MLB The Show 17 News Post
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Has anyone else noticed that when using the fast forward between innings option if there is a pitching change they do not reset the pitch count? That is really annoying because you can't tell how many pitches a particular pitcher has thrown unless u actually witnessed the pitching change. I hope they fix this.
My issue has been resolved by this patch; Thanks SCEA.
All of these problems people are having are literally leaving me scratching my head..I just don't see them.
All of these problems people are having are literally leaving me scratching my head..I just don't see them.
# 203
Ranger Fan @ 05/05/17 10:06 AM
# 204
underthebar @ 05/06/17 11:46 PM
Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
The MVP trophy is still not unlocked for me! I don't get it. I got the platinum weeks ago now. I have tried clicking on it all different ways, and playing around in the trophy list. Nothing seems to work. Any tips?
# 207
CleveCluby @ 05/07/17 02:25 PM
Don't feel bad, it is still happening in the QC. Although they seemed to adjust it a little, to many games where the starting pitcher is pulled at the first sign of trouble in a close game. Most are getting pulled after six innings even if they have the lead. There are exceptions but it still isn't right IMO. It is better than it was, I wish they would gives us a control to let us decide when the CPU pitcher should be pulled. I mean for OFFLINE FRANCHISE at least. What do they care what we do with our own franchises.
This is something else I have noticed since starting a new franchise. It could be just a coincidence but after playing all 24 games in the month of April with my Tribe, 16 out of 24 games were wins or losses by one run. Most were very low scoring games with the ave being 4 to 3 and most of my wins were after they put in their relief pitchers. Very few starters got decisions. I play vet hitting and All star pitching. Checking box scores I notice the same thing, many low scoring games and games decided by 1 run in the late innings. Does anyone else notice this. It's not a major problem, A little unrealistic, but I am just wondering if it might be in my sliders settings or if others are experiencing the same thing. Any suggestions or help is always appreciated and thanks in advance.
This is something else I have noticed since starting a new franchise. It could be just a coincidence but after playing all 24 games in the month of April with my Tribe, 16 out of 24 games were wins or losses by one run. Most were very low scoring games with the ave being 4 to 3 and most of my wins were after they put in their relief pitchers. Very few starters got decisions. I play vet hitting and All star pitching. Checking box scores I notice the same thing, many low scoring games and games decided by 1 run in the late innings. Does anyone else notice this. It's not a major problem, A little unrealistic, but I am just wondering if it might be in my sliders settings or if others are experiencing the same thing. Any suggestions or help is always appreciated and thanks in advance.
# 209
CleveCluby @ 05/07/17 02:47 PM
I only play QC. I edit each CPU starting pitcher Stamina, Clutch, and Durability rating before the game, then return them back to there original after the game. Sliders are CPU starting stamina is full at 10, CPU rel stamina is at 1, and manager hook at 0.
# 210
richinspirit @ 05/07/17 05:35 PM
Anyone else having problems with relief pitcher stats post patch? I don't know if this is my first game post patch with mlb network presentation style but every reliever that's come in has just had a blank box next to them instead of showing their season stats...?
# 211
ninertravel @ 05/07/17 07:49 PM
winning 3-1 in the 6th, and the CPU pulls Chachin for the Padres in the bottom of the 6th innings..... after 70 pitches.... and I go on to win 11-1 pathetic just pathetic. I am tired of the CPU being restarted and ruining games for me with the Giants
and I play full counts not QC
and I play full counts not QC
What is with the slow menu's moving like launch day? This should not be happening again.
# 213
HozAndMoose @ 05/07/17 10:27 PM
Anyone had an issue with a player not being used at all? Have a starter down in AAA and the CPU continues to skip his starts. I have to manually go in and quick manage each game for him to play. Never seen it happen until now.
The game shipped and before any patch was applied, the fraction of wild pitches among all pitches was about 0.67% with default sliders. The MLB average in 2016 was 0.26%.
After patch v1.05, it's still about 0.69% after about 135 games, although I should mention Pitch Control/Consistency sliders are set to 1 and 4, respectively, for the duration of my CPU vs. CPU test games (these are used to increase walks and batting average to make them more inline with MLB averages). Before the v1.05 patch, it was more like 0.80%, so the numbers do indicate there has been some reduction in wild pitches...
... however, the reduction still isn't close enough to the MLB average of 0.26%. So there still needs to be about a factor of 2 ~ 3 reduction in wild pitches.
With the default sliders, WPs was already off, and I'm comparing WPs pre- and post- patch v1.05 to see whatever remedy the developers checked in on that patch, to see how much improvement it has introduced. I definitely see an improvement, but not nearly as much as to fix the amount of WP inflation that I saw with default sliders setting.
People playing against CPU probably tend to see this issue less because (1) HUM baserunners usually cannot take off on pitches in the dirt as immediate as CPU right now can and (2) HUM pitches doesn't throw pitches in the dirt as much... (people controling pitchers tend to throw a lot more pitches in the strike zone than pitchers IRL)
I just got my copy of the game a week ago and I really do enjoy the quick manage option in franchise mode but I've noticed that the computer pitchers are routinely pulled in the 4th or 5th inning. Now I don't know what the pitch count situation is but, it's always happens and seems to be irrelevant to whatever the score is.
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