Madden 2010 News Post

Check it out, right here.

"A rookie defensive back sealed the fate of the Ravens today, sending the Titans into the second round of the playoffs in Madden NFL 10.

The Tennessee Titans (9-7) took on the Baltimore Ravens (10-6) in the opening game of the AFC Wildcard game today in a crazy back and forth game filled with dazzling special teams and defensive play. QB Joe Flacco threw an interception as time wound down that rookie CB Ryan Mouton intercepted with less than 20 seconds to go in regulation to seal the Titans victory."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 jmalu84 @ 06/12/09 07:19 PM
i just keep noticing more awesomeness...loving the music at the end of the game and through the highlights...sounds like something NFL Films uses...LOVE IT!
# 102 lived @ 06/12/09 07:20 PM
Wow, anybody catch the new camera angles for the highlights at the end of the game. SICK.... this is gonna be special
# 103 jmalu84 @ 06/12/09 07:20 PM
noticed one thing at the end game menu...what is the "Boost Stat" menu option Ian?
# 104 jdr4693 @ 06/12/09 07:20 PM
Hey Ian do you think in future maddens you could have players coming up to the refs and arguing. That would be kinda cool as an extra cut scene.
# 105 bison160 @ 06/12/09 07:21 PM
Please tell me blocking logic is on the list for 11. When I questioned it a few months ago after the blocking improvements were unveiled, whether the logic was actually redone or if it was just new animations and such, Ian blew me off and acted like I was an idiot for asking that. Now, its obvious the logic is either the same or maybe redone, but equally as broke. Blockers running the wrong way in relation to the play, acting lost, ignoring guys in front of them, etc.

Id be more than willing to provide detailed feedback to help fix this issue for 11 if necessary. So dont take this as a bash, Im just really sick of terrible line play. It destroys the game. And I want to play a FUN game!
# 106 marinofan @ 06/12/09 07:21 PM

I am one of those people that have not bought a Madden game in years. I think the last one I bought was 06. The one thing that worried me was the amount of offence in this game. I remember last year I hated the robo QB. I think there were too many big plays for two very good defences. I do appreciate all the interaction in the forum and I think its both productive for your team and for the consumers. This interaction has led me to for the first time in a long time consider buying this game. By the way can you please post a video with the zoom camera.
# 107 NoLittleBabies @ 06/12/09 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I love the panic button approach around here.

I just played a game as the Patriots against the Steelers and rushed for 40 yards on 18 carries and passed for 125 (8/18).

I really question why the hell I spend all day doing this stuff only for people to freak out.
You have to keep in mind that even the most vehement complainers are still guys who will buy the game and get hundreds of hours of fun out of it. I know like 99% of everyone here really, really appreciates the approach you've taken to this game and all the hard work you put in. And the game looks like potentially the best one since 03 (my personal favorite) and maybe even the best ever. Just keep your head up and take the constructive criticism from the smart guys here to help make the game even better in the short time left before development finishes.

The bottom line is, when this game comes out and all the positive feedback and great reviews roll in, all the hard work and listening to us complain (some valid, some silly) will have been worth it.

Great job and thanks again for the videos.
# 108 Krodis @ 06/12/09 07:22 PM
Just something I noticed. Shouldn't the incomplete pass at 1:40 in video 6 be a fumble?
# 109 kmp714 @ 06/12/09 07:22 PM
It may be ironic, or whatever coming from a fellow Madden nerd/OS poster, but some people really do need to find something to do instead of just eat,sleep, and drink Madden '10. I swear some of you are dreaming about accelerated clock, and drawing up your idea of OL/DL interaction and pocket forming on your dinner napkin, while you wife or kids are trying to have a conversation with you.
# 110 Anti Honor @ 06/12/09 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
Out side runs, they are going to be a problem, judging from yesterdays vids and to days. Please fix soon, reminds me of NFL Gameday 2004 when gamespot, went up and down the field with just sweeps for big yards. But I did notice it was lighting who was running.

