Madden NFL 17 News Post

Madden NFL 17 title update #2 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, it includes fixes to gameplay, franchise, and Ultimate Team modes. Check out the details below.

  • Tuned Wide Receivers dropping wide open passes to be less frequent
  • Auto-Moves now set to OFF for all MUT Solo Challenges
  • Player-Lock camera fixes
  • Tuned Auto-Broken Tackles to be less frequent
  • Variety of defensive run-game tuning fixes
  • Strip-Ball exploit fixed
  • Fixed issue around clock running out on a defensive penalty
  • Fixed issue with QB’s unable to tackle after throwing an Interception
  • Fixed a variety of rare Special Teams issues
  • Defensive tuning vs. stretch/outside zone runs
  • Addressed a variety of fatigue-related issues
  • Nano-detection System improvements
  • Nano-detection System disabled for user vs. CPU games
  • Fixed 'Ice the Kicker' not functioning in certain situations
  • Addressed users holding kick button to take a delay penalty and re-kicking
  • Fixed issue with user not being able to switch players in co-op play
  • Tuned to WR/DB positioning on streak routes
  • Tuning & Adaptive AI to Linebacker fake-out chances vs. counter plays to make defensive reaction better
  • Kick-Meter Accuracy Range increased on All-Pro & All-Madden
  • Decreased 'nearby player' penalty for defender interceptions, making Interceptions more frequent
  • Added ability to save/resume solo Cloud Franchise games
  • Head to head Cloud games will now default to the standard camera
  • Fixed issue where players on IR were counting against active roster
  • Fixed issue where user to user trades could be auto accepted when week advances
  • Many stats and ratings menus are now in widescreen format
  • Fixed issue where some heads appeared incorrect while editing
  • Addressed stability issues in Play the Moment, Training, Formation Subs, and Schemes
  • Fixed issue where some players with preexisting injuries would never return to health
  • Addressed issue where stats are not showing properly when viewed on team goals menu
  • Tuned game regression that can occur for quarterbacks
  • Fixed issue where defensive rookie of the year can show up as offensive player of the year
  • Removed ability for kneeling QBs to be hurt while simminng
  • Adjusted fatigue during Play the Moments
  • Punter stats are now visible in the menus
  • Draft Classes will now have varying penalty traits
  • Highlights menu is now available when ending the game on a simmed play
  • Going for it on 4th downs in Play the Moments have been tuned
  • Strategy suggestions in play call will now track multiple concepts
Ultimate Team
  • Added the ability to add multiple items to a set at once (“Batch-Add-to-Set”)
  • Improved MUT substitution screen UI
  • Chemistry art modifications (larger images!!)
  • Addressed the issue where filters in the Auction House would disappear
  • Addressed the issue where the “Unopened Packs” tile would show 0 even if you had packs unopened
  • Surfaced the “restart” button when failing a Solo Challenge
  • Game speed is set to default for all difficulties including Rookie and Pro (no longer “Slow”)
  • Auto Subs in MUT Solo Challenges are now working correctly

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 661 cable guy @ 10/19/16 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rjrosco
Is it just me or is anyone else seeing false starts constantly from the CPU. Iam talking about 15 times a game on default.

I can live with CPU punting the ball 25 yards but not when it's 4th and 20 because of all these false starts.

Right now the game is unplayable for me against the CPU a patch to fix ths current patch can't come quick enough.

There doesn't seem to be much talk about it, is there a way around it
I did. But not that many. A couple games like 5 or 6. Which is not that big of a deal to me. The thing is most of them were when they were inside my 10. Sometimes twice in a row. I thought it was odd. Kinda happened a few games. For whatever reason, it doesn't even happen anymore. Edit: are you totally going back and forth with sliders, like I was?

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# 662 CleveCluby @ 10/19/16 01:36 PM
If roadman say's the punting will be fixed at some point, I believe it will be fixed, But I agree, This has taken way to long, They have known about this issue for a long while, I can't understand why they simply don't turn the wind factor down and why they insist winds have to be 10 to 15 MPH in games. That just doesn’t happen in the NFL. I tried simming the punts as roadman suggested in POTM, but simming resulted the same 25 yd punts when team was against the wind.

