MLB The Show 16 News Post

Sony San Diego has just released another MLB The Show 16 video. This one features everything you want to know about Franchise mode, including player morale, free agent signings, blockbuster trade notifications, and updated budgets.

Other little improvements include new GM goals, an authentic 20-80 scale for scouting and more. More details will arrive on their Twitch stream, scheduled for Thursday, March 3 at 5:00 PM ET.

Watch the video here
to find out what Luis Martinez from the Developer team has to say about it.

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Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/02/16 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Really, we are in what year 8-9 of this games cycle and this is still not being done smh
Originally Posted by jb12780
Probably not as easy as you think it is.

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
I don't think the difficulty level is all that relevant to something like this. At the core, who plays who is among the most important things possible in baseball. To have a franchise mode where the right teams are not even playing each other in future years really hinders the mode and especially any immersion. Sure some adds are "Legend Mode" in their resource consumption and difficulty (like a stadium builder would be), but I don't think the only consideration should be "how easy is this to put in the game?" If all we had were "Beginner Mode" features in the game, we'd have a very barren, boring, and bland game. They haven't shown a willingness to only go after low-hanging fruit when developing the game--they are passionate like we are about baseball, so I can't really understand how this is so far down the priority list other than it won't bring in XX new dollars like a "Battle Royale" mode might.

SCEA, and Ramone in particular, do a wonderful job of being up front and inclusive with fans of the game, and I think most of us are reasonable people...but the proper scheduling mechanic should really be in the game by now. Divisions have not realigned much in recent years nor have there been huge changes in the scheduling process.
# 162 ryanmc564 @ 03/02/16 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
I can't help but be frustrated after that video, because afterall, franchise has changed in small increments, and every year it seems like "next year will be the year for franchise mode improvements". This stuff IS improvement, don't get me wrong. But its hardly anything that is going to be a game changer, at least for me. I could care less what David Ortiz's OPS in 1998 was. I just don't care. I know that hardcore stat folks have been clamoring for this level of detail, and I am thrilled for them that they were listened to and they go it. But it does little to impact the feel of a Franchise mode that is going stale, at least for me. Hopefully scouting and training are better, GM mode goals are better than "win the WS in the next two years or your fired", and the morale system is something that actually impacts the game (storylines mentioned in the radio show based on upset players?) rather than something like some tiny drop in rating by -1 or +1 based on the morale of the player.

This is the third game on PS4. We're almost 1/2 way through the consoles life cycle before the next consoles launch. What we have right now is an improved PS3 experience when it comes to Franchise mode. The gameplay and graphics have taken a HUGE leap when it comes to the PS4, but Franchise mode just seems to be an afterthought. I would love to see a true next generation experience, akin to OOTP but where you can play the games. I know we're not going to get that in one year, I'm realistic. But I guess I'm just hoping of big changes to Franchise every year only to see small ones that don't really resonate much with me.

I totally agree with you though, about rushing to judgement before all the details are released. I'll reserve judgement until Thursday. I'm assuming there's more, because, like you said, how will they fill an hour long stream just by showing stats and the new FA and morale mechanic. There's gotta be more!

Other than mentioning OOTP, what are you wanting to see change in franchise? what big things do you expect to be done? I ask because, I've seen few others share your frustration with Franchise but yet no ones seems to have any ideas on what they want out of franchise (other than ticket prices and vendor stuff) Me personally, I think franchise is fine, you can play as many seasons as you want, you can draft, you can sign free agents, you can trade players, send players down, bring players up. what am I missing? or better yet what is the show missing in franchise?
# 163 Maverick09 @ 03/02/16 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
I can't help but be frustrated after that video, because afterall, franchise has changed in small increments, and every year it seems like "next year will be the year for franchise mode improvements". This stuff IS improvement, don't get me wrong. But its hardly anything that is going to be a game changer, at least for me. I could care less what David Ortiz's OPS in 1998 was. I just don't care. I know that hardcore stat folks have been clamoring for this level of detail, and I am thrilled for them that they were listened to and they go it. But it does little to impact the feel of a Franchise mode that is going stale, at least for me. Hopefully scouting and training are better, GM mode goals are better than "win the WS in the next two years or your fired", and the morale system is something that actually impacts the game (storylines mentioned in the radio show based on upset players?) rather than something like some tiny drop in rating by -1 or +1 based on the morale of the player.

This is the third game on PS4. We're almost 1/2 way through the consoles life cycle before the next consoles launch. What we have right now is an improved PS3 experience when it comes to Franchise mode. The gameplay and graphics have taken a HUGE leap when it comes to the PS4, but Franchise mode just seems to be an afterthought. I would love to see a true next generation experience, akin to OOTP but where you can play the games. I know we're not going to get that in one year, I'm realistic. But I guess I'm just hoping of big changes to Franchise every year only to see small ones that don't really resonate much with me.

