MLB 2K8 News Post

Patrick Williams of Operation Sports wrote an article discussing why he is unhappy with Major League Baseball 2k8 and why he thinks a full refund is in order.

"As daylight savings kicks in and the snow begins to melt it's starting to become evident that spring is in the air. And what comes with spring? Baseball. Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 Artman22 @ 03/21/08 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Haha, so it's wrong for someone to defend the game when they like it but when you or others say the game is terrible we're supposed to sit back and just nod in agreement?


The double standard here is hilarious.

Defend the game and you're a fanboy that doesn't know anything about baseball. But if you say you don't like the game then you're a genius? And when those that like the game call people on that then you guys turn it back on us.

Wow, OS. Wow.
dogs do you own a a big portion of take two shares? I mean every negative comment seems to hit a nerve. I liked 2k7 alot but I'm a realist. This game was a step backwards. I'm not the only one who feels this way obviously
# 102 HealyMonster @ 03/21/08 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
I can only compare 2k8 with 2k7 and it's not even close. Gameplay wise, 2k8 blows 2k7 out of the water.

I'm still playing on SDTV, so, I don't have any stuttering, choppiness, what others are experiencing.

I knew about the commentary before I purchased the game.
see, this is my point. my gripes are directed exactly at comments like this. we are not talking about a new game. this is the 3rd edition of this game. the 3rd freaking edition meaning 3 years of development were made prior to the release of this game. uniforms are wrong, stadiums are wrong/out dated, there is a framerate issue. there are roster bugs, online is broke pretty much in every aspect. regardless if the gme is "fun", has new pitching controls or "plays a better game than 2k7" it is an outright disaster when you look at the big picture. this game screams lack of leadership and artistic direction. the new pitching system is great. its fun and adds to realism. i enjoy it. bu when you take a step back and say man I have given these guys 180 dollars by buying 2k6,7, and 8. what do we have fr 180 dollars and 3 years? signature styles, new pitching mechanic, decent gameplay, and trading cards.

people say "i dont care" about the framerate. they say "i dont care about the bad commentary" " i could care less if the uniforms are acurrate or if the stadiums are up to date" WAKE THE HECK UP! they released a game where the announcers say completely opposite of whats going on in the game at times. they took the graphics down a notch and got framerate issues. how is that even possible when there werent framerate issues with better graphics?

It is cool if you just want a game that plays a good game of baseball. 2k8 is a game that plays a good game of baseball.

just becaue you go to the diner and get a hamburger patty with no bun, no ketchup, just a plain hambuger patty, and enjoy it, and its exactly what you wanted. you paid the price of a full double bacon cheeseburger but you dont care, it tastes just right and you love it. now if the diner claims to have the best double bacon cheeseburger in town or just simply lists double bacon cheeseburger on the menu, when someone else goes and orders one they are going to be like wtf? where is the bun? where is the cheese? wtf is this. your going to be sitting there like wtf, your hungry, eat it . you wont be hungry after you eat it. its a burger so what if it doesnt have ketchup. and that person is going to think you are ridiculous and no matter what you think, that person will be right because regardless if the patty will satisfy their hunger or not its not what they ordered nor is it what the menu said it was.

seriously, i have nothing against 2k or people who "defend" it but come on guys at least be real with yourself. take a deep breath, look at the big picture. regardless of who hates it or loves it, when we are all real, we agree this isnt a "good game" or a "complete game". this is a sad last attempt to make money by a company that is about to go under.
# 103 Kodii Rockets @ 03/21/08 12:35 AM
I still don't really have a problem with this game
# 104 roadman @ 03/21/08 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
see, this is my point. my gripes are directed exactly at comments like this. we are not talking about a new game. this is the 3rd edition of this game. the 3rd freaking edition meaning 3 years of development were made prior to the release of this game. uniforms are wrong, stadiums are wrong/out dated, there is a framerate issue. there are roster bugs, online is broke pretty much in every aspect. regardless if the gme is "fun", has new pitching controls or "plays a better game than 2k7" it is an outright disaster when you look at the big picture. this game screams lack of leadership and artistic direction. the new pitching system is great. its fun and adds to realism. i enjoy it. bu when you take a step back and say man I have given these guys 180 dollars by buying 2k6,7, and 8. what do we have fr 180 dollars and 3 years? signature styles, new pitching mechanic, decent gameplay, and trading cards.

people say "i dont care" about the framerate. they say "i dont care about the bad commentary" " i could care less if the uniforms are acurrate or if the stadiums are up to date" WAKE THE HECK UP! they released a game where the announcers say completely opposite of whats going on in the game at times. they took the graphics down a notch and got framerate issues. how is that even possible when there werent framerate issues with better graphics?