I have all penalties turned down to 45, with exception of FM and PI.. And as someone stated the false starts, off-sides still happen way to frequent especially in crucial situations and even more down in the red zone. In one game, as the Browns, I had the ball 3rd and one on the eight yd line trailing by 6 points; I had 5 consecutive false starts in a row. Resulting in a 3rd and 33. I know I'm the Browns but that was just a little ridiculous.

And finally, I couldn't agree more, the running game is really screwed up, I cannot find a balance with any slider settings, most of the times the RB is stuffed behind the line of scrimmage resulting in a two to three yd loss. Or he breaks huge runs. In last night’s game against New England, Crowel had 123 yds. Rushing in 20 carries, He had a 68 yd TD run and a 41 yd TD run. This means in the other 18 carries he had a total of 14 yds. Johnson had 9 carries for 72 yds. One was for a 56 yd TD. The other 8 carries he had 16 yds. And pretty much the same story for Blount for New Eng. This was a POTM game.

Has anyone had any success trying to run the ball in from within the 5 yd line? The defense comes from around the corners untouched and is in the backfield usually before the ball is handed off. As I have said, I have tried every slider setting available including many of my own, but I can’t find a middle balanced running game. Too many tackles for loss in the running game and too many big runs going outside or bust going right up the middle. These are things that I can live with, I just write them off as flukes and strange things that happen in the real NFL, Hopefully the right combination of sliders or a patch can make it better, It could be I am just a bad team playing as the Browns.

The punting and kicking game are truly the game killers to me because it changes the outcome of so many games putting teams in great field position. I have lost games because of short punts giving my opponent the ball in scoring position with time running out. Where a normal punt might have pinned them deep not giving them time to kick a FG. This needs to be fixed soon.
# 663 roadman @ 10/19/16 02:22 PM
CC, until it's fixed(and I just heard about the the punting issue after patch 2 a few weeks ago), play the big moment on punts and kickoffs. I do all the time.
# 664 CleveCluby @ 10/19/16 05:30 PM
Thanks roadman, I only play, play of the moments 99 % of the time, Sometimes I just flip it to play until end and just watch it. I try to jump in and do all my own punts, But it really don't change anything when I am against a strong wind.. And when the CPU has the wind, they usually put it in way past the end-zone, and against the wind, it's the same ole line drive, I try to move my punt returner out of the way so the ball can bounce and roll, but another returner comes and gets it. I can't punt for them so I get what I get. It seems if the wind is under 6 mph, It doesn't have that big of an affect, But 7 mph or over, it is a major problem. I thought about moving my team and building a domed stadium, but was hoping for a patch before I go through all that.

I was playing in Miami in their new half domed stadium, and the wind was over 12 MPH. How is that possible. ?? Last couple of games, If I get to kick off, If I see the wind is over 7 mph, I just exit game and keep restarting until I get something reasonable. Problem is if I don't kick off and receive, I don't know what the wind is until I have to punt. It would be nice if we had a way of knowing what it was before the kick off..
# 665 gman2774 @ 10/20/16 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by cable guy
I did. But not that many. A couple games like 5 or 6. Which is not that big of a deal to me. The thing is most of them were when they were inside my 10. Sometimes twice in a row. I thought it was odd. Kinda happened a few games. For whatever reason, it doesn't even happen anymore. Edit: are you totally going back and forth with sliders, like I was?

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Cable Guy---are you still playing without the tuner? I downloaded the new tuner just to check it out and I must say, I still prefer the gameplay without the tuner vs playing with the tuner. I had one odd game without the tuner where I saw a ton of fumbles but other than that the game has been playing well for me minus the tuner.
# 666 cable guy @ 10/20/16 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by gcoons22
Cable Guy---are you still playing without the tuner? I downloaded the new tuner just to check it out and I must say, I still prefer the gameplay without the tuner vs playing with the tuner. I had one odd game without the tuner where I saw a ton of fumbles but other than that the game has been playing well for me minus the tuner.
Yes it's playing amazing. The Cpu running game is unbelievably good. Actually it's probably normal, Dallas has a weak rated Defense, and I'm getting torn up. Just not used to this lol. I really wish I could compare the 2, with tuner and without, but I don't want to mess anything up. All pro default. I didn't want to change a thing. Only thing that is slightly off is int's.(besides qb accuracy of course) I have 5 thru 3 games. Although 3 were against Cutler.

