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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 621 rockchisler @ 09/17/08 04:20 PM
Ok Tired of the demo bring on the game, Im sick of looking at Celtics Lakers
# 622 The 24th Letter @ 09/17/08 04:40 PM
Ill tell you one thing, I love the way plays are ran...so simple...
# 623 Moshood @ 09/17/08 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Ill tell you one thing, I love the way plays are ran...so simple...
I feel you on that. Makes the game 10x better. Love running the pick n roll with Kobe and exploding to the basket for a layup/dunk.
# 624 kwas676 @ 09/17/08 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Knowshon24
I also think Franchise Mode is lacking kind of.
lol you haven't even played or seen it yet and your saying its lacking, but yeah I can see how you say that seeing how they haven't said jack about it which might mean nothing been done to it.
And by the way I played knowshon in high school in a scrimmage shot him down but cool guy
# 625 kwas676 @ 09/17/08 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Knowshon24
I was talking about previous years but I think you know what im talkin bout. BTW Awesome, you got to play against my boy! So I guess you are from Jersey??
Yeah man I'm from Union he played for middletown south i think I know it was middle something, His team and his confrence was kinda soft compared to the up north jersey teams but great player glad hes doing good.

Back on topic good demo cant wait to grab my hands on both games this year.
# 626 PuntNL @ 09/18/08 12:39 PM
Playing the demo on ps3 for a couple of times and not quitte impressed yet unfortunately... Will give it a couple of hours still...

But I am already leaning back to 2K...
# 627 texasgmr @ 09/18/08 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by PuntNL
Playing the demo on ps3 for a couple of times and not quitte impressed yet unfortunately... Will give it a couple of hours still...

But I am already leaning back to 2K...
Playing what demo on the PS3? 2k9? I don't see it at the playstation store.
# 628 23 @ 09/18/08 01:39 PM
I think he's outside of the US
# 629 texasgmr @ 09/18/08 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
I think he's outside of the US
Oh okay thanks bro.
# 630 PuntNL @ 09/18/08 01:49 PM
I play live 09 on the PS3... from the EU store...

I am not impressed, of course it's again a leap over 08 and a feature packed game... but gameplay wise and animation wise it still doesn't grab me unfortunately... I love the playcalling an d pick & roll mechanic though...

Probably will end up with 2K9 again...
# 631 Scoop 24 @ 09/18/08 03:30 PM
i guess you guys werent lyin when you said some of the animations are hit or miss
# 632 madjax @ 09/18/08 04:57 PM
It seems to be smoother on the ps3, or it might just be my mind playing tricks on me
# 633 23 @ 09/18/08 05:50 PM
I wont create two impressions threads so ill change the title here
# 634 HoosierDaddy @ 09/18/08 05:50 PM
yeah, I just got it too. Played about 6 games.

I'm still getting used to the pick and roll and lockdown features, seems pretty nice.

I do agree about the blocks, they look extremely clunky.

I thought the shoot button was timed now, it may very well be. but I figured if you held the button down, it would be an up and down (travel..)

I did notice something else odd, when CPU Perkins shot the ball from full court at the buzzer, it said on the DNA ticker (100%) but he missed. Full court heave is 100% miss or make? A bit odd...

I'll be back later with more impressions, as well.
# 635 WTF @ 09/18/08 07:57 PM
Downloaded from UK for PS3... Just had quite a few games with it. Had some things I like, a few I dislike, overall, I'm impressed.

Had one sequence where Ray Allen stole the ball from Kobe, as I was cycling through the plays. Without missing a beat, scooped up the ball and took off towards the other end of the court. Was able to get Kobe back down the floor, and in KG-trailer fashion, timed the block perfectly, sending the thing off the backboard, nearly back to the FT line, where Odom was waiting for it. It was a thing of beauty. The blocks are in the game... but they are seldom like the KG trailer showed. But when it happens... it happens.

I'm still getting used to the controls. Not sure how to take a charge, etc. just yet, haha. I'll figure it out I'm sure.
# 636 WTF @ 09/18/08 07:58 PM
PS- Don't know if you all realized this or not.. and I'm sure that someone has pointed it out, but you can pause and restart the game as time is expiring in the second quarter. Infinite playtimes!
# 637 WTF @ 09/18/08 08:27 PM
Another FYI... I'm extremely pleased with dunks in general this year. I'm going to have some hellacious highlight reals put together.

I just pulled off a NASTY fast break two hand 360 with KB24. I can't wait to play the full version with LBJ.
# 638 rockchisler @ 09/18/08 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by madjax
It seems to be smoother on the ps3, or it might just be my mind playing tricks on me

you r right
# 639 23 @ 09/18/08 09:26 PM
Welp im DL now, wont get to play much until later tonight, then tomorrow night
# 640 WTF @ 09/18/08 09:31 PM
I just saw Kobe get PUMPED up. He and Ray Ray were going back and forth... Kobe with the ball. Ray was ALL OVER him. He got some space, took a jab step towards the hole, Ray sorta stumbled backwards, and Kobe rose up for the uncontested 15' jumper. After touching nothing but Nylon, Kobe just lets out a scream, and starts beating his chest ferociously...

Very nice touch.

Oh, and Bynum pinned a KG shot against the boards. Very nice...

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