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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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# 601 Jano @ 09/13/08 12:04 AM
I tried w/o LT and the result is still hit or miss especially when the player is already moving. It works out a lot better when the player is stationary but once he starts to move I'm helpless.

And on the perimeter its the same way and it makes guarding players a little hard because if they get an inch ahead of you, you're usually beat. While I can get that same position ahead of a defender on offense and, they can usually cut me off or at least start the riding animation before I can get anywhere.

So basically my problem is stopping (or at least slowing down) players that are already on the move. As of right now it can be pretty difficult to stop a moving player with a help defender or the defender the offensive player just beat.

It's a little too black and white for me, its like I'm either in front of him or he's beat me. There's not enough in between going on there, hopefully this aspect is a little more improved in the final game.

By the way this is only when it comes to manual defense when I use LT it makes things a little easier but, I don't really the like computer doing all the work for me you know.
# 602 stizz @ 09/13/08 01:05 AM
After playing the demo for a few days I've noticed a few bugs and glitches:
  • Sometimes the defending team will gather at the centre of the court until the opposing team scores.
  • After the first quarter, the camera is focused on the sideline and doesn't change.
  • Sometimes it doesn't show the tip off.
  • You can make the person who is about to set the pick chase you in circles if you run away from him. The ball handler will then just stand there.
# 603 thmst30 @ 09/13/08 03:13 PM
OK I've trashed Live many times over the years and have hated where the game has been going, BUT I just played the demo and I'm very very impressed. I've played Live and 2K every year since 2K3, but the last Live I actually bought was 2004. I've hated this series ever since then and I've been a big NBA 2K fan since 2K5. Last year I didn't buy EITHER game, I played both of them and 2K was miles better but they both bored the crap out of me. I can honestly say after playing this demo that I will be buying at least one NBA game this year. I believe 2K will bring the goods this year for sure and so two purchases are very likely, but I'm 99% sure that I will get Live for the first time in 5 years. Yes there are still some problems and annoyances, BUT the improvements from last year are immense. I'm just really enjoying the hell out of this demo. I've seen things that I have NEVER seen in Live before, the animations are vastly improved, the game is graphically as beautiful as ever, everything just looks really vivid and crisp, the new NBA academy is damn cool, the Live 365 deal is very in-depth and has awesome potential, the sounds are solid, etc. If you played Live 08 and 09 side by side, most of the game would be unrecognizable. It really is a giant step forward from what I can tell. Now I just want to get my hands on the Dynasty mode to make sure its not buggy as hell. Still waiting for 2K to actually show me something other than a few videos, but no matter what I do believe the competition between Live and 2K has been taken to astronomical heights this year. Going to be the absolute best year for NBA gaming ever! Guaran-sheed.

Also, its been said that NCAA Basketball 09 is going to run off of Live's engine plus the extra time they get to work with it! I'm going to miss CH for sure, but that excites me. March Madness has truthfully been even more dreadful than Live the past couple of years, but for once it may actually turn out better. It needs to, seeing as its our only choice now.

Now some negatives:
  • No importing draft classes
  • The passing sucks nuts, way too many times I will press one direction to pass to a player and instead it pass the completely other way, either all the way down court or completely across the court. Created way too many turnovers that never should have happened. Also caused me to miss some wide open players driving down the lane.
  • The players models aren't horrendous, but they aren't right either. Needs some work for sure.
  • Having to hold down the left stick for the DNA/hot spots really sucks. Its damn hard to move players while pressing down on the stick.
  • Time after time after time, I thought I had a three pointer only to find out that my player always takes an unnecessary step forward and steps on or over the line 50% + of the time.
Thats all for now, but overall the most solid effort put forth on Live in half a decade.
# 604 slvicick @ 09/13/08 06:59 PM
My favorite part of the demo is the unpredictability of the cpu. They run all around on offense and on D. I hated in 2K that after a while you could pretty much predict what the cpu was gonna do, how they would rotate, who they will double team...
# 605 phant030 @ 09/13/08 09:00 PM
On perimeter D, instead of pressuring the ball handler up close. Which leads to easy penetration as IRL. U should play D at an arms distance away. So when u see a player driving, you can cut him off at an angle. Known as beating him to the spot. Thats good D. Works on human players as well....realistic to me. Also, try playing D by pressing right analog down. Defensive stance button.
# 606 blingballa333 @ 09/13/08 09:05 PM
Have you guys noticed that sometimes you can step out of bounds but they won't call it. It happens mostly on the baseline. Sometimes its subtl but other times it's downright blatant. Anybody else seen this? I think 2k8 had this problem too???
# 607 Jano @ 09/13/08 09:13 PM
Yeah it happens a lot I think EA allows it to happen because if they didn't there maybe to many turnovers for stepping out of bounds. Though I think there's a boundary slider you can adjust if you want the game to recognize it more.
# 608 HMcCoy @ 09/13/08 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by slvicick
My favorite part of the demo is the unpredictability of the cpu. They run all around on offense and on D. I hated in 2K that after a while you could pretty much predict what the cpu was gonna do, how they would rotate, who they will double team...
So true. Live feels fresh and new.