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# 667 fistofrage @ 10/20/16 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by cable guy
Yes it's playing amazing. The Cpu running game is unbelievably good. Actually it's probably normal, Dallas has a weak rated Defense, and I'm getting torn up. Just not used to this lol. I really wish I could compare the 2, with tuner and without, but I don't want to mess anything up. All pro default. I didn't want to change a thing. Only thing that is slightly off is int's.(besides qb accuracy of course) I have 5 thru 3 games. Although 3 were against Cutler.

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How is field goal kicking without the tuner? Is it automatic? Are you seeing non-qb fumbles with fumbles forced by AI players? Are you seeing broken tackles by the AI?

Those are my biggest gripes with this latest patch/looney tuner.

I've got it playing pretty well post patch, but it took some finagling and FG's are way too automatic.

Does the Tuner try to load up each time you start?
# 668 GrayDawg @ 10/20/16 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Ehh that pretty similar to user play. Good qbs throw the ball away, bad ones hold onto it.

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No what I am talking about is taking 15 yard sacks. They have already scrambled to the right or to the left and keep holding onto the ball. If users are playing this way, they need to quit while they are ahead, lol!
# 669 cable guy @ 10/20/16 04:29 PM
I have had about one fumble a game. The Cpu did fumble at least once, in 3 games. But it was a nice hit by middle LB, McClain. My main big hitter. Maybe more, but that one sticks out. I'll see if I can get player game stats still. So this is something that is probably on low end. But it's in there. Qb fumbles do not seem to be an issue. One time, for me. Several counted as incomplete passes. Yes FG'S are easy. Not sure if easier then prepatch. I honestly forget. I had switched to All Madden after a week or so playing on all-pro.

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# 670 cable guy @ 10/20/16 05:23 PM
And yes, the game I believe asks you if you want to download it. Saying it's out of date, and if I want to play online it's needed. I actually turned off my ps4 conection to Internet for now.

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# 671 CleveCluby @ 10/22/16 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by IcedCoffee1983
I was asked to download a new tuner yesterday.

I noticed it fixed the line drive punts whenever the AI punts into the wind.

Thank God.... it was driving me NUTS.
Are you positive about this, I dL the tuner about a week ago and deleted it, it made my game play erratic, seemed to cause more fumbles and sacks and killed the running game. Punting was still the same, so I deleted it, now it keeps asking me to install the tuner. But I don't know if it was the same one or a newer one. I haven't seen anything on the board about a newer one. But if you are sure it fixed punts, I will DL it, I can work around the rest of it. I just want the punting issue fixed. Was you playing in a strong wind,? It seems that anything under 7 mph and punts were OK, Anything over that is when it really affected the punting.
# 672 CleveCluby @ 10/22/16 01:22 PM
I guess you got lucky, I just DL the tuner and played my Browns against the Titian's in Tenn in a 11 mph wind. Did absolutely nothing for the kicking or punting. Kicking off against the wind couldn't get it past the 15 yd line. The opposite 10 yds out of the end zone. Punting was the same line drive kick for 35 yds and with the wind past the end-zone. This is really starting to peve me off, There is no excuse for them not to have this fixed. All they have to do is turn off the wind or tone it way down, It is becoming totally ridiculous.
# 673 underdog13 @ 10/22/16 01:46 PM
Mightve just not got them. They don't occur unless wind is like 9mph

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# 674 CleveCluby @ 10/22/16 02:13 PM
I am starting to wonder if this punting and kicking issue is just an OFFLINE CFM game issue. Because if it was affecting those playing ONLINE, this would have been fixed immediately. It just seems if the OL people are affected by an issue, it is top priority. This years game was advertised as the BIG FRANCHISE game. It seems as off line franchise is the last thing on EA's mind.

