Madden 2010 News Post

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"A rookie defensive back sealed the fate of the Ravens today, sending the Titans into the second round of the playoffs in Madden NFL 10.

The Tennessee Titans (9-7) took on the Baltimore Ravens (10-6) in the opening game of the AFC Wildcard game today in a crazy back and forth game filled with dazzling special teams and defensive play. QB Joe Flacco threw an interception as time wound down that rookie CB Ryan Mouton intercepted with less than 20 seconds to go in regulation to seal the Titans victory."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 481 TheWatcher @ 06/13/09 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
Isn't there a slider for this?
Yes. But, the default as far as I'm aware is set to normal. I don't think the small number of replays and banners that popped up could be considered normal by any stretch.

Originally Posted by Bgamer90
I want to know if there's a new challenge system this year. No one has said anything about it.

I want to know!!!!! lol
I just want to see a challenge actually happen so I can be sure there still is one, lol. I'm sure there is, but there have been too many plays now that should've gotten a challenge but didn't.
# 482 vannwolfhawk @ 06/13/09 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Back on the grind this morning for about an hour or so. The issues I documented in the video and sent to adem were 1) ILB play; 2) OLB play; 3) Pass rush; 4) Play recognition; 5) Lack of Safety run support. If you look at this video closely you will see all of these. For instance #5, on one of the run plays in the first video, Ed Reed backpedals until Chris Johnson is 3 yards pass the line of scrimmage. Ray Lewis does a lot of quirky things in the video. For players with 99 play recognition, I'd expect Reed and Lewis to be all over these runs. Play recognition is not kicking in. Lewis does a great deal of crashing on tosses when he should be scrapping.

Also, I think Tavarres Gooden did not get his ratings increase from the CD build because he can't tackle Chris Johnson. Good had two great plays where he read and crashed the gap only to get trucked by Chris Johnson in the backfield. Physics has to come into play here. Gooden is coming downhill full speed; Johnson has just received the ball, so he cannot have too much force behind him.

Finally OLB's, I count twice in the entire game where the OLB's played the outside run like they were supposed to. Once by Suggs and once by Jarrett Johnson. ON these two plays they did not wait for the blockers to come to them, they attacked the blockers up the field got off the block and tackled the back as he tried to get outside. But on the same plays the Backside ILB had some bad things going on. On every snap besides those two, Ravens and Titans, the OLB's literally stood motionless and waited for the blockers to come to them and hence no edge was sealed. The run was not forced back inside.

I think this is just tuning stuff hopefully. I'm going to read Ian's thread on the pass rush find now. I'm happy to hear something has been found. It's a long read so that might mean it's something big.
Yep I saw it all! I have seen it over and over in all the videos from E3 and now... I'm a BIG DEFENSIVE guy! I would rather the EA team work on 75% defense and 25% offense because thats what IMO is needed to make this game more realistic!!! They need to put the same focus on D as they do O! I have wanted a seperate Right stick control for D-lineman for years! You could never pick them and expect results so you are limited to 5 guys to pick from on Defense because the corners have been unplayable as well...

Teams and defenses like Ravens, & Bears need to be at a whole nother level then the rest of the league. The Giants and Vikings line need to be differentiated from other d-lines and be able to change a game by pressure up front like they do in real life! I do think Ian's new find is going to be game changing and exactly what we are looking for though! Great job LBZ and Ian on this!!! You made this happen and thank you Ian for listening. IMO though we might have to SLIGHTLY tone down that rush a bit? It's great but maybe just a bit unrealistic. It really depends if Ian took those 12 snaps in a row or just edited to those 12 plays out of 25 or so. You with me on this? It was nice to see Suggs and Ngata actually be a presence finally!!! Could we finally have our select few defenses actually be dominating and win a title ala 2000 Ravens? Can't wait to see!

Thanks for all your input and your breaking the game down to a T and IMO right on analysis!!!
# 483 Joborule @ 06/13/09 10:38 PM
So finally got around to watching this, here’s my thoughts:

