NBA Live 10 News Post

As promised, we’re back today showing all of you the new dribble moves that you’ll see in NBA LIVE 10 this year. We really wanted to differentiate between players this year. What makes LeBron, LeBron? How about CP3? One of the ways in which we’ve captured this is in their dribbling styles. Let’s start with the new “size up” mechanic in NBA LIVE 10.

The size up is a series of dribbling moves used to breakdown a defender. How am I being guarded? Where is the opening? Answering these questions is the purpose of the size up. Once the ball handler catches the defender biting, he can then perform a go move out of the size up to take advantage of an over-zealous defender or a mismatch. Basically, the size up keeps the defender on his toes! In NBA LIVE 10, you perform these moves via the right trigger from a standstill position. Once you move the left stick (to move the character), you break out of the size up and start moving. One of the great things about this mechanic is that it can be broken out of at any time, or better yet, seamlessly linked into any quickstrike dribbling move using the right stick. There’s no waiting for the animation to play out before going into your next move. If you want to start that next move, you can. In the video below, you can see that we’ve captured authentic player specific size ups. You can really see the difference between LeBron and Kobe’s size up moves.

The size up is step 1 of the dribbling moves this year. Master it and you’ll be shaking your defender (especially a human controlled one) in no time. Just because we have size ups in our game, it doesn’t mean that everyone can do them. If you’re a big man with a weak handle, and you use the right trigger, you’ll do dribble moves, but good luck trying to keep up your dribble as it’ll most likely get stripped or you’ll lose control. This also doesn’t mean that the LeBron and Kobe size ups are money moves either. Again, this is a simple mechanic used to branch into more deceptive, calculated quickstrike moves. Do the size up for too long, and you open a window for the defender to read your next movement and strip the ball from you.

There’s also a couple of things in this video that I want to point out to you. You’ll notice right off the bat that there’s not a lot of off-ball player movement. Don’t worry, we have a TON of that this year. We just called an ISOLATION set in each clip to showcase the one on one matchups that we primarily wanted to capture. And finally, yes, that is a eurostep you see Derrick Rose doing. We’ll have A LOT more on the different ways you can finish at the basket this year in the coming weeks.

I really hope you’re enjoying these gameplay videos guys. There’s a lot of them left, so if you haven’t seen something you want to see yet, don’t worry you will.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by lamoyou318
im being serious when I ask this,are you slow or just silly?
Let me ask you this, do you even know which team is in your avatar?
# 222 KChow21 @ 08/13/09 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
Read any of my posts, where do you see me saying things like "this game sucks" .. I have to blindly support this game because you like what you're seeing? that's ridiculous; be more open minded than that. I pointed out legitimate problems which would not happen in an NBA game and all you guys do is attack the poster, bunch of amateurs.
No, you come down here to criticize everyone who shows love to EA and say that they shouldn't because the "rival" hasn't shown anything... yeah there are somethings that need more improvement, but that doesn't mean ppl cant be excited about Live 10 and that doesn't give you a reason to come down here to be an a-hole
# 223 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by KChow21
No, you come down here to criticize everyone who shows love to EA and say that they shouldn't because the "rival" hasn't shown anything... yeah there are somethings that need more improvement, but that doesn't mean ppl cant be excited about Live 10
And every time I've come here, you're the only one that's continuously misconstrued my posts and made it sound like I'm saying something completely different.
# 224 blingballa333 @ 08/13/09 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch

You guys are just blindly defending the game, be impartial. This has nothing to do with me being a "2k supporter over a Live supporter". You guys treat anyone who looks at this video unfavorably as an "outsider".

