MLB 2K8 News Post

Patrick Williams of Operation Sports wrote an article discussing why he is unhappy with Major League Baseball 2k8 and why he thinks a full refund is in order.

"As daylight savings kicks in and the snow begins to melt it's starting to become evident that spring is in the air. And what comes with spring? Baseball. Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 BadKermit @ 03/20/08 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman18
The rosters out now from 2k still have Johan on the Twins, so yeah, i would say he has to wait for an up to date roster..
No they don't.
# 62 MizzouRah @ 03/20/08 06:47 PM
You can have your money back for MLB 2k8 if...

I can have mine back for:

Madden 08
NHL 2k8
OOTP Baseball 8
FPS Football 99
FPS Baseball 99
Head Coach from EA

..and that's just the beginning

Rent it first if you have any doubts about spending the $$$ for any game. MLB 2k8 isn't the greatest baseball game of all time, but it's good enough for me to wait on a ps3 and I don't mind supporting 2k sports.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions though and I know there are many who are frustrated or at least wanted a better baseball game for their 360. I don't mention ps3 because if I had one, it would be The Show for sure.

I don't agree with the "it sucks" some are claiming it to be, but I'm a person who just wants to have fun and I'm having it so far with MLB 2k8.
# 63 ChaseB @ 03/20/08 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Amazin
How about taking a look at the negative aspects that are in The Show? Both games have there flaws and strengths but The Show is not The Holy Grail as Operation Sports Dedicated To Sports Gaming would seem to make you believe.
I think it would be a good guess that we'll do that at some point. Postmortems should be somewhat commonplace.
# 64 myghty @ 03/20/08 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
People will defend this game till the end and i dont know why. It's like people must become lawyers of a game company
Hmm, lets try it the other way...

People will bash this game till the end and i dont know why. It's like people must become lawyers of a game company

C wut I deed der?
# 65 spankdatazz22 @ 03/20/08 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by awesomepatrol
What the hell is the matter with everyone that we're all so concerned about "bias" in video game reporting, etc?

Look, 2K8 sucks badly. It's got nothing to do with Madden or anything else. It's quite simple.

To everyone who is saying: "BUT TEH GAMEPLAY IS AWESOME" - please cut the ****. I don't care what new -- and pointless -- "features" they add when the game runs so poorly you can't actually use any of them.
Of course it doesn't have anything to do with anything else - because you can't make the argument. I don't want to get drawn into a discussion w/someone who's extremely light post history likely reads as a "2K8 sucks" sermon. But if the game sucks as badly as you say, is as horrid as you say - I don't get why it would even warrant a 6.

Oops forgot to punctuate with "hell" and "gotdamn" many times for effect
# 66 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Good grief new duder guy, what kind of trip are you are on here? That's not the way to gain friends and influence others - telling them their opinion of something sucks. They call it an 'opinion' for a reason.
Perhaps so. I'm just having a bit of fun.
# 67 BadKermit @ 03/20/08 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Good grief new duder guy, what kind of trip are you are on here? That's not the way to gain friends and influence others - telling them their opinion of something sucks. They call it an 'opinion' for a reason.
Agreed. Every comment I read like his convinces me more and more that The Show players are secretly jealous of the new pitching/hitting mechanics. It's just as reasonable an explanation as, "2K guys are just forcing themselves to like it to justify their purchase!!!"
# 68 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Look, I agree the game has some serious issues. But if some people are enjoying it, and if they think the gameplay is 'awesome' that's their opinion. I certainly thought some aspects of the gameplay were a refreshing change from that other game and at the very least, fun.
I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I want to be clear that I'm not comparing 2K8 to the Show. I have never played the Show, don't have a PS3 and am not getting one, so whatever merits that game has are entirely irrelevant to me. I'm playing 2K8 on its own terms, and it really fails to pass muster -- even compared to 2K7, in fact.
# 69 bkrich83 @ 03/20/08 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Agreed. Every comment I read like his convinces me more and more that The Show players are secretly jealous of the new pitching/hitting mechanics. It's just as reasonable an explanation as, "2K guys are just forcing themselves to like it to justify their purchase!!!"
This is what I don't get. What about those of us that have both games and still find 2k8 to be significantly behind? Are we secretly jealous of something.

Why even bring The Show in to it. How many posts here have said something similiar to "Well what about the Show's Negatives", "It's a Pro-Show conspiracy, against 2k8". Which if you have any clue as to the history of OS is beyond ridiculousness.

The complaints about this game are for the most part pretty valid. And I wonder how many people who keep talking about the Show not being that great truthfully own it?
# 70 Vast @ 03/20/08 07:16 PM
if this was a thread it wouldve been locked already. os should be ashamed of this dude.
2k7 was crap to me. 2k8 is the most fun i've had with a baseball game in eons.

