MLB The Show 16 News Post
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 561
bronxbombers21325 @ 04/13/16 12:06 PM
# 563
WhiteBunny @ 04/13/16 12:58 PM
# 564
Armor and Sword @ 04/13/16 01:15 PM
It's pretty evident the long ball is dominating our game today.
I almost like 15 better. At least 15 sure looks better with sharper graphics and more realistic lighting. 16 is more convenient to play, but the jury is still out on which one is better overall. I do absolutely love Sounds of the Show and how I can make my games sound just like a Fox broadcast (Maybe I'll change it up to WGN or Comcast Sportsnet at some point), and RTTS has been vastly improved. But there were a lot of things that I felt were a huge letdown, and it has me questioning if I was right to fork over sixty bucks for this game.
# 567
countryboy @ 04/13/16 03:21 PM
# 570
XxKnicksRules215xX @ 04/13/16 04:58 PM
# 571
babythug23 @ 04/13/16 06:18 PM
Only played one game I rented it from redbox. I skipped 15 because I just always was bored playing 14. I was forcing my self to play it but wasn't having fun. But from what I got from that one game is its fun to play. I feel like when I'm hitting I have full control where my hits will go.
# 572
Armor and Sword @ 04/13/16 07:04 PM
No sir.
I'm really enjoying the game this year, the hitting is great. Nice to see franchise get some love. Classic parks for free!! Thank you.
I know this is the new normal now but come on, this play the game for a month to find all of bugs and glitches before you can feel comfortable to start a franchise is awful. We should not be paying for the privilege to bug test your product. Spelling errors in menus/guides that should be embarrassing.. And with the game released a month later, by the time OSFM is done and all of the patches its May something and trying to catch the calendar is impossible.
The game is great, and I understand how hard you guys work. The community involvement from you guys is amazing and appreciated and is one of many reasons I buy this game every year no matter what. So Thank you.
I know this is the new normal now but come on, this play the game for a month to find all of bugs and glitches before you can feel comfortable to start a franchise is awful. We should not be paying for the privilege to bug test your product. Spelling errors in menus/guides that should be embarrassing.. And with the game released a month later, by the time OSFM is done and all of the patches its May something and trying to catch the calendar is impossible.
The game is great, and I understand how hard you guys work. The community involvement from you guys is amazing and appreciated and is one of many reasons I buy this game every year no matter what. So Thank you.
They absolutely did. But they also took alot of ideas from this game.
Such as the menu's, the show live games and gesture pitching.
# 575
WhiteBunny @ 04/14/16 08:20 AM
# 576
Armor and Sword @ 04/14/16 08:46 AM
# 577
WhiteBunny @ 04/14/16 09:48 AM
# 578
Armor and Sword @ 04/14/16 11:58 AM
So if your impression this year is the game out of the box default is too loose, and more over the top. The developers give you all the tools and options to hone in to the game you want. It's there. If your unwilling to play the so called "slider game" which seriously, The Show is the easiest sports game by a country mile to customize some settings, then that's your loss. Just a little effort and you can get a simulation experience. But if your feeling sliders don't work......I don't know what to say. I have been playing console baseball games since 1981 with three guys on a screen and a square ball. This is as good as it ever has been....hands down.
You talk about the minority at OS yet you expect default out of the box to cater to the minority.
Think about that for a moment.
# 579
WhiteBunny @ 04/14/16 01:08 PM
OF's are overpowered ? Use sliders.
Too many hits ? Use sliders.
Too many diving catches ? Use sliders;
well, the whole point of this thread is useless. For me, this year, compared to MLB 15, devs pushed the balance between fun/realism a little too on the wrong side. And i'm trying to be constructive, explaining why and how. Can i do it without giving a cent to sliders set for a game which is only two weeks since it was release ? It's my fault ? Maybe. Or maybe a game needs a lot more test-time before jumping on sliders. What i see in every slider thread, every year, people modify values before the game is released, on very short sample size and they spend the whole year tailoring the game. That's the Slider Game. I'm fine with that and again, i really appreciate your work ( i read the whole topic, it was a nice reading ) but i want to focus on what devs are doing with The Show, the idea behind this baseball game. And just be careful, at some point sliders don't work anymore ( Fifa is a good example, since Fifa 15 sliders can't do a thing ), especially for hard coded and in-engine parts of the game.
# 580
Armor and Sword @ 04/14/16 01:26 PM
It's nice that we can have a constructive discussion! And your being highly constructive. I get your point now as well. I hope you can find enjoyment with this years edition. It does do a lot things even better this year.
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