MLB 2K8 News Post

Patrick Williams of Operation Sports wrote an article discussing why he is unhappy with Major League Baseball 2k8 and why he thinks a full refund is in order.

"As daylight savings kicks in and the snow begins to melt it's starting to become evident that spring is in the air. And what comes with spring? Baseball. Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 41 Artman22 @ 03/20/08 06:13 PM
Im really glad that OS does not care about pleasing fanboys. Im glad they gave this game exactly what it deserved a 6. This game went backwards. I gave up on 2k baseball. They make the best football and baseketball games but baseball is not on that level. I wouldnt be surprise or upset if they lose that 3rd party license.
# 42 HealyMonster @ 03/20/08 06:15 PM
i dont get where half of you guys come off trying to defend 2k and this game. i have the game, i can enjoy it the way it is now. Lets be real with each other though. This game is garbage. this game is what mlb 2k6 should have been but not really cause the framerate sucks. this game is what MLB 2k5 should have been if it were released on the 360. instead of a solid playing baseball game im dealing with a company releasing a "new pitching mechanic" and new "13 zones of hitting" at the expense of acurate uniforms, fluid franchise, acurate up to date stadiums. i mean come on. basically since mlb 2k6, 2 years, we have some signature styles, a new pitching mechanic, more zones to hit out of and 2k beats can be used in game now. wow, i basically have paid 180$ for that. regardless if you guys are enjoying the game or not lets not kid ourselves and act like we are lucky to hve thi game and pretend its a good game. heck when i was a kid i had all kinds of toys. sometimes after the toy broke id still find some fun out of it. its like this game. i gotta say what im playing is total crap but whatever i can find ways to enjoy it since i have nothing else.

i understand how you guys say well the new pitching is cool, gameplay is improved, stop bashing the game. i get it. but take a minute look at the big picture then give your response. 2k deserves everything negative they get for putting out a game 3 years in a row that is well below what they should be putting out. end of story. there is no argument to that. the fact that they had a patch in the works prior to release, and their 3 year plan garbage pretty much makes this a fact.
# 43 Artman22 @ 03/20/08 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by awesomepatrol
Correct, everything you said above this is 100% inaccurate about the full retail game. Hysterically, the demo isn't plagued by this problem.
Retail is just as bad. So he's very accurate.
# 44 Artman22 @ 03/20/08 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
i dont get where half of you guys come off trying to defend 2k and this game. i have the game, i can enjoy it the way it is now. Lets be real with each other though. This game is garbage. this game is what mlb 2k6 should have been but not really cause the framerate sucks. this game is what MLB 2k5 should have been if it were released on the 360. instead of a solid playing baseball game im dealing with a company releasing a "new pitching mechanic" and new "13 zones of hitting" at the expense of acurate uniforms, fluid franchise, acurate up to date stadiums. i mean come on. basically since mlb 2k6, 2 years, we have some signature styles, a new pitching mechanic, more zones to hit out of and 2k beats can be used in game now. wow, i basically have paid 180$ for that. regardless if you guys are enjoying the game or not lets not kid ourselves and act like we are lucky to hve thi game and pretend its a good game. heck when i was a kid i had all kinds of toys. sometimes after the toy broke id still find some fun out of it. its like this game. i gotta say what im playing is total crap but whatever i can find ways to enjoy it since i have nothing else.

i understand how you guys say well the new pitching is cool, gameplay is improved, stop bashing the game. i get it. but take a minute look at the big picture then give your response. 2k deserves everything negative they get for putting out a game 3 years in a row that is well below what they should be putting out. end of story. there is no argument to that. the fact that they had a patch in the works prior to release, and their 3 year plan garbage pretty much makes this a fact.
People will defend this game till the end and i dont know why. It's like people must become lawyers of a game company

I agree with you.
# 45 Artman22 @ 03/20/08 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by CS10029
Haha are you kidding me. I still try out EA sports games. I love the NHL game and NCAA is decent. MLB could be better, the same thing with the EA games, but the quality of 2Ks games to that of EAs differs drastically.

