MLB The Show 17 News Post
Member Comments
# 101
stealyerface @ 05/01/17 04:29 PM
I'll make a slider tweak tonight and play a five game set.
What makes it tough when it comes to the slider-able games, is that you get one guy playing with the Power and Contact at four and three respectively, and another guy at six and four. So when either one makes comments, or has issues, it is tough to decipher how much of it is actually and issue, or how much is driven by the sliders taking control of one or more aspects, which get compounded with the issue.
For instance, I have my baserunning slider set so low, I do not see any issues with stealing being unrealistic.
But, I have my fielder speed set low enough that when a ball gets by or over my outfielder's heads, their speed slider plays just as large a role as my baserunner speed, as does their speed rating.
So while I can say, "I see no issue with the homerun length, or the amount of homeruns", the probably cause of this is my power and solid hit levels being low.
I prefer a defensive game over the offensive onslaught, so for me, I see no issues with Homerun distance and numbers...
I had not thought of the game imposing a more severe penalty on my catcher, by nerfing my control and consistency of my pitcher, to the point where I wanted to feel the pressure of hitting my spots without leaving pitches in a hit-able situations. Therefore, while I pick at corners, and nibble at the black, walking the tightrope between serviceable pitches and whiplash from jets leaving the tarmac, I may have put an extra burden on my catching squad.
Did my low settings inadvertently trigger wild pitches and passed balls within the confines of the Classic Pitching, because the game felt it needed to factor in a wild pitch, based on my sliders?
Is this why I could purposely stay away from the low stuff, in an attempt to keep the CPU from running on my fatuity, but I would still get an occasional fastball called for a strike and in the strike zone that would ricochet off the catcher's mitt like a stray bullet in a canyon?
Maybe my slider set causes my personal experiences to differ from others', therefore making it frustrating that other people can't understand my frustration?
Either way, the game is too good to make a huge production out of this, and before I take to the streets and loot and riot, I'll tweak my Consistency and Control up a bit, play a few game test set, and see if that small adjustment makes a difference...
That seems like a reasonable idea.
He said.
# 102
Chris_SCEA_Sports @ 05/01/17 04:38 PM
It did not make the patch notes, but this is something we did tweak a bit for this patch. I have seen a lot of posts about it in this thread, so I assume all of the comments are based on seeing it still happening too often with 1.05 installed.
As you said in another post, it is a delicate balance...and we will continue to work on it.
As you said in another post, it is a delicate balance...and we will continue to work on it.
I do agree that it's more jarring in some stadiums though (such as behind-the-pitcher CitiField), so I understand the complaints.
If that truly is the tradeoff for solid framerate, give me the framerate every time.
# 107
wanzalla13 @ 05/01/17 05:29 PM
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# 111
Armor and Sword @ 05/01/17 06:03 PM
Come over to the slider forum.
Our mission over there is to share all our settings and approach on how to play this game on the best possible simulation like settings we can cook up. And you will see various sets designed for various control/difficulty options.
Sent from Palm Trees and Paradise using Operation Sports
# 112
JKSportsGamer1984 @ 05/01/17 06:17 PM
# 113
wanzalla13 @ 05/01/17 06:30 PM
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I posted earlier and haven't seen anything yet. Has the new patch fixed the base runner freeze glitch? I have had many games freeze due to a player getting stuck after hitting a HR and more times than I can count of players just getting stuck out of the box regardless of how the ball was put in play. I've gotten a little frustrated because all I see is everyone talking about very small details with the way they play this game (QC's, uniform colors, catching quirks, etc.). I just want to know if I can actually finish a game without it freezing on me, I would be over the moon to only be dealing with minor glitches like some of you. I've been very, very patient but if this isn't fixed soon, that patience will run out and they will lose a customer for good. Sorry for the rant.
If I designed the game, I would shoot for a less noticeable decrease in detail. I'd probably make the players just have a lower amount of polygons all the time and when it's time for a pitch to come in, I could just lower the detail of things in the background.
# 116
videobastard @ 05/01/17 06:53 PM
# 117
ninertravel @ 05/01/17 07:14 PM
Very frustrating but I have to do the old move controller to the other team after every out and make sure CPU doesn't change pitcher... sometimes I forget though and it makes the change straight away ... wish there was a rewind dumb CPU BP moves problems
I play full count and the CPU has been making pitching changes that pretty much replicate today's MLB.
I've had pitchers pulled in the 5th 6th inning and I've had pitchers pitch deep into the game. I've even had a couple complete game shutouts against me.
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# 119
Ctaulbee10 @ 05/01/17 07:33 PM
Any word on if they will fix where the CPU pitchers will pitch two times in a row on online franchise? That needs to be fixed
# 120
ninertravel @ 05/01/17 07:40 PM
I have only ever seen Chris Sale go 8 innings against me and that was a 2-1 game, in which they won. he probably should have gone 9 for the complete game shutout, but as soon as a base runner got on base the CPU panic in the 9th and hooked him. had the CPU been up 8-1 he never would have got pulled. so it's really about what the score is at the time, not about stamina fatigue or pitch count, which makes all those things useless,
Might as well keep the hook at 5 for relief pitcher purposes, because it is no different to being 0. if it meant something the CPU should hardly ever even pull the starter.
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