I totally agree with you though, about rushing to judgement before all the details are released. I'll reserve judgement until Thursday. I'm assuming there's more, because, like you said, how will they fill an hour long stream just by showing stats and the new FA and morale mechanic. There's gotta be more!
Good post. I love The Show, I'll be picking up 16 for sure. Just the fact that they've tuned the overpowered pitcher progression in franchise mode makes it a must-buy in my eyes.

I got the same impression as you when I looked at the dev diary video. Stat tracking is an awesome feature that was added, but it feels like something that's been pretty standard in sports game ****** back a long time. So I guess in that regard, it's a nice addition but it's nothing groundbreaking.

I share a bit of the same feeling with regards to the staleness of franchise mode. This isn't directed towards SCEA in particular, but more towards sports games in general. 2K has done a great job with the NBA series in adding new features to the mode, but franchise mode still feels a bit stale. Player morale is great addition, and will likely spice up the off-season quite a bit. I would love for the prospect scouting to have been improved upon.

I'll reserve my other thoughts until we've seen the stream on Thursday; they might be holding out on other added features/improvements they've made.
# 164 lilrosati56 @ 03/02/16 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by bmwninja
I hope they made the games feel different with the franchise mode ...for example game 65 should feel different than game 175 when the playoffs are around the corner there should be a playoff craze feel in the air when you are playing at home or at a divisional rival home...we should in game updates around the league so we know whats happening. I know we have in game ticker but i would love for the commentary to speak about the seeding and whats happening
Not to nitpick, but game 175 would be game 7 of the LCS....pretty sure they'll have a different feel.
# 165 NDAlum @ 03/02/16 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Really, we are in what year 8-9 of this games cycle and this is still not being done smh
I want it to, but I wonder what the analytics are for how many people even make it to year 2...
# 166 Jr. @ 03/02/16 12:22 PM
That really sucks about interleague schedules not rotating. I hope they address the playoff pitching stamina issue in the franchise stream. Maybe a few people can ask about it; I would, but I won't be home for it.
# 167 tessl @ 03/02/16 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Benz87
I actually would encounter the opposite problem. I would throw all the money available in my budget at a player, leading to the interest bar being maxed, only for them sign with a different time for significantly less money. This would happen because the interest for this other team was also maxed, despite their offer not being as much as mine. Realistically the player would have most likely took the huge contract I was offering, but previously the CPU would simply randomly select from any contract that garnered 100% interest and sign with them. Thankfully, it was stated in the video this was tuned so the CPU will weight contracts based on amount and the additional traits added this year.
It will be interesting to see how the new free agent dynamic plays out since it is somewhat tied into player morale. I suspect a lot of people will over promise just to sign a guy.

An interesting feature for the future would be you gain traits while running your franchise - perhaps in GM mode or maybe without using GM mode. For example if you break promises made to free agents you gain a trait which hurts your ability to sign players in future years. If you keep promises you get a positive trait. If you fire the manager or coaches every time a better one pops up during the off season you gain a trait which makes it more difficult to hire a manager or coach.
# 168 Russell_SCEA @ 03/02/16 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Really, we are in what year 8-9 of this games cycle and this is still not being done smh
If it was easy it would have been done already.
# 169 NAFBUC @ 03/02/16 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by big_tone91
WAR and FIP finally!

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Any word on improved boxscore stats.....

# 170 Factzzz @ 03/02/16 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I want it to, but I wonder what the analytics are for how many people even make it to year 2...
Should that really matter though? Regardless, for the sake of realism, schedules should rotate.

Also, what about those of us who play RTTS, and unless we change teams, literally can't play in 1/3 of the stadiums in the Show.
# 171 polyduster @ 03/02/16 01:08 PM
At least the schedule isn't game by game identical for offline Franchise each season. Online Franchise has the same exact game by game schedule no matter how many seasons you play.

Hopefully the schedules will get mixed up going from Online season to season this year.

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# 172 eric7064 @ 03/02/16 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I want it to, but I wonder what the analytics are for how many people even make it to year 2...
Yeah that shouldn't matter. Especially with year to year saves. I dont find a franchise fun unless you get many years in anyway.
# 173 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/02/16 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
If it was easy it would have been done already.

Software development works like this in my world, and probably similar in the game development world and with any other product:
1) Some manager gives a list of requirements to me, asks me to come up with an estimate to design, code, test, and deliver
2) I review and come back with an estimate the best I can based on what info I have
3) manager gives the estimate to the people paying for the whole thing
4) people paying for the whole thing scoff and claim "Wait, I don't see how this idea can cost that much to complete! It can't be that much effort, can it?"
5) I reply by saying "Ok, if you have the knowledge of the product and know of a better way, please enlighten me. What's that? You DON'T have the knowledge? And that is why you pay me a salary, because I DO have the knowledge? Good, then that's my estimate." (Ok, I say this to myself... what I actually do is show them a breakdown of the different pieces needed and cost associated so it is more obvious how much work is to be done for their money)
6) people paying for the whole thing reply by saying "Ok, let's proceed, but we are going to cut 30% off your timeline and budget anyway, and still expect you to deliver the exact same product we're asking for."

