MLB The Show 17 News Post

The franchise mode Twitch stream has started for MLB The Show 17. Once the stream has finished, we will post an archive link.

HDR mode has been confirmed, as seen in the screenshot below. More details on that, along with all of the graphical improvements will be shown on the Twitch stream on March 23.

For those of you asking "What is HDR"? Read this.

Make sure to post your thoughts!

UPDATE: Here is the archive link.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 241 dutchy25 @ 03/10/17 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Millennium
You can't see pitch count. You can see pitcher energy.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Operation Sports mobile app

I didn't see this. If anybody has a screenshot can you share it?

Atleast having the pitcher energy will be helpful. Thanks for the heads up Mil.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 242 NewNapkin @ 03/10/17 11:48 AM
I think people seem to be forgetting this, even though it happened less than six months ago:


It isn't as easy as, "oh, give them more people!" or "oh, just divert some resources here!"

We're lucky to have this awesome 80-man team that works well and makes the game flow better than any other big title. With the large teams that Madden and 2K have, I often feel like there are a lot of disconnects between areas of their games, which leads to a number of "game breaking" issues.

I'm not even a The Show homer, as I was underwhelmed at the initial stream, but so far this is shaping up to be the best game they've ever created. Sure, they didn't completely revamp franchise, and sure, they probably didn't touch Online Franchise. But if there is anything I've learned as a Cubs fan, trust the process. Everything they do is calculated and is on a solid plan that starts with a solid foundation.

I'm not discounting any complaints by the way, I just believe that some people should look at the bigger picture at times.
# 243 Dolenz @ 03/10/17 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
Very true. You charge the same amount for the game as 2K does. Maybe it's time to get some more help on the payroll

And NBA 2k17 outsold MLB: The Show 16 just short of 5:1

4.98 million for NBA 2k17 (2.83 on the PS4)
1.03 million of MLB: The Show

So it is not surprising that the NBA 2k team can support a much larger development team.
# 244 Dolenz @ 03/10/17 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by dutchy25
I didn't see this. If anybody has a screenshot can you share it?

Atleast having the pitcher energy will be helpful. Thanks for the heads up Mil.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports

You can see the energy bar just to the right of Arrieta's portrait.

Of course, my question with this screenshot is why is Diaz leading off in front of Fowler?
# 245 jgb3 @ 03/10/17 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Lovesports
I'm honestly tired of making excuses for them. It's not about the size of the team as much as getting the "right" things in. Simplifying the franchise mode is the last thing franchise guys wanted. If I ask my wife to go buy bread and milk at the store and she comes home with eggs and ice cream, is it because she didn't have enough money? Or is it because she maybe wasn't listening when I told her I needed bread and milk.

SCEA is not catering to us, they are catering to the casual player.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 246 Dolenz @ 03/10/17 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by jgb3
SCEA is not catering to us, they are catering to the casual player.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports

Who, whether you or I like it or not, make up the overwhelming majority of the player base, and is responsible for the majority of the revenue.
# 247 Scott @ 03/10/17 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
Who, whether you or I like it or not, make up the overwhelming majority of the player base, and is responsible for the majority of the revenue.
Exactly, let's not forget that OS makes up less than 1% of MLB The Show's revenue.
# 248 Armor and Sword @ 03/10/17 12:06 PM
I was really digesting yesterday's stream and wanted to gather my thoughts and express about where I personally feel The Show is as a full featured, accessible console baseball game and judge it top to bottom. Obviously I can't judge MLB The Show 17 in full, as it has not been released. But I think we all have an excellent idea of what kind of game we are getting in 18 days. Excuse me in advance for going on tangents within this post, because I have so many thoughts and feelings about the game I love more than any other. Not only on the console, but in real life. Baseball has been a part of my life since I was 3 years old. 5-6 days a week I am either coaching, practicing, or playing baseball with my now 12 year old son, and of course relaxing in front of my flat screen in my man cave playing The Show. I live and breath baseball just about everyday of my life. Before my son came into my life I was playing hardball and softball (not as much softball) up until age 40 (men's open hardball leagues on Sunday mornings for a long time). So this is coming from a player and coaching perspective as much as a video game players perspective.