The framerate is inexcusable and the graphics are a let down but other than that this game is awesome.
# 71 bkrich83 @ 03/20/08 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Look, I agree the game has some serious issues. But if some people are enjoying it, and if they think the gameplay is 'awesome' that's their opinion. I certainly thought some aspects of the gameplay were a refreshing change from that other game and at the very least, fun.
Agreed. There are some very fun things about this game. I love the cards, I love using the right sticks. The commentary, visuals, framerates, and issues with franchise mode that have been there forever are where my problems are.
# 72 Amazin @ 03/20/08 08:20 PM
First of all I own both MLB 2K8 for the 360 and MLB 08 The Show for the PS3. I enjoy both games but I have to admit after playing 2K8, The Show feels stale in comparison. Someone asked why bring up The Show in this thread well the reason is in the Can I have my money back? story The Show is talked about in direct comparison to 2K8 at the very beginning with this statement "Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8." I am so sick of comments like this, if The Show is so special do whatever you have to do and buy a PS3 and the game. Problem solved, right?
# 73 bkrich83 @ 03/20/08 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Amazin
First of all I own both MLB 2K8 for the 360 and MLB 08 The Show for the PS3. I enjoy both games but I have to admit after playing 2K8, The Show feels stale in comparison. Someone asked why bring up The Show in this thread well the reason is in the Can I have my money back? story The Show is talked about in direct comparison to 2K8 at the very beginning with this statement "Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8." I am so sick of comments like this, if The Show is so special do whatever you have to do and buy a PS3 and the game. Problem solved, right?
Problem solved if people feel the investment of a PS3 is worth the price of playing a single game.

The writer was correct, for 360 only gamers, with a budget it is the only game in town. I feel bad for them no matter how great 2k8 is, as having your choices limited is never a good thing.

In all honesty you feel 2k8 is as polished as The Show?
# 74 Amazin @ 03/20/08 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Problem solved if people feel the investment of a PS3 is worth the price of playing a single game.

The writer was correct, for 360 only gamers, with a budget it is the only game in town. I feel bad for them no matter how great 2k8 is, as having your choices limited is never a good thing.

In all honesty you feel 2k8 is as polished as The Show?
No I do not feel it is nearly as polished, but in my opinion The Show is downright boring and dull. It plays a good game of baseball if set up correctly, but it is to slow moving and I struggle to get in nine innings without dying of boredom and it feels like half the time you aren't even controlling the players. With 2K8 I can play 7-8 games in a row no problem. Basically I think it comes down to classic face button gameplay to exciting and new analog stick gameplay. Gameplay is what it's supposed to be about right? If that's the case 2K8 hands down.
# 75 bkrich83 @ 03/20/08 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Amazin
No I do not feel it is nearly as polished, but in my opinion The Show is downright boring and dull. It plays a good game of baseball if set up correctly, but it is to slow moving and I struggle to get in nine innings without dying of boredom. With 2K8 I can play 7-8 games in a row no problem. Basically I think it comes down to classic face button gameplay to exciting and new analog stick gameplay. Gameplay is what it's supposed to be about right? If that's the case 2K8 hands down.
Gameplay is what it's about. For my money the Show still beats it hands down. I think the Show is by far the more realistic representation of the sport. But I am with you, 2k8 is a fun game, and I do enjoy it. If they simply are able to clear up the framerate problems, I would enjoy it even more.
# 76 Rainey @ 03/20/08 08:37 PM
I wish the frame rate was good in 2k8 because I love playing baseball online. However, the frame rate was absolutely terrible. So, I gave up on it and sold on Ebay to get most of my money back. I like the Show a whole hell of a lot, but the online gaming is just atrocious. If the show was on the 360 I think I would be in heaven.
# 77 CMH @ 03/20/08 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Problem solved if people feel the investment of a PS3 is worth the price of playing a single game.

The writer was correct, for 360 only gamers, with a budget it is the only game in town. I feel bad for them no matter how great 2k8 is, as having your choices limited is never a good thing.

In all honesty you feel 2k8 is as polished as The Show?
Very few have even said that The Show sucks.

Most of the 2k8 fans I've seen here think The Show is a good product. I'm definitely one of them.

There are things I don't like about The Show but I would never say it's a bad game. Me calling The Show a bad game is in my opinion comparable to someone saying that 2k8 has terrible game play. It's just not true.

Now is 2k8 as polished as The Show? Of course not. The Show, while not being my favorite of the two, does have better commentary, better presentation, solid gameplay, and other great things.

I picked up 2k8 expecting the gameplay to improve and that's what I got. So I'm completely satisfied with the product.

Could it be better? Of course. I haven't seen many people that like 2k8 say that it's the most complete product in the world.

The real point is that people are crashing hard on 2k8 for it's mistakes. And rightfully so. It has frame rate issues. It still has old commentary. The presentation sucks. The crowd is non-existent most of the time.

But, as mentioned by Blzer, people were adament about 2k7 needing a gameplay updgrade before it could compete with The Show. 2k8 does that.

Now I understand that the other issues I consider little are major to others and therefore stop them from wanting to play the game for more than 3 hours. I'm not going to argue with someone that lets poor frame rate after a player affect them. The game is sikly smooth on the mound and the plate and runs at least 30 fps on the field. But I digress.