Needs more D
I noticed he same thing. I thought maybe the video today would show something different, but I just finished the first video, and the outside human running game, seems far too easy.

Any plans to fix this?
# 111 Broncos86 @ 06/12/09 07:23 PM
Real, quick, without taking notice:

Check out:
Video 4, 1:25 mark.
Video 4, 5:00 mark.
video 5, 6:17 mark.

All inaccurate throws. There are more, I just didn't search for times.
# 112 poopie @ 06/12/09 07:24 PM
Ian why can't we here the refs calls and will we see any sideline catches this year.game looks much better.Hey guys, u don't get sacks in every game thats real football
# 113 Broncos86 @ 06/12/09 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Anti Honor
I noticed he same thing. I thought maybe the video today would show something different, but I just finished the first video, and the outside human running game, seems far too easy.

Any plans to fix this?
That's hard to say when you're watching the fastest player in the game run the ball.
# 114 Outkizast @ 06/12/09 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by kmp714
It may be ironic, or whatever coming from a fellow Madden nerd/OS poster, but some people really do need to find something to do instead of just eat,sleep, and drink Madden '10. I swear some of you are dreaming about accelerated clock, and drawing up your idea of OL/DL interaction and pocket forming on your dinner napkin, while you wife or kids are trying to have a conversation with you.
you got a problem with my life??? haha
# 115 Rashad19 @ 06/12/09 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by therizing02
Ha! No kidding.


*Cut scenes
*Stat Overlays
*Overthrows by Flacco
*Bad passes when the QB throws while getting hit.
*The catch by CJ on the screen pass
*Better CPU clock management

Needs a little work:

*Running animations..check out the halftime highlight of CJ chasing down Foxworth. Brutal.
*Would have liked to have seen the CPU AI adjust to your repeated calls for sweeps.
*DLine was completely ineffective for the most part.
*QBs had way too much time to throw.
*What happened to the atmosphere that was in the Chiefs/Atl. game? The crowd was amazing there! This game? Not so much.

Looking forward to getting the game.
Excellent points on both sides of the coin. I want to see the DL be more apart of the game...get more push...cause more disruption on running plays. Way to many stalemates at the LOS. The defense seems so neutered in these videos.

I just did not get that feeling that you were having a tough time moving the ball against against an elite defense.
# 116 Anti Honor @ 06/12/09 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Broncos86
That's hard to say when you're watching the fastest player in the game run the ball.
Same result in every video I've seen.

The human outside running game looks far too easy. What difficulty were the last two games played on, Ian? If the human running game isn't as easy as it seems, the game looks great.
# 117 Ian_Cummings @ 06/12/09 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Details
Because football is life. Duh.

You're nearing the end of a marathon. Stay focused and dig down deep! You could also be emotionally drained from the Magic's defeat last night.
lol - I could give a damn about the Magic.

Can't wait to match up against you running that weak-*** wildcat come August 14.
# 118 ZoneKIller @ 06/12/09 07:29 PM

You think it would be cool to have some credits scrolling up during the endgame highlights at the end of the game?

I think I've seen that on tv b4 after a game has ended.The music with the endgame highlights made me think about it
# 119 ShimSham @ 06/12/09 07:29 PM
I just noticed this, but this is a game being played in January. And though it's in Tenn, it's still cold. Breath is showing.

Problem? No one has on any cold weather gear, coaches are wearing short sleeve Polos.

No players have long sleeves, anything.
# 120 therizing02 @ 06/12/09 07:30 PM
More cool observations after watching the 3rd quarter:

*Bad passes.
*The great over the shoulder catch by Heap just before taking a huge hit and fumbling out of bounds.
*The QB Sneak is not automatic anymore!
*The Ravens player on the stationary bike on the sideline!

Ian continuing to try to go wide with CJ. The Ravens finally caught on.

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