NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Stumbleweed @ 09/11/09 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by 23
You can switch between reg season, playoffs, and finals
Where is that option? I must've missed it because all mine were Finals games.

Dropseven, this game is ANYTHING but a dunkfest on All-Star. I got 1 dunk the whole time from penetration with Kobe and a single dunk with Dwight in the paint right under the hoop. The CPU blew by me a couple times in my early games and finished strong, but most of the time it's a contested layup, not a dunk.
# 262 Melman @ 09/11/09 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Where is that option? I must've missed it because all mine were Finals games.
Its in the game, just not the demo. You should see this option on the retaill copy. I think the crowd is set to reg season on the demo. Doesnt quite sound like playoffs or finals. But the atmosphere is still nice for the demo.
# 263 JWiLL02 @ 09/11/09 02:29 PM
Big improvement from 09. I'm loving the player controls, especially using different guys in the hangar. CP3 is the most enjoyable to use for me and seems to be the best mid range shooter, which would be accurate based off of the DNA.

The animations still aren't quite up to par, IMO. There's a ton of speeding up on the dunks still, although I do like most of the layup animations. Sometimes the way contact is created is pretty awkward, it just doesn't look right. Other times it can look great.

It's pretty easy to dunk in traffic. I really hope this is toned down in the final build. I'm throwing down windmills over Bynum and Gasol with VC. I also pulled off some standing dunks with VC where he's sort of magnetized to the basket. Kobe can dunk almost at will, shades of 2k8 here lol.

This game is beautiful in HD. The colours are incredible.
# 264 Stumbleweed @ 09/11/09 02:37 PM
The presentation by default is Finals... that's why they show the Finals overlays and whatnot. I thought they said we can switch it for the demo, but I didn't see the option. Someone let me know if you notice it somewhere though... not a big deal to me, just curious.
# 265 GoldenGlove @ 09/11/09 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by o_capone
this game does not feel like 2k so it will take some getting use to, but NBA Live is definately back man.
Yep, I'm used to the shot stick, but after playing this Live Demo, I can see the potential with the controls being really special.

In the final build will there be an option to make the dribbling on the right stick camera relative though? That's a big thing for me.
# 266 gbx34 @ 09/11/09 02:43 PM
Defintlty better then last year. It still feels similar how how the players moves feeling like you pushing against a invisible wall. Ball/net animation are 100x better, they could not of been worse, real refreshing. Good sound/presentation. Free throws still suck.
# 267 ronnieb @ 09/11/09 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by sambowie
Add me to the 30+ engaged video game addict list. lol

31 and a son ....still playing 20 /25 hours a week ...slepping 1O
# 268 Muzyk23 @ 09/11/09 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
out of all the posts to respond to......
if he (LAKE) was a rookie he would get a red card for that post
# 269 23 @ 09/11/09 02:56 PM
He did get a red card and please report posts that dont belong in the forums instead of quoting guys over and over so the mods can take a look if they missed it.

That is the exact type of thing OS doesnt allow in the Madden forums and it applies to the others as well
# 270 alsolidus @ 09/11/09 03:09 PM
I must say I am really enjoying my experience with this NBA Live Demo. The smoothness in the jumpers and fades and leaners are by far unmatched, and the fact that drives to the basket the game actually respects the fact that I have a grown man standing in the way and you just can't dunk NBA2k like on players.

My 1 and only problem I faced from this Demo is the fact that it is far too colorful feels like i'm playing Smurf basketball / World of Warcraft hybrid. Maybe its my 50in Samsung True color HD television but it is just too colorful.

As far as the sport of basketball NBA live does a good job of matching what I see on TV and believable as a basketball amateur that I once was.

Good job EA next time not so colorful
# 271 ZoneBlitz @ 09/11/09 03:12 PM
They do have some suction/canamation going on. A few times I was in the paint and trying to get out, and they kept me stuck in an animation wherein my guy was trying to lean on someone in the paint instead of breaking out of it like I wanted him to and pass it away or come out of the paint.

I hope they fix that because it happens in a few other areas where I'm trying to make my player do one thing and he is stuck in an animation.

Now, another thing I like is that it does feel as if you have to pay attention and play basketball to do well.
# 272 Altimus @ 09/11/09 03:14 PM
Some quick impressions...

Graphics look great. As someone mentioned, a little too much color and too much shine for sure.

Gameplay feels great. Loving the dribbling mechanics and really like the locomotion with the thumbstick; feels good.

Good stuff I saw. Superstar mode BTW.

After the Magic built a nice lead I was able to hit back to back threes with Kobe. Right away the Nelson slowed it down and called some plays. Awesome. Off that play they got a easy hoop, a stop, and went back to the fast paced offense. Loved it.

Some bad. Players passing to players that are clearly out of bounds. That logic needs to be fixed.

Double dribble. I was dribbling with Kobe, went for a pump fake and continued dribbling again. No violation was called.

I have more but right now going back to play the demo. So far I'm impressed and I have no doubt these things will be fixed for the final version.
# 273 Altimus @ 09/11/09 03:21 PM
Also saw that a illegal screen got called on Dwight Howard just now. No replay for the loss. I wanted to see how that went down. Good stuff having that in there though.
# 274 DaWolf @ 09/11/09 03:22 PM
Just my quick thoughts:

Gameplay is great (- plays like a sim) BUT I dont like the blokcing and stealing animations.
# 275 Pared @ 09/11/09 03:24 PM
I'm also seeing a good amount of passes go THROUGH players...
# 276 DaoudS @ 09/11/09 03:24 PM
A question to the mods and developers - well maybe a suggestions:

I know there are a whole lot of new people to the Live brand of basketball and I think many are quietly struggling with some off-ball controls and don't want to clog the impressions thread with how to do certain things. So I was wondering if the mods could create a thread for just the Control Schemes or if it would be okay for me to do it. I just wanted to ask before I posted it and it ended up getting locked.
# 277 Pappy Knuckles @ 09/11/09 03:26 PM
My biggest issue by far is icon passing. It cancels out what I'm trying to do all the time. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong because passing should be pretty easy.
# 278 Pared @ 09/11/09 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by DaoudS
A question to the mods and developers - well maybe a suggestions:

I know there are a whole lot of new people to the Live brand of basketball and I think many are quietly struggling with some off-ball controls and don't want to clog the impressions thread with how to do certain things. So I was wondering if the mods could create a thread for just the Control Schemes or if it would be okay for me to do it. I just wanted to ask before I posted it and it ended up getting locked.
Go for it.
# 279 juicey79 @ 09/11/09 03:35 PM
I will probably buy both games live 10 ps3, 2k10 360:

the body stature is well done (lebrons built like a tank but has a lil head) skin tones are done well too (Gasol looks great)

I thought I was in staples center.
I never comment on announcers on a demo ver.

good but with time might be better.
Im just confused because I play 2k so much I keep making mistakes with live.
I like the player spacing and the player movement. I dont like someone always falling or hop/skip up the court after made basket.

small things:
the bench have some good reactions and their gear is a nice touch.
I saw nelson post up too much.
some unneccesary passing animations like hard passing motion to someone 3 ft away (huh)
crowd was stolen from 2k (towels and all)
no replays but could be b/c of demo
presentation......no comment
# 280 Tiko7523 @ 09/11/09 03:41 PM
ok so impressions so far the game came out surprising pretty good so far....

stadium looks SICK

shot animations for some players seem just weird like artest

presentation looks nice

players got some weird glossy glow going on aint really digging it

surprising could be a sleeper if i dont see anything from 2K i might be getting this... 2k needs to give us something

anyway good stuff EA u stepped up.

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