NBA Live 10 News Post

As promised, we’re back today showing all of you the new dribble moves that you’ll see in NBA LIVE 10 this year. We really wanted to differentiate between players this year. What makes LeBron, LeBron? How about CP3? One of the ways in which we’ve captured this is in their dribbling styles. Let’s start with the new “size up” mechanic in NBA LIVE 10.

The size up is a series of dribbling moves used to breakdown a defender. How am I being guarded? Where is the opening? Answering these questions is the purpose of the size up. Once the ball handler catches the defender biting, he can then perform a go move out of the size up to take advantage of an over-zealous defender or a mismatch. Basically, the size up keeps the defender on his toes! In NBA LIVE 10, you perform these moves via the right trigger from a standstill position. Once you move the left stick (to move the character), you break out of the size up and start moving. One of the great things about this mechanic is that it can be broken out of at any time, or better yet, seamlessly linked into any quickstrike dribbling move using the right stick. There’s no waiting for the animation to play out before going into your next move. If you want to start that next move, you can. In the video below, you can see that we’ve captured authentic player specific size ups. You can really see the difference between LeBron and Kobe’s size up moves.

The size up is step 1 of the dribbling moves this year. Master it and you’ll be shaking your defender (especially a human controlled one) in no time. Just because we have size ups in our game, it doesn’t mean that everyone can do them. If you’re a big man with a weak handle, and you use the right trigger, you’ll do dribble moves, but good luck trying to keep up your dribble as it’ll most likely get stripped or you’ll lose control. This also doesn’t mean that the LeBron and Kobe size ups are money moves either. Again, this is a simple mechanic used to branch into more deceptive, calculated quickstrike moves. Do the size up for too long, and you open a window for the defender to read your next movement and strip the ball from you.

There’s also a couple of things in this video that I want to point out to you. You’ll notice right off the bat that there’s not a lot of off-ball player movement. Don’t worry, we have a TON of that this year. We just called an ISOLATION set in each clip to showcase the one on one matchups that we primarily wanted to capture. And finally, yes, that is a eurostep you see Derrick Rose doing. We’ll have A LOT more on the different ways you can finish at the basket this year in the coming weeks.

I really hope you’re enjoying these gameplay videos guys. There’s a lot of them left, so if you haven’t seen something you want to see yet, don’t worry you will.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 341 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by edubbs
I agree.

However, it looks like Live finally brought back the proper bench locations for each team this year. In previous years all of the home benches were located on the right side of the screen in broadcast view.

It's clear after looking at the Bulls clip that this has finally been corrected. The Bulls, Heat, Warriors, Hawks, Pistons and a few other team's home benches are all on the right IRL. And Live finally got this in.

Looks kinda weird in years past to have all of the architecture correct in the arenas and to see the home bench locations out of wack.

Probably not a big deal for alot of people but, I put in this request to the Devs. after Live09 dropped and I'm glad they made it happen. It gives each arena a true authenic 'look' from a visual perspecetive IMO.
Good looking out. It was your post that we looked it when we started up this year.
# 342 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by 23
One thing i must say is how alive the crowds look... talk about doing a terrific job
Yea the crowd just looks amazing. I can't wait to play a game in the playoffs with the crowd going krazy and them standing and blocking the view slightly. Add some slight camera shaking at times and I'm gone.
# 343 Stumbleweed @ 08/14/09 12:30 PM
Yeah, seems like they're doing something different in every shot we get. The lighting and the atmosphere this year is flat-out great... I can't wait to see the full package with commentary and all that going at once. I hope the announcers can express the kind of involvement and emotion to go along with the improved crowds.
# 344 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Yea the crowd just looks amazing. I can't wait to play a game in the playoffs with the crowd going krazy and them standing and blocking the view slightly. Add some slight camera shaking at times and I'm gone.
LOL - you're out of your skull homie!

You're not watching it, you have to play it. If the view is blocked, you're screwed!
# 345 RayDog253 @ 08/14/09 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
LOL - you're out of your skull homie!

You're not watching it, you have to play it. If the view is blocked, you're screwed!
Well, is the broadcast any different if your watching two CPU teams duke it out???

edit: Like is there diff' camera cuts we wouldn't see otherwise?
# 346 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
LOL - you're out of your skull homie!

You're not watching it, you have to play it. If the view is blocked, you're screwed!
Hey I can see all the action fine on my tv, I don't see why it would be a problem during the game .Isn't that the dream anyway, to control what we see on tv?
# 347 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Hey I can see all the action fine on my tv, I don't see why it would be a problem during the game .Isn't that the dream anyway, to control what we see on tv?
You wouldn't hate it if you were playing and you were on the wing, and couldn't see where your feet were. You had one second remaining, and you needed a three to send it to OT and you shoot it, swish -- oh wait, it's a two, you lose. You'd be fine with that?
# 348 nosaints26 @ 08/14/09 01:04 PM
This game still doesnt look right, the idea is nice but still
# 349 cashless @ 08/14/09 01:05 PM
Yeah what happened to "If it's in the game - It's in the game" =)

Sorry if this have been answered already but, who did the mo-cap?
# 350 shadox @ 08/14/09 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
You wouldn't hate it if you were playing and you were on the wing, and couldn't see where your feet were. You had one second remaining, and you needed a three to send it to OT and you shoot it, swish -- oh wait, it's a two, you lose. You'd be fine with that?
Sure I would do.
But...I can remember a Live Game (I think it was one of the earlier versions...maybe the first rls. on PS2?) where you had the opportunity to position your guy right behind the 3-point line.
Can't remember if it was due to a button or a movement...but it was nice.
If was an animation, where the player took a step back right beding the line, if I remember correctly.

