Everybody's Golf News Post

The next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise will be titled Everybody's Golf, coming to PlayStation 4 for $39.99 on August 29. Check out the announcement trailer here. The team will be conducting a Closed Online Test towards the end of May.

Anybody can play golf with basically only three button clicks. Now you can experience golf with a variety of character customizations, fishing, and karting across the courses. You can develop your skills with the challenge mode and compete with other players globally through the online mode.

What type of golfer are you? A casual weekend golfer? A semi-pro? Maybe you’re one of those golfers who spends more time picking out your outfit than you spend practicing your swing? Or maybe you’re not a golfer at all, but you’ve been playing Hot Shots Golf for years!

No matter your play style, we’re pleased to invite golfers and gamers of all skill levels to play the next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise — Everybody’s Golf. And what better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the franchise than to launch the next iteration of the series this summer.

Not only does Everybody’s Golf boast the same three-click shot mechanic our fans have come to love, but the series returns with new features such as more character customization, robust online modes,* and other fun activities including fishing, buggy racing and treasure hunting in the open world environment. How you enjoy the game is up to you.

Below is a list of bonus items below that you’ll receive when you pre-order the game at PlayStation Store

Instantly downloadable upon pre-order purchase:
  • Everybody’s Golf Original Avatar
Available on Day 1:
  • The 20th Anniversary Course
  • Rabbit Mascot Costume x1
  • Unique shirt x2
  • Premium Kart x1
  • PS Dynamic Theme x1

Game: Everybody's GolfReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 bcruise @ 08/30/17 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by LowerWolf
I shook off the rust pretty quick. Just got my first hole-in-one.

Edit: Ugh. Does it not auto save videos like OOB? It didn't save video of the ace. Glad I took a screenshot at least.
If it happened in an "unofficial" tournament, like one with the larger cups, then no, it doesn't. You can always use the ps4's video capture if there's something you want to record in one of those.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Operation Sports mobile app
# 122 LowerWolf @ 08/30/17 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
If it happened in an "unofficial" tournament, like one with the larger cups, then no, it doesn't. You can always use the ps4's video capture if there's something you want to record in one of those.

Sent from my SM-G930P using Operation Sports mobile app
That explains it.

Hate that I have to work tomorrow. I could easily stay up all night playing this.
# 123 Alfie @ 08/30/17 01:35 AM
Folks, are you seeing picture based feedback mentioned in the manual below?

I haven't seen any of the pics (turtle, rabbit etc.) the manual mentions after hitting a shot. If you guys are seeing this feedback, any idea on how to turn it on? Also, how do you turn on/off "Auto Impact"? I want to make sure it's turned off and want to rule it out as the reason I'm not seeing this picture/image based feedback.
# 124 LowerWolf @ 08/30/17 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Alfie
Folks, are you seeing picture based feedback mentioned in the manual below?

I haven't seen any of the pics (turtle, rabbit etc.) the manual mentions after hitting a shot. If you guys are seeing this feedback, any idea on how to turn it on? Also, how do you turn on/off "Auto Impact"? I want to make sure it's turned off and want to rule it out as the reason I'm not seeing this picture/image based feedback.
I don't remember seeing it for myself, but I was doing pretty well. I know I saw the turtle and rabbit a few times for the CPU in match play.

Auto Impact was off by default for me I think. Unless I inadvertently turned it off somehow.
# 125 bcruise @ 08/30/17 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Alfie
Folks, are you seeing picture based feedback mentioned in the manual below?

I haven't seen any of the pics (turtle, rabbit etc.) the manual mentions after hitting a shot. If you guys are seeing this feedback, any idea on how to turn it on? Also, how do you turn on/off "Auto Impact"? I want to make sure it's turned off and want to rule it out as the reason I'm not seeing this picture/image based feedback.
Hmm, it'll pretty clearly say "Auto Impact" down by the shot meter if it's turned on. Mine is off (save for one event where I was forced to use it), and I definitely get the pictures when I miss impact. You have to miss the pink zone for it to count as "bad" impact though - missing perfect impact but staying inside the pink zone will still give you a decently-aimed shot.

