Everybody's Golf News Post

The next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise will be titled Everybody's Golf, coming to PlayStation 4 for $39.99 on August 29. Check out the announcement trailer here. The team will be conducting a Closed Online Test towards the end of May.

Anybody can play golf with basically only three button clicks. Now you can experience golf with a variety of character customizations, fishing, and karting across the courses. You can develop your skills with the challenge mode and compete with other players globally through the online mode.

What type of golfer are you? A casual weekend golfer? A semi-pro? Maybe you’re one of those golfers who spends more time picking out your outfit than you spend practicing your swing? Or maybe you’re not a golfer at all, but you’ve been playing Hot Shots Golf for years!

No matter your play style, we’re pleased to invite golfers and gamers of all skill levels to play the next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise — Everybody’s Golf. And what better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the franchise than to launch the next iteration of the series this summer.

Not only does Everybody’s Golf boast the same three-click shot mechanic our fans have come to love, but the series returns with new features such as more character customization, robust online modes,* and other fun activities including fishing, buggy racing and treasure hunting in the open world environment. How you enjoy the game is up to you.

Below is a list of bonus items below that you’ll receive when you pre-order the game at PlayStation Store

Instantly downloadable upon pre-order purchase:
  • Everybody’s Golf Original Avatar
Available on Day 1:
  • The 20th Anniversary Course
  • Rabbit Mascot Costume x1
  • Unique shirt x2
  • Premium Kart x1
  • PS Dynamic Theme x1

Game: Everybody's GolfReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 Ronoko @ 05/25/17 01:26 AM
My Japan beta code finally works and I'm downloading it now. They updated the Japanese site with a lot of info so you want to translate it. Looks like just 9 holes of one course mainly for the beta.

# 22 Brandwin @ 05/25/17 12:36 PM
Ah, missed the beta code signup.
# 23 RIFRIG @ 05/25/17 01:21 PM
Downloaded & ready to hit the links.
# 24 Flightwhite24 @ 05/26/17 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Damn I didn't sign up

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CB you can have my code. I'm in Myrtle Beach all weekend so I don't need mine. It's yours if you want it.

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# 25 countryboy @ 05/26/17 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by CAMPBLACKMAMBA24
CB you can have my code. I'm in Myrtle Beach all weekend so I don't need mine. It's yours if you want it.

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I'll take it!

Thanks man!
# 26 Earl1963 @ 05/26/17 02:32 PM
Release date has been pushed back to some time in September

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# 27 Flightwhite24 @ 05/27/17 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I'll take it!

Thanks man!

Sorry Country. Just saw this. Sent the code. Enjoy.

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# 28 sroz39 @ 05/27/17 05:07 PM
Played this last night...Not much to say tbh. It's Hot Shots Golf. What's going to potentially push this forward is the online stuff, which looks like it could be really interesting.

After trying this beta and watching all the TGC2 stuff, this has fallen behind TGC2 for me personally. I'll still get both, but I think I'll be more about TGC2 long term.

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# 29 OnlookerDelay @ 05/27/17 11:15 PM
I heard that there's only one swing meter in this one, the bog standard horizontal one. I'll be disappointed if they don't offer the three or four swing meters that were optional in TSG World Tour. I liked the swing meter offered in that one in which the power press required the player to gauge by the player animation.

3-Click swings have pretty much lost their luster for me, but the gameplay of HSG/EG has enough going for it that I'm able to tolerate it. I'd like it a lot more if there was a mode that required you to gauge all of the clicks off the animation.
# 30 Burns11 @ 05/27/17 11:28 PM
The free to play-ish grinding is a bit obnoxious, other than that it's just Hot Shots golf.
# 31 countryboy @ 05/28/17 10:59 AM
Played this morning

Absolute blast! Cannot wait until the full game comes out

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# 32 countryboy @ 05/28/17 05:45 PM
This game is perfect combination of simulation and arcade. It's just so damn fun to play.

And it's absolutely gorgeous

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# 33 bcruise @ 05/28/17 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Burns11
The free to play-ish grinding is a bit obnoxious, other than that it's just Hot Shots golf.
Can you elaborate on this? What do you grind for?
# 34 countryboy @ 05/28/17 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Can you elaborate on this? What do you grind for?

Unless he's referring to the "grinding" of leveling up your character/clubs. When you start your driver will have a max distance of 180 yards which leads to having to take 3 shots to get to green of long par 4's.

But you level fairly quickly so I don't find this as bothersome as others may find it.

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# 35 RIFRIG @ 05/28/17 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
This game is perfect combination of simulation and arcade. It's just so damn fun to play.

And it's absolutely gorgeous

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They could actually go quite far in making this more Sim like but I don't think they will.
Lose the wind meter & rely on the throw of grass to gauge wind,take away zoom to aim (overhead map only),gridless greens,analog swing etc.

With these options I'd find it hard to put down.
# 36 Speedy @ 05/28/17 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Unless he's referring to the "grinding" of leveling up your character/clubs. When you start your driver will have a max distance of 180 yards which leads to having to take 3 shots to get to green of long par 4's.

But you level fairly quickly so I don't find this as bothersome as others may find it.

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That was the same as the initial game on the PS1 though right? The user had to win tournaments and such to get access to better characters.

As far as the gameplay (CB and rest of the BETA testers)...what do you think of the ball physics, OSD, etc? Does the open world system work well or does it have a gimmick feel?
# 37 countryboy @ 05/29/17 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy
That was the same as the initial game on the PS1 though right? The user had to win tournaments and such to get access to better characters.

As far as the gameplay (CB and rest of the BETA testers)...what do you think of the ball physics, OSD, etc? Does the open world system work well or does it have a gimmick feel?

As far as I can recall the leveling up is no different than previous games.

As far as gameplay/ball physics it feels the same as any other HSG game and any other golf game. I personally think the gameplay is great. I like the OSD's especially the terrain grid that shows the elevation changes for your upcoming shot.

I like the open world. It may be a gimmick or whatever but I find it entertaining to be able to walk around and interact with people, collect coins, and watch others play a round of golf.

Very cool

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# 38 Stormyhog @ 05/30/17 02:31 AM
It's a small thing but the "ting" sound coming from the controller speaker is a nice touch when making a putt. I enjoyed the beta was really enjoyable.
# 39 countryboy @ 05/30/17 09:47 AM
I am saddened that the beta is over. I was having too much fun with this game.
# 40 Stormyhog @ 05/30/17 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I am saddened that the beta is over. I was having too much fun with this game.
Same here maybe they'll have an open beta at some point.

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