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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 661 Mintsa @ 09/19/08 02:04 PM

Will Live 365 also adjust players minutes (or how many minutes) they play a game ??

For example: Take Jamario Moon last season. He was always the starting 3, but as the season progressed he got more and more minutes. Will 365 recognize this and give him more minutes ?? (and obviously the player playing behing him get less minutes)

Or is the rotation strictly based on fatigue and a player getting subbed out when he is tired ?

# 662 ehh @ 09/19/08 03:53 PM
How the heck do you create a UK account or DL from the UK or whatever needs to be done? Is the demo ever going to be on the US servers?
# 663 Vince @ 09/19/08 03:56 PM
just create a new log in account. then go to psn network and create a new psn name putting yourself in the UK instead of the USA.

good luck ehh. I think you'll like the demo. this really bodes well for NCAA BB 2009 since live and ncaa bb are the same engines.
# 664 ehh @ 09/19/08 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Vince
just create a new log in account. then go to psn network and create a new psn name putting yourself in the UK instead of the USA.

good luck ehh. I think you'll like the demo. this really bodes well for NCAA BB 2009 since live and ncaa bb are the same engines.
Thanks, and that's exactly why I want to DL it - I have no intention of buying Live but I want some type of preview for what we'll see with NCAA09.
# 665 HoosierDaddy @ 09/19/08 04:22 PM
Played more of it, and I'm loving the controls. Just need to be expanded upon, and there's a few animations that you can't branch out of.

Something else I noticed, the game clock keeps running after a made basket and the ball is being inbounded, it should stop!

I hope we're allowed to edit existing players fully. Including dunk, dribble, signature jumpshot packages. This would make the game more realistic, never understood why we were restricted in doing so anyways.

A few of the block animations look pretty good, but the majority of them are clunky and the ball ricochets oddly on most of them.

I know a few people have thrown out a percentage of how complete and near final build this demo is, but can a member of EA please give us an accurate percentage. I'm hoping around 80% not the 95% that's been suggested.
# 666 rockchisler @ 09/19/08 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy
Played more of it, and I'm loving the controls. Just need to be expanded upon, and there's a few animations that you can't branch out of.

Something else I noticed, the game clock keeps running after a made basket and the ball is being inbounded, it should stop!

I hope we're allowed to edit existing players fully. Including dunk, dribble, signature jumpshot packages. This would make the game more realistic, never understood why we were restricted in doing so anyways.

A few of the block animations look pretty good, but the majority of them are clunky and the ball ricochets oddly on most of them.

I know a few people have thrown out a percentage of how complete and near final build this demo is, but can a member of EA please give us an accurate percentage. I'm hoping around 80% not the 95% that's been suggested.
Beluba said 95% when the demo came out so its 95%, if it was 80 the game probably would be delayed.
# 667 Mintsa @ 09/19/08 04:33 PM
How do you bring on the fly subs again ???

Is it different than 08, I cant seem to do it for some reason ??
# 668 Pared @ 09/19/08 04:35 PM
I think it was left on the d-pad.

I hate that you have to click in the right stick to take it off the screen. That just feels awkward to me.
# 669 HoosierDaddy @ 09/19/08 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Beluba said 95% when the demo came out so its 95%, if it was 80 the game probably would be delayed.
that's a bit disappointing. The passing is inaccurate without using the icon passing, the shot clock issue should be fixed, and I still hate how most people finish off layups and dunks with their left hands when that rarely happens in real life.