Address the issues, without criticisms, these games won't be better in the future.
Okay, What? Correct me if I'm wrong, you are expressing your feelings on how the the isolation plays look and how the players rotate? Well, maybe it will improve when the level is bumped up in the game? Maybe showing the video on Pro difficulty has concerned you? But it seems that your are blindly complaining about the game when you have no idea what the gameplay with play like on a higher difficulty? Am I correct? This goes both ways buddy ol' pal. You could be blind when speaking about what happened in the video couldn't you?
# 225 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
Okay, What? Correct me if I'm wrong, you are expressing your feelings on how the the isolation plays look and how the players rotate? Well, maybe it will improve when the level is bumped up in the game? Maybe showing the video on Pro difficulty has concerned you? But it seems that your are blindly complaining about the game when you have no idea what the gameplay with play like on a higher difficulty? Am I correct? This goes both ways buddy ol' pal.
People want to see improvements from last year's game, the game is being shown on pro mode in order to advertise dribbling moves? There are a ton of people here concerned with defense and good AI.
# 226 KChow21 @ 08/13/09 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
And every time I've come here, you're the only one that's continuously misconstrued my posts and made it sound like I'm saying something completely different.
The "only one"...... man
# 227 bigeastbumrush @ 08/13/09 10:55 PM
What pleased me the most was Rose going off glass for the layup...
# 228 stephensonmc @ 08/13/09 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
People want to see improvements from last year's game, the game is being shown on pro mode in order to advertise dribbling moves? There are a ton of people here concerned with defense, rebounding, and good AI.
which we'll show in due time.

This is a dribbling video. Nothing more, nothing less.
# 229 lamoyou318 @ 08/13/09 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
Let me ask you this, do you even know which team is in your avatar?
a team that made it to the playoffs unlike the team in your avatar who didnt
# 230 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
which we'll show in due time.

This is a dribbling video. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just so I won't bitch any further, can you guarantee me that on the highest difficulty on an ISO, my big men will not stand at the 3 point line?
# 231 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by lamoyou318
a team that made it to the playoffs unlike the team in your avatar who didnt
Miami only beat us once in the regular season in 3 games, and we had the worst wings/bench in the league.

Welcome to a new season my friend, where Miami has had no additions (Wade will likely leave) and we had one of the best offseason turnarounds.
# 232 blingballa333 @ 08/13/09 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
People want to see improvements from last year's game, the game is being shown on pro mode in order to advertise dribbling moves? There are a ton of people here concerned with defense and good AI.
So you would want a video, showing off the new dribble moves and drives, but have the player get blocked when he puts up the shot after he pulls off those moves? That would be a dumb marketing strategy don't you think. Maybe in the weeks to come Live will release a video about shot blocking. We really just don't know anything about the gameplay right now and should wait before making any other assumptions. I am sure your concerns will be addressed.
# 233 lindo9595 @ 08/13/09 10:59 PM
Are people saying Miami is better than the Raps? LMAO
# 234 blingballa333 @ 08/13/09 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by lindo9595
Are people saying Miami is better than the Raps? LMAO
It's really not that funny. But you know what is funny? How off topic this thread has become...lol
# 235 yungflo @ 08/13/09 11:02 PM
Video defintelly looks better than the hsutle play video. lol. I find to say hands down, those are the smoothest dribble moves I've ever seen from a video game.
# 236 Pared @ 08/13/09 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Why is it like that? Because it was a decision that was made to make things easier on Pro.
Hmm. I want to see what this game will be like. Guess I need to continue to wait and see. Guys don't even really acknowledge the ball handler unless you come near them but if you say it's pro, guess back to waiting it is.

I did get a kick of guys defending it though!

Why would you guys release media that shows something so glaring like that? I'm obviously in the minority since we got the "oh mies itZ ovuhh!!!" posts but something like this hasn't been really seen since Lebron at Detroit. Man, that game was ugly.
# 237 stephensonmc @ 08/13/09 11:03 PM
hey guys, the video thread yesterday got closed b/c of arguing like this. Could you guys drop it so people can get back to talking about the video?
# 238 Pared @ 08/13/09 11:03 PM
Yeah, I just read that.

Stop the bickering back and forth.
# 239 KChow21 @ 08/13/09 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
hey guys, the video thread yesterday got closed b/c of arguing like this. Could you guys drop it so people can get back to talking about the video?
Definitely, I like that players have an animation to wipe the sweat off their forehead... btw is Ryan still doing his blog today?
# 240 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/13/09 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
It's really not that funny. But you know what is funny? How off topic this thread has become...lol
It's pretty funny this coming year.

We beat them with one of the worst teams in the Eastern conference twice (granted, Wade has no help)

We now added Jarret Jack, Belinelli, Turkoglu, DeRozan, Wright, Rasho, Evans..

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