First, let's talk about the state of Major League Baseball today. The game is somewhat in flux in terms of marketing the league to a new generation of fans. I feel like we lost a generation of fans (the people in their 20's and 30's today) to the NFL and NBA. Why? I can't say with any certainty, but the 1994 strike did not help, PED's, and.....

All the talk this off season and now during spring training is how they can speed up the pace of play and make rule changes. And this has been talked about for several years now and it is no coincidence that our beloved video game rendition of the greatest sport on earth has been more streamlined in it's presentation and how games play out. Yes, we don't see every foul ball anymore. Yes we do not see throw backs to the pitcher play out totally. But on the Full Presentation setting I do have plenty of time between pitches to reset myself, think and plan my approach on each pitch. Not as much as before, but it is still viable and not nearly as rushed as some may think. Batter rituals are still in, step out of the box and back in is still there, just not after every pitch.

Why do I talk about presentation right now? Because it directly correlates to the franchise experience. For me personally immersion means a lot and it might mean something different for you. So with that being said one of the biggest wants for me has been a true broadcast presentation package and they have delivered us an MLB Network Presentation package with 2 new color guys in the booth. Not only that, we have two other broadcast themes as well. W also have the greatest feature in franchise mode....Sounds Of The Show. Showtrack is now on a new level during the MLB Broadcast package, not only that we have the very cool radio show while we are in our menu's looking at stats and ratings, trades, potential free agents, training and scouting. So The Show has new ways to play Franchise Mode which speeds up the way you can play games. 162 games is a bear. I know this because in two of my franchises I play every pitch, every inning. I have a franchise I had started back on MLB 14 (1987 Yankees) that is now entering Year 3 on MLB The Show 17.

Speaking of that (again a little tangent here). The year to year save feature IMO is the single most revolutionary feature ever made in sports gaming history. Yep I said it. Seriously, I can't even begin to fathom the amount of blood, sweat and tears that went into coding this (and yes it had some hiccups when player morale was introduced which I hope were solved for files transferring this year to 17). This is has been total money for me and my Classic Roster addiction as well as knowing I can play my franchise at any pace I desire, because I can simply carry it over to the next game and not miss out on the new gameplay improvements and features by abandoning my current franchises which I have grown highly attached to.

So back to the state of Major League Baseball. The attention span of 98% of the people who play MLB The Show is a lot shorter than the 1% of us here at Operation Sports.

Yes folks, and it has been mentioned several times by the outstanding development team at SCEA San Diego. We make up merely 1% of the user base of this franchise.

Yet....yet they interact with us, get feedback from us, and amazingly listen to us. I have seen several tweaks and things added to the game because of our direct feedback with the team. These guys kill themselves to deliver us what I consider an incredible simulation of baseball.

I realize the new Franchise Launch Pad is for newbies. I realize this. But it makes the game far more accessible to new players. And it also cleaned up our menus for us veterans of the game. I love the new clean look of all the franchise menus.

Again the game play on this game is second to none in the sports game industry. It's opinion of course.....but man, I live and breath baseball and played at the collegiate level and can tell you with certainty that the pitcher/batter face offs we get on this game are simply life like.

That is to me the essence of why I play this game. It allows me to feel like I am truly at the dish facing off vs Clayton Kershaw. The game captures that better than any baseball game ever made.


So they poured a ton of resources into making that gameplay truly next generation this year by revamping the ball physics. This year is going to be truly special in the realism of how this game plays. The biggest jump we had in that was back on MLB The Show 12 and it has been a slow but steady climb. But this year was the first time they did not have to develop a PS3 game concurrently and they did what I feel was highly logical.

Let's tear the cover off the ball on game play, presentation and appearance of the game. They have a new generation of playstation owners to get into this game so we can keep enjoying it year after year.

Like Major League Baseball they must attract a new generation of game buyers for the survival of the franchise. By simplifying the way you can get into franchise is a huge thing to make sure new players can play this game and enjoy it and not be intimidated.

Yes yes yes......we are the hardcore cult fans of this game. We are the die hard baseball guys who kept stats in notebooks playing baseball stars till 4AM in the morning, We are those guys.

You know what? The game functions really well. And I for one know in my heart that Franchise mode itself will get some more love as we move forward to 18 and 19 and beyond. I am talking about more GM options, 3 team trades, and more added to the ownership/front office aspect of the game. And all it will be able to toggled to auto for the more casual baseball players.