I have looked back through many of the post and I don't see anyone from Online leagues complaining about this. And watching games on U-tube, and twitch, I don't see it happening.

Ea has stated that AT SOME POINT, this issue will be fixed, I am starting to think that some point will be Madden 18.
# 675 kehlis @ 10/22/16 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by CleveCluby
I am starting to wonder if this punting and kicking issue is just an OFFLINE CFM game issue. Because if it was affecting those playing ONLINE, this would have been fixed immediately. It just seems if the OL people are affected by an issue, it is top priority. This years game was advertised as the BIG FRANCHISE game. It seems as off line franchise is the last thing on EA's mind.

I have looked back through many of the post and I don't see anyone from Online leagues complaining about this. And watching games on U-tube, and twitch, I don't see it happening.

Ea has stated that AT SOME POINT, this issue will be fixed, I am starting to think that some point will be Madden 18.
I mean, of course players in online leagues aren't seeing it since they are playing against other users.

It's not surprising that it would only affect those playing exclusively against the CPU.
# 676 CleveCluby @ 10/22/16 05:02 PM
Thanks IC. You said that you played in a PLAY NOW game, maybe things are different in that mode, I know sliders work different. I only play FRANCHISE, and mostly play of the moment or CPU vs. CPU. Just tried another game and still the same, going to delete the tuner, and see if the game offers me a new one. Then I will try that.

Kehlis, Thanks for the response, never played ONLINE, so I can't speak for that, you may be 100% correct. But playing against the CPU, as human owned, when I personally punt into the wind, it affects me just as much as it affects the CPU controlled team. So I was just assuming that if it affects a human controlled team in Franchise, Then it should also affect any team going against the wind, human controlled or not. So what I am saying, two humans playing against each other, whichever one is facing the wind should be affected by it. So if it is not happening in ONLINE games, then the wind is not a factor.

If anyone that reads this post that plays ONLINE, Can you tell me if you have strong winds in your games, does it affect your kicks and punts? If it does not, then this narrows it down to an OFFLINE franchise issue. Especially if IC said he is not experiencing it in Play Now games. In my opinion, if it is not affecting online games, then this issue will not be a huge concern for EA. I can only hope I am completely wrong.
# 677 phantomshark @ 10/22/16 05:54 PM
They really need to tone down the ridiculous amount of QB fumbles. I'm in 1 league where in week 15 3 QBs have already beaten the NFL record of 23 fumbles, 1 QB already has 31.
# 678 njmcfreak @ 10/22/16 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by CleveCluby
Has anyone had any success trying to run the ball in from within the 5 yd line? The defense comes from around the corners untouched and is in the backfield usually before the ball is handed off.

This is a big problem for me unless I get lucky on a pitch or toss then there is no way I'm gaining any yards at all.

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# 679 Slim4824 @ 10/22/16 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by phantomshark
They really need to tone down the ridiculous amount of QB fumbles. I'm in 1 league where in week 15 3 QBs have already beaten the NFL record of 23 fumbles, 1 QB already has 31.
Most QB fumbles are caused by users trying to throw the ball out of a sack. Which is what should happen.

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# 680 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 10/23/16 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by IcedCoffee1983
Yeah it was in 14 MPH winds.

I specifically started a "PlayNow" game and chose "windy" conditions after noticing I was asked to download a tuner. And the CPU punted into the wind normally. I just super simmed until the CPU needed to punt into wind and then back out and actually ran a punt receive play to see what they would do.

I will check again, but before I was getting the low line drive punts where it would only go 15-20 yards and I'd end up mid field for easy scoring. It's been driving me nuts too. The low line drive punts into wind and look ridiculous. I've been super simming CPU punts into wind due to the glitch. That's why I was glad I thought it was fixed.

Last night was my first time playing the game since last weekend though. So maybe I'm wrong. But I was asked to DL tuner that I was not asked to DL last night. I played 2 games in a new CFM I started too after playing the PlayNow game. But they were in a dome and low wind so punting wouldn't have been an issue.
One legacy issue with Madden has been when you Super Sim the field position is swapped. I would suggest testing it WITHOUT Super Simming.

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