NBA Live 10 News Post

As promised, we’re back today showing all of you the new dribble moves that you’ll see in NBA LIVE 10 this year. We really wanted to differentiate between players this year. What makes LeBron, LeBron? How about CP3? One of the ways in which we’ve captured this is in their dribbling styles. Let’s start with the new “size up” mechanic in NBA LIVE 10.

The size up is a series of dribbling moves used to breakdown a defender. How am I being guarded? Where is the opening? Answering these questions is the purpose of the size up. Once the ball handler catches the defender biting, he can then perform a go move out of the size up to take advantage of an over-zealous defender or a mismatch. Basically, the size up keeps the defender on his toes! In NBA LIVE 10, you perform these moves via the right trigger from a standstill position. Once you move the left stick (to move the character), you break out of the size up and start moving. One of the great things about this mechanic is that it can be broken out of at any time, or better yet, seamlessly linked into any quickstrike dribbling move using the right stick. There’s no waiting for the animation to play out before going into your next move. If you want to start that next move, you can. In the video below, you can see that we’ve captured authentic player specific size ups. You can really see the difference between LeBron and Kobe’s size up moves.

The size up is step 1 of the dribbling moves this year. Master it and you’ll be shaking your defender (especially a human controlled one) in no time. Just because we have size ups in our game, it doesn’t mean that everyone can do them. If you’re a big man with a weak handle, and you use the right trigger, you’ll do dribble moves, but good luck trying to keep up your dribble as it’ll most likely get stripped or you’ll lose control. This also doesn’t mean that the LeBron and Kobe size ups are money moves either. Again, this is a simple mechanic used to branch into more deceptive, calculated quickstrike moves. Do the size up for too long, and you open a window for the defender to read your next movement and strip the ball from you.

There’s also a couple of things in this video that I want to point out to you. You’ll notice right off the bat that there’s not a lot of off-ball player movement. Don’t worry, we have a TON of that this year. We just called an ISOLATION set in each clip to showcase the one on one matchups that we primarily wanted to capture. And finally, yes, that is a eurostep you see Derrick Rose doing. We’ll have A LOT more on the different ways you can finish at the basket this year in the coming weeks.

I really hope you’re enjoying these gameplay videos guys. There’s a lot of them left, so if you haven’t seen something you want to see yet, don’t worry you will.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 261 jstnw89 @ 08/13/09 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
In the first post, he said he called iso to showcase the dribbling moves lol.
Did you even read Pared's concerns/posts?
# 262 donkey33 @ 08/13/09 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jano
Honestly this is why I like Live's difficulty system the AI gets progressively smarter and more aware as you raise the difficulty level.

I feel like its a fighting game where on easy the CPU goes pretty easy on you using basic combos and such.

But once you up the difficulty they start to use more advanced combos and tactics

I like this rather than having the AI displaying solid fundamentals through out all levels because then it just lead to the CPU having to "cheat" in order to make the game more difficult. Because the AI already does everything they would at rookie on superstar.

So instead of the CPU using smart tactics they just start to use catch up speed or things like that to make up for it.
Great post.

We all know how it feels to be cheated at higher levels.
# 263 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by yungflo
In the first post, he said he called iso to showcase the dribbling moves lol.
Watch an ISO play in the NBA. Big men will hover down low for an offensive rebound, or will make cuts in case the weak side defense moves over and get open for a pass and an easy basket (you did not see any of this in the ISOs, nor did you see any following up by big men).

Shaq does not stand at the 3 point line (cited from the video where LeBron calls an ISO). David West/Okafor will not stand at the 3 point line, Bynum will not stand at the 3 point line, Noah will not stand at the 3 point line.

We were criticizing the video because the AI seemed poor in other parts of the game. An ISO is not like that.

Now that it's been repeatedly said the game is set on Pro mode, people are done complaining, give it a break.
# 264 Pared @ 08/13/09 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by jstnw89
Did you even read Pared's concerns/posts?
I give up.
# 265 SouthernBrick @ 08/13/09 11:45 PM
Damn looks like i might be gettin live this year, I haven't been keeping up with it but these vids are pretty good. Just depends on the reveiws by the guys here at OS.
# 266 TreyIM2 @ 08/13/09 11:56 PM
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I just noticed something else in the vid - How the defensive players bounce back and forth between the guy they're defending and the ball handler. I JUST remarked in the hustle vid post up here about how I DIDN'T see that in that vid post and Marcus, you didn't respond to me. You KNEW this vid would answer to that, didn't u?? Lol! N-I-C-E!!!!!
So this goes along with the GRRREAATT lookin' dribble animations that I believe actually look BETTER than 2K9's (I was a 2K9er, hard, but this looks waaaaaaaayyyy more fluid in the ball on a string handles aspect! SICK!) and the crowd response to killer dribble moves (D. Ro's TOOK THE CAKE!), accurate stadium lighting (thx to the person who posted the stills of each arena - Wooooooo!!)
I cannot say enough about how this game is coming along. Damn, damn, damn...
# 267 Jano @ 08/14/09 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
Watch an ISO play in the NBA. Big men will hover down low for an offensive rebound, or will make cuts in case the weak side defense moves over and get open for a pass and an easy basket (you did not see any of this in the ISOs, nor did you see any following up by big men).

