NBA Live 10 News Post

As promised, we’re back today showing all of you the new dribble moves that you’ll see in NBA LIVE 10 this year. We really wanted to differentiate between players this year. What makes LeBron, LeBron? How about CP3? One of the ways in which we’ve captured this is in their dribbling styles. Let’s start with the new “size up” mechanic in NBA LIVE 10.

The size up is a series of dribbling moves used to breakdown a defender. How am I being guarded? Where is the opening? Answering these questions is the purpose of the size up. Once the ball handler catches the defender biting, he can then perform a go move out of the size up to take advantage of an over-zealous defender or a mismatch. Basically, the size up keeps the defender on his toes! In NBA LIVE 10, you perform these moves via the right trigger from a standstill position. Once you move the left stick (to move the character), you break out of the size up and start moving. One of the great things about this mechanic is that it can be broken out of at any time, or better yet, seamlessly linked into any quickstrike dribbling move using the right stick. There’s no waiting for the animation to play out before going into your next move. If you want to start that next move, you can. In the video below, you can see that we’ve captured authentic player specific size ups. You can really see the difference between LeBron and Kobe’s size up moves.

The size up is step 1 of the dribbling moves this year. Master it and you’ll be shaking your defender (especially a human controlled one) in no time. Just because we have size ups in our game, it doesn’t mean that everyone can do them. If you’re a big man with a weak handle, and you use the right trigger, you’ll do dribble moves, but good luck trying to keep up your dribble as it’ll most likely get stripped or you’ll lose control. This also doesn’t mean that the LeBron and Kobe size ups are money moves either. Again, this is a simple mechanic used to branch into more deceptive, calculated quickstrike moves. Do the size up for too long, and you open a window for the defender to read your next movement and strip the ball from you.

There’s also a couple of things in this video that I want to point out to you. You’ll notice right off the bat that there’s not a lot of off-ball player movement. Don’t worry, we have a TON of that this year. We just called an ISOLATION set in each clip to showcase the one on one matchups that we primarily wanted to capture. And finally, yes, that is a eurostep you see Derrick Rose doing. We’ll have A LOT more on the different ways you can finish at the basket this year in the coming weeks.

I really hope you’re enjoying these gameplay videos guys. There’s a lot of them left, so if you haven’t seen something you want to see yet, don’t worry you will.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 281 ctu130 @ 08/14/09 03:32 AM
this game looks so realistic, look at lebron travelling :P sim right there lol
# 282 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
It's all sooooo to the left. I mean wow, if they weren't showing us anything, then there would be the usual, whats wrong, why won't they show us videos, game must be trash.

Now we get videos to show us something obviously specific, and what is being showcased is not even the topic of discussion....that just blows my mind.

If it would've been one of those videos that only shows a single player doing the animations, then that would've been scrutinized for not being "in game".

come on guys, we're better than this. Im embarrassed for the dev's who come here and deal with this nonsense.

I'll say this though, live is getting the 2k "expectation" treatment. As it gets better the expectations get higher and the appreciation goes down. Maybe thats why I love the obvious effort thats been put on this game from just a year ago. My expectations have been exceeded by whats allready been shown.

Big up to marcus for even staying in the thread. the other guy , iminurbase, allready bailed.
lol, he didn't bail, he just went home homie! He'll be back.
# 283 theanswer34 @ 08/14/09 03:54 AM
Do you guys have one for A I even though hes still not signed.
# 284 theanswer34 @ 08/14/09 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
lol, he didn't bail, he just went home homie! He'll be back.
O yeah I ve been wanting to ask this for a while where is Mike at.
# 285 23 @ 08/14/09 04:10 AM
steph i know you're a fan of the game hanging out here in the wee hours of the morning

thanks again man for the info shared today
# 286 Da_Czar @ 08/14/09 05:01 AM
Wow .. this thread went straight to hell. Geesh!

dribble moves video correct ?

The dribble moves look nice.

I think what EA is doing is going piece by piece with their information. the had a lot wrong with the game last year and are trying to show the improvements in each area. The videos are meant to highlight said area no ?