· Absolutely love the crowd volume. Great improvement.
· Linebackers look to be fairly slow in attacking the outside runs. They’re inside for too long instead of rushing out with the running back and/or fullback to cut off the pursuit. This is leading to the outside runs having the advantage to the offense.
· 2:54 mark (Video 1). The Titans LG was heading towards blocking the ROLB. Makes sense since the play is a pitch outside, however during his path he’s runs right up to the attacking inside linebacker, and doesn’t do anything to him. A little pop from the blocker to disrupt his path of the linebacker a little would be a nice animation.
· Engage battles need to be rougher. The contact between the linemen don’t seem to have enough raw power in them.
· 3:52 mark (video 1). This is an example of good defensive pursuit on the outside run. The fault here is that the Ravens RG was pulling towards the outside to block a defender, when he was in the path of the main threat defender however, he didn’t engage with the player (whom made the initial tackle afterwards) and pull off to block a player in the inside. Illogical decision. I’ve noticed this on other outside runs plays as well. The linemen seems to make out cut up inside instead of continuing to angle off towards the outside to engage the defender. This leading to runs for losses because of missed blocks.
· Tom Hammond isn’t active enough in the play-by-play. He isn’t really saying anything pre-snap, he normally doesn’t say much on pass plays,
· Really liked the QB dive there on the goalline sneak.
· Great Pro-Tak Gang Man Animation at the 8:42 (Video 1) mark. About 5 players it look got in that one.
· I notice more sound bites from the crowd and/or the players on the field. Sounds great.
· At the 4:39 (video 2), I didn’t like how the linebacker could just run in untouched on the draw. The center did basically nothing and could have picked him up while the RG picked up the nosetackle (which it did).
· The one handed pick by Foxworth at 5:02 (video 2) was sick! I don’t want that happen too often though. Those should be asking for dropped picks if they are hard passes.
· 6:37 (video 2), great player response visual to the holding call.
· 0:40 (video 3), did not like how low the crowd noise was when Johnson was running in for the score, and then got the TD. They didn’t even get even louder when he actually in. Far too quiet of a reaction to a play of that nature in any game, let alone a playoff game. Same thing happen with the holding call that called back the Ravens TD in the last video.
· There’s a fair amount of penalties. Didn’t feel over random though. Look like they came up at proper times.
· From your QB sneak attempts, it seems that some pro tak connection with the linemen will be needed in the future Madden versions, along with the pileups. Right now he dives into linemen feet and it looks odd. (and doesn’t get a yard if he could fight for it)

Overall, like what I saw. Presentation is improved a tenfold from last year, looks much more TV style. The crowd adds to the interactivity as well. Nothing aches against my vibe for the game in terms of gameplay, so solid overall. AI issues I saw though I won’t take huge account on till I get to see the game on All-Madden level and see if it’s improved (or cheating a little).
# 484 TheWatcher @ 06/13/09 10:43 PM
Yeah, the goaline stuff would've been a great place for Pro-Tak to kick in, or a pileup scene.
# 485 jewelz1132 @ 06/13/09 10:57 PM
Will there be field degradation ?
# 486 slick1186 @ 06/14/09 12:05 AM
Thanks for the vid Ian. Just two questions, Why does the play clock skip so much time from when you select the play and they begin to walk to the line? Is the computer always going to walk straight to the line and hike or will they switch up there cadence?
# 487 Bgamer90 @ 06/14/09 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by 49ers94
Madden 10 Halftime show sucks big time, it's boring,and the Commentary sounds like freaking robots.Once again all the hype for nothing, like i said this year will just be another dissapointment, but hey that's what E.A does every year.
Yep since as we all know, pretty bad halftime shows are complete game breakers
# 488 carolina_boi @ 06/14/09 02:33 AM
# 489 droopizzle34 @ 06/14/09 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by sgibs7
Do you buy madden to PLAY or to watch?

If your buying it for thw latter I suggest you realize the product your purchasing. Buy head coach if tour looking to simply Watch. Madden is based on game play..afte that is its primary purpose right?

People like this really work my nerves man! Stop bashing people for their choice and whats important to them.....geez man! If gameplay is all thats important to you,then Madden's graphics could be stick men right???

One of EA's slogans this year is "IF YOU SEE IT ON SUNDAYS,YOU'LL SEE IT ON MADDEN." You see colored cleats,flak jackets,field goal nets,referees,different color gloves,active sidelines,beards,clean cut faces,gang tackles,I could go on and on.
EVERYONE has things they want,and they ALL should be in the game. Not just gameplay,cleats,commentary,but EVERYTHING.
So if you wanna waste time bashing something thats important to people,GET OFF THE FORUMS. Or do something helpful like,oh, I dunno, CONTRIBUTE TO MADDEN BEING A GREAT ALL AROUND GAME!!!!
# 490 jdr4693 @ 06/14/09 06:51 AM
Well seeing as how most everyone values 60 dollars and this is a public forum, I believe constructive criticism and complaints are welcome IMO.
# 491 Murkzilla @ 06/14/09 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by 49ers94
Madden 10 Halftime show sucks big time, it's boring,and the Commentary sounds like freaking robots.Once again all the hype for nothing, like i said this year will just be another dissapointment, but hey that's what E.A does every year.
If you want to watch half time shows why don't you just watch real football rather than spend $60 dollars on a computer game.

