MLB The Show 17 News Post

Check out the latest MLB The Show 17 video, featuring gameplay improvements and an expanded amount of animations available for this year. The video also provides more details on new ball physics, the all new Catch and Throw engine, Cat and Mouse gameplay, and the new catcher throwing meter.

Don't forget to tune into the MLB The Show 17 Twitch stream on Thursday at 5:00 PM ET, as the team gives more details.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 81 bacon96 @ 02/07/17 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by modernlord
I think one of the pics is a later build because the outfield walls are much different. look at the out of town score board in the Encarnacion pic!
I think you're on to something plus it looks like they redid the scoreboards entirely.
# 82 underdog13 @ 02/07/17 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by bayman
I assumed the new catch and throw system was related to RTTS. My hype is deflating because the RTTS infield catching system has always been poor and the recent RTTS outfield catching system (camera shows landing spot instead of ball flight) has become equally poor. If nothing has changed on this front, I'm probably going to pass.
SDS just can't win. They changed to the current(former) outfield can because the one in 15 and 16 people didn't like.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
# 83 PVarck31 @ 02/07/17 05:23 PM
In those screenshots the two shots of progressive field looking at the left field wall and scoreboard almost look like two different builds. You can tell mini scoreboards in the wall are different and the big board looks LED in the Encarnacion pic and the old one in the Santana pic. The wall also looks more true to color in the first shot.

I really hope we get that one with Encarnacion in it.

EDIT: someone beat me to it.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 84 Houston @ 02/07/17 05:24 PM
I think its still early and the player jerseys may be fixed equal to the back where numbers being placed.

Then you have the coaches at 3B and 1B where maybe they didn't adjust the numbers on coaches jerseys yet?
# 85 JayD @ 02/07/17 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Things that look improved to me!

1. Ball Physics look 100X better!!!

2. All gameplay animations look so much better including Fielding, Hitting and even running the bases looks improved!

3. Players Models seem improved.
More accurate body types and less bulky including possible number on back of jerseys fixed.

4. Day game lighting seems improved brighter perhaps giving more of a day game look.

5. Overall gameplay seems smoother.

6. Subjective but the grass sort of looks better to me as in more vivid shade of green.
Or again my eyes are playing tricks on me and I am just seeing want I want to see.

As for the small negative stuff which could be due to early footage.

1. Umpires still not wearing new updated outfits that were worn for the 2016 season.

2. Catchers still do not have team logo on back of batting helmet when catching. I could have sworn this was in MLB The Show 15.

3. Still no rosin bag on the pitchers mound in real time.

4. Scorebug is different and not necessarily for the better.
In fact maybe be a little worse thanks to the big MLB The Show 17 logo at the top which was removed the last few versions but has seemed to return

All said and done I like what I see so far!
I agree about the score bug. I hate seeing the MLB The Show logo on it. Kind of an eyesore.
# 86 Bullit @ 02/07/17 05:32 PM
May just be my old eyes and imagination. But if you like right around 3:55 it looks like they fixed the pitchers hand after ball release. Doesn't it look like his pinky finger is curled up?
# 87 longway911 @ 02/07/17 05:35 PM
I am all for as immersive of an experience as possible, but good lord do you guys get hyped for new cleats/batting gloves/accessories.

That being said, I can't wait! The Show is my favorite sports game.
# 88 ShowTyme15 @ 02/07/17 05:35 PM
Minor thing here (it was like this in 16 as well). Wil Myers need a haircut.
# 89 tnixen @ 02/07/17 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
I agree about the score bug. I hate seeing the MLB The Show logo on it. Kind of an eyesore.
I hope it's just there because of an early build where they were testing things.

I mean why would they add it back when they removed it 2 or 3 versions ago I think because a lot of us were complaining about it being as you said an eye sore. I hope it's not there in the final build.

And actually I was hoping for a much more improved Scorebug then what is seen in this video.

I was actually hoping for something more like what FOX Sports uses where it even shows the pitchers name next to number of pitches and batters name with AVG. Maybe something for 18
# 90 redsfan4life @ 02/07/17 05:40 PM
I read somewhere that they took online franchise out. Can anyone confirm this? That's a dealbreaker for me if true.
# 91 Scott @ 02/07/17 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by redsfan4life
I read somewhere that they took online franchise out. Can anyone confirm this? That's a dealbreaker for me if true.
I'm curious as to where you read that.
# 92 Bullit @ 02/07/17 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I hope it's just there because of an early build where they were testing things.

I mean why would they add it back when they removed it 2 or 3 versions ago I think because a lot of us were complaining about it being as you said an eye sore. I hope it's not there in the final build.

And actually I was hoping for a much more improved Scorebug this what is seen in this video.
Maybe this is just one of a set of new score bugs that change with presentation.
# 93 TheCaesar99 @ 02/07/17 05:48 PM
Preordered already a couple of weeks ago. Looks good so far. One thing though, they really need to start working on new players models and uniforms like with a new engine or something because they really look outdated. They have been using them without any changes since like 4 or 5 years ago.
# 94 tnixen @ 02/07/17 05:53 PM
That Heyward run and throw animation looks really improved!
# 95 ryanmc564 @ 02/07/17 05:59 PM

I can't recall if the turtle neck under shirts ever had the team logo on them before..... Also, who is this player?
# 96 Ollienyy @ 02/07/17 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
I hope it's just there because of an early build where they were testing things.
Am thinking it's perhaps a temp considering we have a stream upcoming with a new presentation reveal.
# 97 tnixen @ 02/07/17 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ollienyy
Am thinking it's perhaps a temp considering we have a stream upcoming with a new presentation reveal.
Same here
# 98 breakfastcat @ 02/07/17 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564

I can't recall if the turtle neck under shirts ever had the team logo on them before..... Also, who is this player?
The turtleneck logos are definitely new and look awesome. Also I notice that the long sleeves look thicker/baggier which looks great as well.
# 99 garyjr33 @ 02/07/17 06:11 PM
Loved this video...all of it looks very promising. This should mean that that awkward animation throwing from first to second to start the double play, which ultimately ended up throwing a folly floater should be gone. The hit variety looks fantastic.
# 100 DamnYanks2 @ 02/07/17 06:11 PM
Nothing here that blows me away, but all very nice additions. The catcher meter is fresh, and I really like it.

They already sold me with the Griffey addition though, so the rest is gravy.

However, if we could just have a build your own ballpark, I'll lose it.

Sent from my HTCD200LVWPP using Tapatalk

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