Madden 2010 News Post

Look at Maximum tackle and the suddenness in which the tackler arrives and the wealth of options in this system. The tackler comes to tackle not engage in a line dance. I know I don't know all the features to Pro Tak, when it comes to the actual tackle, but when you see this video, of ESPN NFL 2K5 tackle options you will understand why I critisize the grabbing for grabbing sake.

In 2k5 you could initiate the tackle with a wrap or a hit. I also like which wasn't mentioned in the video, you can choose whether or not you should wrap high or low by flicking the right stick up for high wrap tackle and flicking down for low wrap tackle and the next defender(s) attacks the ball carrier.

I'm not hating, I actually like the idea, I just want it to be aggressive and violent as it should be its a collision sport not contact and racing up to a ball carrier just to hold onto him just for looks, just doesn't look good.


Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 TheWatcher @ 05/08/09 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pandemonium00
I just wonder what you'll complain about once they release a wrap-up tackle video.
If they do or if they don't, it has no bearing on this: I'll praise what's valid to praise and complain about what's valid to complain about just like I do with every other game, so no need to wonder.
# 42 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by bxgoods
I actually am not the impressed with Backbreaker as other people are.
It doesn't look like a sim, the tackles look cool, but very exageratted.
And the character models are awful. I don't see this doing more sales than APF.
I don't get the exaggerated view. What you are seeing is real world physics in play coupled with the most realistic human model / reactions to date. Again, real world physics. Granted, they have shown us a few spectacular plays in their videos, but what you are seeing is what would happen if a real person were to do the same thing (or as close as any video game has come in real time... ever).
# 43 TheWatcher @ 05/08/09 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by bxgoods
I actually am not the impressed with Backbreaker as other people are.
It doesn't look like a sim, the tackles look cool, but very exageratted.
And the character models are awful. I don't see this doing more sales than APF.
Unless it comes out, that it has an insane franchise mode, or else its just going to be a rental game imo.
Franchise mode isn't going to sell the game anyway. That doesn't even sell Madden and the fact that Head Coach tanked--a game that was basically franchise taken to the next level (and done very well I might add)--is a good indicator of how little bearing it has on the mass' buying decision, most of which couldn't possibly care less about pricing concessions and trading fake players for 30 virtual years...
# 44 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I feel Madden 10 will be a much better game than 09, and hoping it will be a very sim game.
I will give it a chance as a rental and if it does deliver I will buy it.
Same here, except for the buy part. I really like the direction Madden is heading, I absolutely love the fan interaction (EA Sports is top notch in this category IMHO), but I'll need to see it to believe it, and even then I'll probably just eBay it the first year or two, if not longer. It took them several years to lose me as a customer, it's going to take them several years to get me back (possibly longer due to the NFL exclusive license deal).
# 45 TheWatcher @ 05/08/09 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
I don't get the exaggerated view. What you are seeing is real world physics in play coupled with the most realistic human model / reactions to date. Again, real world physics. Granted, they have shown us a few spectacular plays in their videos, but what you are seeing is what would happen if a real person were to do the same thing (or as close as any video game has come in real time... ever).
The fact that every tackle is an explosive one. While the occurences happen in real life singularly, they of course don't happen on every play and that's where BB is taking it... to the extreme.
# 46 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
The fact that every tackle is an explosive one. While the occurences happen in real life singularly, they of course don't happen on every play and that's where BB is taking it... to the extreme.
How do you know that? You've only seen a few videos. I'm sorry, but that's pure conjecture on your part.

That's like saying ProTak is going to be unrealistic because everything we have seen to date doesn't look real (momentum, tackles, stops, foot movement). I don't believe that's the case with ProTak and I don't believe that's the case with backbreaker.
# 47 roadman @ 05/08/09 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
How do you know that? You've only seen a few videos. I'm sorry, but that's pure conjecture on your part.

Just like Madden, it's all we can go by.
# 48 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Just like Madden, it's all we can go by.
Fair enough, but do all of the videos truly show exaggerated hits? Honestly all of them? If I pull them all up, you are 100% certain they are all exaggerated? All spectacular hits?
# 49 roadman @ 05/08/09 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Fair enough, but do all of the videos truly show exaggerated hits? Honestly all of them? If I pull them all up, you are 100% certain they are all exaggerated? All spectacular hits?
From what I've seen, which has only been within the last 1-2 weeks, I'll say yes. It doesn't matter what you pull up, it's my opinion on what I've seen in the last few weeks.