It is cool if you just want a game that plays a good game of baseball. 2k8 is a game that plays a good game of baseball.

just becaue you go to the diner and get a hamburger patty with no bun, no ketchup, just a plain hambuger patty, and enjoy it, and its exactly what you wanted. you paid the price of a full double bacon cheeseburger but you dont care, it tastes just right and you love it. now if the diner claims to have the best double bacon cheeseburger in town or just simply lists double bacon cheeseburger on the menu, when someone else goes and orders one they are going to be like wtf? where is the bun? where is the cheese? wtf is this. your going to be sitting there like wtf, your hungry, eat it . you wont be hungry after you eat it. its a burger so what if it doesnt have ketchup. and that person is going to think you are ridiculous and no matter what you think, that person will be right because regardless if the patty will satisfy their hunger or not its not what they ordered nor is it what the menu said it was.

seriously, i have nothing against 2k or people who "defend" it but come on guys at least be real with yourself. take a deep breath, look at the big picture. regardless of who hates it or loves it, when we are all real, we agree this isnt a "good game" or a "complete game". this is a sad last attempt to make money by a company that is about to go under.
I'll try to repeat myself, I guess.

I never played 2k6 before at all. So, to me, my opinion, 2k8 gameplay is much better than 2k7's. The pitching mechanic isn't the only new mechanic, either. The batting system is brand new and so is the throwing mechanism.

I equate it to loving HH baseball. I played that one on the PC. Even on the PC, there were bugs, graphics that were wretched, but between the chalk lines, played a great game of baseball.

If the commentating and presentation are updated next year (as have been said by 2K), that's icing on the cake for me.

Again, I'm fortunate I'm in the minority where I don't have the framerate issues and I certainly can understand folks being upset having the framerate issue.

Different strokes for different folks.
# 105 Artman22 @ 03/21/08 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Haha, so it's wrong for someone to defend the game when they like it but when you or others say the game is terrible we're supposed to sit back and just nod in agreement?


The double standard here is hilarious.

Defend the game and you're a fanboy that doesn't know anything about baseball. But if you say you don't like the game then you're a genius? And when those that like the game call people on that then you guys turn it back on us.

Wow, OS. Wow.
Dogs you must have tons of 2k shares. The way you defend 2k you must be chairman or Ceo of ttwo.The game is steps backwards. 2k has the best baseketball and football games but baseball is not there. I really liked 2k7 but this is a disappointment and its obvious I'm not the only one who thinks so
# 106 The Gamer @ 03/21/08 01:22 AM
I really liked 2k7 but this is a disappointment and its obvious I'm not the only one who thinks so
But if a person is getting enjoyment out of the game, does it matter at all what anyone else thinks? I know I don't give a damn.
# 107 Spectre @ 03/21/08 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
Let's see, the things he touches on in this article, in order, are...

- Dull presentation
- The commentary is repetitive
- Lack of new replays and cut scenes
- Hard to read batter card
- Throws in that he likes 2K Beats

It takes the author until the NINTH paragraph to even mention the game play. NINTH! And outside of a brief paragraph discussing pitching and the fact that it "takes too long to do" he summarizes the game play as...

A few sentences on the pitching interface and then the above quote is all he has to say about the entire gameplay package in this game. That's it?!

I'm sorry, but this could possibly be the worst article I have ever seen posted on this site. I've said it a hundred times on this site, everyone complained last year that the gameplay was what need to be fixed from 2K7. So 2K goes out and does that and now every tears the other aspects of the games to shreds. Brutal.
I agree- this is definitely one of the less convincing articles on the site. The funny thing was that he writes that he already "mastered" the system last year. Well, if he mastered analog pitching last year, I don't know what game he was playing because 2K definitely didn't have it.

Well if this author asked for a refund for this game, I shudder to think what he wanted for Madden 06/07 or Nba Live- based on the quality of those games, I think he would have had to be paid to even play those games!

Now, I think 2K faltered big time and I'm waiting for a patch before I buy it. However, I expected better from an article from this site.
# 108 Sportsforever @ 03/21/08 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Dogs you must have tons of 2k shares. The way you defend 2k you must be chairman or Ceo of ttwo.The game is steps backwards. 2k has the best baseketball and football games but baseball is not there. I really liked 2k7 but this is a disappointment and its obvious I'm not the only one who thinks so
That 2K8 is a disappointment to you and others is clear...in YOUR opinion the game didn't live up to YOUR standards. That is completely okay...just as someone who is enjoying the game and feels it's a solid game has every right to his/her opinion. It doesn't make YOU wrong nor him/her wrong...it's just opinion.