To round this off, what the crashers need to acknowledge is that people that enjoy 2k8 enjoy baseball for it's gameplay. It's not our fault that graphics and those other little things aren't as important to us. We just want solid baseball and 2k8 does most of that right. It's game play is comparable and just as good as The Show. That's a fact.

Your question was is it as polished? I answered no. And I would never say it is. But, when it comes to game play it's right there at the same level. That's why this game isn't "garbage" to me.

If the people that continue to downplay this product can't see that then perhaps they should see their way out. I'm all for offering an opinion but when your opinion is based on putting people down for disagreeing with you it's very hard for me or anyone else to respect you.
# 78 Rainey @ 03/20/08 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Very few have even said that The Show sucks.

Most of the 2k8 fans I've seen here think The Show is a good product. I'm definitely one of them.

There are things I don't like about The Show but I would never say it's a bad game. Me calling The Show a bad game is in my opinion comparable to someone saying that 2k8 has terrible game play. It's just not true.

Now is 2k8 as polished as The Show? Of course not. The Show, while not being my favorite of the two, does have better commentary, better presentation, solid gameplay, and other great things.

I picked up 2k8 expecting the gameplay to improve and that's what I got. So I'm completely satisfied with the product.

Could it be better? Of course. I haven't seen many people that like 2k8 say that it's the most complete product in the world.

The real point is that people are crashing hard on 2k8 for it's mistakes. And rightfully so. It has frame rate issues. It still has old commentary. The presentation sucks. The crowd is non-existent most of the time.

But, as mentioned by Blzer, people were adament about 2k7 needing a gameplay updgrade before it could compete with The Show. 2k8 does that.

Now I understand that the other issues I consider little are major to others and therefore stop them from wanting to play the game for more than 3 hours. I'm not going to argue with someone that lets poor frame rate after a player affect them. The game is sikly smooth on the mound and the plate and runs at least 30 fps on the field. But I digress.

To round this off, what the crashers need to acknowledge is that people that enjoy 2k8 enjoy baseball for it's gameplay. It's not our fault that graphics and those other little things aren't as important to us. We just want solid baseball and 2k8 does most of that right. It's game play is comparable and just as good as The Show. That's a fact.

Your question was is it as polished? I answered no. And I would never say it is. But, when it comes to game play it's right there at the same level. That's why this game isn't "garbage" to me.

If the people that continue to downplay this product can't see that then perhaps they should see their ways out. I'm all for offering an opinion but when your opinion is based on putting people down for disagreeing with you it's very hard for me or anyone else to respect you.
30 fps on the field? No way man. It might average out around that number, but it is extremely choppy.
# 79 bkrich83 @ 03/20/08 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Very few have even said that The Show sucks.

Most of the 2k8 fans I've seen here think The Show is a good product. I'm definitely one of them.

There are things I don't like about The Show but I would never say it's a bad game. Me calling The Show a bad game is in my opinion comparable to someone saying that 2k8 has terrible game play. It's just not true.

Now is 2k8 as polished as The Show? Of course not. The Show, while not being my favorite of the two, does have better commentary, better presentation, solid gameplay, and other great things.

I picked up 2k8 expecting the gameplay to improve and that's what I got. So I'm completely satisfied with the product.

Could it be better? Of course. I haven't seen many people that like 2k8 say that it's the most complete product in the world.

The real point is that people are crashing hard on 2k8 for it's mistakes. And rightfully so. It has frame rate issues. It still has old commentary. The presentation sucks. The crowd is non-existent most of the time.

But, as mentioned by Blzer, people were adament about 2k7 needing a gameplay updgrade before it could compete with The Show. 2k8 does that.

Now I understand that the other issues I consider little are major to others and therefore stop them from wanting to play the game for more than 3 hours. I'm not going to argue with someone that lets poor frame rate after a player affect them. The game is sikly smooth on the mound and the plate and runs at least 30 fps on the field. But I digress.

To round this off, what the crashers need to acknowledge is that people that enjoy 2k8 enjoy baseball for it's gameplay. It's not our fault that graphics and those other little things aren't as important to us. We just want solid baseball and 2k8 does most of that right. It's game play is comparable and just as good as The Show. That's a fact.

Your question was is it as polished? I answered no. And I would never say it is. But, when it comes to game play it's right there at the same level. That's why this game isn't "garbage" to me.

If the people that continue to downplay this product can't see that then perhaps they should see their way out. I'm all for offering an opinion but when your opinion is based on putting people down for disagreeing with you it's very hard for me or anyone else to respect you.
Where exactly did I put anyone down?

Nor is the game particularly smooth at the batter/pitcher interface for me, and I have a hard time believing it plays a steady 30 FPS on the field.

I agree it's a much improved game. And if a framerate fix can be found, I think it would be an even better game.
# 80 Amazin @ 03/20/08 08:48 PM
I do not want to turn this into The Show vs 2K8 but something that really bothers me is how I hear how realistic the animations are in The Show, yes they look great but do you ever get the feeling like your hardly ever actually controlling the players and the Player Models are not in any way better than 2K8, but enough of that back on topic.

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