So unless we want MLB 17 The Show to cost 89.99 for the standard edition instead of 59.99, we can once again realize that the Sony San Diego team is half the size of some other sports games' dev teams, and they don't just randomly decide not to do easy stuff just cause they don't want to.

Sorry to go on a tangent. As a software developer, it just really grinds my gears when someone without knowledge of the product just assumes they know how said product works, even though in most cases they have absolutely no clue.
# 174 Jr. @ 03/02/16 01:27 PM
I don't think anyone was saying it was easy to do. Just that it's important to them that it gets in, and it's disappointing that it's not in.
# 175 eric7064 @ 03/02/16 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
I can't help but be frustrated after that video, because afterall, franchise has changed in small increments, and every year it seems like "next year will be the year for franchise mode improvements". This stuff IS improvement, don't get me wrong. But its hardly anything that is going to be a game changer, at least for me. I could care less what David Ortiz's OPS in 1998 was. I just don't care. I know that hardcore stat folks have been clamoring for this level of detail, and I am thrilled for them that they were listened to and they go it. But it does little to impact the feel of a Franchise mode that is going stale, at least for me. Hopefully scouting and training are better, GM mode goals are better than "win the WS in the next two years or your fired", and the morale system is something that actually impacts the game (storylines mentioned in the radio show based on upset players?) rather than something like some tiny drop in rating by -1 or +1 based on the morale of the player.

This is the third game on PS4. We're almost 1/2 way through the consoles life cycle before the next consoles launch. What we have right now is an improved PS3 experience when it comes to Franchise mode. The gameplay and graphics have taken a HUGE leap when it comes to the PS4, but Franchise mode just seems to be an afterthought. I would love to see a true next generation experience, akin to OOTP but where you can play the games. I know we're not going to get that in one year, I'm realistic. But I guess I'm just hoping of big changes to Franchise every year only to see small ones that don't really resonate much with me.

I totally agree with you though, about rushing to judgement before all the details are released. I'll reserve judgement until Thursday. I'm assuming there's more, because, like you said, how will they fill an hour long stream just by showing stats and the new FA and morale mechanic. There's gotta be more!

I have to agree. SCEA does at job they really do. One of the problems is the Diamond Dynasty/Ultimate team modes in sports games. They have taken the center stage by a far margin. That's what most dev teams improve year to year. Biggest changes in MLB14-15 was DD. MLB 15-16 was DD.

There is nothing WRONG with that. It generates money for the company. That simple. Franchise mode and RTTS does not make them money after the game is bought really. Again every sports franchise has it now, I'm not bashing them for it.

BUT, as excited as I am with all the new features I cant shake the feeling we should be further then this. Yes a few years ago they took out the Owner mode aspect of it, even if it was only minimal then. And slowly have added features. But none of these features they've added the last two years I would consider "revolutionary" or a revamp. Every sports game has a confidence/morale feature. Now we get it in baseball. Every sports game has career stats, now MLB has it.

Overall, this is FRANCHISE mode. I want to RUN a franchise. To tickets, promotions, players, international signings, managers, stadium renovations, relocation. EVERYTHING an owner has to deal with. And up front I'm not expecting a build-a-stadium feature, that I know would take an insane amount of time to get right. But it feels like for how long I've been with the franchise (MLB 09) that franchise still hasn't had that revamp we all want and desire. If you don't want all the stuff stated above then there is SEASON mode. This is franchise and I want to be involved of every aspect of it.

Again, I am deeply looking forward to this game especially if all the new features make it online. But its just my .2 cents.
# 176 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/02/16 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I don't think anyone was saying it was easy to do. Just that it's important to them that it gets in, and it's disappointing that it's not in.
It's a trade-off I suppose. They could spend the hours and dollars working on rotating inter-league schedules instead of 'feature X' or 'improvement Y'. And depending on who you are, that feature or improvement that would have to be sacrificed could be a deal-breaker. We don't know, we are not a part of the dev team's planning. But as Ramone implied, if it was a quick fix that they could do without sacrificing something else, they would have done it by now.
# 177 HustlinOwl @ 03/02/16 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by polyduster
At least the schedule isn't game by game identical for offline Franchise each season. Online Franchise has the same exact game by game schedule no matter how many seasons you play.

Hopefully the schedules will get mixed up going from Online season to season this year.

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lol and hopefully not opening day every game
# 178 HustlinOwl @ 03/02/16 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
If it was easy it would have been done already.
custom schedules?
# 179 HustlinOwl @ 03/02/16 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I don't think anyone was saying it was easy to do. Just that it's important to them that it gets in, and it's disappointing that it's not in.
I dont remember saying it was easy???? Just perplexed as to why rotating interleague schedules or at least a new interleague schedule continues to get overlooked? Franchise meaning multiple years so schedule should rotate?
# 180 metal134 @ 03/02/16 02:02 PM
Unfortunately, I haven't heard mention of changing the way they track team stats. I always hated how you could never break it down by league. It's just all MLB, all AAA, etc. I'd like to be able to break it down by AL/NL. Eastern League/Southern League/Texas League, etc. Not going to make or break my experience, just something I would like to see them do eventually.

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