NBA 2K10 News Post

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Great question. Guys should take a look at the Basketball: Other forum.
Lots of great discussions there, including specific comparisons.
Lots of great discussions there, including specific comparisons.
For OS people having already played the retail version: Could you play some games with the demo for let us know if there is any SIGNIFICANT difference in the gameplay (i.e. player movement and animations, help D, isomotion, etc.) between demo and the retail version?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
# 523
FatalHussien @ 09/30/09 01:12 PM
I think a basketball game should fundamentally behave like a basketball game.
So, I think that's where true sim comes in. Before you can have the frills, you must nail basic parts of basketball such as defense, rotations, positioning, tendencies, etc.
I think 2K has been a victim of their own success. They raise the bar and now we as gamers expect much more these days b/c we know what is capable.
i guess nba 2k10 only needed one quarter to make sense of the directions they focus so hard to accomplished on(except the full package audio).5 on 5 ambience,offball and onball movements and player tendency.Bring on the full version is what i say

# 526
Greene_Flash03 @ 09/30/09 01:35 PM
After playing 10+ games:
* How many of you beat D12 on tipoff? (so far D12 (CPU) 35 - Bynum (ME) 0
* As everyone mentioned, too many alley-oops
* Too many offensive rebounds? Even I had good box out on D12, he stil gets the ball..(this is huge issue for me in 2k9)
* I really hate auto control on the players... There are times I can't position myself right.
Other that those 4, the demo is really fun to play. Too bad you can't call offensive plays...
* How many of you beat D12 on tipoff? (so far D12 (CPU) 35 - Bynum (ME) 0
* As everyone mentioned, too many alley-oops
* Too many offensive rebounds? Even I had good box out on D12, he stil gets the ball..(this is huge issue for me in 2k9)
* I really hate auto control on the players... There are times I can't position myself right.
Other that those 4, the demo is really fun to play. Too bad you can't call offensive plays...
# 527
reginald_rush @ 09/30/09 02:05 PM
# 528
NumberOneRB @ 09/30/09 03:44 PM
Quick impressions:
(+) The closeup graphics are a thing to behold. The skin textures they picked for this game are quite incredible. I am a bit disappointed that the graphics don't seem to stand out as much during the actual gameplay though.
(+) I love how the CPU plays a lot like a human. They were great at finding the open man and even passing out of a contested layup when they sensed the double team. REALLY caught me off guard just how human-like they play when they see a wide open man. Its also great to see players play like themselves; I loved watching kobe post his man regularly around the perimeter and try to get his fadeaway off.
(+) The emotion in the player faces is quite natural, and although it can sometimes make the players look a bit weird (and inaccurate in resemblance) overall it is a really nice touch.
(+) Finally saw some actual help defense. It was something that I didnt' necessarily see after the first couple play-throughs of the demo, but after a good deal of games I started to notice it more.
(-) I still see a bit too much sliding/mario running for my tastes. It appears that 2K decided to compensate in order to improve the overall smoothness of the animations. The animations are definitely some of the smoothest I've seen in a basketball game, but it comes at the expense of some very obvious sliding which can take a bit away from the immersion of the game.
(-) Still way too many successful errant passes. It may have something to do with the diffculty setting (anyone know what it is?), but I was disappointed to see so many bad passes being pulled off and not being tipped/intercepted by the defense. I want to see the CPU make me pay greatly for making such careless throws and I still dont' see enough of it, which brings me to my next issue:
(-) Still too many PITP. Because the CPU defense doesn't make you pay enough for errant passes and/or dribbling too much in the paint, you're given way too much leeway in the paint to do most of your scoring damage. This results in very high team FG%s that once again seem like they will be a big problem like previous iterations. We shouldn't have to do such extensive (and creative) slider settings in order to stop both our teams from shooting well over 50% from the field every game.
(-) This may be a minor nit-pick, but I still believe 2K should think about overhauling their uniform models next year. The player models in general are fine and in good proportion, but the way the jersey models in particular are modeled makes the players look a bit too boxy/bloated. Also, the way the jerseys move can be a bit unnatural and give off a foily/paper-like constitution.
(+) The closeup graphics are a thing to behold. The skin textures they picked for this game are quite incredible. I am a bit disappointed that the graphics don't seem to stand out as much during the actual gameplay though.
(+) I love how the CPU plays a lot like a human. They were great at finding the open man and even passing out of a contested layup when they sensed the double team. REALLY caught me off guard just how human-like they play when they see a wide open man. Its also great to see players play like themselves; I loved watching kobe post his man regularly around the perimeter and try to get his fadeaway off.
(+) The emotion in the player faces is quite natural, and although it can sometimes make the players look a bit weird (and inaccurate in resemblance) overall it is a really nice touch.
(+) Finally saw some actual help defense. It was something that I didnt' necessarily see after the first couple play-throughs of the demo, but after a good deal of games I started to notice it more.
(-) I still see a bit too much sliding/mario running for my tastes. It appears that 2K decided to compensate in order to improve the overall smoothness of the animations. The animations are definitely some of the smoothest I've seen in a basketball game, but it comes at the expense of some very obvious sliding which can take a bit away from the immersion of the game.
(-) Still way too many successful errant passes. It may have something to do with the diffculty setting (anyone know what it is?), but I was disappointed to see so many bad passes being pulled off and not being tipped/intercepted by the defense. I want to see the CPU make me pay greatly for making such careless throws and I still dont' see enough of it, which brings me to my next issue:
(-) Still too many PITP. Because the CPU defense doesn't make you pay enough for errant passes and/or dribbling too much in the paint, you're given way too much leeway in the paint to do most of your scoring damage. This results in very high team FG%s that once again seem like they will be a big problem like previous iterations. We shouldn't have to do such extensive (and creative) slider settings in order to stop both our teams from shooting well over 50% from the field every game.
