MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 301 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/10/17 07:10 PM
I don't understand what all the disappointment is about. Other than interleage games not rotating from year to year, I don't really know what else franchise mode needs. The gameplay should now be close to perfect, which is the main selling point in my opinion. I'd rather have killer gameplay than figuring up how much to charge for a hotdog.
# 302 Caulfield @ 03/10/17 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I'd rather have killer gameplay than figuring up how much to charge for a hotdog.
Oh, you can practically give those away at wholesale, the real money to be made is in those fountain drinks
# 303 Bunselpower32 @ 03/10/17 07:20 PM
Really don't like that guys receive a penatly if they play at night with the day game warrior or whatever. That seems really stupid, because there's no correlation between the two. Just because someone plays better during the day doesn't mean they necessarily play worse at night.
# 304 justin23IU @ 03/10/17 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I don't understand what all the disappointment is about. Other than interleage games not rotating from year to year, I don't really know what else franchise mode needs. The gameplay should now be close to perfect, which is the main selling point in my opinion. I'd rather have killer gameplay than figuring up how much to charge for a hotdog.
If you're not sure what more a franchise mode needs, I'd reference you to NBA 2K17's Myleague and MyGm. That will show you what's missing.

*Before I get flamed, I understand the 2K Dev team has many more resources than The Show team. I am not saying I expect the same franchise depth, but simply trying to illustrate just how much is left to be explored in franchise mode.
# 305 thaSLAB @ 03/10/17 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Arty23
This is going to be the first year I sit out since '06 debuted. As someone who plays franchise exclusively and is obsessed with realism there's just too many obvious glaring holes that haven't been incorporated that I've been waiting for for years. No non-roster invitees, no posting system, no intentional signing periods, No contract options, half the coaches are still fake, no minor league coaches, can't create players with service time or stats, can't incorporate prospects younger than 18, can't offer extensions, editable draft classes, etc... I can appreciate player quirks and game-skipping options, but I'm just yearning for a realistic GM experience, which has been lacking for going on 5 years now. Russell and Co. I sincerely appreciate the work you put into the game the last 10+ years but with less time to play and other obligations, I'm going to bow out.
I was with you until here.

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# 306 thaSLAB @ 03/10/17 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by knich
Perhaps I am missing something? 2k used inside edge religiously. See franchise game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s_YVQqmW48.
As stated before, what a guy does in real life in 2017, shouldn't have any influence on what he's doing in your Franchise in 2025.

And based on that thinking then why isn't IE in play now or season mode? I would love to hear explanation from SCEA.
I agree, it should be in Play Now games. Not season mode though, because season works the same as far as being its own unique universe too.

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# 307 tessl @ 03/10/17 09:35 PM
I have two franchise questions:

Does attendance impact revenue?

Do CPU teams get the same money from promotions as the user team? In last year's game I didn't assign promotions because I didn't want to gain an unfair advantage over the cpu teams.
# 308 TheBleedingRed21 @ 03/10/17 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
I have two franchise questions:

