted by stewaat

I did that VC sick under the basket layup. I was in triple threat left wing...faked going to the right went hard left to a wide open bucket. Help D came and I did the sick layup.

Definitely a WOW moment.
Someone told me thats a takeover animation(the dude he does it on, can't move and he's just part of the animation.) Is that BS or is it true?
# 439 FatalHussien @ 09/29/09 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by ffaacc03
An "I know EXACTLY what I'm doing" response would have suffice ...

An "I been on NBA 2K since the Dreamcast days...I know EXACTLY what I'm doing" is just an obvious way of showing your disguise as a player of the competition who happens to do not like 2ks controls ... as a "long life 2k user" you would have known that not only do the controls have changed troughout every edition, they have greatly changed from last year ...

If I have been missled to an errous interpretation of your comment, then please forgive me ... but, even then, the comment refering to your previous post was on point: you need to learn how to play 2k10 ! ...
Poor guy. You used quite a few words not to say very much...

You are one of those gamers who fashion him/herself an expert on other people's gaming prowess or merit. In other words, a walking example....

These posts are dirt cheap...See me on the sticks...



I'm ready when you are...
# 440 Tubaker @ 09/29/09 10:13 PM
Ive had an odd basketball weak to say the least.

It started out with me testing out the live demo and really digging it. I love the improvements they made and I thought this may finally be the year I actually have a real decision to make. Then I popped in 2k9, and having not played that game for a few months I wasnt really feeling it .. I started to seriously consider going to Live this year ..

Then I played the 2k10 demo. Some things frusterated me. Some of them were because I wasnt used to the game and some of it was because there are things that are just not right. There's still alot of sliding going on .. if you dribble into a player neither of you will move but the dribblers legs will still move. Very annoying and it just looks ugly. Thats was my biggest gripe .. well, that and I have always thought IsoMotion was trash. After playing the game I wasnt sold on 2k10 at all. I liked it, but there was just something about live...

So I went to play the live demo again. Started a game, looked at the graphics, looked at the gameplay, and said to myself "wow ... I cant play this anymore"

Its not that 2k10 was some groundbreaking game that was perfect, but when I matched it up directly with live I just flat out liked it better .. I didnt realize how much better the game looks until after I played them back to back.

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