I just don't get why this article needs to be posted, when for the most part the people of this site like the game. Im sure this article had to be approved by someone, and I just don't see why its necessary.
Are you sure your talking about OS Cause everybody i know thinks this game is horrible. Im glad they posted this. It's only stating the truth, and the fact that 2k owns the 3rd party license gets me even more upset. So it's ok to be the only company making baseball on the 360 and do a very bad job at it?? C-mon bro this is wack
# 46 ChaseB @ 03/20/08 06:28 PM
Just FYI this won't be the last negative MLB 2K article this week. We have one more that takes it from a different angle. We also have a positive article in the works as well since not the entire staff is in agreement on the average quality of the game.

Just thought you guys should know.
# 47 Amazin @ 03/20/08 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Slizeezyc
Just FYI this won't be the last negative MLB 2K article this week. We have one more that takes it from a different angle. We also have a positive article in the works as well since not the entire staff is in agreement on the average quality of the game.

Just thought you guys should know.
How about taking a look at the negative aspects that are in The Show? Both games have there flaws and strengths but The Show is not The Holy Grail as Operation Sports Dedicated To Sports Gaming would seem to make you believe.
# 48 Riotboy @ 03/20/08 06:41 PM
2k7 > 2k8 in my opinion and I agree with this article about how crappy the game is.
# 49 Amazin @ 03/20/08 06:43 PM
Can I have my money back for The Show for being boring, dull, and really nothing new from last year? I didn't think so. Oh well I'll just keep playing it.
# 50 CMH @ 03/20/08 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
People will defend this game till the end and i dont know why. It's like people must become lawyers of a game company

I agree with you.

Haha, so it's wrong for someone to defend the game when they like it but when you or others say the game is terrible we're supposed to sit back and just nod in agreement?


The double standard here is hilarious.

Defend the game and you're a fanboy that doesn't know anything about baseball. But if you say you don't like the game then you're a genius? And when those that like the game call people on that then you guys turn it back on us.

Wow, OS. Wow.
# 51 thornie @ 03/20/08 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Are you sure your talking about OS Cause everybody i know thinks this game is horrible.
Maybe it's just everyone you know... According to this poll (http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ough-rate.html), posted a few weeks ago, 73% of 88 OSers rated the game 7.0 or above. That's far from horrible.
# 52 CMH @ 03/20/08 06:51 PM
The "everyone I know" argument is the second worst argument I've ever heard on these boards. It's just behind "you're just justifying your purchase."

Everyone I know happens to like MLB2k8.

So I'm not sure where either of us is really going with this since it really doesn't help you or me. So what's the point of even saying it?
# 53 CMH @ 03/20/08 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by baa7

And BTW, where did my controller go?? I think my cat took it and hid it because I won't feed him an hour early.
Get a dog so he can fetch it for you.
# 54 Bahnzo @ 03/20/08 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by thornie
Maybe it's just everyone you know... According to this poll (http://www.operationsports.com/forum...ough-rate.html), posted a few weeks ago, 73% of 88 OSers rated the game 7.0 or above. That's far from horrible.
I think it's misleading to accept the opinions of people excited to have the game and who haven't played it thoroughly as fact.

The more I play this game, the more I find wrong with it. When you add up the frame rate issues, the worthless online play, and all the niggling little bugs and things that just aren't right....it's becoming more and more clear that 2K needs to completely scrap this game and build a new one from the ground up.
# 55 CMH @ 03/20/08 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
I think it's misleading to accept the opinions of people excited to have the game and who haven't played it thoroughly as fact.

The more I play this game, the more I find wrong with it. When you add up the frame rate issues, the worthless online play, and all the niggling little bugs and things that just aren't right....it's becoming more and more clear that 2K needs to completely scrap this game and build a new one from the ground up.

Funny you say that because if you look at the impressions most of the people that actually played it longer than say one game actually have found the good in the game and it's game play.

Seems to me that the misleading opinions are those that didn't play the game enough.