The game is hopefully about playing the game, and that is what Madden should be judged on at the end of the day. Yeah after the build up the halftime show got it looks a bit disappointing, but the improvements that EA seem to have made to the gameplay since '09 mean that for most people this should be far from a disappointment.
# 492 matelee @ 06/14/09 03:45 PM
looks great ian!
# 493 jbooc13 @ 06/14/09 06:54 PM
Everything looked good , but the running looked like jogging.all you need to do is loosen the arm swinging and make the strides smaller and quicker while maintaining the rate cj was going. I like how the ai improved and started locking down the run.i think since the ravens have one of the best defenses,they should be able to lock it down faster
# 494 sgibs7 @ 06/14/09 06:58 PM
Everyone has there own right to voice there on opinona of the game. I agree 100% with that. My problem is al the negativity I see being spread. We r only 2 years removed from a gm on NG that was barely playable. They have made leaps and bounds from that year. Its very easy to sit on thw comfort of your home ans complain about this gm. If u hate it to much don't buy it. Theirs no provemwit suggesting ideas but all you ever see is how ea sucks. I have been playing madden since 1994 I can say in confidence this isthe
Most attention I have ever scene put into a gm. If u hate the gm so much make a stand and don't buy it!
# 495 xX CASCABEL Xx @ 06/14/09 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by sgibs7
Everyone has there own right to voice there on opinona of the game. I agree 100% with that. My problem is al the negativity I see being spread. We r only 2 years removed from a gm on NG that was barely playable. They have made leaps and bounds from that year. Its very easy to sit on thw comfort of your home ans complain about this gm. If u hate it to much don't buy it. Theirs no provemwit suggesting ideas but all you ever see is how ea sucks. I have been playing madden since 1994 I can say in confidence this isthe
Most attention I have ever scene put into a gm. If u hate the gm so much make a stand and don't buy it!
It's always easy to complain than to state the truth, this game is getting better, plan and simple, not rocket science, a lot of people have very good and legitimate questions & others well they remind me of Gladis Kravits from the Bewitch sit com, Debbie Downers, etc, etc, etc...
# 496 sgibs7 @ 06/14/09 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by xX CASCABEL Xx
It's always easy to complain than to state the truth, this game is getting better, plan and simple, not rocket science, a lot of people have very good and legitimate questions & others well they remind me of Gladis Kravits from the Bewitch sit com, Debbie Downers, etc, etc, etc...

I play this game at a very high level and contribute the best that I can to the community in regards to tips and strategies...all for free...i have seen drastic improvements to madden 2010 in ALL areas. It bothers me that its just never enough.

If Ian Cummings and the EA team had 3-4 years to prepare and give us a game I'm sure it would be FLAWLESS. Fact of the matter is they don't have that luxury. They have roughly a year to get everyones request placed into the game. he negative energy needs to be toned down a bit. Ian and his team are the best thing that has happened to Madden and its future. I have never seen in all my years attention to all facets of this game. I for one think there doing a great job and have FULL confidence that this WILL be the best Madden we all have EVER seen.
# 497 monkeybutlerz @ 06/14/09 08:38 PM
I like a lot of what I see, but there are things that could be improved.

The rosters are not done properly (this will surely be fixed by launch, so not a huge deal, just pointing it out). David Hale is not our starting guard. If Yanda isn't there due to his knee injury, it would be Chris Chester. I believe Hale has even been converted to C now anyways. Ray Rice has been #27 since the end of last pre-season, I don't see why he's #39. Jared Gaither is our LT, Oher is our RT (Willie Anderson retired).

Ngata seems irrelevant in the running game. I don't really care about what his stats will look like, I just want to see how he affects the LOS and I don't see much of that at all.

Commentating has been covered ad nauseum for its quality, I'd just like to add that there's way too many instances where nothing is being said, kind of detracts from the excellent broadcast feel conveyed by the cutscenes.

I like a lot of subtle things added pre-snap, like Landry adjusting his helmet, for example. I think they have the head coach yelling at his players too often on the sideline. Usually it's the coordinators interacting with the players.

Maybe it's just my homer bias, but the Ravens D seems a lot better in real life than in this video. Same with the Titans. I mean, the final in the playoffs was 13-10, offenses seem way too effective (especially since they're not stellar).
# 498 jbluck513 @ 06/14/09 08:48 PM
ok ian...i don kno if im the first one to say it but i will go ahead and say it anyway. i love madden but there is one thing that i have always HATED!!! the commentary. its not really wat they're saying...its just the fact that there is no emotion. listen to commentators on sunday and monday night games. when a player breaks free, or gets a pick or sack or forces a fumble, the commentator is yelling and screaming his head of. he gets into it. in madden, it just sounds scripted. no emotion
# 499 xanmank @ 06/15/09 04:04 PM
Awesome video.

I'm pumped to see an entire game.
# 500 kt-od @ 06/15/09 05:08 PM
In every video I have seen; which I haven't watched all of them...When the referees come in to discuss if it is a touchdown or not... it is always a no touchdown. Has anyone seen one as favored a touchdown?

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