Capturing to show a certain area does prove difficult and it helps to put the cpu in favorable positions to try to trigger what you want to happen.

that does not address the iso /big man concerns from heavenly.. we will have to wait and see. but honestly if that is the worst you get from live 10 after all the holes in live 09 i think some can live with that.

if you have played live 09 at all on the higher levels you know without a doubt that with the rotations its very difficult to play realistic basketball (not use a glitch) and just cross cross dunk because of the defensive rotations and the shot adjust ratings and everything else. If you remember my video on team defense they rotated and stopped players at the free throw line. i would not capture on that level to do a video on layups because it would take forever to get.

Using that logic it would be difficult to show off the new moves and have the finishes there on a higher level. (I believe the last round of videos guys wanted to see off the glass layups)

Now I think there is plenty of time to tar and feather steph if there is no contact or rotations or whatever your looking for on the higher levels.

I can just see it now tho. when they talk about the defense there will be some dang there is no spacing... he should have been able to get to the basket ....LOL

Pared what capture sessions have you been apart of ... sounds sweet man... you holding out on us ?
# 287 Bornindamecca @ 08/14/09 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
put your finger on it Sage. Don't cop out... hit me!

Kobe didn't lay the ball up, he stopped and then floated it up.
Didn't want to go into this before the final build, but Lebron has some of the old physics(not game physics, but Newtonian physics) problems in his take off, and Kobe's hop step didn't have enough ball protection or contraction/extension dynamics in the animation, which made the floater look noncommittal.
# 288 ©roke @ 08/14/09 07:25 AM
Well, I really loved the video, and I can wait to play this game. But for the first time, I saw something I didn't like. Am I the only one who see something strange in the LeBron dunk? I don't know what it is, but it feels strange.

Maybe it's because KG is the left side of the paint, and LeBron should attack the basket from the other side, or it's the animation, or maybe it's just because it's LeBron lol. I don't know. Am I the only one?
# 289 Muzyk23 @ 08/14/09 07:57 AM
^ I think the transition from dribble to take off looked weird
# 290 edubbs @ 08/14/09 09:27 AM
I really like the dribble moves seen in these vids. They are MUCH closer to size up moves that you see IRL.

I couldn't stand how in both games for the past few years, they had them stupid exaggerated shamgod crossovers and hesitation dribble moves, that you almost never see in real NBA games.

I like how subtle and realsitic looking the size up moves are in Live10.

Those shamgod crosses that were in both Live and 2K last year, can be left for allstar games only. They have no place being in regular games though.
# 291 cashless @ 08/14/09 09:30 AM
Love the dribble moves. Going one-on-one is allways my favorite part of any basketball video game.

Kind of unrelated, but still; Is there a reason why there aren't enough photographers on the sidelines. The sidelines have allways felt very empty in Live. See reference image: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/1396/livevsreality.jpg
# 292 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by ©roke
Well, I really loved the video, and I can wait to play this game. But for the first time, I saw something I didn't like. Am I the only one who see something strange in the LeBron dunk? I don't know what it is, but it feels strange.

Maybe it's because KG is the left side of the paint, and LeBron should attack the basket from the other side, or it's the animation, or maybe it's just because it's LeBron lol. I don't know. Am I the only one?
No you're not because I commented on it as well. It's the take off. Lebron goes straight up then forward instead of his momentum taking him forward and up. Same thing with the Kobe floater. The other two layups looked good though.

