NBA Live 10 News Post

As promised, we’re back today showing all of you the new dribble moves that you’ll see in NBA LIVE 10 this year. We really wanted to differentiate between players this year. What makes LeBron, LeBron? How about CP3? One of the ways in which we’ve captured this is in their dribbling styles. Let’s start with the new “size up” mechanic in NBA LIVE 10.

The size up is a series of dribbling moves used to breakdown a defender. How am I being guarded? Where is the opening? Answering these questions is the purpose of the size up. Once the ball handler catches the defender biting, he can then perform a go move out of the size up to take advantage of an over-zealous defender or a mismatch. Basically, the size up keeps the defender on his toes! In NBA LIVE 10, you perform these moves via the right trigger from a standstill position. Once you move the left stick (to move the character), you break out of the size up and start moving. One of the great things about this mechanic is that it can be broken out of at any time, or better yet, seamlessly linked into any quickstrike dribbling move using the right stick. There’s no waiting for the animation to play out before going into your next move. If you want to start that next move, you can. In the video below, you can see that we’ve captured authentic player specific size ups. You can really see the difference between LeBron and Kobe’s size up moves.

The size up is step 1 of the dribbling moves this year. Master it and you’ll be shaking your defender (especially a human controlled one) in no time. Just because we have size ups in our game, it doesn’t mean that everyone can do them. If you’re a big man with a weak handle, and you use the right trigger, you’ll do dribble moves, but good luck trying to keep up your dribble as it’ll most likely get stripped or you’ll lose control. This also doesn’t mean that the LeBron and Kobe size ups are money moves either. Again, this is a simple mechanic used to branch into more deceptive, calculated quickstrike moves. Do the size up for too long, and you open a window for the defender to read your next movement and strip the ball from you.

There’s also a couple of things in this video that I want to point out to you. You’ll notice right off the bat that there’s not a lot of off-ball player movement. Don’t worry, we have a TON of that this year. We just called an ISOLATION set in each clip to showcase the one on one matchups that we primarily wanted to capture. And finally, yes, that is a eurostep you see Derrick Rose doing. We’ll have A LOT more on the different ways you can finish at the basket this year in the coming weeks.

I really hope you’re enjoying these gameplay videos guys. There’s a lot of them left, so if you haven’t seen something you want to see yet, don’t worry you will.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 301 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by pbz06
True, but I'm worried that adding more flash (cameramen, bench players, coaches, cheerleaders etc) on the slidelines might affect the framerates.

I'm not a programmer though...if anything, it's still a big improvement. Maybe next year it will get even better. You can only do so much per dev cycle. I wouldn't complain about that...I think it's a good ste up from last year.
This is a very good thought. Nice one sir.
# 302 theanswer34 @ 08/14/09 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
I keep hearing you guys say that about Kobe (he should've had contact)..

He avoids contact by doing a hop, then a little teardrop. I can't go into too much detail b/c Mike will soon, but that decision was made (user controlled) b/c had Kobe kept pressing to the hoop, he would've drawn a collision.

As for the LeBron dunk, totally agree. Was debating putting that one in there. Don't worry at all about LeBron just doing that with no context, it was a user error (me unfortunately - ) I beat Pierce, then was trying to go for his signature tomahawk dunk, and chose to finish in that direction to recreate that classic moment over KG, but he didn't do that dunk..lol.

I still think it's a sweet dunk. I wish we could've kept the audio in b/c when LeBron dunked it, you heard a loud "OHHHHHHHHH" coming from him.
Did you get rid of the marion lay up from the first mike vid lo l.
# 303 HoosierDaddy @ 08/14/09 11:36 AM
I actually don't see anything wrong with the Kobe or Lebron moves. If anything, wish the rim/backboard would've moved a bit more.

Marcus, are all the videos still using the old rim/net sounds? I remember awhile back someone stated there are new sounds.
# 304 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 11:38 AM
The net and rim sounds were both tweaked and are new.

I may be crazy, but I actually like our net sounds....
# 305 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
I keep hearing you guys say that about Kobe (he should've had contact)..

He avoids contact by doing a hop, then a little teardrop. I can't go into too much detail b/c Mike will soon, but that decision was made (user controlled) b/c had Kobe kept pressing to the hoop, he would've drawn a collision.

As for the LeBron dunk, totally agree. Was debating putting that one in there. Don't worry at all about LeBron just doing that with no context, it was a user error (me unfortunately - ) I beat Pierce, then was trying to go for his signature tomahawk dunk, and chose to finish in that direction to recreate that classic moment over KG, but he didn't do that dunk..lol.

I still think it's a sweet dunk. I wish we could've kept the audio in b/c when LeBron dunked it, you heard a loud "OHHHHHHHHH" coming from him.
That sounds pretty sick. If the presentation comes together how I want, this game will be something epic. Regardless I think it will still be a really solid game, and a great improvement over 09, which was also a solid game imo.
# 306 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Well said sir... I swear that some guys are just prfessional bug finders and those are the same guys who will want a new game 2 months later.

