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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 681 RanRon @ 09/20/08 09:41 AM
I was impressed with the player models/faces. The gameplay still needs alot of work. It seems to be a huge improvement from last year but that's not saying much. Alot of the new additions seem promising however until they gameplay is improved I cant see spending $60
# 682 Mintsa @ 09/20/08 11:01 AM
1) How do throw alley's ?? I've seen it in the vids where an alley is thrown or when the player will just go up and get it, come back down and go up. But I cant seem to figure it out ??

2) Can you not just "put your hands up" on D ??? It use to be just hitting up on the right stick but it doesnt work ??? Please tell me they didnt take it out of the game ??
# 683 kwas676 @ 09/20/08 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
1) How do throw alley's ?? I've seen it in the vids where an alley is thrown or when the player will just go up and get it, come back down and go up. But I cant seem to figure it out ??

2) Can you not just "put your hands up" on D ??? It use to be just hitting up on the right stick but it doesnt work ??? Please tell me they didnt take it out of the game ??
For ps3 if you have it on ps3 its r1 right analog up for alleys, you can put your hands up I just dont know what button I'm pressing to do it lol.
# 684 Mintsa @ 09/20/08 11:14 AM

1) So for alley it's press R1 & the right analog up ??

2) And to put your hands up it's a button, not a stick ?? maybe thats why I cant do it ?? Does anyone know this ??
# 685 kwas676 @ 09/20/08 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa

1) So for alley it's press R1 & the right analog up ??

2) And to put your hands up it's a button, not a stick ?? maybe thats why I cant do it ?? Does anyone know this ??
1. YES

2. I don't no but there is a section in the demo that tells you the controls so search there
# 686 texasgmr @ 09/20/08 11:34 AM
Man I keep playing the demo and I am just getting excited about this game coming out, any of you going to start a club or whatever it is called when this thing hits?
# 687 ehh @ 09/20/08 11:39 AM
BTW, love seeing Kobe and Pierce in the Hyperdunks!
# 688 GisherJohn24 @ 09/20/08 12:10 PM
Being a long-time 2K fan, I can honestly say I'm going to play Live over 2K this year. I can't get enough of the demo and I have little desire to play the 2K demo. Live is finally back and I'm so happy E.A. came through when they needed to the most. Thank you E.A.
# 689 phant030 @ 09/20/08 12:51 PM
Yes u can put ur hands up with R3 Up. U have to hold it and u cant move while doing.
# 690 blad3runner @ 09/20/08 02:54 PM
First post on here so be nice

After getting my PS3 and playing Live 08 for around 7 months, I must say NBA Live 09 is a big improvement when it comes to being/looking more realistic. Players seem to move more realistically, though still a bit robotically, still a big improvement. Nice to see the sig shots being close to their real life counterparts, unlike last year., though still not as accurate as 2k8, but close enough :P The demo was a lot of fun, I kept clicking on rematch to play again about 15 times :P (too bad its only two 2 min qtrs). Though there are a few gripes I had with the demo, not sure if this will be present in the full version.

1) The shot release of the players - Example, Shooting with kobe, the shot animation is way to fast IMO. From the point where the shooting animation starts to when the ball hits the rim - feels like it's in fast forward.

2) Not sure if its a setting on my TV (all other games are fine), but it felt that a little bit of the top part of the screen was cut off - Couldn't see the top of the backboard, so when someone shoots, the ball goes up, off screen, then comes back down o.0. Is this the same for anybody else?

3) Though a big improvement in the crowd this year, whats up with only seeing a few rows up of the crowd? The rest are covered in shadow/darkness =/. Also I felt that the crowd wasen't in the game much at all. Could hardly hear them cheer or react to the game much. (And yeah I maxed the crowd volume in settings)

Any confirmation in regards to the above 3 points in the full version?

Overall, though still has an arcadey feel, a definite improvement over last year. If EA can continue down this road, and build on what they have created this year, I have no doubt that the gap between NBA 2k and NBA Live in regards to 'a basketball sim' will shorten.

I will most likely pick up both this year.

Just out of curiousity. Thoughs people that will buy both, how do you plan on playing them ? Playing a season of both games at the same time, or completing 1 season of say 2k then moving onto Live? :P
# 691 23 @ 09/20/08 02:59 PM
I always play 2k first then move to Live when im tired of it.

For some reason i dont have as much fun with 2k when I pop Live in first.

Could be the authentic sound and all im not sure what it is
# 692 PuntNL @ 09/20/08 03:00 PM
I always choose one of the two NBA Games (2K or Live)... I don't like to adjust to the games each time I change.. especially from shot stick to two buttons for shooting and dunking...

I like the improvement of Live's game over the years and this year looks to be a very decent game.. Not sure yet what to do this year... Since nextgen I only bought 2K every year, this year I am doubting a little... But I'm leaning to 2K for another year.. Live is getting closer though...