I was hoping the demo is 2 or so months old and they've been working on stuff since then to iron out the final stages. Just because the demo is released at this point, doesn't mean it's the latest build they had. I saw the 95% quote, just wasn't sure if it was by Beluba or a EA staff member. Thanks though.
# 670 jlbrown143 @ 09/19/08 05:51 PM
Really some of you kat's need to stop smokin....live is going to be a good game......all of these little things about elbows and socks and stuff like that are just dumb complaints!!! if you going to bash live 09 then atleast make good complaints like the score board being in the way, or the funky animations from some of the post play.....I can't believe the progress that has been made on this game since last year...wow!! this is truly going to be a great year for b-ball

I am still adjusting to the game demo but the momentum factor is off the chain this year and the more I play it the more natural the control is starting to become....some of yall gon have to do your home work this year because live seems to have gotten a light bulb connected, the sweat is good and the clothing physics is good, just look at ray allen's expressions when he gets fouled and paul gasol graphics is the best I've seen so far....(but 2k9 is just starting to surface...about Dam time!!!) too many non hoopers commenting on things that they can't even relate too...where are my real hoopers at?
# 671 phant030 @ 09/19/08 08:04 PM
FYI PS3 Users:

If u change the port ur controller is assigned to, you can play w/ diff players in the practice gym.

1 Pierce, 2 Garnett, 3 Allen, 4 Rondo
# 672 23 @ 09/19/08 08:43 PM
Hoosier.. the shot clock doesnt stop unless there is a violation or foul of come kind... like out of bounds or whatever.

Its correct in the game.
# 673 HoosierDaddy @ 09/19/08 10:14 PM
That's not right. Any stoppage in play stops the clock in NBA. Made basket, foul, timeout, etc..
# 674 23 @ 09/19/08 11:02 PM
It doesn't stop in pro ball, here or overseas... not for made baskets at least, except the last 2 minutes of a quarter.

It used to be the way you're describing in the past, and the clock only continued like it does now in college basketball but the NBA adopted the same thing... probably to go along with the rule changes of speeding the game up.
# 675 HoosierDaddy @ 09/19/08 11:15 PM
ahh... I see.

Guess I didn't pay much attention to the change when it happened then. However, the clock was still moving on an out of bounds play with under 1 minute to go, so maybe it's not completely accurate in the game?
# 676 23 @ 09/19/08 11:19 PM
That's pretty strange, but it could be a demo thing
# 677 bateman11 @ 09/19/08 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
That's pretty strange, but it could be a demo thing
You played the demo yet krde?
# 678 BREWCREW1982 @ 09/20/08 12:20 AM
What the hell is taking so long for the ps3 demo to come out? It seems like this is the year that live steps up and may bring some competition finally to 2k. I always loved nba live games until i got a ps3. The last two years have been pretty bad compared to the nba 2k series. I personally would rather move on to the live series bc i love marv albert and what he brings to a video game. Marv albert and good gameplay= yessss!!!!
# 679 ehh @ 09/20/08 12:58 AM
Finally DL'd the demo and got to play about five games of it. My initial impressions are very good, the game is a huge improvement from 08. I love the play calling and pick-n-roll functionality. Being able to read the D and have your screener slip the screen is f'n awesome, although it will probably be cheese.

I love the leaners, floaters and especially the sideways leaners and how the L-stick is incorporated into it. If you want to square up, let go of the stick, if you need to get up a shot as quickly as possible you can do it off balanced while still holding the L-stick. Very cool.

I actually think the graphics are better than 2K. I love the uniforms, sneakers, accessories, etc. The textures look much better than 2K as does the sweat on the players.

My major gripes are:

- The analog stick passing is awful.
- Rebounding is better but can still improve a lot
- The animations are improved but also can still improve quite a bit
- The net/rim/ball interaction could be better. After playing the demo for a while and then watching the 2K9 trailer and the gameplay vid - goddamn 2K nailed the swishing motion of a net like no other.

I still don't have plans to pick this up because I'm going to get NCAA 09 but I can definitely see a bright future for Live and could imagine myself having a lot of fun with Live if it was the only pro basketball game. Good job EA!
# 680 23 @ 09/20/08 01:25 AM
Just a few games but I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to get time in as I said before it released on the ps3 uk

I've played a ton of live 08 the past few weeks so ill notice the difference immediately

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