I am sure we can see some more under the hood AI logic improvements moving forward in Franchise Mode. They had to get some big User Interface improvements done as well as faster ways to play for the new generation of baseball fans. Let's be real. Us Gen X guys....we have the patience to play for 2 hours....1 game. Most kids today and younger folks can't sit still for 30 minutes. It's a new world. And baseball has to adapt as well. I don't think it will change to the extreme, but it is changing whether we like it or not.

But the bottom line is this. The Show plays an incredible game of baseball and this years version is far from a roster update. There are so many improvements on the field and in the presentation department that I am looking forward to. Gameplay is always #1 for me. This is not a text sim baseball game like OOTP Baseball, nor will it ever be as deep and as daunting as that game. No way they go in that direction.

But it has more than enough features inside of franchise mode where I am immersed every season. My immersion stems from the way I play on the field. The storylines I create within my franchise. The kids I draft, the players I sign and the games I win and lose. I couple that with incredible visuals, sounds, and of course Sounds Of The Show which is a monster immersion feature and we have a killer game of baseball here.

Yes. I want more like many of you. Yes I want dynamic injuries, rehab assignments, better player regression and progression, the rotating inter-league schedule (but we got our answer on that), international free agents, rain-outs.

But more financial inertia like ticket prices, concession stand prices, merchandise and such? Meh I can take it or leave it and quite frankly I rather development time be put to better use, on making the AI better in gameplay and off the field, then that text based stuff.

Would it be cool to have relocation? Yes of course.

A build your own stadium? I just don't see that happening. That is so niche. Far too small of a niche IMO.

They have limited resources and a smaller development budget, so their Telemetry really tells them a ton. And by the way while I am not a huge fan of focus groups but ton's of money goes into that market research and it works. So if focus groups are telling them the game is too intimidating menu wise and it needs to be streamlined....then they will do it. It's a business. They need to keep their jobs.

So let's talk about a big huge new franchise feature.

With Quick Manage Mode I can now play my minor league games and really dig into some of my prospects and play my definition of critical moments as I see fit inside of quick manage mode. This so called "casual" feature has opened a new world of immersion for me with my minor league system. Something I admittedly rarely played because of time constraints that most of us have here with real life. Now I can see my guys perform in 5 minutes, get a feel for how some prospects are doing, and jump in and play some innings as well without taking up precious time from the big league team.

With Quick Manage Mode and Critical Moments I will now be able play several Classic Roster seasons far more efficiently then in the past. I have so many amazing rosters from this community I have yet to really sink my teeth into....now I can. I never liked Sportcast or just simming games with no input. Now I have it.

Top 50 prospects is a great little add. I love we have that now.

The dedicated player Morale screen is a huge add. I have one place now I can view and sort my entire rosters morale. And player Morale was a big add last season and I loved it. It gave the players more life.

And now we got player quirks which again gives our players personality and I feel far more invested in looking at my bench, and playing matchups and balancing that with morale and my finances.

A huge thank you to the development team once again for focusing on gameplay and presentation. To me that is the heart and soul of any sports game. Because you can have the greatest franchise interface, stat engine, front office feature set in the world, but if the on field gameplay and presentation suck?

You have nothing.

MLB The Show 17 will no doubt be a huge upgrade over 16 and those thinking it's not?

You will miss out. Trust me. The gameplay and visual feast this game will deliver will be second to none once again in sports gaming.

I don't want to come across as an apologist, because there is nothing to apologize about. The game is great. The feature set is robust. No way they can hit everything we want every year. To me this year they hit several major things for many of us. Highly realistic ball physics, ultra realistic player fielding animations, outfield play (humanity AI), catcher play on basestealing and new catcher setups, A true MLB Network presentation package with two new guys in the booth!! I could go on and on. And the modes? Seriously so many ways to play this game:

Franchise Mode
Road To The Show
Diamond Dynasty - online, offline, play your friends, seasons etc
Conquest Mode
Playoff Mode
Season Mode

Oh and did I mention it was baseball?