Will get back to the demo again 2nite...
# 693 Da_Czar @ 09/20/08 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by blad3runner
First post on here so be nice

After getting my PS3 and playing Live 08 for around 7 months, I must say NBA Live 09 is a big improvement when it comes to being/looking more realistic. Players seem to move more realistically, though still a bit robotically, still a big improvement. Nice to see the sig shots being close to their real life counterparts, unlike last year., though still not as accurate as 2k8, but close enough :P The demo was a lot of fun, I kept clicking on rematch to play again about 15 times :P (too bad its only two 2 min qtrs). Though there are a few gripes I had with the demo, not sure if this will be present in the full version.

1) The shot release of the players - Example, Shooting with kobe, the shot animation is way to fast IMO. From the point where the shooting animation starts to when the ball hits the rim - feels like it's in fast forward.

2) Not sure if its a setting on my TV (all other games are fine), but it felt that a little bit of the top part of the screen was cut off - Couldn't see the top of the backboard, so when someone shoots, the ball goes up, off screen, then comes back down o.0. Is this the same for anybody else?

3) Though a big improvement in the crowd this year, whats up with only seeing a few rows up of the crowd? The rest are covered in shadow/darkness =/. Also I felt that the crowd wasen't in the game much at all. Could hardly hear them cheer or react to the game much. (And yeah I maxed the crowd volume in settings)

Any confirmation in regards to the above 3 points in the full version?

Overall, though still has an arcadey feel, a definite improvement over last year. If EA can continue down this road, and build on what they have created this year, I have no doubt that the gap between NBA 2k and NBA Live in regards to 'a basketball sim' will shorten.

I will most likely pick up both this year.

Just out of curiousity. Thoughs people that will buy both, how do you plan on playing them ? Playing a season of both games at the same time, or completing 1 season of say 2k then moving onto Live? :P
Welcome to the OS Blad3runner. I have no idea how I will play both games... But so far I know for a fact they will both be played.
# 694 younggrease @ 09/20/08 08:39 PM
Live is better then last year but there are some things I cant get over...

Why are my guys not jumping in the right direction every time..
Is there no lead pass? In 2k I can make my guy come to the ball, curl or fade of screens etc... but I dont have that option in Live..
# 695 Deelo @ 09/20/08 09:14 PM
Hey just wanted peoples views on the Nba live 09 demo. Is it normall to get the blurry (ghostin) around the players, seems to make the game not as good as the 2k9 videos i've seen ?

Love the game (demo) but never played live or 2K on the ps3 yet so i'm not sure what to buy this year ??

Does any know if theres a animation in the live game like in the 2k9 video The spurs vs the rockets where tony parker broke away went up for a shot a got fouled etc thought that was really cool
# 696 23bluesman @ 09/20/08 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by blad3runner
Just out of curiousity. Thoughs people that will buy both, how do you plan on playing them ? Playing a season of both games at the same time, or completing 1 season of say 2k then moving onto Live? :P
This is how I do it - First, I play 2k (or Live) for one day, to get a feel of the game and everything. Just playing it ******ly, exhibition games here and there, a couple of practices thrown in, checking out the new features. The next day, I play the other game, and basically do the same thing. I just alternate between both games each day, and as I play it more, the more I get into hardcore mode, where I start adjusting sliders, tendencies, and such. This is when I really start comparing both games to see which I will use for my franchise.

So for example, today, I might play Lakers vs. Suns on 2k. As I'm playing I'll adjust the sliders until it plays realistic enough for my liking. Tomorrow, I'll play the same 2 teams (Lakers vs. Suns) on Live, do the same thing. This way, I get to see which game is better at making teams play like their real-life counterparts, which is big for me.

When I'm done with all the testing (usually about 2-3 weeks), I'll start my franchise with the game that I'm most satisfied with, and then sell the other game, lol.

The last time I did this was in 05 though, in which I picked Live. From 06-08 I didn't really bother messing with Live, seeing as how 2k was clearly the superior product. This year, I'm planning to go back to that routine.
# 697 servom999 @ 09/20/08 10:56 PM
I'm getting both games like usual. I'm actually getting Live for the FIBA tournament. Getting 2K for everything else. As usual, I'll pick up NBA 09' once it drops down in price.
# 698 23 @ 09/21/08 01:36 AM
Id rather be able to manually replay the game from wherever i want to.
# 699 poster @ 09/21/08 02:26 AM
Just tried the demo for the first time and I am very impressed. The game finally seems playable. Court and player spacing is perfect. Need to get used to the controls a bit more. It still has some quirks and issues, but it is definitely the best it has been since the leap to the current gen systems.
# 700 blues rocker @ 09/21/08 03:05 AM
hey beluba....live needs to add the "icon lead pass" feature that 2k has (where you can control the movement of the receiving player and tell him where to cut with the analog stick). that feature alone makes the game so enjoyable because you can fully control your passes rather than being stuck with where the cpu player decides to go.

from what i've seen live looks like it will surpass 2k this year. from the videos i've seen, 2k has not improved their movement/control and live seems to have passed them up in this area as well as many others (play calling, post moves, dribbling, shooting)...live seems to be beating 2k at everything this year.

overall the game just looks smoother and more responsive.

what i like most about live is the precise control you have with the dribbling. when you go to do a specific move, it happens how you want it to. 2k's isomotion is very clunky and unpredictable and i rarely even used it because my player never did what i wanted...but with live, i know when i try to do a move, the player will do what i want.

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