In this day and age, however, I really don't think anyone has any wiggle room to complain if they purchase a game and find themselves unhappy with it. We saw plenty of gameplay vids, saw screenshots, read impressions, etc AND the option of renting is always there. In the end, if you aren't happy with your purchase, the onus is on YOU...
# 109 CMH @ 03/21/08 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
dogs do you own a a big portion of take two shares? I mean every negative comment seems to hit a nerve. I liked 2k7 alot but I'm a realist. This game was a step backwards. I'm not the only one who feels this way obviously
Nice. So now that I like the game I'm obviously a share holder. Damn EA and their ways. They are trying to buy us out!

Please, dude. Do you own shares in Sony because you love bringing down 2k.

See how stupid that sounded. That's what you remind me of when you say what I quoted.
# 110 CMH @ 03/21/08 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
seriously, i have nothing against 2k or people who "defend" it but come on guys at least be real with yourself. take a deep breath, look at the big picture. regardless of who hates it or loves it, when we are all real, we agree this isnt a "good game" or a "complete game". this is a sad last attempt to make money by a company that is about to go under.
You still don't get it.

You still think that because you don't like the game that everyone else shouldn't like it.

You still think that if anyone does like it they are just not being "real" with themselves.

You still think wrong.
# 111 CMH @ 03/21/08 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Sportsforever
That 2K8 is a disappointment to you and others is clear...in YOUR opinion the game didn't live up to YOUR standards. That is completely okay...just as someone who is enjoying the game and feels it's a solid game has every right to his/her opinion. It doesn't make YOU wrong nor him/her wrong...it's just opinion.
9 out of 10 arguments in my life are about things like this. It always goes like this.

Carlos - Man, I think that's a solid product.
***** - What? It's so bad. How can you like that?
Carlos - I enjoyed it. I think it's solid. You don't like it?
***** - No! It's garbage. It's so bad.
Carlos - Well, I like it.
***** - Haha, you like it? Be real with yourself. You think it's good?
Carlos - Yes, I do.
***** - Look at it. It's bad. Anyone can see that.
Carlos - If you don't like it, fine. But, I do, so what's the issue?
***** - The issue is that you're being stubborn. You don't see how bad it is!
Carlos - Umm, not sure I understand. I like it and I think it's a good product. Why do you feel the need to continue to put it down.
***** - You're stubborn. It's bad. Be real with yourself and realize how bad it is.

And on it goes.

Maybe I never learn. Just never understood how I can sit back and say that I enjoy something and that's all that should matter. However, the person I'm always arguing with about this loves to take it at me and say I'm the one that just doesn't get it because I don't agree with his opinion.

Never have I come here and told anyone that they have to like 2k or something is wrong with them. Yet, the people that don't like it have continuously told me that something is wrong with me for not agreeing with them. I'm not being "real" with myself. I'm "justifying" my purchase. Or better yet, I "own shares" in the company.

I seriously feel like Mugatu right now. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments.

It's amazing the efforts people that don't like something will take so people can be just as miserable as them when it comes to a product. They can never swallow the acceptance that others actually like what they don't like.
# 112 boomhauertjs @ 03/21/08 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
I seriously feel like Mugatu right now. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments.
Nice Zoolander reference!
# 113 sbauer318 @ 03/21/08 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
9 out of 10 arguments in my life are about things like this. It always goes like this.

Carlos - Man, I think that's a solid product.
***** - What? It's so bad. How can you like that?
Carlos - I enjoyed it. I think it's solid. You don't like it?
***** - No! It's garbage. It's so bad.
Carlos - Well, I like it.
***** - Haha, you like it? Be real with yourself. You think it's good?
Carlos - Yes, I do.
***** - Look at it. It's bad. Anyone can see that.
Carlos - If you don't like it, fine. But, I do, so what's the issue?
***** - The issue is that you're being stubborn. You don't see how bad it is!
Carlos - Umm, not sure I understand. I like it and I think it's a good product. Why do you feel the need to continue to put it down.
***** - You're stubborn. It's bad. Be real with yourself and realize how bad it is.

And on it goes.

Maybe I never learn. Just never understood how I can sit back and say that I enjoy something and that's all that should matter. However, the person I'm always arguing with about this loves to take it at me and say I'm the one that just doesn't get it because I don't agree with his opinion.

Never have I come here and told anyone that they have to like 2k or something is wrong with them. Yet, the people that don't like it have continuously told me that something is wrong with me for not agreeing with them. I'm not being "real" with myself. I'm "justifying" my purchase. Or better yet, I "own shares" in the company.

I seriously feel like Mugatu right now. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments.

