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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 641 WTF @ 09/18/08 11:36 PM
I'm REALLY enjoying this game after learning the new features, etc. I'm just absolutely having a blast with it. The dunks for the most part are VERY well done.

I love how Paul Pierce will catch the ball on the perimeter, and almost instantly give a pump fake, trying to get you in the air, just like he does during a regular NBA game. Utilizing quickstrike moves, and pump fakes... going to their strengths. It's just a great demo, and if the actual game plays like the demo, which I'm sure it will... then color me happy.

I have only saw one dunk animation that I haven't really loved... and it was a fast break dunk by Kobe that didn't really transition as smoothly as I'd have liked. It was nicely animated, but the transition from floor to the dunk animation just wasn't as smooth as the others.

Help defense by the CPU is pretty nice as well. They'll double, but they know how to react on help side defense... and that's key. A few swings around the perimeter, and finding an open Fisher in the corner is a great feeling.
# 642 Da_Czar @ 09/18/08 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by WTF
I'm REALLY enjoying this game after learning the new features, etc. I'm just absolutely having a blast with it. The dunks for the most part are VERY well done.

I love how Paul Pierce will catch the ball on the perimeter, and almost instantly give a pump fake, trying to get you in the air, just like he does during a regular NBA game. Utilizing quickstrike moves, and pump fakes... going to their strengths. It's just a great demo, and if the actual game plays like the demo, which I'm sure it will... then color me happy.

I have only saw one dunk animation that I haven't really loved... and it was a fast break dunk by Kobe that didn't really transition as smoothly as I'd have liked. It was nicely animated, but the transition from floor to the dunk animation just wasn't as smooth as the others.

Help defense by the CPU is pretty nice as well. They'll double, but they know how to react on help side defense... and that's key. A few swings around the perimeter, and finding an open Fisher in the corner is a great feeling.
I knew you would enjoy it WTF... Hey don't forget to check out the rewind playing against kobe before Pau and after...
# 643 WTF @ 09/19/08 12:06 AM
Yeah, I've just delved into the Lake show without Pau. Very different experience. I love pick and pop with Pau. Getting ready for LBJ and Ilgauskas.

Let me tell you, I had a pick and roll with KB24 and Bynum... defenders were just frozen, and left KB24 wide open down the center of the lane for the massive one handed dunk. It was beautiful.

Very nice feature by the way brother. Definitely helpful no doubt. I'm just learning the controls for PS3.

I honestly can't wait for the full version to drop. It'll be mine day 1. I'm thinking a full season or two will be played this year.

One thing that I'm not liking are the balloons in the crowd on the FT's. Hopefully they're removed, or worked on for the full release. They look pretty tacky, haha.

After adjusting a few sliders, this game will play a magnificent game I believe.
# 644 Scoop 24 @ 09/19/08 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Knowshon24
im playing it on ps3 in the US right now
# 645 texasgmr @ 09/19/08 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Scoop 24
im playing it on ps3 in the US right now
He walked into that one didn't he scoop?
# 646 Scoop 24 @ 09/19/08 12:10 AM
Kg just staight b*tch me threw gasol shot against the backboard...then he came down and dunked on him.
# 647 Scoop 24 @ 09/19/08 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by texasgmr
He walked into that one didn't he scoop?
lol i mean he yelling and all i figure i would chime in.
# 648 texasgmr @ 09/19/08 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Scoop 24
lol i mean he yelling and all i figure i would chime in.
So he shouldn't get mad that you came back with that nice remark. And how you let KG do that to you?
# 649 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/19/08 12:19 AM
Finally played a few games, I came away not really impressed much at all, It felt like LIVE 08. I know its just a demo, but I wasn't really blown away on anything, also I'm a graphics whore and this game really isn't the prettiest, I think some of the players models look like the Hulk, I know Perkins is big but he looks like he is on some serious roids.
# 650 Scoop 24 @ 09/19/08 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by texasgmr
So he shouldn't get mad that you came back with that nice remark. And how you let KG do that to you?
he'll be alright,KG is a beast. he does what he wants.
# 651 Scoop 24 @ 09/19/08 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Knowshon24
How? According to ign.com, it hasnt been released on the PSN
make a UK account and download it from the store
# 652 mikedeezy @ 09/19/08 03:38 AM
after playing it more and more im actually impressed, with what i seen from 2k i might seriously get live 09. it could use a few tweaks but its not bad at all i didnt play 08 so i dont know how much its improved but unless 2ks demo blows me away im most likely getting live first
# 653 gmix411 @ 09/19/08 09:04 AM
anyone noticed that you can break out of a dribbling animation with another dribble move but you can't by driving left or right? you have to wait for the dribbling animation to finish before you can drive
# 654 slvicick @ 09/19/08 11:11 AM
One thing I like is the dunk packages. I plug both controllers in in the practice gym and run around with KG and PP. The fanciest dunk PP has is a simple two handed double pump where he hangs on the rim a little bit. KG has a couple of reverses, tomahawks, and windmills, but they don't seem too over the top. I love the fact that Pierce won't be running through the lane throwing down windmills and all that.
# 655 green94 @ 09/19/08 12:08 PM
Is there any way to move the score ticker. That thing is in the way ALL of the time.
# 656 Beluba @ 09/19/08 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by green94
Is there any way to move the score ticker. That thing is in the way ALL of the time.
You can't move the ticker, but maybe try playing around with the camera settings.
# 657 kwas676 @ 09/19/08 01:09 PM
Beluda I'm likng live and geting both games i was wondering are you guys planing on adding new animations into the game as the season goes.
# 658 Mintsa @ 09/19/08 01:31 PM
Finally got the demo..............MUCH better than 08. The controls (even for only a demo) are light years ahead of 08. And I can actually rebound the basketball defensively by getting position and boxing out !!!!!!!!
# 659 Beluba @ 09/19/08 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by kwas676
Beluda I'm likng live and geting both games i was wondering are you guys planing on adding new animations into the game as the season goes.
Sorry, no plans to do so this year.
# 660 kwas676 @ 09/19/08 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Sorry, no plans to do so this year.
thats cool

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