NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 TreyIM2 @ 09/11/09 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by vc15dunker15
NBA Live 2010 Demo Review

NBA Live 10 looks beautiful and I mean very beautiful. The only issue I have is with the jerseys and the player’s faces they simply don’t look right. I do not know if it’s only me noticing these things, but why do the players do not look like their real life counterpart? Vince Carter is my favorite player as you all can see by my username, but in all honesty he looks nothing like Vince Carter. During pre-game introductions and such he does look ok, but once the game starts his face looks weird as hell, and so is it for every other player on the court. The jerseys look good, but they are too shiny, once again is it just me?


Live 10 plays a lot more fluid than Live 09. The game has improved tremendously it actually looks a lot like NBA 2K, the players now seem like they are the right height and overall the game plays more like a real basketball game. In years past playing NBA Live felt like you were playing NBA Street or NBA Homecourt this time around they got it right.
Not everything was great. I had a tough time rebounding and blocking shots for whatever reason there is a delay whenever I press the jump button for my player to grab rebounds, not liking that too much. Also, the AI gave the ball to Gasol with 6 seconds left in the shot clock and Gasol just stayed at the same spot and launched a 40” footer as the clock expired, not very realistic if you ask me.

The gameplay is a lot better, but it still feels like NBA Live. EA Sports has improved a lot, but not enough for me to say it is going to be the best basketball game out there this upcoming season.

The introduction to the game is really good it has not changed much from a year ago. You now see the players do their routines before a game and such, I saw Vince do his routine before the game, very well done EA.


The commentary in Live 10 seems a lot like the commentary in NBA Live 09. I did not hear any new lines in the game I just played so I do not know what that was all about but I hope in the full version they do come up with some new lines.

Overall Review

Overall NBA Live 10 seems like it’s going to be a really good basketball game, but in my mind it is still not as good as 2K. The game just does not feel right; there are a lot of improvements that have to be made to the gameplay and to the graphics in order for this game to compete with 2K Sports.
Love the breakdown since I am one of the people who have to wait til next Thurs for the demo on the PS3 but I think you're the first person to speak on the control responsiveness with jumping and rebounding it. Live 09, at least in the demo and I hear to some degree in the actual 09 game, had the same issue. I was wondering if anyone would mention it. I read through the first 12 pages (from the "page front", not here in the actual forum) and didn't catch anyone mention it then jumped to the final page, at the time, when I noticed your post. That's disheartening to hear but I can only hope it will be fixed in the end. You also have to bare in mind that it is a demo that was concocted early, like Mike said in his demo post on the Live website, and also Czar said it's a much smoother game in the final game code than in that demo.

Also, I've said quite a few times that although I was a 2K9er all the way, last year, and a 2Ker, for the most part, for years, I still prefer how Live has controlled, especially the last 2 years (I bought Live 08 after not buying a Live since Live 2005). Shot stick - Nah. I always thought that was a poor decision by 2K because using the right stick to help pull off moves is, to me, what makes a b-ball game feel more like playing b-ball, since I actually do play b-ball, myself, although I've recently "retired" due to an elbow prob (I still goto the court and practice, though. Just no competitive games do I play). Having a shot stick puts too much emphases on the shot, imo, and leaves the feel of controlling the player seem like second fiddle when it's definitely not. Taking a shot is important, yes, but not over controlling the rock and player movement. Shooting the ball is just not as major.

That being said, Live feeling like Live is a good thing for me but the Homecourt/Street comparisons to the past Lives, I also have to disagree with. Very different feels.

Anyway, keep posting updates if you can, as you get more into the game. I like how you broke it down and it definitely took the good with the bad. Peas.
# 282 bizcanos @ 09/11/09 03:52 PM
The blocks in this game are horrible..don't feel emphatic at all..it's like you go up and the ball just falls or pops out of their hands.

Not sure if a fluke or not but I saw 3 illegal screens called against the cpu in one quarter. Glad to see them in the game..only happened that one time though.

Do not like the rim sound effects or the way the ball bounces off the rim...seems lightweight.

Love,love,love chaining moves into a layup,dunk or jumper.

Rebounding needs work still. Balls still hitting the court more than it should and they have a canned tip animation like 2k had that one year (nowhere near as bad though).

Coming from 2k I do not like the passing or the defense..but I think I just need to get used to Live's mecahnics.

Love the atmosphere and the flow/feel of the game.
# 283 The 24th Letter @ 09/11/09 04:01 PM
Im pretty sure the PG holding the ball is a demo thing, D Fish just held it for two straight possesions...no way that made it in game lol

wasnt a HUGE fan of 09, but I dont remember players\balls going through each other as much last year....they seem to start animations from way further out this year too...
# 284 TxSxT @ 09/11/09 04:06 PM
the demo is nice but has its flaws theres been a glitch where i score and basically the ball gets taken out of the net....i also dont like how well the bigs can steal...i just cant wait 2 use amare and them suns! i will be playing the demo more and try to get good with all the new controlling
# 285 Tiko7523 @ 09/11/09 04:14 PM
after playing about 5 games i still its a good game but the WOW factor left i really want to see what 2k got

i still think this is a good game and for the live fans this will be a great game for them. some of the animations in the game dont go well like something i see bryants shot go all awkward i guess i can say that its not smooth? the camera is stupid something i dont see my player on the screen... and one time the ball was going out of bounds and hit a bench player and bounced back inside and they didnt say it was out i think that will be fixed tho.

i need something to compare this too so i can know exactly what type of game i am dealing with and which is better.
# 286 Phillmattic @ 09/11/09 04:17 PM
I really REALLY wanted to enjoy this game, but it still has that robotic feel. Which overall makes the game play pretty bland. Nothing exciting EVER happens.
# 287 gez20 @ 09/11/09 04:21 PM
So far I'm not really feeling it yet. I did not like Live 09 but already I can tell this is a huge improvement and might be a game I will buy.