The blocks need to be addressed, but at least Live rewards you for anticipating a shot, instead of simply letting the ball phase through your hand in 2K.
# 609 Jano @ 09/13/08 10:14 PM
The blocks need to be addressed, but at least Live rewards you for anticipating a shot, instead of simply letting the ball phase through your hand in 2K.
Haha so true I remember I lost a game on college hoops because of stuff like that.
# 610 sirjam @ 09/13/08 10:20 PM
Does anyone know how close to the final build this demo is? There are just a few things that keep this from being one of the better bball games I have played. So I am hoping that since its a demo they wont b in the final copy.
# 611 Jano @ 09/13/08 10:24 PM
One of the developers says the demo is a 95% build of the game. So the final game is going to be pretty similar to the demo.
# 612 Pared @ 09/14/08 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
Have you guys noticed that sometimes you can step out of bounds but they won't call it. It happens mostly on the baseline. Sometimes its subtl but other times it's downright blatant. Anybody else seen this? I think 2k8 had this problem too???
Yes, as well as the 3 pt. line in the corners. I've had my player on the line and he gets credit for 3.

Hopefully it's because it's still a demo. We'll see come the final release.
# 613 23 @ 09/14/08 10:36 PM
I dont know, it was the same thing in Live 08 retail
# 614 Pared @ 09/15/08 11:22 AM
I know... but there's still a small % of hope. Mike's comments make me more concerned it really isn't any different.

But the %'s are just a tiny bit high overall... with it being more noticeable in the paint.
# 615 mikedeezy @ 09/16/08 12:12 AM
ehh woulda been good if it came out last year
# 616 XavierVE @ 09/16/08 04:03 AM
Would have been good released a few years ago... but eh, maybe not. Played the demo a few times, and while I do like the shoot-around mode a lot... it's again, all gameplay/controls that are the issue just as they are every year. Players moving around feel too loose as always, jumpshots feel far too tight (not in the good sense of the word) again this year.

Live gets all the bells and whistles right, but it's like putting bacon and cheese on a really garbage steak. Sure, the bacon and cheese is great... but if that steak isn't cooked properly... yeech.

In short, EA needs to learn how to cook steak properly when it comes to basketball. Blech.
# 617 phant030 @ 09/16/08 10:16 AM
Not feelin the Superstar Mode. In any game! I would rather them create exciting team play. BUT, i would love for them to bring back 'off ball' controls.
# 618 Vinngadd @ 09/16/08 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Yes, I've gotten that SportsCenter Top 10 splash screen also when I threw an alley-oop to KG. It definitely seems like there will be some actual ESPN intergration presentation-wise as opposed to just letting us watch video clips, etc. like they've been doing since they got ESPN exclusivity. A weekly (or daily) Top 10 and a SportCenter-style wrap-up would be great and would add a ton to the overall presentation and feeling of accomplishment in games.
They used to have a type of wrap up like that way back in the day on Sega Genesis. On the Bulls vs Blazers, Lakers vs Celtics games. Most of those had a wrap up like that at the end of the game including game clips. The clips might have been stock, but I can't remember. I mean how much could you expect back then you know? Real half-time analysis, and post game wrap ups with clips would be killing. Especially considering the ESPN exclusivity. Let me see my man Stuart Scott, Trey Wingo, Scott Van Pelt...That would be killing!
# 619 cocobee @ 09/16/08 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Knowshon24
COME ON MAN!!! You can't tell me that you DON'T want Superstar Mode!!! It would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I don't want super star mode. I'd prefer online franchise/dynasty with friends ala NCAA 09.
# 620 phant030 @ 09/16/08 10:08 PM
I just never been into that. I want to be able to play with all players on the court. I want to drop the dime and hit the shot. Gamble on a steal and attempt the block at the tin. But, thats just me.

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