The first video I saw, I thought all the players looked and walked like robots out of the stadium. I haven't followed BB for two years like others have.

I'm pulling BB to do well, but I need more proof in the pudding like Madden.

I'm not going on record and stating all tackles are 100% exaggerated tackles.
# 50 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:22 PM
It just took me one video to see that they are not all spectacular hits and they are not all exaggerated. There are some pretty darn realistic looking tackles in this video. If anything, the problem I see are with the tackle styles used (shoulder lean / tackle) which look all the same to me. The tackles though, look beyond kewl.

I will say if you are going from Madden to backbreaker, then it might look exaggerated because Madden has no feel what so ever of player momentum. Going from APF2K8 where there's a very real feel of momentum and the change isn't all that much. The real change isn't the introduction of player momentum, it's the introduction of the random tackles.
# 51 speedy9386 @ 05/08/09 11:26 PM
Tackle Alley alone proves not all tackles are spectacular.
# 52 TheWatcher @ 05/08/09 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
Just like Madden, it's all we can go by.
Exactly. And let me point out the fact that if we removed speculation from the forums, they'd shut down in minutes. That's the bulk of what we do here, lol.

Originally Posted by Valdarez
That's like saying ProTak is going to be unrealistic because everything we have seen to date doesn't look real (momentum, tackles, stops, foot movement). I don't believe that's the case with ProTak and I don't believe that's the case with backbreaker.
I'll tell you why those two points don't correlate... what people are saying about what they've seen of Pro-Tak is debatable. I've yet to find a consenus agreement on what's exactly wrong. Little things can be picked out here and there in anything, so that's no big deal.

But with BackBreaker, there is a consenus and an undeniable one. Yes, the tackles LOOK cool, but there is no dispute that all we've seen are explosions. Unless the definition of an explosive tackle has some meanings I'm unaware, so far that's all we've seen from BB. I also think that if it were their goal to make sim football, they wouldn't be showing these explosive tackles in every video since that's obviously not a representation of sim football in the least bit.

I just think people are setting themselves up for disappointment.
# 53 speedy9386 @ 05/08/09 11:29 PM
Hey Valdarez you beat me to the punch. lol
# 54 speedy9386 @ 05/08/09 11:31 PM
Hey Watcher didn't yoi watch the vid not all tackles are spectacular.
# 55 TheWatcher @ 05/08/09 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by speedy9386
Tackle Alley alone proves not all tackles are spectacular.
I think every tackle in that video was pretty violent.
# 56 roadman @ 05/08/09 11:33 PM
There are some good tackles, but there are a lot of flying leaping tackles as well, with a lot of misses.

I don't see that many high flying tackles in Madden or the 2k series, so, from where I stand, it doesn't appear sim to me at this stage.

I hope I'm proven wrong.
# 57 speedy9386 @ 05/08/09 11:33 PM
No they weren't I think your mistaking violent for loud
# 58 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
I think every tackle in that video was pretty violent.
lol... well then, it's obviously debatable.
# 59 speedy9386 @ 05/08/09 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
There are some good tackles, but there are a lot of flying leaping tackles as well, with a lot of misses.

I don't see that many high flying tackles in Madden or the 2k series, so, far where I stand, it doesn't appear sim to me at this stage.

I hope I'm proven wrong.
The devs explained this they said that in tackle alley everyone is set on aggressive but in actual gameplay they don't tackle like that.
# 60 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
There are some good tackles, but there are a lot of flying leaping tackles as well, with a lot of misses.

I don't see that many high flying tackles in Madden or the 2k series, so, from where I stand, it doesn't appear sim to me at this stage.

I hope I'm proven wrong.
I agree man, those tackles look great, but the way they tackle needs work. I only saw three tackle styles. A jump/dive tackle, a shoulder lean high, and a shoulder lean low. Now, I don't know if that is the only way they initiate a tackle, but I don't like the fact that they way the defense tackles looks extremely repetitive in the video. But there's no denying that the tackles are unique and look very realistic (even if the way the tackle was initiated doesn't).

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