Madden 2010 News Post

Look at Maximum tackle and the suddenness in which the tackler arrives and the wealth of options in this system. The tackler comes to tackle not engage in a line dance. I know I don't know all the features to Pro Tak, when it comes to the actual tackle, but when you see this video, of ESPN NFL 2K5 tackle options you will understand why I critisize the grabbing for grabbing sake.

In 2k5 you could initiate the tackle with a wrap or a hit. I also like which wasn't mentioned in the video, you can choose whether or not you should wrap high or low by flicking the right stick up for high wrap tackle and flicking down for low wrap tackle and the next defender(s) attacks the ball carrier.

I'm not hating, I actually like the idea, I just want it to be aggressive and violent as it should be its a collision sport not contact and racing up to a ball carrier just to hold onto him just for looks, just doesn't look good.


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Member Comments
# 81 kmart2180 @ 05/09/09 01:31 AM
My goodness that BB game looks more arcadey than Blitz....IMO. I hope for there sake they tone down the blow up hits. How about a normal wrap up tackle every once in a while.

If this is football being played after 10 red bull's and a pound of sugar, atleast show us the diesel let down you feel after the caffeine/sugar rush. Theres gotta be a slow point somewhere in the game.
# 82 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 01:36 AM
Gotcha, I was just trying to understand where he was coming from, because his statements don't appear to line up with the video evidence, at which point I figured it was perception more than anything else. It's been so long since I played 2K5 that I honestly don't remember how well momentum was represented in the game. I do know from reading the forums that momentum was a big addition to APF2K8 though. Right now, I'm kind of viewing each game as a stepping stone from a realistic momentum / physics standpoint which greatly affects the 'ump' of the game.

BackBreaker > APF2K8 > Madden < APF2K8 < BackBreaker
# 83 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by TDogg09
All I know is both games look pretty awesome in their own right. Both have good qualities, both have bad. The fact is they're different and they're not going for the same thing-Madden is going for realism and sim
It's so funny to see that statement because that hasn't been Madden's goal in a long time. Funny, but good.

Originally Posted by TDogg09
Backbreaker is going for more arcade (or so I read in one of the previews).
Really? Can you provide a link to the story please? If that's honestly the case, then we shouldn't have any expectations of a realistic / simulation experience.
# 84 TDogg09 @ 05/09/09 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Really? Can you provide a link to the story please? If that's honestly the case, then we shouldn't have any expectations of a realistic / simulation experience.

4th paragraph down, right under the picture.

Rather than gunning for the simulation crown that Madden currently holds, NaturalMotion is going for arcade gameplay that has the most realistic motion ever seen in a videogame.
# 85 TDogg09 @ 05/09/09 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
The IGN writer wrote that.

BackBreaker Devs have stated many times that they are going for the "Any Given Sunday" and "Mike Vick/T.O. Nike commercial" feel. To me, that's realism.

That's pretty arcady in my opinion. I'm guessing by that statement though, going for an "Any Given Sunday" feel, it means really exaggerating what happens in football, which is not sim, it's more arcade.
# 86 TDogg09 @ 05/09/09 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
I can confidently say that you will buy Backbreaker when it comes out.
And you would be right. I am going to buy both Madden and Backbreaker. I can confidently say that the Backbreaker guys aren't focusing as much on "sim" as Ian is.

And if you think a guy getting flipped twice in the air (as per the "Any Given Sunday" trailer) is realism, I think you aren't quite sure what sim is either
# 87 icomb1ne @ 05/09/09 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
Since you like Madden, I'm guessing your opinion of sim and arcade is pretty distorted anyways.
# 88 TDogg09 @ 05/09/09 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
I can also confidently say that you will play BB much more than Madden. I doubt you will tell me the truth when the time comes though, and you don't have to, because I'll be playing BB more also
I wouldn't know the answer yet. You may be right, you may be wrong. I'm pretty psyched about both Madden and Backbreaker, so I will probably play them both quite a bit.

And if you are right, at least i'll have a couple months to play Madden before Backbreaker comes out
# 89 kmart2180 @ 05/09/09 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
I can also confidently say that you will play BB much more than Madden. I doubt you will tell me the truth when the time comes though, and you don't have to, because I'll be playing BB more also
Then I can confidently assume you prefer arcadey/Blitz like football then sim style football. There is nothing wrong with that. I much prefer the slower paced sim but we all have are own likes/dislikes.
# 90 kmart2180 @ 05/09/09 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
Football is anything but slow paced, my boy. It may look slow-paced on TV, but things are as fast as can be on the field. And that's what BB is aiming for. BB is simulation, just from a different perspective, and if you call that arcade, you need to read a dictionary.
Im not gonna argue this point with you because TheWatcher already has and it still hasnt sunken into you but if you think that the way BB portrays football is the way it is played in the NFL then I would love to borrow a pair of your glasses cause I would love to see the NFL on Juice.

Those tackles in the video might happen 1-2 times in a whole game. There are more instances of struggle and wrapping up in the NFL then those insane blow up hits in BB. If you cannot see that then I dont know what else to say.
# 91 roadman @ 05/09/09 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
Lol, you'll support Madden to no end, even though it screwed you 4 times, in the a**. You're just really uneducated in a lot of things.

Also, that Pro-Tak gang-tackling looks like they're having a group hugs.
I would suggest you do your homework and find out who The Watcher is. It is easy to distinguish who is the uneducated one.