Im willing to say that some people already ruined the experience for themselves without even touching the game, and its a shame.

I also agree on the capturing, its not as easy as one might think. Sometimes it takes hours to get little footage, and this was great considering it was a rush job.

Its funny how in the hustle video guys were whining about having the ball stolen all the time and the steal animation happening too much, now dudes are pouring out their hearts about their 2k insecurities knowing good and well Live 09 had some pretty tough to get through and dunk on you defense even with the flaws in the game

Still this is some encouraging video here and the difference is night and day in improvement, not just because Live 09's dribble moves werent great, but of any basketball game out there made, it's definitely up there in top ranking from whats been shown so far.

I'd almost believe you're lying if you say you love the game and didn't want to try some of this out, being a fan of the series or not
Well said as usual dre.
# 307 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
The net and rim sounds were both tweaked and are new.

I may be crazy, but I actually like our net sounds....
I thought the net sounds were really good in 09 for the most part. Now the rim sounds.......
# 308 greekmen @ 08/14/09 11:47 AM
I see:

- Sliding
- No Defense-Rotation (Help the Helper)
- No good Offense-Mindset (just standing and watching)

Looks like it's gonna be a 1on1 BBall game
# 309 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by greekmen
I see:

- Sliding
- No Defense-Rotation (Help the Helper)
- No good Offense-Mindset (just standing and watching)

Looks like it's gonna be a 1on1 BBall game
# 310 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by greekmen
I see:

- Sliding
- No Defense-Rotation (Help the Helper)
- No good Offense-Mindset (just standing and watching)

Looks like it's gonna be a 1on1 BBall game
lol, isn't that the NBA?
# 311 Sherman91587 @ 08/14/09 11:50 AM
Wow this is really making me think what game to get.

I have loved Basketball in a long time and it looks like both games are gonna be solid. MIght just have to wait for the demos and if I like both then have 2 NBA games.
# 312 ball4life @ 08/14/09 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
lol, isn't that the NBA?
steph is it going to be in 1080p....i kno madden is now
# 313 RayDog253 @ 08/14/09 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
And this guy probably has no idea why you guys are laughing at him.
# 314 cashless @ 08/14/09 11:53 AM
Here's another example:

# 315 navyboy09 @ 08/14/09 11:55 AM
im loving everything that ea is showing this year for live this year...so far all the things in 09 that felt broken are fixed for live 10. Im really loving the smoothness and transition from the crossover to the drive to the finish. Oh and the two step d rose did was amazing even though i think yall should of shown my boy wade doing that since he pretty much do that two step all the time, but everything looks nice. EA KEEP DOING YA THANG!!! GREAT JOB!!
# 316 23 @ 08/14/09 11:59 AM
Im going to tell you guys again... download the VLC media player and slow the frames down 5 or 6 times and watch the plays in slo motion... you'll appreciate it much more

Steph, LeBron has a dunk in the game exclusive to him that he did in the playoffs that you can pull off at will?

Makes me wonder what else you can do with some of these guys... That Chris Paul layup looked just like him
# 317 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Im going to tell you guys again... download the VLC media player and slow the frames down 5 or 6 times and watch the plays in slo motion... you'll appreciate it much more

Steph, LeBron has a dunk in the game exclusive to him that he did in the playoffs that you can pull off at will?

Makes me wonder what else you can do with some of these guys... That Chris Paul layup looked just like him
No. I can't pull it off at will. That's why you see the dunk in there that you do
# 318 grush5 @ 08/14/09 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by cashless
Good post now i think i realize why 2k's players look way better in broadcast than live's players, the camera for live is to high and should be more horizontal to the court as show in the real life photo this will probably make live players show even more where we can see a lot of detail such as tats
# 319 23 @ 08/14/09 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
I keep hearing you guys say that about Kobe (he should've had contact)..

He avoids contact by doing a hop, then a little teardrop. I can't go into too much detail b/c Mike will soon, but that decision was made (user controlled) b/c had Kobe kept pressing to the hoop, he would've drawn a collision.

I still think it's a sweet dunk. I wish we could've kept the audio in b/c when LeBron dunked it, you heard a loud "OHHHHHHHHH" coming from him.
I keep thinking about the Varejao video and also the Mo Williams video where he had a collision but also made the layup over Shard in the same video.

As far as the 2nd comment, you guys also included players making sounds ?
# 320 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by grush5
Good post now i think i realize why 2k's players look way better in broadcast than live's players, the camera for live is to high and should be more horizontal to the court as show in the real life photo this will probably make live players show even more where we can see a lot of detail such as tats
I agree, and we tried that. But when the crowd stands up, you can't see the three point line.

Totally alright until you shoot a two that you think is a three...

If you notice both pics, in the real game, the crowd is sitting.

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