It's amazing the efforts people that don't like something will take so people can be just as miserable as them when it comes to a product. They can never swallow the acceptance that others actually like what they don't like.
I have no problem with people liking the game. I rented the game and realized it just wasn't for me. However, what irritates me are conversations like this:

Carlos - Man, I think that's a solid product.
***** - What? It's so bad. How can you like that?
Carlos - I enjoyed it. I think it's solid. You don't like it?
***** - I didn't enjoy it at all
Carlos - Well, Madden sucked. The Show is the same. Why haven't you said anything about those?
***** - Er. well.. we're not talking about them.
Carlos - It's always like that. Madden gets a billion chances and never changes.
***** - What the hell are you talking about? This is not about Madden.
Carlos - I know this is not about Madden, but it upsets me because people like to bash 2K.
***** - What?

Seriously, you would have thought people were bashing each others mothers around here.
# 114 CMH @ 03/21/08 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by sbauer318
I have no problem with people liking the game. I rented the game and realized it just wasn't for me. However, what irritates me are conversations like this:

Carlos - Man, I think that's a solid product.
***** - What? It's so bad. How can you like that?
Carlos - I enjoyed it. I think it's solid. You don't like it?
***** - I didn't enjoy it at all
Carlos - Well, Madden sucked. The Show is the same. Why haven't you said anything about those?
***** - Er. well.. we're not talking about them.
Carlos - It's always like that. Madden gets a billion chances and never changes.
***** - What the hell are you talking about? This is not about Madden.
Carlos - I know this is not about Madden, but it upsets me because people like to bash 2K.
***** - What?

Seriously, you would have thought people were bashing each others mothers around here.
I agree. But Carlos would never say those things.
# 115 CMH @ 03/21/08 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Nice Zoolander reference!
Sine we're in the spirit of this attitude here goes:

Best comedy in the past 10 years! If you disagree you're not being real with yourself and just trying to justify the 10 bucks you spent watching Jackie Moon.

And yes, I own shares in the "Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too." We just celebrated our 6th year in business and we're going strong with the exception of a little hostile takeover attempt by the "Academy For Young People Who Can't Write Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Things Good Also."
# 116 sbauer318 @ 03/21/08 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
And yes, I own shares in the "Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too." We just celebrated our 6th year in business and we're going strong with the exception of a little hostile takeover attempt by the "Academy For Young People Who Can't Write Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Things Good Also."
Does the six years include the time when the building was too small for people to get inside or does it just include the enlarged version? haha. Great movie.

Edit: I also use the crazy pills reference too. I use it about once a month.
# 117 HealyMonster @ 03/21/08 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
You still don't get it.

You still think that because you don't like the game that everyone else shouldn't like it.

You still think that if anyone does like it they are just not being "real" with themselves.

You still think wrong.

no man, Liking it" has nothing to do with what I am saying bro. I dont think you get it. I LIKE THE GAME. i play it and enjoy it. alot of other peple do too. just because we like it doesnt make it a good game though. like i said uniforms, stadiums, roster,framerate. regardless of how well the game plays, the game as a whole is riddled with issues that should have been taken care of in 06. this is the game we should have had in 06. i dont understand how you read what I say, then come at me lik im on a building giving a sermon on how people should hate 2k. that couldnt be further from the truth. just because some people can overlook a games flaws and enjoy it does not make it a good game. I overlook everything and i enjoy the game. but im not going to sit here and defend the game from critisism, not will I call this a good game. I hope everyone enjoys the game, i dont care but like i have said look at the game as a whole and dont say its a good game because you enjoy it. it has alot of missing peices and issues so just because you like it dont sit here and act like the game is perfect. be real man. enjoy yourself.
# 118 bkrich83 @ 03/21/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
I agree. But Carlos would never say those things.
He's right though. Those Madden arguments were indeed brought in to this thread.
# 119 sportsdude @ 03/21/08 12:46 PM
going back to Williams' article, I don't think it was the most well-written piece amongst the other new stuff on OS.

It seemed to spend a lot of time killing 2k8 while slipping in a sentence about how the gameplay was actually fun.

Also, Patrick mentioned how the new gameplay features were fun and inventive, yet later in the article he says the new pitching bored him and was too slow. Well, which is it Patrick?

I also find it funny when people complain about graphics in a sports game. I mean, different things matter to different people but for sports games, graphics are usually a tertiary or even quaternary concern to me.
# 120 bkrich83 @ 03/21/08 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by sportsdude
I also find it funny when people complain about graphics in a sports game. I mean, different things matter to different people but for sports games, graphics are usually a tertiary or even quaternary concern to me.
Everyone's priorities are different. When I pay 60 dollars for a baseball game to play on my $400-$500 console, I personally want gameplay and graphics to be top notch. Maybe it's just me.

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