I still have some concerns about Live's lay-up and dunk animations not looking "athletic" or "natural" enough, but we'll see. It's crazy because the size up moves they captured look damn near perfect. Kobe's cross I would've look to see him lean a little lower, but for the most part I loved all the dribbling, and that's what they video was about. I'm very pleased with Live so far this year. I'll say it again I really liked 09, but 10 makes it look just horrible.
# 293 darch @ 08/14/09 10:02 AM
Love this years live videos ,only thing is that strange speedup during some dunks ,and unnatural ball falling when the basket is made(feels like baloon) ,cant wait to see some gameplay videos reffered to change directions ,passing ,defense I was dissapointed with 2k9 "no fundamentals" skating game.This looks promissing ,speed of the game looks very nice Court space and that broadcast camera looks perfect i hope there is lot of controlled momentum during run dribble (every dribble matters and can be controlled?)
# 294 RayDog253 @ 08/14/09 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by cashless
If the green of the Celtic's jersey weren't so off it would be hard to tell (at a quick glance) which was in game. They do seem to need some more camera men as well, as you pointed out. No biggie though.
# 295 SageInfinite @ 08/14/09 11:08 AM
Yea that's 1 problem I've always had with Live's atmosphere. There aren't enough characters on the baselines or the benches. Everything else looks great though.
# 296 K.Manz @ 08/14/09 11:16 AM
is there a gameplay blog coming today??
# 297 theanswer34 @ 08/14/09 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
If the green of the Celtic's jersey weren't so off it would be hard to tell (at a quick glance) which was in game. They do seem to need some more camera men as well, as you pointed out. No biggie though.
Yeah I agree.
# 298 23 @ 08/14/09 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Wow .. this thread went straight to hell. Geesh!

dribble moves video correct ?

The dribble moves look nice.

I think what EA is doing is going piece by piece with their information. the had a lot wrong with the game last year and are trying to show the improvements in each area. The videos are meant to highlight said area no ?

Capturing to show a certain area does prove difficult and it helps to put the cpu in favorable positions to try to trigger what you want to happen.

I can just see it now tho. when they talk about the defense there will be some dang there is no spacing... he should have been able to get to the basket ....LOL

Pared what capture sessions have you been apart of ... sounds sweet man... you holding out on us ?

Well said sir... I swear that some guys are just prfessional bug finders and those are the same guys who will want a new game 2 months later.

Im willing to say that some people already ruined the experience for themselves without even touching the game, and its a shame.

I also agree on the capturing, its not as easy as one might think. Sometimes it takes hours to get little footage, and this was great considering it was a rush job.

Its funny how in the hustle video guys were whining about having the ball stolen all the time and the steal animation happening too much, now dudes are pouring out their hearts about their 2k insecurities knowing good and well Live 09 had some pretty tough to get through and dunk on you defense even with the flaws in the game

Still this is some encouraging video here and the difference is night and day in improvement, not just because Live 09's dribble moves werent great, but of any basketball game out there made, it's definitely up there in top ranking from whats been shown so far.

I'd almost believe you're lying if you say you love the game and didn't want to try some of this out, being a fan of the series or not
# 299 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 11:32 AM
I keep hearing you guys say that about Kobe (he should've had contact)..

He avoids contact by doing a hop, then a little teardrop. I can't go into too much detail b/c Mike will soon, but that decision was made (user controlled) b/c had Kobe kept pressing to the hoop, he would've drawn a collision.

As for the LeBron dunk, totally agree. Was debating putting that one in there. Don't worry at all about LeBron just doing that with no context, it was a user error (me unfortunately - ) I beat Pierce, then was trying to go for his signature tomahawk dunk, and chose to finish in that direction to recreate that classic moment over KG, but he didn't do that dunk..lol.

I still think it's a sweet dunk. I wish we could've kept the audio in b/c when LeBron dunked it, you heard a loud "OHHHHHHHHH" coming from him.
# 300 ball4life @ 08/14/09 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
I keep hearing you guys say that about Kobe (he should've had contact)..

He avoids contact by doing a hop, then a little teardrop. I can't go into too much detail b/c Mike will soon, but that decision was made (user controlled) b/c had Kobe kept pressing to the hoop, he would've drawn a collision.

As for the LeBron dunk, totally agree. Was debating putting that one in there. Don't worry at all about LeBron just doing that with no context, it was a user error (me unfortunately - ) I beat Pierce, then was trying to go for his signature tomahawk dunk, and chose to finish in that direction to recreate that classic moment over KG, but he didn't do that dunk..lol.

I still think it's a sweet dunk. I wish we could've kept the audio in b/c when LeBron dunked it, you heard a loud "OHHHHHHHHH" coming from him.
omg this game is going to be 2 sik so u tellin me he has sound emotion 2.....nd i cant even tlk i might buy 2 copies hell lol

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