Peace everyone and enjoy the game!!!
# 249 Impetuous65 @ 03/10/17 12:16 PM
I'm still at odds with the "Inside Edge" allocation. You pay for this service only to use it in Diamond Dynasty and yet during the Presentation Stream, you stated that you put all this statistical data in the game so the Commentator can state the history of the batter versus Pitcher, you have splits, you put in quirks to reflect special abilities of a player. Did SDS, use Inside Edge for this data?
# 250 Scott @ 03/10/17 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Very well put, I have to say, after reading that, I'm even more excited now.
# 251 Dolenz @ 03/10/17 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Speaking of that (again a little tangent here). The year to year save feature IMO is the single most revolutionary feature ever made in sports gaming history.

Well said and I really can't agree with this statement enough. I used to struggle every year with whether I would buy the new version and basically jettison my RTTS player in the middle of his second or third season. Now I don't have to worry about that and the game is must buy every year because I am not forced to make that choice.
# 252 MetsFan16 @ 03/10/17 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I was really digesting yesterday's stream and wanted to gather my thoughts and express about where I personally feel The Show is as a full featured, accessible console baseball game and judge it top to bottom....

Hey man, I have a college term paper due in a week. Care to help a brother out?

Incredible analysis. Well said throughout.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 253 Blzer @ 03/10/17 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cubfan
Ok so here is my 2 cents my how we could see interleague rotating schedule in a future version of The Show. First year say 2018 as a example the interleague is set like normal. Fast forward to the next season give us menu option to pick which division we play. No idea if it's possible or what kind of issues that could cause with the schedules. But hey it's a idea and maybe a option.
I sure hope it's viable provided that every division has five teams now. I imagine this would have been hellish with the AL West having four and the NL Central having six.

But what's the exact issue here? Because I'm curious and I don't know. Considering that every week there are at least two interleague series', is it that in future years they are unable to generate different teams for us to play? Does the rest of the schedule change around, though? I just don't know how scheduling works.

I remember back in the day when the 2K series (I'm talking 2K3 - 2K5) had the worst problems when it came to scheduling issues, including your game even freezing and not being able to continue franchise. I haven't seen past Year 1 in this game in a long time, and even when I did it was RttS and I probably didn't pay much attention to the day-after-day progression.
# 254 bxphenom7 @ 03/10/17 12:40 PM

The biggest take away for me from this is that this is their first year without having to worry about PS3 development. I'm excited for this game, for the future, but I think people are justified in their disappointment, just not how they've expressed it. Nonetheless, the biggest changes that had to be made for the game IMO were visually: graphics/animation and presentation, which we're getting. We still don't even know what's been done to RTTS. So overall, when you look at ALL the improvements coming with MLB 17, there's no doubt it'll leave MLB 16 in the dust. Thanks for putting what the team has been able to accomplish this year, even with studio layoffs, into perspective.
# 255 underdog13 @ 03/10/17 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dolenz
Well said and I really can't agree with this statement enough. I used to struggle every year with whether I would buy the new version and basically jettison my RTTS player in the middle of his second or third season. Now I don't have to worry about that and the game is must buy every year because I am not forced to make that choice.
Heck I'm will be using a rtts guy I created in 2014 in 2017! That's really freaking awesome. Also going to finsh my first ever franchise this year thanks to it.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 256 tnixen @ 03/10/17 12:43 PM
I truly wish from the bottom of my heart that the higher ups at Sony would add another 30+ game developers to the MLB The Show team! It is absolutely astonishing what the current MLB The Show team has created with such a small development team. Just imagine how much better and more features could be added to MLB The Show with each new version if their development team was closer to the size of 2K and EA Sports.

Lots of great baseball games have come and gone over the years like 3DO High Heat Baseball, MVP Baseball, All Star Baseball, 2K Baseball and so on. So I am just very grateful to Sony that we still even get a nice shiny new baseball game to look forward to every spring. I am not a Franchise guy as I only play season mode so personally this has no affect on me however I do feel your pain guys. Because I know what it feels like to really want certain parts of the game greatly improved.

It is out of our hands and we all just got to keep hoping with each new version our most wanted features make it in at some point. For me the number 1 thing I hope to see improved year after year is anything related to presentation!