If your shots aren't going where you want them to when you aren't getting bad impact, it might just be coming down to your Control. Not much you can do about it early on other than try to get close to the pin and level it up for your clubs, and use the Pin Hole clubs when they become available.
# 126 BU1919 @ 08/30/17 01:48 AM
What rank do you have to be to unlock fishing?
# 127 Alfie @ 08/30/17 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Hmm, it'll pretty clearly say "Auto Impact" down by the shot meter if it's turned on. Mine is off (save for one event where I was forced to use it), and I definitely get the pictures when I miss impact. You have to miss the pink zone for it to count as "bad" impact though - missing perfect impact but staying inside the pink zone will still give you a decently-aimed shot.

If your shots aren't going where you want them to when you aren't getting bad impact, it might just be coming down to your Control. Not much you can do about it early on other than try to get close to the pin and level it up for your clubs, and use the Pin Hole clubs when they become available.
Strange as I don't recall seeing any pics. Will pay more attention tomorrow when I play the game. I had to use "Auto Impact" for one of the matches on Rank 1 and other than that I thought I was using the classic "3 shot control mechanism".
# 128 ODogg @ 08/30/17 02:16 AM
i've seen that rabbit and turtle a ton...my wife always says "angry bunny" whenever she gets mad so it's sort of a running joke and when we saw it in the game we about laughed our heads off!!
# 129 sarlndr @ 08/30/17 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Alfie
Folks, are you seeing picture based feedback mentioned in the manual below?

I haven't seen any of the pics (turtle, rabbit etc.) the manual mentions after hitting a shot. If you guys are seeing this feedback, any idea on how to turn it on? Also, how do you turn on/off "Auto Impact"? I want to make sure it's turned off and want to rule it out as the reason I'm not seeing this picture/image based feedback.
I'm seeing the Rabbit face all the time.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
# 130 Flightwhite24 @ 08/30/17 07:44 AM
Played 3 rounds last night and another 3 rounds this morning before work and the one word to explain this game is FUN.

Don't really understand how the leveling system works yet or how to unlock the other courses yet as I only have 2 nine hole options to play but damn is this game fun. I like the other title a lot but I don't get the laid back relaxing fun that this title offers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 131 cdub71323 @ 08/30/17 08:42 AM
I'm loving it what little I played of it. I still wish they had the swing meter in it but I'll get used to the actual meter over time
# 132 ExtremeGamer @ 08/30/17 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Still got it.

Smoked the all of the CPU's by over 10 strokes - apparently they don't play well in the rain, even on serious mode. Free XP if you get a rainy tournament and swing harder than you normally do.
My lack of knowledge of real golf, but what do the numbers mean next to your score on each hole? The 1's and 2's.

And I got to rank 3 last night, at least I think, I'm not fully understanding how this rank system works, but I can't find or figure out how to use the golf cart. I won two tournaments after the second it gave me a certificate saying rank 3 or something.
# 133 countryboy @ 08/30/17 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
My lack of knowledge of real golf, but what do the numbers mean next to your score on each hole? The 1's and 2's.

Those numbers represent the number of putts per hole.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 134 ExtremeGamer @ 08/30/17 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Those numbers represent the number of putts per hole.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
I have never known that!!

Thank you LOL
# 135 countryboy @ 08/30/17 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
I have never known that!!

Thank you LOL

You're welcome

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 136 Chappy @ 08/30/17 10:24 AM
Agreed... How do you get a golf cart used for Turf Wars
# 137 Chappy @ 08/30/17 10:25 AM
When and how do you get to a different Tournament and course... Sick of playing the same course over and over again.
# 138 WooCRISPY @ 08/30/17 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Chappy
When and how do you get to a different Tournament and course... Sick of playing the same course over and over again.
For the Kart you need to reach Rank 3 in the Single Player. As for other courses I am unsure but I would assume they are also unlocked during the Single Player campaign.
# 139 Alfie @ 08/30/17 10:41 AM
I'm in a similar boat as am enjoying EG much more than RM PGA Tour. I think the key difference is that sim games are more like "been there done that" after playing a few rounds or after getting a hang of the controls. Whereas games like EG or some of the Nintendo titles are more about an immersive and fun gaming experience.
# 140 Alfie @ 08/30/17 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Those numbers represent the number of putts per hole.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
Didn't know that! I thought "1" meant you won the hole and "2" meant you tied or lost the hole to your opponent in match play coz that's the pattern I saw.

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