Shaq does not stand at the 3 point line (cited from the video where LeBron calls an ISO). David West/Okafor will not stand at the 3 point line, Bynum will not stand at the 3 point line, Noah will not stand at the 3 point line.
Great post Heaven the iso's they used here seemed like one of those "get the hell outta my way" iso's like the one's you see in pick up games. You know when all the players just clear out let those two players go 1 on 1. It may not belong in an NBA game but I think it has its uses.

For example I think these are great for those last second shots where you want to just give your best player the ball and just let them go to work.

But I don't think you should be to worried tho because in Live you only get those when you call that generic ISO quick play.

When you pick real plays out of the playbook you will see much better player placement because they are using real sets. That's the biggest difference between the quick plays and the "real" ones.

Just look at Live 09 videos when an actual play is called the players set up in spots you would see them set up in real life.
# 268 lilkane15 @ 08/14/09 12:09 AM
Man oh man...2k heads cant hate on this one...this looks 2 be a great year 4 both games
# 269 yungflo @ 08/14/09 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by jstnw89
Did you even read Pared's concerns/posts?
I didn't mean to quote Pared. It was the quick reply button.
# 270 jstnw89 @ 08/14/09 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by yungflo
I didn't mean to quote Pared. It was the quick reply button.
touché ... my friend ...
# 271 phant030 @ 08/14/09 12:30 AM
Ah, i see nice assist opportunities. Rose could easily drop it off to Thomas and Kobe to Gasol. If, u can make those passes.....we can play some good basketball.

And it look like Kobe added a Slip Strike Ankle Taper crossover.
# 272 GSW @ 08/14/09 12:41 AM
the agendas are running wild
# 273 23 @ 08/14/09 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by GSW
the agendas are running wild

Yes they are and This is a warning to people coming here starting arguments and taking these threads off course, talking about NBA teams and all sorts of garbage that has nothing to do with the topic at hand

Im going to speak with Mill about this because it seems a shoot first ask questions later policy is coming up here, and I hate to do it but the same people involved in the arguments wont be allowed to take everything off topic

That said its a freaking dribbling video. Stop talking about defense and where the PF huddles. Its a freaking shame and a half that you guys cant even acknowledge the topic at hand for talking about some off the wall crap that there was no intent for it.

Its not what OS was its the posters that make the threads nice or a joke.

Some guys didnt come in here to talk about the dribble moves at all and are bringing up questions that has nothing to do with what has been said.

Marcus made some things clear as day and you can tell the guys who didnt bother to read.

I really wish EA and 2k would put up disclaimer messages for the info they release. Im no employee or anything but its mind numbing to have to keep seeing this crap over and over.
# 274 Nephilim @ 08/14/09 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by pbz06
sick video

i don't even know where to start on what i liked

lol @ the incognito 2k guys complaining

you guys are nitpicking about things that weren't even there last year, and there's no reason to be concerned

the defense, help D, spacing, iso, set plays were all superior in Live 09 than that other game

Synergy is even better this year
Yeah it was better last year (defense). I want AI to play dumb and misses rotations is out of place etc, if not, we see it cheating in for of superhuman speed and us missing the impossible to miss etc. Same goes for offense, AI should execute badly stand around and just not play good basketball. I want this games to challenge me with basketball problems not with how fast can I wiggle the sticks.
If there really is as much control over this moves, I just might feel like I'm not playing video game but a basketball game.
# 275 Mobster06 @ 08/14/09 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Hmmm guess I'm the only one that didn't like the help defense.

Even if it was on Pro, why is the defense not collapsing in a situation like that? This was a huge issue many pointed out over and with 2k9... yet it's right there in this same video.

KG just sits back and chills with Luol Deng as someone comes in the paint. Didn't even think of going at ball handler.

Love the dribble moves, but right now, despite the focus of the video, it looks like the offense was improved and the defense may suffer.

saw the "replies" to this but i still must co-sign with Pared
# 276 Dantecamp21 @ 08/14/09 02:00 AM
# 277 shindiana @ 08/14/09 02:47 AM
Loved Chris Paul in that video! I mean I didn't expect Live to showcase this level of animation this year although I knew there would be improvements.

On the other hand, I'm still not in love with D-Rose in the game. Don't get me wrong his moves were nasty but the way he's built in real life don't match with Live version IMO.
# 278 Mobster06 @ 08/14/09 03:04 AM
I loved the size-up moves, and they way they transitioned into the first step or the crossover. It looked very smooth.

But i cringed on the kobe layup and the other layup. Saw the player forcefield came into effect.

Say what you want but it was a part of the video, therefore is dissectable. Just because someone makes legitimate constructive criticism doesn't mean they are "hating" on your favorite basketball game. And also there is absolutely nothing wrong with expecting the best for your $60+tax spent on buying the game. If there is still time to fix it why settle and act like the video was perfect.
# 279 yungflo @ 08/14/09 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by shindiana
Loved Chris Paul in that video! I mean I didn't expect Live to showcase this level of animation this year although I knew there would be improvements.

On the other hands, I'm still not in love with D-Rose in the game. Don't get me wrong his moves were nasty but the way he's built in real life don't match with Live version IMO.
Dribble moves>Isomotion
# 280 BDM313 @ 08/14/09 03:26 AM
well DAMN....liked how Rose just blew by the Defense and used the eurostep and the kobe crossover was nice....live is lookin pretty good might buy both games this year..

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