I'll give you a hint, go back a few post and you will have your answer.
# 92 roadman @ 05/09/09 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by hmoob
I honestly don't care about people's assumed "status" in this forum. I judge people on what they post, and you should, too. Don't take authority/status as truth or facts.
Status/Authority what?

Nevermind, man, I tried.

I've been around here long enough to separate the truths/facts from opinion, but thanks anyway for the advice.
# 93 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by TDogg09

4th paragraph down, right under the picture.
Thanks for the link TDogg.

Originally Posted by IGNStory
Rather than gunning for the simulation crown that Madden currently holds, NaturalMotion is going for arcade gameplay that has the most realistic motion ever seen in a videogame. You'll see things like defenders taking off from three yards away to lay the smack down on an unsuspecting quarterback and airborne receivers getting flipped end over end when trying to make a catch. It's nowhere near as ridiculous as Midway's Blitz but it does cash in on the same freedoms that come with the lack of the NFL license.
If the IGN guys got it wrong, then the BB team should have them print a retraction. If the BB developers have stated otherwise, then lets see a link to it on their boards.

Regardless of what backbreaker ends up being, the point is clear, the BB videos show that the game has 'ump' and as the OP pointed out, Madden's ProTak has yet to show us some umpf.
# 94 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by TDogg09
I wouldn't know the answer yet. You may be right, you may be wrong. I'm pretty psyched about both Madden and Backbreaker, so I will probably play them both quite a bit.
I can't say I'm truly psyched for either game, but each game is holding my interest for different reasons. Madden because it looks like they are finally attempting to make a realistic football game (simulation) and backbreaker because of that ever so slick animation engine / physics / every tackle is unique technology.
# 95 shift9k @ 05/09/09 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
because of that ever so slick animation engine / physics / every tackle is unique technology.
I gotta admit, that sounds a little better than pro-tak.
# 96 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by fourthreemafia
Okay...instead of just repeating what I said, how about telling me how that ISNT hypocritical?

It would be one thing if there was a ton of info out on BB and people were so excited, but I see a ton of people saying "Im not buying Madden until it proves itself", but go on to say "I cant wait until Backbreaker comes out"

That, my friend, is the very definition of a hypocrite.

I can understand BB has promise, and its fine that people are excited about it, but to say Madden has to prove itself, yet BB somehow does not...well, I dont know what to say to that.

And yes, Madden has a bad track record over the last few years, but BB has absolutely NO track record, and the company making it has NO track record of making football games. If it was a 2K sports game, itd be a little more understandable.

If people want to say BB is the Madden killer...fine, I just dont really want to see it here, at least until Madden 2010 AND Backbreaker come out in playable form and people can legitimately make that claim. Now, all it is is a ridiculous claim that cannot be backed up at all. I guess cooler tackles and physics is enough to win some people over, but there are no real info out on presentation, gameplay, franchise or online mode....all the things people on here are crushing Madden for.

I did explain it, in full. Quoting just part of my reply is more than a bit disingenuous.


Originally Posted by Valdarez
Exactly, and a very bad one (with regard to Madden's track record) for going on half a decade now. Couple that with the exclusive NFL license and what you see isn't hypocrisy, it's an informed decision on the part of the buyer.

I'll support any game that looks new and interesting and whose premise looks like something I would enjoy and especially a game that is pushing the boundaries of game play. I won't support a game that historically failed to live up to it's basic tenet, namely representing a realistic game of football. Again, not hypocrisy, if anything, that's living up to your beliefs.
As was pointed out Madden has a track record, backbreaker doesn't. BackBreaker is also showcasing a very new and highly attractive technology at the core of their game, Madden has ProTak, but it's no where near as sexy.

As for your claims about BB being a Madden killer, the only time I have seen that on this thread is from you.
# 97 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 02:14 PM
Found a new game play video of backbreaker. It's definitely not simulation.

# 98 sooners52794 @ 05/09/09 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
I don't agree about the consensus assessment, the responses thus far in this thread alone show case disparity on the that view.

There's a saying that perception is reality, and I think a lot of each of our view is perception based. Folks who have played Madden for years are going to perceive it differently than folks who have played 2K games, especially APF2K8 where momentum is very real.

I'll give you that there are some big hits in that video, because there are, especially at the start, but they aren't all spectacular.
i agree half the tackles in tacke alley were realistic looking tackles, and they all didnt look explosive... if so-and-so says that players wont be so agressive in the real game, then ill take his word, because i saw a few wrap ups and one where they just crashed (not like ragdolls) and i could imagine it looking pretty normal from a regular camera angle. i think that guy is wrong saying that its the consensus, but from reading his comments it liiks like his opinion isnt changing anytime soon, so i wouldnt bother..
# 99 adembroski @ 05/09/09 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
I actually think the latest backbreaker tackles looks the most violent and look like real collisions.
Collisions look real, yeah, but I don't particularly like seeing my players leaving their feet for every tackle/broken tackle. The animation system looks promising, but in terms of fundamental football, it looks horrible.
# 100 Valdarez @ 05/09/09 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Collisions look real, yeah, but I don't particularly like seeing my players leaving their feet for every tackle/broken tackle. The animation system looks promising, but in terms of fundamental football, it looks horrible.
They aren't leaving their feet every time. That camera angle (from the foot view) just gives the appearance. Watch the video I posted again and you'll see.

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