I always hate it, when I wanna go for a nice 3 and end up with 2 because I was too close to the line due to the move before the shoot -_-

Anyways, anything that would allow you to be surely outside the arc would counter the problem with blocked viewing
# 351 KChow21 @ 08/14/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
You wouldn't hate it if you were playing and you were on the wing, and couldn't see where your feet were. You had one second remaining, and you needed a three to send it to OT and you shoot it, swish -- oh wait, it's a two, you lose. You'd be fine with that?
That's what happened in a Rockets game where Yao shot a fade away and they needed a three
# 352 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
You wouldn't hate it if you were playing and you were on the wing, and couldn't see where your feet were. You had one second remaining, and you needed a three to send it to OT and you shoot it, swish -- oh wait, it's a two, you lose. You'd be fine with that?
Nah not me personally. If it was a problem I'd just use a different camera view. I like the broadcast look and feel totally.
# 353 slvicick @ 08/14/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Anyone ever notice how IRL, players pull out these kind of size up moves when they're "feelin it" a lot?

It'd be cool if the CPU did them more when a player is hot... hint, hint. Also would be nice if a player called for more isos if he's on fire.
That would be NICE!!! Someone just hit two in a row, then next trip down they cleard everyone out for the iso. And just just dribble them to sleep b4 making the move.
Or seeing Kobe sizing someone up in the last seconds of the game and pulling up....
# 354 greenegt @ 08/14/09 01:54 PM
That video looked GREAT! Getting more and more pumped with each blog.
# 355 yungflo @ 08/14/09 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
It looks more than right. Spoken like a true 2k guy as confirmed by your post history.
LOL you investigated him?

I feel people have a right to be scrutinizing ea. EA knows this before they admitted in the past, their game hasn't been up to par. Now, if people are skeptical to try out the game, they have a right. However, in my opinion, this game looks real good. I may pick it up as my only basketball game. Looking to try something new and fresh. that's if I'm in love with the demo.
# 356 jstnw89 @ 08/14/09 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
It looks more than right. Spoken like a true 2k guy as confirmed by your post history.
[Sadly] I looked at his post history and read some. Not sure how just posting his opinion about certain things regarding NBA 2k makes him a "2k guy". Even if he is a "2k guy" what is the problem offering his own opinion. Just because someone chooses to play one over the other doesn't mean they aren't just a fan of the game that is basketball. .They just happen to choose which game at the time better offered the basketball experience they were looking for. Not everyone has an agenda (not sure if he does or not) but the "2k" witch-hunt stuff gets pretty old sometimes. On the flip-side judging by your post history one could say "spoken like a true live fanboy. Also, like yungflo said above the live team put out sub-par games in the past giving us the right to nitpick. I said this before but they have to convince us to buy their game and we should be able to offer up constructive criticism to them to get the game as close to perfect as possible for a dev cycle (I know a video game will never be perfect at least not at this time). People who say stuff like "Live sucks 2k will always be better" are the people that are the real problem. [post resulting from lack of sleep]

TL;DR stop hating on all 2k gamers ... not all have an agenda
# 357 nosaints26 @ 08/14/09 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
It looks more than right. Spoken like a true 2k guy as confirmed by your post history.
I'm flattered that you took the time to look at my post history

I don't call myself a 2K guy. I just play whatever game I can enjoy. I've stuck with 2K for NBA since Live 06 flopped off and I discovered what NBA 2K6 offered. From Live 01 to 05 I played the game nonstop. As far as football is concerned, I've always preferred Madden over whatever 2K had to offer, including 2K5 (mind you, EA has the license which I hate). I'd rather this thread not turn into a fanboy war, but like I said, I just don't think Live looks right, at all. In every video I've seen, the player motions still don't look natural. It just doesn't look like I'm watching a real NBA game, and that's going to keep me away from this series again this year.
# 358 stizz @ 08/14/09 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
You wouldn't hate it if you were playing and you were on the wing, and couldn't see where your feet were. You had one second remaining, and you needed a three to send it to OT and you shoot it, swish -- oh wait, it's a two, you lose. You'd be fine with that?
Please don't go the 2k route and make our players feet slide behind the 3pt line if we're close to it.
# 359 bball_1523 @ 08/14/09 07:48 PM
I like how they used the gameplay camera for some of the dribble moves. The lighting on the court looks really good and I am impressed because it makes it feel as if you are watching the game on TV.

The game looks like it's improved.
# 360 23 @ 08/14/09 09:07 PM
Enough of the 2k, EA war talk guys lets get away from that.... im going to infract the one that continues to keep it going

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