Don't give up guys sooner or later you Franchise guys will get all the features you guys deserve. I am pretty sure most of the MLB The Show developers would like all the same features you guys want. But it's kind of hard to get them all in the game when you only have as crazy as it sounds one developer working on franchise mode. Honestly the franchise mode guy deserves a medal and a pay raise!
# 257 Armor and Sword @ 03/10/17 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7

The biggest take away for me from this is that this is their first year without having to worry about PS3 development. I'm excited for this game, for the future, but I think people are justified in their disappointment, just not how they've expressed it. Nonetheless, the biggest changes that had to be made for the game IMO were visually: graphics/animation and presentation, which we're getting. We still don't even know what's been done to RTTS. So overall, when you look at ALL the improvements coming with MLB 17, there's no doubt it'll leave MLB 16 in the dust. Thanks for putting what the team has been able to accomplish this year, even with studio layoffs, into perspective.
Agree 100% I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed in the overall additions to Franchise Mode. But again perspective is always key and I am eternally the "glass is half full" kinda guy.
# 258 RogerDodger @ 03/10/17 12:52 PM
I'm not going to lie, there are some features that I wanted to be added to franchise mode that didn't make the cut but honestly, I don't think SDS have let us down this year at all. I just revisited some of the stuff they have already announced and I'm excited about the MLB Network presentation, the new ball physics and so forth, There will be tons of stuff they've tweaked and improved that we don't even know about yet because it's not stuff that necessarily needs announcing. I'm excited and can't wait.
# 259 Armor and Sword @ 03/10/17 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I truly wish from the bottom of my heart that the higher ups at Sony would add another 30+ game developers to the MLB The Show team! It is absolutely astonishing what the current MLB The Show team has created with such a small development team. Just imagine how much better and more features could be added to MLB The Show with each new version if their development team was closer to the size of 2K and EA Sports.

Lots of great baseball games have come and gone over the years like 3DO High Heat Baseball, MVP Baseball, All Star Baseball, 2K Baseball and so on. So I am just very grateful to Sony that we still even get a nice shiny new baseball game to look forward to every spring. I am not a Franchise guy as I only play season mode so personally this has no affect on me however I do feel your guys pain. Because I know what it feels like to really want certain parts of the game greatly improved.

It is out of our hands and we all just got to keep hoping with each new version our most wanted features make it in at some point. For me the number 1 thing I hope to see improved year after year is anything related to presentation!

Don't give up guys sooner or later you Franchise guys will get all the features you guys deserve. I am pretty sure most of the MLB The Show developers would like all the same features you guys want. But it's kind of hard to get them all in the game when you only have as crazy as it sounds one developer working on franchise mode. Honestly the franchise mode guy deserves a medal and a pay raise!
You know bigger does not always mean better. I think the chemistry these guys have and the overall tighter quality control you have with less chefs in the kitchen works to this games supreme advantage over all the other sports titles.

While I am sure Russell and his team would love some more bodies in the building so they can "have a life" the by product of this smaller team is IMO the best sports game each and every year. I am willing to grow slow and steady with them every iteration because their product each and every year earns that respect from me. I always can see and feel the passion of this game every time I play it.
# 260 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/10/17 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
This is big for me as well. Players who are still capable of performing well retire too early. This is where it would be cool if there were interactions w/ players who are considering retiring. It's annoying seeing an 80+ overall, or even a 70+ overall player with serviceable to good batting attributes retire right around 35.

Player "wear and tear" could be added in that players who have gone through many nagging injuries or have had more than a few debilitating ones are more likely to regress faster or earlier depending on the limb(s)/part(s) of the body affected. So if a guy's been dealing with arm injuries throughout his career, his arm strength/accuracy could regress earlier than his other attributes, as well as his overall durability which may lead him to retire early. More so if he's a pitcher. Another example could be a player who's had a good amount of nagging injuries on multiple parts of his body. As a result of the overall wear and tear, he may begin to regress earlier and may retire earlier.

Players drop in potential/OVR to quickly as well, usually after 1 bad season as you said. That season could have been a fluke. Also, way too often top tier players get left without contracts during free agency. This is why I'd like to see teams be able to receive more funds from sources other than just attendance. Promotions could be added, tv deals and jersey sales should come back. And overall better team management by AI.

Just stuff I'd like to see considered for the future to address progression and regression.

I disagree with too many top tier players going unsigned. There may be players highly rated not signed, but they are always 35 plus and don't fit a teams plan. I don't see an issue with this. Look at MLB now long term contracts are not handed out to players that are older.

It is also not due to not having funds to sign them. I have simmed and tested the system for hundreds of hours. If anything the budgets expand too rapidly and teams have 100 million to spend.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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