Does attendance impact revenue?
Yes. It does.
# 309 tessl @ 03/10/17 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
I don't understand what all the disappointment is about. Other than interleage games not rotating from year to year, I don't really know what else franchise mode needs. The gameplay should now be close to perfect, which is the main selling point in my opinion. I'd rather have killer gameplay than figuring up how much to charge for a hotdog.
I agree 100% with the bolded part and they added to gameplay which impacts franchise. They also added quirks but there are several franchise features which stayed in the dugout and didn't make it onto the field this year. Things like relocate, create-a-team, in season contracts and other stuff. For me with the end of the ps3 I thought maybe they would add an extra programmer to franchise but it apparently didn't happen so we enjoy the game as it is - and that is a solid baseball game.
# 310 jeffy777 @ 03/10/17 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Arty23
This is going to be the first year I sit out since '06 debuted. As someone who plays franchise exclusively and is obsessed with realism there's just too many obvious glaring holes that haven't been incorporated that I've been waiting for for years. No non-roster invitees, no posting system, no intentional signing periods, No contract options, half the coaches are still fake, no minor league coaches, can't create players with service time or stats, can't incorporate prospects younger than 18, can't offer extensions, editable draft classes, etc... I can appreciate player quirks and game-skipping options, but I'm just yearning for a realistic GM experience, which has been lacking for going on 5 years now. Russell and Co. I sincerely appreciate the work you put into the game the last 10+ years but with less time to play and other obligations, I'm going to bow out.
I hear ya man, but the new ball physics alone make this a big upgrade in the realism department.
# 311 nomarhits400 @ 03/10/17 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bunselpower32
Really don't like that guys receive a penatly if they play at night with the day game warrior or whatever. That seems really stupid, because there's no correlation between the two. Just because someone plays better during the day doesn't mean they necessarily play worse at night.
The only way you can be better during the day- is by being worse at night by default; otherwise- you would be the same for both.....and if you are better at both- you are just a better player- period- which doesn't make sense in the context of the quirk.
# 312 Speedy @ 03/11/17 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bunselpower32
Really don't like that guys receive a penatly if they play at night with the day game warrior or whatever. That seems really stupid, because there's no correlation between the two. Just because someone plays better during the day doesn't mean they necessarily play worse at night.
Google Josh Hamilton and day games.
# 313 PVarck31 @ 03/11/17 12:32 AM
I was watching the WBC earlier and I can't remember who it was, but someone hit a ball and off the bat it was heading toward dead center but started to slice and ended up dropping before the CF could get it. It was a thing of beauty. I can't wait to see this in this game this year. Total game changer.
# 314 lolitstevie @ 03/11/17 12:38 AM
Anyone else notice that manny machado looks too slim?
# 315 Jon Arbuckle @ 03/11/17 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by nomarhits400
The only way you can be better during the day- is by being worse at night by default; otherwise- you would be the same for both.....and if you are better at both- you are just a better player- period- which doesn't make sense in the context of the quirk.
The quirk supposedly gives you a bigger PCI during games at the time of day it applies to so your PCI during other games will be relatively smaller by default. There's no need to penalize the games the quirk doesn't apply to for balance purposes. You just leave it at is and the player will remain relatively weaker during that time of day.

Now if someone truly is two different players depending on whether they're playing during the day or night (ie great at night/terrible during the day or vice versa), then you'd you need both a positive and a negative quirk to reflect that. I don't think they've implemented negative quirks though. Someone else in the thread asked about that being a necessary addition for something like Lester's pickoff move for example.
# 316 Factzzz @ 03/11/17 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by lolitstevie
Anyone else notice that manny machado looks too slim?
Yeah i was gonna bring this up myself too.

Someone before mentioned how Matt Harvey looked too slim as well.

I think they might be using some players weight from when they were younger/rookies, and not updating them as they fill out more.

Although Machado is still only listed as 185 pounds. He looks bigger than that in real life.
# 317 mlblover15 @ 03/11/17 04:04 AM
Don't know if anyone was paying attention during the stream but once they got to the Budget screen they started talking about all the GM stuff or owner type stuff?

well did you also notice that there looked to be more than one TAB to go through on this? could it be for all you "control" freaks that they may have put it in and hinted at it without showing it all off... hmmm... that is what I took away from that...
# 318 Perfect Zero @ 03/11/17 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Don't know if anyone was paying attention during the stream but once they got to the Budget screen they started talking about all the GM stuff or owner type stuff?

well did you also notice that there looked to be more than one TAB to go through on this? could it be for all you "control" freaks that they may have put it in and hinted at it without showing it all off... hmmm... that is what I took away from that...
If that was the case, then it would have made sense to show it off in the deep dive.
# 319 Bunselpower32 @ 03/11/17 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Speedy
Google Josh Hamilton and day games.
Yeah, I’ve heard the blue eyed theory before. But a bunch of hitters had that, probably more than had blue eyes. Maybe not, and maybe they really did only apply it to guys with that split.

You don’t care where I sent this from.
# 320 WhiteBunny @ 03/11/17 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Jon Arbuckle
I don't think they've implemented negative quirks though. Someone else in the thread asked about that being a necessary addition for something like Lester's pickoff move for example.
I think negative quirks are the positive ones for the pitchers and viceversa. For me the whole point around quirks is to give a quick showcase of your players and it's nice, cause baseball is a very situational sport.

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