You, of course, are stating that you've played the game for a good while so that's a refreshing statement. Most of the negativity has been based on one play through or less than maybe 3 hours of play.
# 56 Bahnzo @ 03/20/08 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Seems to me that the misleading opinions are those that didn't play the game enough.
I didn't say the opinions were misleading, but the poll was. It's an early poll that was put up right when the game was released and those are worthless to judge opinion from.
# 57 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Funny you say that because if you look at the impressions most of the people that actually played it longer than say one game actually have found the good in the game and it's game play.

Seems to me that the misleading opinions are those that didn't play the game enough.

You, of course, are stating that you've played the game for a good while so that's a refreshing statement. Most of the negativity has been based on one play through or less than maybe 3 hours of play.
You're missing the point: the game is so broken that a lot of people don't even want to play it for 3 hours.

Word is 2K is "testing" the patch; I hope they test it more thoroughly than they "tested" the goddamn game before they sent it out the door.
# 58 Bahnzo @ 03/20/08 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Funny you say that because if you look at the impressions most of the people that actually played it longer than say one game actually have found the good in the game and it's game play.
There is good in this game, but the more I play it, the more I wonder just what the hell they did all year. It really feels like they spent most of their time putting in new features instead of making a solid game of baseball. It makes me laugh when 2K says this year was gameplay and next year is presentation. Lets face it, they need to spend the next dev cycle on gameplay entirely. And bugfixing for that matter.

But I still think they really need to scrap the whole thing and start fresh. As much as 2K has been trying, you can never polish a turd.
# 59 spankdatazz22 @ 03/20/08 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Im really glad that OS does not care about pleasing fanboys. Im glad they gave this game exactly what it deserved a 6. This game went backwards. I gave up on 2k baseball. They make the best football and baseketball games but baseball is not on that level. I wouldnt be surprise or upset if they lose that 3rd party license.
As someone else said - it's the hypocrisy. If we're looking at the '08 sports titles, am I to believe that Madden is a better football game than MLB2K8 is a baseball game? That NBA Live '08 is a better basketball game than MLB2K8 is a baseball game? I'm not trying to pick on the EA games btw - there just seems to be selective criticism on display. It shouldn't be "we'll get Madden '09 if it sucks" - that's an entirely new calendar year game. And even I'd be shocked if the game didn't improve this coming year.

As I've been saying for years - but I was talking about IGN when I said it at the time - if one game is to be held to a certain standard, hold ALL the games to a certain standard. Don't be selective. There are people that say 2K8 has no redeeming value whatsoever, which is ridiculous imo. If you're disappointed because of the graphics, framerate, or whatever, fine. But as I said, I think if we're just comparing the baseball games, I think people would be disappointed with The Show '09 if 989 doesn't add new gameplay mechanics next year. That sentiment can be attributed at least in part to what 2K did right with 2K8. Can those same things be said about Madden or Live? I can't think of anything I'd take from Madden and add to APF - other than the licenses of course. Same with NBA2K8 versus Live '08. When I look at Madden, Live, etc. it's like the games get a pat on the back simply for not being as horrible as previous iterations.

No one's arguing that with the game's framerate issue and the hit in graphics if OS wants to give a 6, fine. I'm not a big baseball fan so I can't legitimately debate the game's pros and cons - but I don't see people talking of major gameplay issues, outside of the lack of steal attempts by the CPU and the need to tweak the sliders here or there. The animations are good/very good, they've apparently done a great job with the signature styles in the game, the player models are very well done - I just don't see where this game receives all the flack it does while other games that have been worse for longer get to skate.
# 60 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
As someone else said - it's the hypocrisy.
What the hell is the matter with everyone that we're all so concerned about "bias" in video game reporting, etc?

Look, 2K8 sucks badly. It's got nothing to do with Madden or anything else. It's quite simple.

To everyone who is saying: "BUT TEH GAMEPLAY IS AWESOME" - please cut the ****. I don't care what new -- and pointless -- "features" they add when the game runs so poorly you can't actually use any of them.

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