(-) This may be a minor nit-pick, but I still believe 2K should think about overhauling their uniform models next year. The player models in general are fine and in good proportion, but the way the jersey models in particular are modeled makes the players look a bit too boxy/bloated. Also, the way the jerseys move can be a bit unnatural and give off a foily/paper-like constitution.
# 529
FamousAtticus @ 09/30/09 04:05 PM
Jameer does lob alot to DH12 in real-life. I've been a Magic season ticket holder for 8 years now and I can tell you that Jameer looks to him for a lob atleast 3 times a quarter depending on their oponent(Bynum has no ups). So on that aspect its 100% accurate.
# 530
alecpierre @ 09/30/09 04:35 PM
anyone know how the lean into foul works(the one dwade loves doing) because i get it to work everytime whenever the computer jumps. And that was a huge problem in the later ages of 2k9 ! Im mean really that was really a game breaker
1:40 - 2:00
PSN better get this tomorrow night!
1:40 - 2:00
PSN better get this tomorrow night!
# 532
Behindshadows @ 09/30/09 04:54 PM
The separation in differences over the years between 2k7, 2k8, and 2k9. Made those games in all respects better than the next. But when you play this 2k10, the appearance alone turns you away, it's just looks like 2k9.
But yeah I'm not diggin this demo or the game overall.
# 533
CoHouse2814 @ 09/30/09 05:11 PM
i like how the announcers actually knows what day is it when the pre-intro starts out. thats hot IMO
It's funny how people are all of the sudden hating on 2K10 when two or three weeks ago most of the pessimistic posters now were loving the Draft Combine. Guys, its a demo, and not just any demo, but a demo that has been stripped of most of its best qualities. Why? I dunno, but I do know that what I see in the demo is gonna be alot different when I get the final build, if indeed it is an upgraded version of DC.
# 535
Behindshadows @ 09/30/09 05:31 PM
Sorry, commentary alone with the same feel of a game won't win my purchase, I have the right to change my opinion or mind, since it is my money. And personally I am not feeling this game!
After playing multiple games of the demo. I've concluded that 2k is still extremely frustrating to control. It feels like I'm fighting the controller rather than playing a video game. I don't know maybe its just me. A lot has to be re worked. The game is solid, just the framework that runs everything isn't. Just my opinion, some of you guys maybe are enjoying it. I'm trying it but that one thing is stopping me. I don't see the 9, 000 new animations and things just feel like 2k9. I was seriously hoping for better. Maybe next yr.
# 537
Stumbleweed @ 09/30/09 05:33 PM
The things I'm most looking forward to in 2K10 are My Player and listening to the commentary during NBA Today/Association games. None of those things were in the demo... that's not 2K's fault really (commentary takes space and they want a nice sleek demo file), but it contributed to my dislike for the demo, and I think BShadows is probably in the same boat in that regard.
Just my .02 on that... don't let me speak for you, BShadows. I just don't think what he said earlier and what he said now are incompatible.
You guys need to keep your posts focused on impressions, not each other.
The warnings are obviously not working. If people find themselves spending a few weeks away from the boards, don't be surprised.
The warnings are obviously not working. If people find themselves spending a few weeks away from the boards, don't be surprised.
# 539
The 24th Letter @ 09/30/09 06:04 PM
@ pared...I just wish we could weed out the people that had no intention whatsoever of enjoying the game in the first place. Getting old man.
# 540
ProfessaPackMan @ 09/30/09 06:40 PM
One game's demo getting the benefit of the doubt over the other? Why am I not surprised?
People judging a full game that they don't even have yet off of a demo? Why am I not surprised? But then again, nothing really surprises me on OS anymore, especially in the Live or 2K Forums.
Played the demo at a friend of mines house last night and Im still in a "wait and see mode" because there wasnt really much I could take away from this demo and there really wasnt much I could nitpick(then again im not the nitpicking type like others are)There were some things I like in the demo and there was some things that I obviously didn't like(Alley Oop Mania 25)but I also came with the mindset that it is only a demo and that there were going to be some issues with. I also came in with the mindset from reading impressions from a few respected posters on here who have the final version of the game and show no bias towards the other company that the final product of the game isnt nothing like the demo so I shouldn't expect to see the same issues im seeing here once I tweak these sliders.
So overall, my expectation hasn't really changed just because of this demo just like it hadn't changed when I read all those previews on here.
People judging a full game that they don't even have yet off of a demo? Why am I not surprised? But then again, nothing really surprises me on OS anymore, especially in the Live or 2K Forums.
Played the demo at a friend of mines house last night and Im still in a "wait and see mode" because there wasnt really much I could take away from this demo and there really wasnt much I could nitpick(then again im not the nitpicking type like others are)There were some things I like in the demo and there was some things that I obviously didn't like(Alley Oop Mania 25)but I also came with the mindset that it is only a demo and that there were going to be some issues with. I also came in with the mindset from reading impressions from a few respected posters on here who have the final version of the game and show no bias towards the other company that the final product of the game isnt nothing like the demo so I shouldn't expect to see the same issues im seeing here once I tweak these sliders.
So overall, my expectation hasn't really changed just because of this demo just like it hadn't changed when I read all those previews on here.
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