I think most of my problems stem from having played 2K for the last three years. The controls are foreign and I still find myself pressing the wrong buttons. I'm going to practice learning the controls in-depth so I can really give it a fair shake before making any conclusions.
# 288 GoldenGlove @ 09/11/09 04:23 PM
Simple question...

Will there be and option to make the dribbling camera relative in the final game?
# 289 CarryTheWeight @ 09/11/09 04:36 PM
Many people have already mentioned this, but blocking needs to be tweaked next year. It mars the great animations this game already has going for it.

Arena atmosphere is simply awesome. Loved the 2 Unlimited sample whenever a Laker makes a three (the Senators used to do this whenever they would go on the powerplay, very recognizable) and the short organ burst whenever a Laker scores. Very realistic and immersive environment. Would have loved to hear some PA announcements but I'll wait until the final game.

Overall, it's a solid title but I'm not quite sure if it's close to a "day-one" yet. I'm not a huge basketball gamer but if a game impresses me enough, it'll get my attention.
# 290 IrOnKoBe @ 09/11/09 04:38 PM
i like that they add some of the lakers organs in the game
# 291 Tiko7523 @ 09/11/09 04:41 PM
ok so i went for a dunk with kobe and he got hurt and he was kinda holding his side.... the annoucers where like wow he looks hurt! but he didnt come out of the game you could tell tho he lost his explosiveness i still made some shots tho with him but couldnt really drive anymore.

the rebounding is lame in the game dont like it

blocking is also bad

the offense is kinda cool tho but i really think i am likeing the offense its cuz of the atmosphere its amazing
# 292 Melman @ 09/11/09 04:43 PM
Hey did you guys know in the Hangar if you press the "back button" it zooms in on the main monitors in the Hangar... FYI not sure if its already been stated.
# 293 Pared @ 09/11/09 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Melman
Hey did you guys know in the Hangar if you press the "back button" it zooms in on the main monitors in the Hangar... FYI not sure if its already been stated.
That's on the screen's controls when you first start at the hanger...
# 294 Tully @ 09/11/09 04:51 PM
I like the Demo, but not crazy about it. Its no doubt a big jump from last season.

2 issues I have are.

I don't think they have Roy's shot right.

Also why does Live continue to look and feel like the guys are too big for the court? This is particularly noticeable when you rebound. They jump over the friggin rim
# 295 Pappy Knuckles @ 09/11/09 04:56 PM
Well I went and paid off my NBA 2K10 today. I'm liking the Live demo a lot and may ultimately buy it, but I've got a lot of 2K in my blood that's hard to shake. Plus I really think I'm gonna enjoy the combine this year. The Live demo is on point, I can see a lot of people giving it a chance this year who wouldn't in years past.
# 296 bizcanos @ 09/11/09 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Teebone21
WHAT 2k's defense is nonexistant usually. how can you not like the fact that you have good paint defense and help D?
I never said that. To be more clear I mean me sticking the cpu. Just does not feel like I have enough defensive options to counter balance all the offensive arsenal at our disposal.
# 297 Tha_Kid @ 09/11/09 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by bizcanos
Just does not feel like I have enough defensive options to counter balance all the offensive arsenal at our disposal.
# 298 RayAllen20 @ 09/11/09 05:02 PM
Here are my impressions..

The dribbling moves are great but it is hard to control at times. I think I just need to get used to it. Passing is the hardest thing to get used to but when you complete a great pass it is just sweet. Off ball movement is fantastic but I have trouble with passing them the ball right away because I am not used to the passing controls.

The graphics are just insane. It is the best looking game Ive ever seen. I dont think the player models are cartoonish at all. I can easily tell who everyone is from a far distance. On broadcast camera the game looks fantastic, unforutantely I just cant play on it because it is hard to see if someone is open.

Defensively this is the best in a game I can remember. No suction and the CPU isnt a push over at all. I cant just continuosly do moves with Derek Fisher for 24 seconds and get by my man for a lay up. If you bump into them continously you will lose the ball. Even Kobe. The blocking is pretty good, and I performed some great blocks against D-Howard with Bynum. Help is fantastic, and it leads to great dump off passes.

But my favorite part of this game is the fastbreaks. Pietrus steals the ball but Artest and Kobe are at his side trying to stop him. Im thinking, in all basketball games the defender is so much faster than the ball handler because they dont push the ball. But then Pietrus just explodes and throws it down with authority. That is the greatest fastbreak Ive ever seen in a video game.

No more canned animations feels great, and the game feels very fluid this year. I feel like every play is different. Im loving this game and want to buy it now. But 2k could always change my mind.

And for people that havent had any great plays its because your not familiar with the controls and arent good enough to have wow moments. Look at Da Czars video where LeBron does that sweet behind the back and does a sweet jam over 2 Knick defenders. That had top 10 play written all over it. 2k to me has too many great plays with dunks.

Somethings need to be patched though like shots going off the side of the backboard and the PGs holding the ball the whole game. Now I may be mistaken but I think these might have been fixed before the retail game. Not sure though. Anyway I love this game right now and it will share time with Madden.
# 299 Muzyk23 @ 09/11/09 05:06 PM
Just won a game at the buzzer with VC - corner 2

had 3.7 sec to go, Carter got the ball and released i substantially quicker than his usual release to let it fly in time

is this contextual? is it connected to players having different release points or am I imagining things?
# 300 Muzyk23 @ 09/11/09 05:09 PM
Everytime I tried to cross Kobe with PetriusI got stripped, lost the ball or had it stolen. Great stuff. Like it was said by the devs - you got to pick your matchups.

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